Two-dimensional maximum subarray - algorithm

Bentley's Programming Pearls (2nd ed.), in the chapter about the maximum subarray problem, describes its two-dimensional version:
...we are given an n × n array of reals, and we must find the maximum sum contained in any rectangular subarray. What is the complexity of this problem?
Bentley mentions that, as of the book's publication date (2000), the problem of finding an optimal solution was open.
Is it still so? Which is the best known solution? Any pointer to recent literature?

The 1D solution to this problem (the maximal sub-array) is Theta(n) using an algorithm called "Kadane's Algorithm" (there are other algorithms I'm sure, but I have personal experience with this one). The 2D solution to this problem (the maximal sub-rectangle) is known to be O(n^3) using an implementation of Kadane's Algorithm (again I'm sure there's others, but I've used this before).
Although we know that the 2D solution can be found in Theta(n^3), no one has been able to prove whether or not n^3 is the lower bound. For many algorithms, when you increase a dimension you increase the lower bound on the algorithm by a constant magnitude. With this particular problem the complexity doesn't increase linearly, and therefore there is no known solution to work for any given dimension, thus the problem is still open.
In reference to a similar case: we know that 2 matrices can be multiplied together in n^3 time. There is also an algorithm out there that can do it in n^2.8 I believe. However, there is no math indicating that we can't get it lower than n^2.8, so it's still an "open" algorithm.

// Program to find maximum sum subarray in a given 2D array
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define ROW 4
#define COL 5
// Implementation of Kadane's algorithm for 1D array. The function returns the
// maximum sum and stores starting and ending indexes of the maximum sum subarray
// at addresses pointed by start and finish pointers respectively.
int kadane(int* arr, int* start, int* finish, int n)
// initialize sum, maxSum and
int sum = 0, maxSum = INT_MIN, i;
// Just some initial value to check for all negative values case
*finish = -1;
// local variable
int local_start = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
if (sum < 0)
sum = 0;
local_start = i+1;
else if (sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
*start = local_start;
*finish = i;
// There is at-least one non-negative number
if (*finish != -1)
return maxSum;
// Special Case: When all numbers in arr[] are negative
maxSum = arr[0];
*start = *finish = 0;
// Find the maximum element in array
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (arr[i] > maxSum)
maxSum = arr[i];
*start = *finish = i;
return maxSum;
// The main function that finds maximum sum rectangle in M[][]
void findMaxSum(int M[][COL])
// Variables to store the final output
int maxSum = INT_MIN, finalLeft, finalRight, finalTop, finalBottom;
int left, right, i;
int temp[ROW], sum, start, finish;
// Set the left column
for (left = 0; left < COL; ++left)
// Initialize all elements of temp as 0
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
// Set the right column for the left column set by outer loop
for (right = left; right < COL; ++right)
// Calculate sum between current left and right for every row 'i'
for (i = 0; i < ROW; ++i)
temp[i] += M[i][right];
// Find the maximum sum subarray in temp[]. The kadane() function
// also sets values of start and finish. So 'sum' is sum of
// rectangle between (start, left) and (finish, right) which is the
// maximum sum with boundary columns strictly as left and right.
sum = kadane(temp, &start, &finish, ROW);
// Compare sum with maximum sum so far. If sum is more, then update
// maxSum and other output values
if (sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
finalLeft = left;
finalRight = right;
finalTop = start;
finalBottom = finish;
// Print final values
printf("(Top, Left) (%d, %d)\n", finalTop, finalLeft);
printf("(Bottom, Right) (%d, %d)\n", finalBottom, finalRight);
printf("Max sum is: %d\n", maxSum);
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int M[ROW][COL] = {{1, 2, -1, -4, -20},
{-8, -3, 4, 2, 1},
{3, 8, 10, 1, 3},
{-4, -1, 1, 7, -6}
return 0;
////////I found this program , hope it will help you

FYI, the new edition of the book has an answer, but it is so vague, I don't know what it would entail.
In any case, I would use divide and conquer + dynamic programming to solve this. Let's define MaxSum(x, y) as the maximum sum of any subarray inside the rectangle bounded by the top-left most corner of the N X N array, with height y and width x. (so the answer to the question would be in MaxSum(n-1, n-1))
MaxSum(x, y) is the max between:
1) MaxSum(x, y-1)
2) MaxSum(x-1, y)
3) Array[x, y] (the number in this N X N array for this specific location)
4) MaxEnding(x, y-1) + SUM of all elements from Array[MaxEndingXStart(x, y-1), y] to Array[x, y]
5) MaxEnding(x-1, y) + SUM of all elements from Array[x, MaxEndingYStart(x-1, y)] to Array[x, y]
MaxEnding(x, y-1) is the maximum sum of any subarray that INCLUDES the # in Array[x, y-1].
Likewise, MaxEnding(x-1, y) is the maximum sum of any subarray that INCLUDES the # in Array[x-1, y].
MaxEndingXStart(x, y-1) is the STARTING x coordinate of the subarray that has the maximum sum of any subarray that INCLUDEs the # in Array[x, y-1].
MaxEndingYStart (x-1, y) is the STARTING y coordinate of the subarray that has the maximum sum of any subarray that INCLUDES the # in Array[x-1, y].
The 2 sum's in #4 and #5 below can be computed easily by keeping the sum of all elements encountered in a specific row, as you go through each column, then subtracting 2 sums to get the sum for a specific section.
To implement this, you would need to do a bottom-up approach, since you need to compute Max(x, y-1), Max(x-1, y), MaxEnding(x, y-1), and MaxEnding(x-1, y).. so you can do lookups when you compute MaxEnding(x, y).
//first do some preprocessing and store Max(0, i) for all i from 0 to n-1.
//and store Max(i, 0) for all i from 0 to n-1.
for(int i =1; i < n; i++){
for(int j=1; j < n; j++) {


