joomla pretty link - joomla

how set pretty links in joomla ? (similar to wordpress pretty links)

Go to Joomla root folder and rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess, then go to the administration panel->site->Global Configuration
Search Engine Friendly URLs=> yes
Use Apache mod_rewrite => yes
If you have any troubles with the new links check the .htaccess file and set the RewriteBase.

You need to make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled, then turn on the "Search Engine Friendly URLs" option in Joomla's Global Configuration settings.

Be aware though that this solution will not provide you with the tracking or analytics the other plugin will.
You also will not be able to put external links in (eg. affiliates) and make them look like you, ex:


Change Joomla 3 page url extension from .html to .htm

I am creating a website using Joomla 3 CMS. I have a requirement from my client that i need to change the existing page url extension from .html to .htm. As this website is redesign of a existing website the old links have .htm extension.
Open ../libraries/cms/router/site.php
Go to line number 144
And change
if ($format = $uri->getVar('format', 'html'))
if ($format = $uri->getVar('format', 'htm'))
I hope that helps
If you don't want to edit core files, and that is certainly not advised for sake of future upgrades. Your best solution is using a custom component for managing Joomla's SEF URLs, for example: sh404SEF (Paid) or JoomSEF (Free).
Check out for others.
Never ever edit Joomla Core files, otherwise when you upgrade Joomla, all your changes will be gone.
As #Alexxandar said; use SEO/SEF components for your needs. I recommend to use MijoSEF (Free or Paid)
Go to global configuration and remove the l from the suffix.
THis is a Joomla configuration question and a standard joomla configuration (not programming) option.
Now the one thing you will have to worry about is that if there are any old links to the htm pages. FOr this you will probably want to use the built in redirect component. Turn on the redirect plugin and then if you have a small number of pages you can just set up the redirection by hand. If you have more pages you may want to write the sql to create a bunch of redirects. Or you might want to make your own plugin to permanently redirect the old to the new.

How to create Directory/Folder when using Magento?

We are running magento on our site The site is international, so we are using "/country code" - etc.
Now we would like to install wordpress in one of the languages only and we want the URL to be "".
But i can't create a folder on that location for the wordpress files because of magento.. Does anyone have an idea for a workaround?
I'm not sure how you've set things up but it would be possible to do this by using the technique involving directories and symlinks for multiple websites (rather than have Magento include the store codes in the url). See the below answer on how to do that;
And you'd then just install Wordpress in the /de/blog directory. Otherwise you might be better asking another question tagged with .htaccess and ask for a way to do a rewrite that would handle it in the context of Magento's existing rewrites.

Joomla Site is hacked?

My joomla site is hacked by someone.The hacker change the content of my files and replace their content. I find it and deleted but again and again he is doing this.I changed my ftp and cpanel details.But no use.How to prevent this.Please help me any one
Thanks In Advance
For the moment, at least update to 1.5.26 and after that also install this patch.
Remove any unneeded extensions and also try to make sure that the rest of your extensions are up-to-date as much as possible.
You can also strengthen up your site's security with advanced .htaccess rules and security extensions like admin tools by Akeeba.
Read also:
Joomla Security Checklist
Also, this Google Search Results Page will present you with links to useful and important information.

Eliminating index.php from URL in Joomla 2.5

I am using Joomla 2.5. The problem is, every link has 'index.php', like:
How do i remove the '.../index.php/...' from my URLs?
My SEO settings under Global Configuration are:
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use Apache mod_rewrite Yes
Adds Suffix to URL No
Unicode Aliases No
Include Site Name in Page Titles No
I have changed htaccess.txt to .htaccess. I have tried everything, but still can't remove 'index.php' from the URLs. Please help me. My apologies if this exists elsewhere.
Go into your Joomla administration panel.
1. Select Site > Global Configuration
2. Under SEO Settings set Use URL Rewriting to Yes
3. Click Save
The next step is to rename the htaccess.txt file that came with the installation to .htaccess
thats it. Hope this helps .
Did you change the setting on the administrator backend or the actual configuration file? Sometimes if you directly modify the configuration.php this wont work. If you did it from backend panel then check your configuration.php to make sure the changes are reflecting.
Also check with your hosting to have mod_rewrite available on the Apache server.
Very unlikely but it could be a small mistake on renaming process of the htaccess.txt , double check the renamed file.

Joomla SEO doesn't work after migration

I have a Joomla 1.5 website and I enabled SEO on it. I moved it to different location with different DNS and now SEO doesn't work. How can I fix it?
Three checkboxes ("Search Engine Friendly URLs", "Use Apache mod_rewrite" and "Add suffix to URLs") on global configuration page regarding SEO are checked.
Is the new server definitely an apache web server?
Is mod_rewrite enabled on the server?
If the answer to either of the above is no, then you have problems. For the first you'll need to change servers. For the second you'll need to get the server administrators to enable (and possibly install) mod_rewrite.
Is your website in a sub-folder? For example /joomla/ for example.
If so you need to edit the RewriteBase line within the .htaccess file.
Change the line from
RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /joomla/
Rename your htaccess to .htaccess.
There might be more problems, but I think you should start checking this:
1) You have the right .htaccess file in your joomla root and it is readable by your Apache user.
2) Go to the administrator > Site > Global Configuration and check you have "Search Engine Friendly URL's" and "Use Apache mod_rewrite" to "Yes".
3) Make sure that the Apache you are using has all the modules needed.
