CreateProcess(): "Program too big to fit in memory" - winapi

I am currently trying to debug my Crash-Handler, it is an external executable that gets called when my program finds an unhandled structured exception. I recompiled the crash-handler executable, and when I tested, I got a message: "Program too big to fit in memory".
After digging around for a bit, I found that this was being caused by the CreateProcess call within my unhandled exception filter. I found this post that says that this error message indicates that the executable is corrupted, however if I invoke the CrashHandler.exe from the command line, I get no such error.
Other Information:
I have tried rebuilding my
application and the crash-handler
multiple times in both debug and
release mode.
I have tried giving the running thread 2 orders of magnitude more stack space.
I tested the same CrashHandler.exe in another application that was already using it, and there were no problems.
I tried using a previous version of the exe that worked before, but with the same result.
Restarting the system.
My Call to CreateProcess:
//Fire off the Handler
//HandlerArgs = "CrashHandler.exe arg1 arg2 arg3 etc..."
NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &NewProcessHandle))

Turns out that one of my post-build hooks was copying over the exe from The source control repository, and the file I had in the source control repository was actually the pdb. While testing I was copying directly to my running folder, and then the hook would copy the "corrupted" exe over again.


Trouble Creating and Executing an Intel SGX Enclave

I'm very new to SGX and wanted to start with something simple. Fortunately, I found this very basic tutorial. Unfortunately, as simple as it is, I can't get it to work. The code executes, but there are errors in the output.
[sgx_create_enclavew ..\urts\win\urts.cpp:195] Couldn't open file with CreateFile()
error 0x200f, failed to create enclave.
Buffer before change: Hello World!
Buffer after change: Hello World!
Returned Secret:
Saved Secret: My secret string
Load Secret:
secretIntValue first load: 0
saved a 1337 to the enclave.
secretIntValue second load after 1337 was saved: 0
error, failed to destroy enclave.
image of output
the tutorial says:
If you get the error SGX couldn't find the enclave file. The solution is to move the enclave_test_save.signed.dll into the same folder where the app_test_save.exe is located.
which I've tried, but it didn't solve the problem.
when I try to create the enclave using:
sgx_create_enclave(ENCLAVE_FILE, SGX_DEBUG_FLAG, &token, &updated, &eid, NULL);
could the problem be a result of using a different version of Visual Studio? (The tutorial uses VS 2012, while I'm using VS 2015)
Did you run the application through command prompt or from IDE?
If you are using IDE, You need to change the debugging properties to $(OutDir) from $(ProjecttDir) under Project Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging->Working Directory.(Both Enclave and Application) Select the Intel(R) SGX Debugger.
Disclaimer: I had the same error although under a different setting (Ubuntu, eclipse) so I am not sure to what extent this will help.
Before initialize_enclave() is called (which in turn calls sgx_create_enclave()), a chdir(absolutePath) command needs to be executed, where absolutePath needs to be the absolute path to where your executable is.
My error was due to a wrong path I used.
Thanks, I solved it. turns out I had to place enclave_test_save.signed.dll in the root folder with the .edl file and not with the .exe file.

Distracting Exception output in QtCreator when debugging Windows application

I am using QtCreator 4.1rc1 under Windows with the msvc tool chain. The debugger is cdb from the Windows 8.1 SDK. I had the same issue with older versions of QtCreator.
When I debug my application, then there are many messages to the output (and issues) pane in the form
Exception at 0x773596c2, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) (first chance) in WinSCard!SCardTransmit
I understand, that this is to be expected under Windows and those exceptions are actually not a problem. But they pollute the output and issues pane and basically render them useless.
So I tried to get rid of the messages. But failed after hours trying. What I tried is the following:
Use the check box 'Ignore first chance access violation' under Tools->Options->Debugger->CDB
Specifying command line arguments to cdb.exe: -xi
Create a script file for cdb.exe to be used at startup to avoid the warnings. The script contained the commands 'SXI 8010000a; SXI 0000071a; SXI e06d7363'. I tried placing the script in several directories and also specifying it with the command line options -cf or -cfr.
When I run cdb.exe from a command line using the startup script, it works! No exceptions are printed to the console. But when I start it from QtCreator, they are there again.
I assume, that QtCreator is using their own startup scripts and those overwrite the ones I specified.
Has anyone succeeded in hiding those exception outputs under QtCreator with cdb?

