Create Clean Rounded Corners on UITextField within UITableViewCell - xcode

I'm creating a UITextField within a UITableViewCell with rounded corners
UITextField *someTextField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(165, 9, 135, 20)];
someTextField.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
someTextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
Is there a way to make the corner area, the part between the rounded corner and the square corner clear so that the background color doesn't show there.
Any help is appreciated.
[NOTE: I answered my own question. Sorry, it was a lame one. lq]

// Doh! This gets rid of the white corners:
someTextField.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];


UIImageView frame origin after applying CAKeyframeAnimation

I have an UIImageView that I am moving around a circle with CGAffineTransformRotate. Works great! But when the user press a stop bottom I would like to the the actual x- / y- position of the UIImageView. So far I am always getting the original x- / y- values from when the UIImageView was created.
Is there a way to get the actual position, when the user stopped the rotation?
I have found the solution and share it in case someone is running a similar case:
From UIBezierPath I use the bounds information and this give me the position where the UIImageView stopped. Here the code:
UIBezierPath *path = [[UIBezierPath alloc] init];
[path addArcWithCenter:CGPointMake(iMiddleX, iMiddleY) radius:flR startAngle:degreesToRadians(flDegrees-0.01) endAngle:degreesToRadians(flDegrees) clockwise:YES];
CAKeyframeAnimation *pathAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
pathAnimation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;
pathAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
pathAnimation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
pathAnimation.repeatCount = 1;
pathAnimation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault];
pathAnimation.duration = 1.0;
pathAnimation.path = path.CGPath;
NSInteger iX = path.bounds.origin.x;
NSInteger iY = path.bounds.origin.y;

How to rotate a line to 90 degree using animation in Xcode?

I have a line drawn over the circle using UIBezierPath and CAShapeLayer which lies vertically. I want to rotate the line to 90 degree along with animation so that after animation the line lies horizontally.I have tried many animation solutions but the line does not rotates along the circle with same center point and it goes out of the circle. I need to rotate the line with animation without changing the center point.
UIBezierPath *CirclePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter:CGPointMake(_width*4, _height*4) radius: (_width*3.5)
startAngle:0 endAngle: (2*3.14) clockwise:YES];
CAShapeLayer *Circlelayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
Circlelayer.path = [CirclePath CGPath];
Circlelayer.strokeColor = [[UIColor orangeColor]CGColor];
Circlelayer.lineWidth = _width*0.6;
Circlelayer.fillColor = [[UIColor clearColor] CGColor];
[self.layer addSublayer:Circlelayer];
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointMake(_width*4, _height*0.2)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(_width*4, _height*7.8)];
CAShapeLayer *pathLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
pathLayer.path = [path CGPath];
pathLayer.strokeColor = [[UIColor whiteColor]CGColor];
pathLayer.lineWidth = _width*0.8;
pathLayer.fillColor = [[UIColor whiteColor]CGColor];
[self.layer addSublayer:pathLayer];
Thanks in advance.
You can add pathLayer as sublayer to circleLayer, so whenever transformation applied to the circleLayer will also aplied to pathLayer.

Change border corlor of NSTableView

Can I change the color of NSTableView's border. The gray line at the pointer.
You need to SubClass your NSScrollView . NSScrollView doesn't usually do any drawing, and probably has a weird interaction with its child views in that way. I'd suggest putting something like
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// We're going to be modifying the state for this,
// so allow it to be restored later
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
// Choose the correct color; isFirstResponder is a custom
// ivar set in becomeFirstResponder and resignFirstResponder
[[NSColor redColor]set];
// Create two rects, one slightly outset from the bounds,
// one slightly inset
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
NSRect innerRect = NSInsetRect(bounds, 2, 2);
NSRect outerRect = NSMakeRect(bounds.origin.x - 2,
bounds.origin.y - 2,
bounds.size.width + 4,
bounds.size.height + 4);
// Create a bezier path using those two rects; this will
// become the clipping path of the context
NSBezierPath * clipPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:outerRect];
[clipPath appendBezierPath:[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:innerRect]];
// Change the current clipping path of the context to
// the enclosed area of clipPath; "enclosed" defined by
// winding rule. Drawing will be restricted to this area.
// N.B. that the winding rule makes the order that the
// rects were added to the path important.
[clipPath setWindingRule:NSEvenOddWindingRule];
[clipPath setClip];
// Fill the rect; drawing is clipped and the inner rect
// is not drawn in
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:outerRect] fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
Easy way to set border to scrollview
let scrollView = NSScrollView()
scrollView.contentView.wantsLayer = true
scrollView.contentView.layer?.borderColor =
scrollView.contentView.layer?.cornerRadius = 6

How do I draw a top-right rounded corner on a NSButton?

There are several ways to four draw rounded corners in Cocoa, either using CALayer or NSBezierPath. But how can I draw a single rounded corner on a NSButton?
The current structure of the button is:
NSButton *button = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 50, 20)];
[button setTitle:#"My button"];
[button.cell setBackgroundColor:[NSColor grayColor]];
What I want to do is have a rounded top-right corner with a radius of 10. How do I do that?
Override drawRect:
CGFloat cornerRadius = 10;
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
// Start drawing from upper left corner
[path moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(self.bounds), NSMinY(self.bounds))];
// Draw top border and a top-right rounded corner
NSPoint topRightCorner = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(self.bounds), NSMinY(self.bounds));
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(self.bounds) - cornerRadius, NSMinY(self.bounds))];
[path curveToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(self.bounds), NSMinY(self.bounds) + cornerRadius)
// Draw right border, bottom border and left border
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(self.bounds), NSMaxY(self.bounds))];
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(self.bounds), NSMaxY(self.bounds))];
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(self.bounds), NSMinY(self.bounds))];
// Fill path
[[NSColor whiteColor] setFill];
[path fill];
You need to use NSBezierPath and draw a custom button as per your requirement.
You need to work something like this :
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[path setLineWidth:1];
[path moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(0, 0)];
[path curveToPoint:NSMakePoint(width * 0.1, height)
controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(width * 0.05, height)
controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(width * 0.03, height * 0.05)];
And so on... Untill you make a closed button area and you get exact shape.
Based on Christoffer Christoffer's approach, I've created a more general solution where you can choose which corner you want to round. It's in Swift 3 and also works on both macOS & iOS/tvOS.
You can find the Swift Playground here:

Strange NSScreen Coordinates

This is the constructor of my NSWindow subclass called FullScreenWindow :
- (id)initWithScreen:(NSScreen *)s {
NSRect contentRect = [s frame];
self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
if (self) {
[self setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorStationary|
[self setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
[self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor greenColor]];
[self setAlphaValue:1.0];
[self setOpaque:NO];
[self setLevel:NSMainMenuWindowLevel-1];
return self;
I wanna add such an NSWindow to every display in [NSScreen screens] but when I connect a second display, the windows only display the right way if I set origin.x of contentRect to -1440 for the first display (and 0 for the second one). When I get origin.x values of the frames of the NSScreen instances it returns 0 for the first display and 1440 for the second one. Why are these coordinates shifted?
One of the [NSScreen screens] will have (0, 0) as origin.
Now imagine 2 axes: Y goes up from (0, 0) and X goes to the right.
All other screens will have coordinates with this coordinate system and screen.frame.origin will represent bottom left corner.
I could not find this in the documentation, so I found this experimenting with displays arrangement.
I had this picture with two monitors: main one 1366x768, secondary 1680x1050, aligned to the top.
I tried also different arrangements, moving #1 around #0, and my hypothesis was always correct.
