Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Performance - performance

I've noticed since installing Visual Studio 2010 SP1 that I'm having huge performance issues. It will randomly freeze up on me quite a bit.
I had no performance issues with Visual Studio 2010 before the upgrade. The only add-on I have running is ReSharper.
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing performance issues? If so have you found a way to fix them?

I emailed ReSharper support and they were helpful enough to point out that there is a known issue with the Productivity Power tools add-on not playing nice with ReSharper. They asked me to disable the Productivity Power Tools and see if performance returned to normal.
I disabled the Productivity Power Tools and my Visual Studio with SP1 seems to behave normally again. This is an acceptable solution for me since the only part of the tools I used was the Document Tab Well, the rest seem pretty worthless to me. JetBrains is a really good company so I'm sure they will work on resolving the issue, or at least work with MS to determine which the problem is caused by.
Though my own hunch has me thinking the Productivity Power Tools are the culprit and not ReSharper.
Kind of ironic that the "Productivity" Power Tools were making me much less productive.

I haven't noticed this problem, but Scott Guthrie's blog entry on SP1 indicated near the end that VS SP1 now uses software rendering rather than hardware rendering. This can cause perf issues for some. You may want to check this out. You can access the setting in Tools | Options on the Environment/General dialog.

Installing sp1 has definitely made visual studio 2010 slower. Finding VS 2010 a bit dissapointing. Having said that, sp1 by default turns off hardware graphics acceleration in the tools options dialog. If you turn that back on and turn off rich client visual experience then things get a bit faster (I think).

Try to remove resharper, I had problems like yours when I had it

For me, the SP1 setup was stuck for several hours so I searched the Internet and found lots of people complaining about SP1 being slow (once they manage to install it!) so I cancelled the upgrade. The rollback also remained stuck. After many hours, I had to shut down the computer. Then, Windows Update tried to update .NET 4 and the update was frozen. Even when shutting down won't resolve this as Windows needs to finish installing updates before shutting down, so the only way to unfreeze it was to do a physical reboot. Now my Visual Studio 2010 installation is broken, I'm currently re-installing it...
Considering my experience and everything I read about it, I would advise to stay away from this service pack. Microsoft used to have a bad reputation for reliability (Win95-WinME era) but has been doing great in the last years. They seem to have came back again to their unreliable releases problems. Lots of people criticize Bill Gates, but I have to say... software quality isn't the same since he left. He truly was a genius.
Edit: repairing Visual Studio reported several errors and 3 unimportant components failed to install. However, Visual Studio wouldn't open because SP1 was only partially installed. I went to the control panel and uninstalled the partial SP1. Visual Studio still doesn't open, so I need to repair the installation a second time. Lots of hassles for a service pack...

First, just to clarify -- when you say it freezes, does it eventually recover? Or do you have to kill & restart VS? If you have to kill & restart, then you most likely have a configuration problem of some sort, and the rest of my answer would be less relevant. :-)
If it does eventually recover, then I'd wonder where the performance bottleneck is. Is your disk busy the whole time it's frozen? Is CPU pegged at 100% (or perhaps a smaller number for multi-core environments)? Do you have enough RAM to support whatever programs are running without too much swapping to disk? Built-in Windows tools like Task Manager and Performance Monitor, or SysInternals tools like DiskMon and Process Monitor, can help you narrow it down.
Personally I've found disk to be the most frequent bottleneck for VS, Outlook, Eclipse, and many other resource-intensive programs. If you discover that disk is the problem, I'd strongly suggest upgrading to a solid-state drive -- if you haven't already done so and have the option to do so. That might sound drastic, and in a sense it's just "throwing hardware at the problem," but it's the single most significant performance boost I've experienced on a laptop or workstation in a LONG time.
For what it's worth, I haven't found a significant difference in performance between VS2010 and VS2010 SP1, and I'm running XP 32-bit on a ~2-year-old laptop with a solid-state drive. I'm not aware of any SP1 changes that would make VS substantially more disk-intensive.