CreateProcess fails to run batch file with error code 2

I am creating a child process which executes a batch file
success = CodebenderccAPI::CreateProcess(
(LPWSTR)command.c_str(), // command line
NULL, // process security attributes
NULL, // primary thread security attributes
TRUE, // Inherit pipe handles from parent process
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, // creation flags
NULL, // use parent's environment
current_dir, // use the plugin's directory
&si, // __in, STARTUPINFO pointer
&pi); // __out, receives PROCESS_INFORMATION
The above code was tested and works as it should in various machines but recently failed in a Windows 7 machine and I am still trying to figure out why...
I have ensured that the user has administrative permissions to the folder where the batch file is installed as well as that the batch file is in the working directory. Moreover I disabled the antivirus (to verify that it didn't cause the problem) and tried again with no sucess. CreateProcess always fails with error code 2: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Any ideas what could cause that failure?
Finally I managed to find out what was causing CreateProcess failure.
Opened cmd and cd to the folder where batch file was located, then ran the batch file without any problem. After this, I navigated to the folder through file system and double clicked the batch file to run it. It failed with error message "Windows cannot find the_path_to the batch_file. Make sure you have typed the name correctly and try again."
According to this post the above error is related with the COMSPEC entry. Checked its value in registry and found that it was different from the default value. Updated its value to the default and problem was solved!

QT 5.2 app cannot start (Bad allocation error) when Qt5Core.dll is in app directory

I have a funny problem on my machine
Windows 7 x64, using QT 5.2 for the GUI
I'm not able to start the app I always receive the error
First I thought I had a broken dll, so through some trial and error I found a solution:
I add the QT5Core.dll via enviroment path, and NOT directly to the app folder. Then the programm works. If I copy the dll back to the app Folder, Same problem as before!?!?!?1
I'm really confused, because the error only occurs on my machine?
Debugging doesn't really help,
In code, the error occures here:
MyApplication::MYApplication(int argc, char** argv, int version)
: QApplication(argc, argv, version) // <<< this call fails!
{ }
somebody can help me?
Why is the location of the qt5core.dll a problem?!?!?
I used the profiling function of depends and found the following behaviour:
GetProcAddress(0x76800000 [c:\windows\syswow64\KERNEL32.DLL], "CreateSymbolicLinkW") called from > "dirone\xxxx.EXE" at address 0x00FF2877 and returned 0x7688CCE9.
First chance exception 0xE06D7363 (Microsoft C++ Exception) occurred in "c:\windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.DLL" at address 0x765CC41F.
Exception: "bad allocation"
LoadLibraryW("C:\BuildPackages\QT\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll") called from "dirtwo\QT5CORE.DLL" at address 0x66AA5154.
Loaded "c:\buildpackages\qt\plugins\platforms\QWINDOWS.DLL" at address
0x0F380000. Successfully hooked module.
somehow the path to the qwindows.dll is hardcoded into the dll (there is no environment path to this directory)
If I rename the qwindows.dll or delete it, startup failes again.
BUT the qwindows.dll is bundeld with our product. It is in a subdirectory ./platforms/
AND the files are the same (diff returns equal)
Somebody have some clue what I should try next?
Check if you already have some qt related environmental variables.
Crashes are usually due to this, remove those envronmental variables first. Check whether you have any other qt installed libraries.
it would be better if you can post the cal stacks.
Some other dlls are needed that reside in the directory of the qt5core.dll. When you add this path to the search path the dlls are found. When you simply copy the dll these dlls can not be found. You can check dependencies with the depends tool.
Candidates for the additional dlls are:
icuin51.dll and icuuc51.dll
Found the Problem:
The enviromentvariable:
was set to the path. If removing this variable, everything works as it should!

What does GNU make error 58 mean?

I am running a build process and it has failed with this error that I cannot find much about. The error is Error 58, which fails on an object (.o) file. what does this mean?
If you are running on windows: Runtime error 58 usually displays in most Microsoft Windows operating systems. It occurs when Windows cannot insert data into a saved or renamed file that is identical to a file name that already exists in the specified folder.
EDIT: Try doing a clean and getting rid of your intermediate and end files before doing a build. Does it still happen ?
