Is this a valid IPv6 address, 74DC::02BA? - validation

Is 74DC::02BA a valid IPv6 address?
I am trying to break it down, but the various shortcuts are confusing me.

Valid address, yes. See this question. Also, this validator breaks it down nicely.
Correct address, probably not. See RFC 4291, section 2.4, where this address is defined as a Global Unicast address. (the first bits are 0111 0100, which falls under "everything else" in the table) Then see the IPv6 address assignments. You'll notice this address range has not been assigned for use.
Normally you wouldn't see an address written like this, since it contains extra information. (the leading 0 in the second group of digits) So you would probably see it written like 74dc::2ba. (The IETF makes recommendations about how to print IPv6 addresses in RFC 5952.)
If you want to know the rules for IPv6 address shortening, they are specified in RFC 4291, section 2.2.

Here's what I believe to be the best online IPv6 validator (and not just because I wrote it). It will show you the various address forms and show you how the different representations relate to each other (try hovering over each address group).

The "::" means there's all 0s in between the colons. The address expands to 74dc:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:02ba

IPv6 Address Validator


getaddrinfo with flag AI_NUMERICHOST

Please tell me something I can't understand. There is a function getaddrinfo() and there is a flag AI_NUMERICHOST. MSDN says that in getaddrinfo() with this flag, you need to send the numeric value of the IP address, and not the domain name. But why?
I already have an IP address, why should I ask DNS for an IP address?
getaddrinfo() outputs sockaddr_... structs (sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6) for the requested host/service. It is not just about IP addresses, it is also about other things, like socket types, service ports, etc, depending on your input and hint values.
So, if you already have an IP address in a string format, you can have getaddrinfo() parse that string for you (specifying AI_NUMERICHOST to avoid DNS) into a binary format in the output sockaddr_..., as well as fill in other sockaddr_... fields at the same time.

IPv6: Interface IP operations are stopped with floating IP in HA failover

When a main node fails, its IP (IPv6) floats to standby node. The standby node is supposed to provide service henceforth on that IP.
Given that both these nodes co-exist in the same LAN, often it is seen that the standby node becomes unreachable. The interface is UP and RUNNING with the IPv6 address assigned, but all the IP operations are stopped.
One possibility is Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) is kicking in when the IP is getting configured on standby. The RFC says all IP operations must be stopped.
My question is regarding the specifics in Linux kernel IPv6 implementation. Previously, from kernel code, I supposed the sysctl variable "disable_ipv6" must be getting set. But the kernel is not disabling IPv6, it is just stops all IP operations on that interface.
Can anyone explain what Linux kernel IPv6 does when it "disables these IP operations" on DAD failure? Can this be reset to normal without doing the interface DOWN & UP? Any pointers in the code will be very helpful.
This article elaborates the specification and behavior w.r.t. what really is happening in the kernel w.r.t. IPv6 implementation and the floating IP configuration. It also suggests a solution:
It mentions for "user-assigned link-local", the IPv6 allocation gets stuck in tentative state, marked by IFA_F_TENTATIVE in the kernel. This state implies DAD is in progress and the IP is not yet validated. For "auto-assigned link-local", if the DAD fails it retries accept_dad times (with new auto-generated IP each time), and after that it disables IPv6 on that interface.
Solution it suggests is: Disable DAD before configuring the floating IP and enable it back when it is out of the tentative state.
For more details refer above link.
This is related to a bug in nova, bug #101134
The documentation for accept_dad says:
accept_dad - INTEGER
Whether to accept DAD (Duplicate Address Detection).
0: Disable DAD
1: Enable DAD (default)
2: Enable DAD, and disable IPv6 operation if MAC-based
duplicate link-local address has been found.
So you can use sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_dad=0 to workaround the bug and disable DAD.
Alternatively, you can fix this bug by implementing the proposing patches to nova/virt/libvirt/ from that same bug report.
If it is not already present in the NWFilterFirewall class, add the following staticmethod:
def nova_no_nd_reflection_filter(self):
"""This filter protects false positives on IPv6 Duplicate Address
uuid = self._get_filter_uuid('nova-no-nd-reflection')
return '''<filter name='nova-no-nd-reflection' chain='ipv6'>
<!-- no nd reflection -->
<!-- drop if destination mac is v6 mcast mac addr and
we sent it. -->
<rule action='drop' direction='in'>
<mac dstmacaddr='33:33:00:00:00:00'
dstmacmask='ff:ff:00:00:00:00' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>
</filter>''' % uuid
Then, add this filter to your filter lists in _ensure_static_filters() by adding:
after filter_set is defined.

