Why is my Ctrl-key disabled in iTerm.app? - macos

I'm trying to use the new iTerm app on my Snow Leopard Mac, but my Ctrl seems to be completely dead (as in non-responsive, as in nothing happens when I type Ctrl+a except for an outputed 'a') and I haven't found anything useful while googling. The closest match was this thread here on stackoverflow, but everything in Terminal.app works as it should.
And, even more strange - I can Ctrl+z myself out of applications, but I can't save files in Emacs (C-x C-s) or any other keyboard shortcuts that uses a Ctrl shortcut. And it's not local, since Ctrl is as broken on my iMac as it is on other unix computers I've sshed onto with iTerm. I've tried both in bash and zsh.
I've tried to remove all files concerning iTerm.app in my ~/Library/Application Support, and I've tried the very latest version (currently 13 h old) of iTerm I could lay my hands on, but to no avail.
Any ideas?

This seems to be an iTerm bug.
You can work around it by creating a key mapping in the profile settings.
Add a mapping for ^x so it sends 0x18 (which is the encoded form of ctrl+x).

I suggest to check this post to see if the ctrl key is enabled in your preferences
Did you try to configure key bindings for this terminal emulator as specified in the iTerm wiki:
at last, have you try set -o emacs or set -o vi?
If it works, set it in your ~/.bashrc to run it at login.


CMD-Period unexpectedly translated to ESC in IDEA apps on macos (PyCharm, GoLand, Android Studio)

I use Cmd-. (Command-Period) as a common hotkey in my IDEs (go to definition), but recently the IDEA/JetBrains IDEs have started to re-interpret this key combination as the escape key. I can't figure out what exactly changed on my system to make this start happening. There was probably an OSX update or two which happened between the last time it worked and when I noticed the new behavior.
In the IDEA keymap menus, when I hit Cmd-. in the search-by-key dialog, it inserts the Esc glyph, the the behavior of the rest of the app seems to follow suit, it's just acting like Esc.
This issue seems to be specific to the IDEA-based apps. It reproduces in PyCharm, GoLand, and Android Studio. Cmd-. still works as expected in iTerm2, Cocoa Emacs, and the OSX system shortcut settings window.
Any idea of how I can bring back Cmd-., or at least interpret it as something other than Esc?
Unfortunately, there's no way to stop interpreting Cmd-. as Esc. However, as a workaround, you can try assigning the shortcut in a keymap XML file.
It may help in some cases, e.g. it works for opening tool windows, but it doesn’t work with Find in Path because sometimes the dialog gets closed (both meta . and Esc are invoked).
In Preferences | Keymap, set some shortcut to the desired action, and exit IDE
Open settings directory: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544519
Open a keymap XML file under "keymap" directory
Find the action changed in step 1, and change the "first-keystroke" parameter of the "keyboard-shortcut" node to "meta period". So it will look like:
<keyboard-shortcut first-keystroke="meta period" />

iTerm session not unique

I have a possibly simple issue, but can't resolve it. I recently downloaded iTerm and have it setup using zsh, but when using tabs they are always duplicated.
For example I open two tabs A and B using CMD+T. I type ls in A and it works as expected, but tab B also does the same! If I use the standard macOS Terminal this does not happen. It also does not occur if open two separate iTerm windows.
Any ideas?
EDIT - iTerm version is Build 3.0.15
Found the answer myself.
User error on my part, and a difference between Terminal and iTerm. I was switching tabs using CMD+SHIFT+ARROWS. This moves the tab, you need to use CMD+ARROWS to jump between tabs.

Why does Command + V behave like Page Up?

On OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), the keyboard shortcut to paste the clipboard Command ⌘+V behaves like Page Up.
Right now I'm able to reproduce this issue only in Mail and Evernote.
Pressing Super+v, Super+v does pageup, paste though.
I use Karabiner to remap some keys, but never Command ⌘ keys.
If I close Karabiner it doesn't change anything.
I have at some point used vim, the pbcopy terminal command, and some OS configuration from https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/.osx
But I don't see why this could be a problem.
Does anyone know how to fix this or why it happens?
Are you able to replicate this issue in multiple users on your machine? If so, then the issue is likely to have something to do with the modifications you outlined above (such as Karabiner or Vim), or some larger operating system related issue.
If you're not able to replicate the problem in multiple users, it could be related to a problematic preference file. If you open a Finder window and navigate to ~/Library/Preferences, you could try moving the com.apple.HIToolbox.plist to your Desktop, logging out, then logging back in and testing again.
Let us know if either of those suggestions help!

