Codeigniter, uri->segment, str_len - codeigniter

I'm very new to php and mysql. I'm trying to pass the value "part(2)" to my code igniter controller. "part(2)" is one of the name of the data values in my database. After passing it to the uri segment, I extracted it using the command $value = str_replace("%20", " ", $this->uri->segment(5)); . Now when i search my database using the variable $value, it's not displaying the results. I presume the problem is with having using "()". I am wondering if it has anything to do with the data type utl8 vs latin1. My database is configured to use latin1_general_ci. I have tried changing the database field type to utl8_general_ci, but it does not work. Can anyone please help me out here?.

Have you tried var_dump($value) just to see what it contains?
Also, the result from $this->db->last_query(); might be useful to see what you are actually quering your database for. I don't see a reason why you couldn't put perenthesis in your database.

Im pretty sure both utf8 and latin1 are fine.
can you post your controller code?
firstly, if you are passing the value in your uri, do you have () in your permitted uri characters in application/config/config.php?
something like this:
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-()';
But I just tried this and my values came out with html entities: part(2) instead..
you can fix this with something like this:
input_value = html_entity_decode($input_value);


put single row to variable and delete it at same time with one query

I have a password_resets table in mysql database and i want to get single raw of data and delete it with one query in Lumen with DB facade like this:
$reset_row = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $request->token)->first()->delete();
But i have a error :
Call to undefined method stdClass::delete()
i try this code :
$reset_row = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $request->token)
//do my work whith $reset_row->first();
But i think this way use 2 query to do this work.
NOTE : i know i can not delete and reason is first() method )return it to array)
Is there any way to do this?
Actually no need to use ->first(). Bcz your token is unique.
if you need try this.
$reset_row = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $request->token)
I think it is possible to use "limit" with "delete".
You can simply chain the delete method to your Query Buider.
No need to select the first on since you want to delete them, not select them.
DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $request->token)->delete();
Its already answered in another post in StackOverflow.
You can use this answer too
laravel-delete-query-builder and you can also look at the official documentation about deleting using the query builder
At the end I Think to create model for reset password and Use it like this:
1. set primary key to token by set it on model like this
2. use find method to find token (document for find method)
use this way:
//work with $reset
NOTE: : for set primary key to string col see this link too

Trying to use external reference in Postman with tv4

I'm trying to use an external reference in Postman and validating that with tv4.
This is my code:
var schema = tv4.getSchema('');
console.log(tv4.validate(responseBody, schema);
and after testing I get
'TypeError Cannot read property '$ref' of undefined'
Does that mean my schema is not valid somehow?
I know it's late, but this could help others
tv4.getSchema(name) is used to retrieve an already loaded schema. tv4.addSchema(name, schema) is used to append a new schema of name with schema value
So, what should you do?
Reading this article I understood that you can't make two requests in a test using Postman. Instead you should store its value in a environment or global variable and don't use tv4's functions as those (I guess) were meant to be used in environments where you can actually download a schema using http module.
Finally, your example should look as this
var schema = JSON.parse(postman.getEnvironmentVariable('myEnvVarName'));
let valid = tv4.validate(pm.response.json(), schema, false, true);