The only extension I have in VS 2010 is Resharper. CPU is Intel Core2 Quad 6600, 4Gb RAM.
After installing SP1 I've noticed memory leakage, CPU time for devenv is 25% on standby, scrolling, changing the position of cursor and switching tabs take several seconds.
See blog post here

Trinition - I got te same problem of one of the core i7 cores running at 100% and it killed Vs 2010. But it was running at 100% even if vs wasn't loaded. Initially I thought it was a hardware problem so moved the disk to an identically configured PC. One core still ran at 100%. I ran malwarebytes across the system but It didn't report anything, and nor did my AV. My workstation was so slow, I had to scroll back through backups until i found one that was ok. It was really weird and I didn't find out the cause. I think something Malicious was the cause though.
What was worse was, shortly after this, vs went haywire: every time I loaded it, it replicated another copy of all the components in the toolbox. Uninstalling sp1 and repairing vs2010 ad them reinstalling sp1 and other components fixed, but all in all I lost two days to something for which I still have no explanation. Wish I'd found your entry about the 100% core at the time: it didn't show up on google 'cos that's exactly wat i searched for.


While developing in the Visual Studio 2013 IDE, CPU spikes and it becomes very laggy

The problem
When using Visual Studio 2013, Ultimate update 5, the IDE becomes very laggy (not running anything), and CPU spikes eating consistently around 30% up to 100% CPU.
Particulars (what I am doing when this happens)
This happens quite often and doesn't seem to be dependant upon any specific project. I have tried re-installing (fresh), as well as from scratch (format, reinstall windows, install ONLY visual studio + a very moderate suite of developer controls [2 well known companies (DevExpress, and Telerik)])
What is also very odd, is this happens even when developing a console application, although it takes much longer for this to occur.
The system I am running is more than adequate (according to their specs required), and Visual Studio is really the only application experiencing this lag + cpu spike issue.
(notice the cpu spike to 58%. this was also visual studio doing that in the background)
This is not a code issue, but an issue somehow with the IDE itself. What I am hoping for is a solution involving something that I may need to tweak / adjust / disable / etc which is contributing to this. As an aside, I really have no idea why there are so many handles open when Visual Studio is running. 91k seems quite excessive.
Another issue (pointing it out as it may be related), when publishing a project, after publishing, Visual Studio keeps automatically checking 'Click Once' when I have explicitly disabled it. This needs to be unchecked after every time I publish or else the next publish/compile/test run, results in an 'mscorelib' message complaining that the pdb doesn't exist, even though it does, and I have used it in other projects. What is frustrating about this problem is that I am telling it I don't want the project to be clickonce, and after it builds a non-click once project for publish, Visual Studio enables it effectively making this checkbox useless and wasting valuble time having to do this after each publish. Time, that adds up -- especially with the persistent lag.
I am confident I am not the only one who has experienced this due to reproducing this issue on a fresh and bare setup of both the operating system, and visual studio with nothing else aside from two popular component suites. As such, this is my attempt to reach anyone else who has experienced this, and if you did find a solution (or cause), to lend a hand to me.

Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition intellisense increasingly slower

I'm using VS2015 Community Edition for several ASP.Net MVC projects.
The editor was nice and fast and I could be very productive. But over a week or two the editor has started "pausing" more and more, not letting me type or do much of anything. Eventually it comes back and types some of what was in the buffer.
This has gotten worse and worse with time. To the point where it's almost unusable. I have disabled all of the extensions and tools that I have installed but that doesn't seem to make a difference.
Eventually I ran VS via Devenv.exe /resetskippkgs and everything started running faster again for a week or so then it gradually got worse.
Anyone have any ideas what it might be? I am not running Resharper but am running CodeMaid and Code Digger along with a few MS Powertools.
Your issue doesn't sound typical; what variables can we eliminate?
Extensions are a common culprit. Try the following:
Open the Developer Command Prompt (search for Developer)
Enter: devenv /safemode
Run in SafeMode for some time and see if the problem is eliminated.
VS ships with a number of built-in, required extensions as well as supporting third party extensions, and it's hard to identify which is which. SafeMode shuts off only the third-party extensions so your VS continues to operate normally.
If you do not experience the issue running in SafeMode, then try identifying the extension (or combination of extensions) at fault by elimination.
Another possible external cause of symptoms like this could be hardware failure; running a disk analyzer might be in order.
It's entirely possible you've encountered a VS bug, but I don't know of one in 2015 RTM with this profile. If you use Send-a-Frown (happy face in the upper right margin) when the UI is lagging, a Perf Watson report may be generated automatically. This would be a big help in trouble-shooting the problem.

