Using jQuery Plugins with live() - jquery-plugins

I have a page that dynamically loads content with the jQuery load() function, so I need to use live() for each of my jQuery functions on this page. However, I am unable to get live() to work with jQuery plugins. For example, I want to use jQuery accordion:
But I cannot find the right syntax to get accordion to work with live(). I have tried:
$("#accordion").live("load", accordion());
$("#accordion").live("load", $("#accordion").accordion());
$("#accordion").live("load", $(this).accordion());
I either receive the "b is undefined" error, or "accordion is not defined."

You must use anonymous function
If the accordion is already in the page when you first render it, then you shouldn't call it using live(), but by page load

This could partly answer your question:
I would suggest using livequery instead to do this:
function() { $(this).accordion(); },
function() { $(this).accordion("destroy"); }
The first function will initialize jQuery UI's accordion functionality on any $("#accordion") element that's added to the DOM, and the second one will destroy the accordion object when that same element is removed from the DOM.


jquery .on() not working after .load() of php file

I'm attempting to run the following simple bit of code on an html snippet contained in a php file, loaded with jquery's .load() function:
$(".thumbnail").on("click", function(event){
alert("thumbnail clicked");
However, I can't seem to get it to work on this portion of my page. I have other calls to elements not loaded via ajax and they work fine with the .on() function. I was under the impression that .on() would recognize ajax loaded content.
My .thumbnail elements are pictures in img tags contained within a series of divs all loaded via ajax, jquery can't seem to find any of this content. All of my code is contained within the ready function.
Is there a way to get jquery to recognize these new elements?
You need a delegated event handler for dynamic content :
$('#container').on('click', '.thumbnail', function(event){
// do stuff
The closest non-dynamic parent would probably be the element you're loading the content into, and you need to attach the event handler to that element, filtering based on the .thumbnail class, like the code above.

How to trigger unobtrusive javascript when the content is dynamic with ajax (Lightbox)

I've got some links coming in from ajax that need lightbox functionality:
<img src='...'>
Normally this is given behavior via an on page load handler, but since the content is coming from ajax, the UJS isn't getting triggered.
Any way to do this?
If the content is coming from AJAX, then din't setup the event handling during page load. Instead, let the event bubble to the topmost container that is not being changed or replaced by AJAX. Worst case, use document as the topmost node.
$('<root element selector>').on('click', 'a.lightbox', function() {
// activate lightbox on the clicked element.
I'm not sure how you're triggering the ajax requests, but if it's with jQuery which seems likely, you can bind the lightbox in the success callback:
url: '/route',
success: function (response, status) {
You can pass in a context to the jQuery selector so you don't re-attached the lightbox to links that are already in the page, for example if your ajax call is adding the links to a div with id 'lightbox_links', use this selector instead:
$('.lightbox', '#lightbox_links').lightbox();

jQuery: Can I automatically apply a plug-in to a dynamically added element?

I'm in the process of converting my web app to a fully AJAX architecture.
I have my master page that is initially loaded and a div container that is loaded with dynamic content.
I created a few jQuery plugins that I apply to certain elements in order to extend their functionality. I'd normally call the functions as follows during each page load:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Enable fancy AJAX search
This would find the appropriate div(s) and call the plugin to enable the necessary functionality.
In an AJAX environment I can't just apply the plugin during the page load since elements will be added and removed dynamically.
I'd like to do something like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Enable fancy AJAX search
$(".entity-search-table").live("load", function () {
Question: Is there any way that I can trigger an event when a <div> or other element that matches a selector is added to the DOM?
It seems incredibly wasteful to activate the plug-in every time an AJAX request completes. The plug-in only needs to be applied to the element once when it is first added to the DOM.
Thanks for any help!
Yes - take a look at liveQuery. Example:
It seems incredibly wasteful to activate the plug-in every time an AJAX request completes. The plug-in only needs to be applied to the element once when it is first added to the DOM.
You can get the best of both worlds here, for example:
$("#something").load("url", function() {
$(".entity-search-table", this).EntitySearch();
This way it's only applying the plugin to the .entity-search-table elements you just loaded, since we specified a context to $(selector, context) to limit it.
The DOM 2 MutationEvent is what you really want, but unfortunately it isn't supported by IE. You'll need to either use live()/ delegate() binding in the plug-in, or (as I did when I had to work around this) use callbacks from your AJAX loaders indicating the scope of what has changed.
Use the live binding in your plugin code directly
jQuery.fn.EntitySearch = function() {, function(){ your plugin code });
return this;

JQuery - Ajax return HTML wont allow further Jquery functions?

Kinda New to Jquery and hit an issue regarding returned HTML. I am using the .load() function to load HTML returned from a jsp file - its all working grand except the returned HTML doesnt seem to allow further Jquery functions to be called on it.
i have a click and toggle combination running for "#showgame" - this id is in the returned HTML but clicking on it does nothing when it should. Do i have to update anything to tell jquery that this id now exists on the page after load() call?
You need to use the live() function to bind the click event.
$("#myelement").live("click", function() { });
Live binds the event to current and future elements that match the selector.
Read more at .

How to bind event after ajax success in jQuery

So here is my code:
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#form').bind('change', function(){
type: 'get',
url: 'api.php',
data: 'task=getdirs&formname='+$('#form').attr('value'),
dataType: "text",
success: function (html){
$('#chdir select').bind('change', getDirs());
function getDirs(){
#form here has a <select> element. The ajax call returns a piece of html with a new <select> element.It works nice: in the #chdir div I get a new dropdown element. But the event inside the success part fires only once. Then this event does not work anymore at all.What can I do to make the newly created <select> element work in the same way as the first?
You are invoking the getDirs function directly on the bind method call, you should only do it if this function returns another function, but I think that's not the case.
$('#chdir select').bind('change', getDirs());
$('#chdir select').bind('change', getDirs);
Or if you are using jQuery 1.4+, you can bind the change event with the live method only once, and you will not need to re-bind the event after that:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#chdir select').live('change', getDirs);
Because this SO post came up in my google search, I thought I should mention that .live has been deprecated as of 1.9, and the recommended method is now .on
If I understand you correctly, the problem is with the event not working with your dynamically created select element.
If so, the solution is simple...try this:
$('#form').live('change', function()...
Update: With newer versions of jQuery you have to use on() instead of live().
If you're using jQuery 1.9+, .on method should be used to attach event handlers. However, after appending HTML to document you still have to attach new event handlers.
To write small piece of simple, working code and handle new elements you can use .on on document:
$(document).on('click', '.close-icon', function() { // selector as a parameter
$(this).parent().fadeOut(500); // - example logic code
Instead of using bind, try using .live. You'll need the latest version of jQuery to do that.
From the jQuery API:
As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live().
So you should use .delegate() if you are working with a jQuery version previous to 1.7.