prevent duplicate value using ajax in sugar crm

i have create module using module builder , now i am having a field called as book Name
now if i give same book name 2 time t is accepting .
i don't want to use and plug in for checking duplicate value because i want to learn the customization through code .
so i can call ajax and check in data base weather the same book name is exist in db or not but i don't know how controller works in sugar crm . and how to call ajax in sugar crm .
can any one guide me , your help is much appreciated .
If you really want to accomplish this using ajax then I'd recommend an entryPoint as the way to go. This customization will require a couple of simple things. First you'll write a little bit of javascript to perform the actual ajax call. That ajax call will post to the entryPoint you write. The entryPoint will run the query for you and return a response to you in the edit view. So lets get started by writing the entryPoint first.
First, open the file custom/include/MVC/Controller/entry_point_registry.php. If the folder structure and file do not exist yet, go ahead and create them.
Add the following code to the entry_point_registry.php file:
$entry_point_registry['test'] = array('file' => 'custom/test.php', 'auth' => true);
Some quick explanation about that line:
The index value of test can be changed to whatever you like. Perhaps 'unique_book_value' makes more sense in your case. You'll see how this value is used in a minute.
The file value in the array points to where you're gonna put your actual code. You should also give this a more meaningful name. It does NOT need to match the array key mentioned above.
The 'auth' => true part determines whether or not the browser needs to have an active logged in session with SugarCRM or not. In this case (and almost all) I'd suggest keeping this to true.
Now lets look at the code that will go in custom/test.php (or in your case unique_book_name.php):
/* disclaimer: we are not gonna get all crazy with using PDO and parameterized queries at this point,
but be aware that there is potential for sql injection here. The auth => true will help
mitigate that somewhat, but you're never supposed to trust any input, blah blah blah. */
global $db; // load the global sugarcrm database object for your query
$book_name = urldecode($_REQUEST['book_name']); // we are gonna start with $_REQUEST to make this easier to test, but consider changing to $_POST when confirmed working as expected
$book_id = urldecode($_REQUEST['book_id']); // need to make sure this still works as expected when editing an existing record
// the $db->quote is an alias for mysql_real_escape_string() It still does not protect you completely from sql injection, but is better than not using it...
$sql = "SELECT id FROM book_module_table_name WHERE deleted = 0 AND name = '".$db->quote($book_name)."' AND id <> '".$db->quote($book_id)."'";
$res = $db->query($sql);
if ($db->getRowCount($res) > 0) {
echo 'exists';
else {
echo 'unique';
A note about using direct database queries: There are api methods you can use to accomplish this. (hint: $bean->retrieve_by_string_fields() - check out this article if you wanna go that route: However, I find the api to be rather slow and ajax should be as fast as possible. If a client asked me to provide this functionality there's a 99% chance I'd use a direct db query. Might use PDO and parameterized query if I'm feeling fancy that day, but it's your call.
Using the above code you should be able to navigate to and run the code we just wrote.
However at this point all you're gonna get is a white screen. If you modify the url to include the entryPoint part and it loads your home page or does NOT go to a white screen there are 3 potential causes:
You put something different for $entry_point_registry['test']. If so change the url to read index.php?entryPoint=whatever_you_put_as_the_array_key
You have sugar in a folder or something on your domain so instead of it is located somewhere ugly and stupid like if this is the case just make sure that your are modifying the url such that the actual domain portion is preserved. Okay I'll spell it out for you...
This is more rare, but for some reason that I cannot figure out apache sometimes needs to be reloaded when adding a new entrypoint. If you have shell access a quick /etc/init.d/apache2 reload should do the trick. If you don't have shell access you may need to open a ticket with your hosting provider (or get a fricking vps where you have some control!!!, c'mon man!)
Still not working? Did you notice the "s" in https? Try http instead and buy a fricking $9 ssl cert, geez man!
Okay moving on. Let's test out the entryPoint a bit. Add a record to the book module. Let's add the book "War of Art" (no, not Art of War, although you should give that a read too).
Now in the url add this: index.php?entryPoint=test&book_name=Art%20of%20War
Oh gawd that url encoding is hideous right! Don't worry about it.
You should hopefully get an ugly white screen with the text "exists". If you do let's make sure it also works the other way. Add a 2 to the book name in the url and hopefully it will now say "unique".
Quick note: if you're using Sugar you're probably also using mysql which is case insensitive when searching on strings. If you really need case sensitivity check out this SO article:
How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?
Okay so now we have our entryPoint working and we can move on to the fun part of making everything all ajaxical. There are a couple ways to go about this, but rather than going the most basic route I'm gonna show you what I've found to be the most reliable route.
You probably will need to create the following file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/views/view.edit.php (I hope by now I don't need to point out changing that path to use your module name...
Assuming this file did not exist and we are starting from scratch here is what it will need to look like:
if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULEViewEdit extends ViewEdit
public function display()
// make sure it works in the subpanel too
$this->useForSubpanel = true;
// make the name value available in the tpl file
$this->ss->assign('name_value', $this->bean->name);
// load the parsed contents of the tpl into this var
$name_input_code = $this->ss->fetch('custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/tpls/unique_book_checker.tpl.js');
// pass the parsed contents down into the editviewdefs
$this->ss->assign('custom_name_code', $name_input_code);
// definitely need to call the parent method
Things are looking good. Now we gotta write the code in this file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/tpls/unique_book_checker.tpl.js
First a couple of assumptions:
We're going to expect that this is Sugar 6.5+ and jquery is already available. If you're on an earlier version you'll need to manually include jquery.
We're going to put the event listener on the name field. If the book name value that you want to check is actually a different field name then simply adjust that in the javascript below.
Here is the code for custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/unique_book_checker.tpl.js:
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" maxlength="255" value="{$name_value}" />
<span id="book_unique_result"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong> checking name...</strong>');
$.post('index.php?entryPoint=test', {book_name: $('#name').val(), book_id: $('[name="record"]').val()}, function(data){
if (data == 'exists') {
removeFromValidate('EditView', 'name');
addToValidate('EditView', 'name', 'float', true, 'Book Name Must be Unique.');
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong style="color:red;"> āœ—</strong>');
else if (data == 'unique') {
removeFromValidate('EditView', 'name');
addToValidate('EditView', 'name', '', true, 'Name Required');
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong style="color:green;"> āœ“</strong>');
else {
// uh oh! maybe you have php display errors on?
Another Note: When the code detects that the name already exists we get a little hacky and use Sugar's built in validation stuff to prevent the record from saving. Basically, we are saying that if the name already exists then the name value MUST be a float. I figured this is pretty unlikely and will do the trick. However if you have a book named 3.14 or something like that and you try to create a duplicate this code will NOT prevent the save. It will tell you that a duplicate was found, but it will not prevent the save.
Phew! Okay last two steps and they are easy.
First, open the file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/metadata/editviewdefs.php.
Next, find the section that provides the metadata for the name field and add this customCode attribute so that it looks like this:
array (
'name' => 'name',
'customCode' => '{$custom_name_code}',
Finally, you'll need to do a quick repair and rebuild for the metadata changes to take effect. Go to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair & Rebuild.
Boom! You should be good to go!