Vim under mac does not behave as expected

I recently got a mac. I was previously working on a laptop with ubuntu and I was using vim.
I now will discuss about vim in console (iTerm2 or the default terminal) and macvim.
The problem is that some binding don't work under mac. For example I had CTRL left/right for navigating between splits, CTRL up/down to move lines or blocks of code up and down, etc. They don't work anymore.
I had a bunch of plugins (nerdtree, powerline, etc.) that now look weird. Powerline doesn't display special characters in macvim and in terminal they are question marks.
In console, nerdtree looks weird and it doesn't display the special triangle character. If I hit return to open a file selected from nerdtree, it doesn't do anything. In macvim, it works ok.
Is there any guide on how to use vim on mac? Or what is the recommended way?
Nerdtree : let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0
Powerline : Take a look at the part of strange characters in the document https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline
Navigating within splits with Ctrl + arrows work on mine. Can you post your vimrc, or try running vim without any configuration.
Ctrl+arrows to move lines and block doesn't work on mine.
Did you check which key was sent by your terminal to vim ?
Did you tried to set it manually ?
I had similar problems with emacs, including one keybinding I'm still not able to reproduce :(
I have the exact same config on my Mac and a Windows box at work, my Ubuntu box at home and a couple of VPSes. It works exactly the same on every platform in GVim/MacVim or in plain Vim.
Unfortunately I don't use either NERDTree nor Powerline but Vdt's answer seems to have all the info needed.
Some of the behaviors you describe are custom mappings. You should show us your ~/.vimrc (the old one on linux and the new one on the Mac, if there are differences) so that we can help you make it more portable.
Also, "looks weird" means nothing: please add a screenshot or two.

How to get Cmd-left/right working with iTerm2 and Vim (without requiring .vimrc changes)?

I want to be able to use Option-left and Option-right to skip words (and Cmd-left/right to go to beginning and end of lines) within Vim as it does at my shell prompt. My Iterm2 preferences have mappings to do this (e.g. Option-left to Esc-H and a one for option-right to Esc-F to skip over words), and this works in the shell locally or when ssh'd to a remote server.
When I use Vim locally or remotely, option-left works, but option-right does not. I suspect this is because Vim naturally listens for Esc-H, but not Esc-F. I am able to get around this by modifying .vimrc file to Esc-b to b and Esc-f to f, but I don't want to do this to every server I'm connecting to.
Similarly, I have the same desired setup for Cmd-left/right for going to beginning and end of a line. I can get this working in the shell via Iterm2 mappings (e.g. Cmd-left to Esc-[h), but Vim doesn't respond at all to this unless I map keys again (e.g. Esc-[h to ^).
Update: I just figured out how to get option-left/right working. I changed mapping in iTerm2 for these to be escape-[1;5D and escape-[1;5C respectively. I still want to solve the Cmd-left/right problem though (I changed my question's title to reflect this). Any ideas?
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Cmd-left/right to the beginning/end of a line, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Cmd-left to escape-sequence [1~
Cmd-right to escape-sequence [4~
To mimic OS X's behavior of sending Option-left/right to the previous/next word, I add the following mappings in iTerm2:
Option-left to escape-sequence [1;5D
Option-right to escape-sequence [1;5C
Special thanks to this blog post for tracking down what I was missing with the cmd-left/right mappings
I'm using iTerm2 3.4.2 and there's actually a preset that you can select for your profile that enables this.
FWIW, dolan's answer didn't work for me on iTerm 2 on Mac OS X 10.7.3. His solution only inserted ~ and 5D/5C into my terminal when I pressed the shortcut keys.
Instead, I used the following solutions:
iTerm 2: How to set keyboard shortcuts to jump to beginning/end of line?
Option-left/right as well as option-delete:
YMMV, not sure why one set of solutions would work and not the other
I don't have MacOS, so I cannot exactly know your situation, but I recognize the problem from other OSes.
Basically, it would mean that the terminal sends keycodes that aren't understood by vim. I fixed it in the past by doing
export TERM
before invoking vim
E.g. in order to get all keys and syntax highlighting working on AIX 5.3 across Putty/screen, I needed to use
TERM=iris-ansi vim
There is a list of builtin terminal types if you pass a bad TERM
