Flash Debugger crashes Safari relentlessly - debugging

Ever since Flash Player 10 came out, the debugger version causes what seems like a crash in my browser, either Safari, or Firefox, on Mac OS X. It's been consistently happening with 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2.
And it's not just on the applications I develop. Six or seven times out of ten, when I visit sites like Gamespot with Flash video delivery and a banner ad or two, the debugger kicks out an error and, upon dismissing that error, I can't regain focus of my browser. Clicking a window does nothing but trigger the Mac OS X error sound. I have to force-quit and start again.
The Adobe forums have been no help, and everything else I've seen relative to the debugger crash issues doesn't seem to solve my problem. Any ideas?

I'm not sure if this works on a Mac as well, but on a Windows machine, this hack saved me already some time: Often it is just enough to kill the task "plugin-container.exe". This will stop all flash movies immediately and unfreeze your browser. So you can work on without losing all work done in other browser tabs and waiting for your browser to restart.


MacBook plays video sideways in fullscreen mode after upgrading to macOS Ventura

I have MacBook Pro M1 Max, with two monitors, one 34" as the main monitor and one 24" as the side monitor which I use vertically, after upgrading to macOS Ventura this issue started to appear! When
I tried to watch a video on my main monitor when I switched to full screen, it was showing it sideways!
I'm a software developer so I have multiple browsers, I tried on all of them, and sometimes one was rotating but not the other, but after some time, all were rotating!
I tested Youtube, Amazon Prime, HBO on browsers, and then even the Apple TV app, they all show the videos sideways in fullscreen mode!
But it was happening only on the main monitor, not the side one, not the laptop's internal screen!
Interestingly, the image was showing normal if you moved the mouse pointer on that screen, but as soon as you stopped the mouse, the video go back to the rotated state!
One thing I found out about this was that if you restart the OS, the issue goes away, but after a few times of Sleep/Awake circles, sometimes same day but definitely the next day, it'd come back, and I have to restart the laptop again and again!
It was frustrating! I called Apple support, and first, they offered to restart the OS and boot in Safe Mode and see if this happens in that mode too, I tried and it was happening in Safe Mode too!
Then the next solution was to reinstall the OS, so I backed up the data as a precaution and reinstalled the macOS Ventura, and it worked the issue has gone away!
So I leave the issue and solution here for future reference.
Here is the link to Apple Support for reinstalling the OS:

App windows on MAC regularly gets swiftly and temporarily grayed out

I am trying to troubleshoot some error that is causing any window on any app to quickly get grayed out for a dussin milliseconds, and at times get grayed out without getting "clicked back" again. I don't know if the issue lies in the cursor since it happens regardless of the current cursor location. It happens at least five times a day, and every time it happens it is very distracting.
I thought this could be caused by the trackpad clicking it out by itself since I've had issues with the trackpad a while back. But that doesn't make any sense since the location of the cursor is unaffected.
I have tried chrome, and other mac apps, but the error has persisted.
I have also tried full-screen mode on youtube (not browser full screen) but the same thing there.
I don't know if this could be relevant, but I have coded python a tiny bit although not more than installing a few packages. Though I coded python after this error started.
I want whatever error that causes app windows to get "grayed out" to be fixed.
Macos 10.15.5 Catalina

Launch Chrome without hardware acceleration (OS X)

For reference (and screenshot): https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/60700949?hl=en
OS X 10.11, Macbook Air 2015. I just updated Chrome from a slightly earlier 84.x.x.x to 84.0.4147.89. Upon launching the app now, I get a completely blank gray window without even a URL bar. The death-wheel spins and then it crashes. I've never seen a legitimate app behave this way in 30 years.
Launching from terminal I see this:
[0723/152018.747279:WARNING:process_memory_mac.cc(93)] mach_vm_read(0x7fff54e1d000, 0x2000): (os/kern) invalid address (1)
[2084:34307:0723/152018.992135:FATAL:gpu_data_manager_impl_private.cc(439)] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
From what I've read, the flags --no-gpu and/or --disable-gpu are no longer valid in the latest "stable" release. Here are the flags I've thrown at it so far:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --use-gl=swiftshader --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer --no-sandbox --no-xshm --no-gpu --disable-accelerated-compositing --disable-gpu-compositing
Does anyone know if there's a config file I could modify or some way of getting it to launch without hardware acceleration? Not truly a coding question but it's driving me nuts. Filed this on the Chrome Help site and got no responses.
You may try to open chrome://settings/?search=hardware in your browser and then turn off Use hardware acceleration when available.

Chromecast keeps freezing during debugging

I am connecting to chromecast (1st generation model) on port 9222 and I click the shield icon to get debug scripts loaded. Debugger starts fine and I can add breakpoints and see console log. But when I start interacting with the debugger, or a break point is hit, or I start examining the objects in console, the chromecast starts freezing. The video playback becomes choppy, sometimes completely halts. Removing the breakpoints doesn't solve the playback issues, and I have completely disconnect and reconnect. Many a times, a video frame stays frozen on the TV and disconnecting doesnt make it go away, so I have to reboot the chromecast. Sometimes the debugger disconnects and I have to refresh debug window.
It happens so frequently that I can't get the debugger to stay connected longer than 5-15 seconds after starting debugging, which means I am disconnecting/reconnecting or rebooting chromecast for every few seconds of debugging.
I tried rebooting chromecast (many many times), restarting my browser, reinstalling my cast extension, trying different chromecast device and even trying different router. Is there any way or trick to get a solid non-interrupting debugging session going with chromecast device?
Unfortunately there is a bug in the chrome remote debugger (a memory leak) that causes chromecast to freeze, crash or become unstable. It usually happens after a few minutes of connectivity so I am surprised that you mentioned it happens within 18 seconds; did you mean 18 seconds after the debugger is connected or after you hit the breakpoint? Regardless, the issue that I mentioned with the debugger is there and there is an internal ticket to address that; currently there is no work around. If in your case it is really as early as 18 seconds from the time you connect, then something else might be going on as well; can you please try that on a different app (if you have one) to see if it exhibits the same issue?

Debugging mobile software in the VS device emulator - app switching to background

I have this issue when debugging mobile apps on the emulator. When I press F5, the build starts, then the deploy, then the app pops up in the emulator.
Because this takes a minute or 2, I am checking my SO score and maybe ask a question while I wait, and the emulator is in the background. When I finally switch back to the emulator, it shows the start page, not my app.
I figured out that by pressing the back button I can bring the debugged application to the foreground, but still, I don't know what is pushing it into the background to begin with. Has anybody noticed this, and found a way to prevent it?
The default behavior in WinMo is that if the device has no activity for a certain period of time (set in Settings->Today->Items->Today Timeout), the Today screen will come to the fore. Check to see if that's what's happening (though I think the smallest interval is still larger than a couple minutes).