CSV insert to database

This is not working as we discussed previously, for some reason and I have done is create some $vars for the uploaded file.
Code available here (Pastebin).
But never actually inserts anything
When doing a var_dump($csv_row) i get: bool(false)
var_dump($fh) shows: resource(89) of type (stream)
var_dump($insert_str) shows all 1700 records from the csv file (obviously too big to post on here)
So Iā€™m guessing the while statement or the whole from if statement is wrong somewhere. Really really would appreciate some help on this, I need to get it working by tomorrow (monday)
You seem to be using the codeigniter database library wrong. I can see a
but no $this->db->insert() to be found. The set() method only useful with an update() or insert() following it, See the docs, search for $this->db->set().
You either want to use the $this->db->insert_batch() (on the same doc page, unfortunately no direct links for sections) form and build up an array of arrays with your records (so you won't have to create a long sql string either).
Or you can use the $this->db->query() and just feed the $insert_str to it where you now call $this->db->set().
According to your question:
var_dump($insert_str) shows all 1700 records from the csv file
So i would rule out the possibility of the while loop or the if not working.
Put this code at the top of the controller or before reading csv file
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
Check if this will work for you

SEO-friendly URLs in CodeIgniter without the use of slugs?

Is there a way (via routing) in CodeIgniter to change: to
where Foo Bar is the name of category 4 in the database?
Access from the SEO-friendly URL should be allowed, but access via the integer should cause a 404 error.
This should also work dynamically, where any integer is automatically converted to a URL-safe version of its corresponding category name.
I've seen a few solutions that use 'slugs'... is there a decent alternative?
I've only been working with CodeIgniter for the past couple of months in my spare time, so I'm still learning, but I'll take a shot at this (be gentle):
There is a url_title() function in the URL Helper (which will need loaded, of course) that will change Foo Bar to foo-bar.
$name = 'Foo Bar';
$seo_name = url_title($name, TRUE);
// Produces: foo-bar
The URL helper strips illegal characters and throws in the hyphens by default (underscores, by parameter) and the TRUE parameter will lowercase everything.
To solve your problem, I suppose you could either do a foreach statement in your routes.php file or pass the url_title() value to the URL, rather than the ID, and modify your code to match the url_title() value with its category name in the DB.
Afaik the link between 4 and "foo-bar" has to be stored in the DB, so you'll have to run some queries. This is usually not done via routing in CI. Also routing just points a URL to a controller and function and has little to do with url rewriting.
Why don't you want to use slugs?
You could try storing the search engine friendly route in the database using this method or this one.
I wouldn't recommend throwing a 404. Use the canonical link tag in the instead if your worried about Google indexing both
But if you really want to I guess you could write a function that is called during the pre_controller hook that checks to see if the URL has an integer as the second segment then call the show_404() method. Perhaps a better solution when writing this function would be to redirect to the SEO friendly version.
Is there a way (via routing) in CodeIgniter to change: to
where Foo Bar is the name of category 4 in the database?
Using CI 3,
Use Callbacks, PHP >= 5.3
$route['products/([a-zA-Z]+)/edit/(\d+)'] = function ($product_type, $id)
return 'catalog/product_edit/' . strtolower($product_type) . '/' . $id;
You can route to call a function to extract the name of the category.
Hope I answered your question and can help more people to like codeigniter as I believe it's speedy and light.
Slugs usage is important to make web application more secure which i think is important.
A better recommendation will be to use route to give you a better solution.
$route['(:any)/method/(:num)'] = 'Class/method';
$route['(:any)/method/(:num)'] = 'Class/method/$1';
$route['(:any)/gallery/(:num)'] = 'Class/gallery/$1';
how to modify routes in codeigniter
Have fun :)