Windows DHCP client hostname encoding

Recently I have been trying to save list of hostnames from captured DHCP packets. I have found out, every DHCP hostname (option 12) should have form defined in RFC 1035. So if I understand it correctly, hostname should be encoded in 7-bit ASCII and have other restrictions like:
- name should not start with digit and should omit some forbidden characters.
Almost every device I have encountered in packets fulfill this constraint, but not Windows devices (Vendor ID MSFT 5.0). IMHO Windows DHCP client takes computer (mobile) name and fill it in hostname option.
Problem occurs, when computer name is set for example to "Lukáš-PC". Wireshark display this hostname as Luk\240\347-PC. (240 and 347 are numbers in octal). To see for myself I have printed values in packets with printf("%hhu", c) (C language).
á = 160
š = 231
IMHO I think this is simple char variable overflow. I tried deduce original value from overflow value, but I haven't found any relation between character and known encodings. So my questions are:
Is there any way to convert these values back to original?
If yes, what was original character encoding, when overflow happened?
Default char is usually signed, and extends to int when passed to a variadic function. To ensure that it is printed unsigned, use printf("%hhu", c) or printf("%d", (unsigned char)c);.
The correct encoding is impossible to know because it depends on each system's settings.
Note that any compliant systems MUST encode names according to RFC 3490, but Windows seems to enjoy violating standards.
The characters á and š that you are seing are encoded using code page 852 (Latin-2 - Central European languages).
Unfortunately there is no simple way how you can figure out the encoding used only by looking at DHCP requests. In principle the DHCP client can use any code page it wants. If you are working in a private/controlled network, then it is probably safe to assume the all clients are using the same code page and explicitly encode the strings using that particular code page.

ipv6calc outputs wrong address when converting from ipv4 to ipv6?

Having a strange issue while trying to convert an ipv4 list file to ipv6:
ipv6calc -q --action conv6to4 --in ipv4 --out ipv6
Trying to validate that result is correct, I used some online converters and it seems that is 2002:0:0:0:0:0:101:1701 (or else 2002::101:1701).
So the last "::" should be removed & 2002 should have extra ":".
I really don't want to use sed/awk commands in order to manipulate this result, so the questions are:
is there alternative cmd/linux SW?
is this somehow fixed inside ipv6 calc, am I doing something wrong?
This is the correct 6to4 address. A 6to4 subnet is on the format 2002:IP4_HI:IP4_LO::/48. IP4_HI is the top 16 bits of the IPv4 address, while IP4_LO is the low 16 bits of the address.
For example, the IPv4 address gives you the 6to4 subnet 2002:0102:0304::/48.
See 6to4 address block allocation for more details.
A different question is whether this is actually the address you want? There are other ways to map IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses. For example, there are IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, which are typically written as ::ffff:
The address format you need depends on what you are going to use it for.

Can any port in the sate of "LISTEN" be seen to the outter?

I execute the command "netstat -tln" in the shell, here is what it outputs.
the 5th field is the foreign address, i dont' know what it means here. Does "" mean any address can be connected to this port without the consideration of iptables, if so what does ":::" mean?
The 3 Colons (:::) signifies IPv6.
The means that a given socket is listening on all the available IP addresses the computer has available.
If you wish to not use IPv6 i believe you can remove it.
Verify the Man Page but probably removing "ipv6.o"" will work.