Visual Studio 2013/2015 Idle CPU usage

I'm currently evaluating Visual Studio 2015 RC. I've noticed when running the IDE, The Visual Studio 2015 process is constantly at around 25% CPU usage. Even without a project loaded and without the welcome page it is gobbling up 25% CPU usage at a constant rate. No other applications running other than background services. All other running processes use around an additional 2 to 4 percent CPU overall.
This behavior has also been noticed in Visual Studio 2013.
Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Is this normal? Any suggestions?
Had this same problem. Processor constantly at 45-50% even when the IDE is completely idle.
Turns out the problem is the Microsoft Git Source Code provider.
I turned that off and processor dropped to 0 and the IDE became much more usable.
In my case disabling Telerik ASP.NET MVC Extension solved high CPU issue.
High CPU load started on solution load and didn't drop (40% with one, 80% with two solutions) until VS was closed or even sometimes after (had to kill the process).
Tools->Extensions and Updates->Installed, find the extension and click 'Disable'.
In my case all reference counts tried to update every time when I edit code.
I have just turned them off. You can do it this way.
It’s not to be expected that Visual Studio should chew up continuous CPU time.
I am running Visual Studio 2015 Community RTM right now with a medium sized project open, and am not seeing any ongoing CPU usage (according to Process Hacker 2, which shows usage as small as 0.01 percent). It’s just blank, which means not even 0.01% CPU usage is registering.
Keep in mind that IntelliSense scans your project files in the background to build the database for popping up its suggestions, etc.
Choosing Project > Rescan Solution from the menus will result in that process being done over, which will cause the CPU to be used for a time. But it should ultimately go quiet.
Seemingly forever, there have been times when deleting the Intellisense Database files and doing a full rescan solves “odd behavior” type problems. I don’t know if it’s the “prescribed” method, but if I suspect an IntelliSense problem I just delete the .sdf file in the project folder if I want to make sure Visual Studio starts with a clean slate. This isn’t necessary very often.
I also had this problem, constant 20-40% CPU when idling (Visual Studio 2015 update 1). I noticed that other local repositories of the same code did not have this problem.
I deleted the problematic local repository and took a new checkout, this solved the issue for me. Why this worked, I unfortunately cannot explain...
I run resharper, turned that off and turned off the Microsoft Git provider and still had high CPU issues, devenv.exe would also run after close... until recently.
It appears VS 2015 Update 2 has resolved these issues!
In my case; "Visual Studio 2015 Update 1" gone crazy editing JS files regarless of the length of the source. It used high CPU and the editor is even freezed. I fixed the issue by disabling the 3rd party add-ons by one-by-to detect the buggy one causing VS 2015 malfunctioning.
Hope it works.
In my case, the culprit was Node.js tools for Visual Studio. I had v1.1.2 installed and the cpu was constantly around 25-40%.
A switch to Node.js Tools v1.2 RC resolved the problem completely after an initial high load that went away in a couple of minutes.
In my case it was either the Roaming Extention Manager or most probably the azure worker role project in my solution. If you have one of these try unloading it and restart visual studio. I can reproduce it but I don't know why it happens.
I've noticed also that when running and stopping a debug episode on the local server, if the page is still open in the browser, VS will continue to run at high CPU. Closing the browser page stops this.
I want to share my experience,
In my case I had to diable all extensions and updates and code analysis c#.
1-For extensions and updates :
Tools => Extensions and updates
2-For the code analysis
Solution explorer => right click on the project => Properties =>Click on the tab "Code analysis" => click on the "Open" bouton => Uncheck the checkbox "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp" => save and exit.
Cpu usage descended to 1 %.
In my case, The .suo file in Visual Studio was the culprit. Deleting it fixed my issue.
Refer below link for more details.

Visual Studio 2010 Premium SP1 Very Annoying Typing Lag

I've recently noticed that after my projects grow a certain size I end up getting a lot of VERY annoying typing lag in VS2010. It affects every language and every word I type ends up taking around 5 seconds to render - the same with deletes, it also buffers them well enough as if I become unreasonably impatient and hit delete again 3 seconds later... it processes ALL my deletes.
So the obvious point is hardware: Intel Core2 6300 # 1.87GHz, 2GB RAM, 32-bit OS and a usual 7200rpm 8MB cache HDD, shouldn't experience this much lag surely! So I've decided to uninstall and re-install VS2010 to remove any plugins I may be using (the only one I personally installed was AnkhSVN for Subversion). Still the exact same problem.
Where I'm up to now, I've just attached a debugger to view the native code of my devenv.exe process and I see that every character I type throws a huge number of these First-chance exception at 0x757ed36f in devenv.exe: 0xE0434352: 0xe0434352. - anybody have any idea what this is / how I can find the source of these offsets?
I experienced the same issue when editing .cshtml files in Visual Studio 2010. At first I thought it was a memory issue, but MemTest showed no errors and it was a very isolated problem within Visual Studio, so I looked elsewhere.
I searched through some forums and got the idea to look at Extensions I had installed. For me, the only one that pertained to editing CSS/HTML that I was running was Web Essentials. I uninstalled it and restarted the IDE, and the lag was gone.
It is strange because I have been running this extension for awhile in multiple environments and never experienced any issues. I'm not sure what changed or why it broke, but for anyone having this problem, look at the extensions you have installed.
I have also heard a lot of people having issues with the CSS3/HTML5 Web Standards Update extension. I didn't have it installed but it might cause similar issues.
I experienced the same issue in VS2012. After reading mhornfeck's answer I tried uninstalling the following via Add/Remove Programs then restarting VS:
Microsoft Office Visual Web Developer 2007. Product Version: 12.0.4518.1066.
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages. Product Version: 1.0.20105.0.
And the lag is gone!

Visual Studio 2010 (devenv) Hung Process After Closing

I have problem with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. After some time of work VS starts consuming ~50% CPU and UI responding slows down. When I close VS then UI disappear but process stay.
When I forgot to kill those hung processes at the end of day, I will end up with numerous devenv.exe processes.
I have reinstall Visual Studio and reinstall Windows and ended up with the same problem... doesn't change anything. Please help. :/
Remove and/or uninstall all third-party Visual Studio add-ins and extensions. Disabling is not good enough.
Visual Studio 2010 relies heavily on graphics. Therefore:
Update your video driver.
Turn off "Enable rich client visual
Turn off "Use Hardware graphics acceleration if
There are also temporary files that Visual Studio uses that may need to be cleared out.
Clear out your %temp% folder.
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ProjectAssemblies
Your project and solution user settings may be corrupt due to so many "crashes".
Delete .user and .suo files (you will lose the startup project, bookmarks, breakpoints, and other user settings specific to projects and solutions.)
Begin where you began before - it may seem overkill but this is the only way to be sure we are addressing everything short of hardware issues.
Reinstall Windows - make sure you are using a validly licensed copy, and patch the hell out of it before installing Visual Studio.
Note: I doubt it is a GPU driver issue, but it never hurts to use the most up to date driver and this is the place to do it right after a fresh OS install.
Install Visual Studio .Net 2010 but do not start it up. Let it get the frameworks installed fresh.
Use Windows Update to install the VS 2010 SP1 patch, and any/all patches for .Net frameworks.
Make an images for yourself right here so you have something to build from if you need to try this again. It will save you lots of time.
Fire up Visual Studio, and test your closing before installing anything else.
If it does not work here, there's likely some conflict between PC hardware and window OS, and you should try to find this symptom in other applications to get more info.
Here's what i would be looking for:
Does it happen EVERY TIME?
Does it happen after you debug your project ? does it happen for ALL projects?
Does it also happen when you don't load any projects? (simply start the IDE and wait).
Does it happen after a debug session of your application? maybe the application is not closed properly?
Do you have any other apps running at the same time that may cause this? try reproducing with a minimal set of apps/services running.
What are you doing exactly when it starts freezing ? anything in particular?
I would try to get 2-3 memory dumps at the time of hanging, post it here as well as to MSFT people. That would be a good start.