O(n) solution to counting sub-arrays with sum constraints

I'm trying to improve my intuition around the following two sub-array problems.
Problem one
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous sub-array of A with sum at least
K. If there is no non-empty sub-array with sum at least K, return -1
I've come across an O(N) solution online.
public int shortestSubarray(int[] A, int K) {
int N = A.length;
long[] P = new long[N+1];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
P[i+1] = P[i] + (long) A[i];
// Want smallest y-x with P[y] - P[x] >= K
int ans = N+1; // N+1 is impossible
Deque<Integer> monoq = new LinkedList(); //opt(y) candidates, as indices of P
for (int y = 0; y < P.length; ++y) {
// Want opt(y) = largest x with P[x] <= P[y] - K;
while (!monoq.isEmpty() && P[y] <= P[monoq.getLast()])
while (!monoq.isEmpty() && P[y] >= P[monoq.getFirst()] + K)
ans = Math.min(ans, y - monoq.removeFirst());
return ans < N+1 ? ans : -1;
It seems to be maintaining a sliding window with a deque. It looks like a variant of Kadane's algorithm.
Problem two
Given an array of N integers (positive and negative), find the number of
contiguous sub array whose sum is greater or equal to K (also, positive or
The best solution I've seen to this problem is O(nlogn) as described in the following answer.
tree = an empty search tree
result = 0
// This sum corresponds to an empty prefix.
prefixSum = 0
// Iterate over the input array from left to right.
for elem <- array:
prefixSum += elem
// Add the number of subarrays that have this element as the last one
// and their sum is not less than K.
result += tree.getNumberOfLessOrEqual(prefixSum - K)
// Add the current prefix sum the tree.
print result
My questions
Is my intuition that algorithm one is a variant of Kandane's algorithm correct?
If so, is there a variant of this algorithm (or another O(n) solution) that can be used to solve problem two?
Why can problem two only be solved in O(nlogn) time when they look so similar?

Finding subarray with target bitwise AND value

Given an array A of size N and an integer P, find the subarray B = A[i...j] such that i <= j, compute the bitwise value of subarray elements say K = B[i] & B[i + 1] & ... & B[j].
Output the minimum value of |K-P| among all possible values of K.
Here is a a quasilinear approach, assuming the elements of the array have a constant number of bits.
The rows of the matrix K[i,j] = A[i] & A[i + 1] & ... & A[j] are monotonically decreasing (ignore the lower triangle of the matrix). That means the absolute value of the difference between K[i,:] and the search parameter P is unimodal and a minimum (not necessarily the minimum as the same minimum may occur several times, but then they will do so in a row) can be found in O(log n) time with ternary search (assuming access to elements of K can be arranged in constant time). Repeat this for every row and output the position of the lowest minimum, bringing it up to O(n log n).
Performing the row-minimum search in a time less than the size of row requires implicit access to the elements of the matrix K, which could be accomplished by creating b prefix-sum arrays, one for each bit of the elements of A. A range-AND can then be found by calculating all b single-bit range-sums and comparing them with the length of the range, each comparison giving a single bit of the range-AND. This takes O(nb) preprocessing and gives O(b) (so constant, by the assumption I made at the beginning) access to arbitrary elements of K.
I had hoped that the matrix of absolute differences would be a Monge matrix allowing the SMAWK algorithm to be used, but that does not seem to be the case and I could not find a way to push to towards that property.
Are you familiar with the Find subarray with given sum problem? The solution I'm proposing uses the same method as in the efficient solution in the link. It is highly recommended to read it before continuing.
First let's notice that the longer a subarray its K will be it will be smaller, since the & operator between two numbers can create only a smaller number.
So if I have a subarray from i to j and I want want to make its K smaller I'll add more elements (now the subarray is from i to j + 1), if I want to make K larger I'll remove elements (i + 1 to j).
If we review the solution to Find subarray with given sum we see that we can easily transform it to our problem - the given sum is K and summing is like using the & operator, but more elements is smaller K so we can flip the comparison of the sums.
This problem tells you if the solution exist but if you simply maintain the minimal difference you found so far you can solve your problem as well.
This solution is true if all the numbers are positive, as mentioned in the comments, if not all the numbers are positive the solution is slightly different.
Notice that if not all of the numbers are negative, the K will be positive, so in order to find a negative P we can consider only the negatives in the algorithm, than use the algorithm as shown above.
Here an other quasi-linear algorithm, mixing the yonlif Find subarray with given sum problem solution with Harold idea to compute K[i,j]; therefore I don't use pre-processing which if memory-hungry. I use a counter to keep trace of bits and compute at most 2N values of K, each costing at most O(log N). since log N is generally smaller than the word size (B), it's faster than a linear O(NB) algorithm.
Counts of bits of N numbers can be done with only ~log N words :
So you can compute A[i]&A[i+1]& ... &A[I+N-1] with only log N operations.
Here the way to manage the counter: if
counter is C0,C1, ...Cp, and
Ck is Ck0,Ck1, ...Ckm,
Then Cpq ... C1q,C0q is the binary representation of the number of bits equal to 1 among the q-th bit of {A[i],A[i+1], ... ,A[j-1]}.
The bit-level implementation (in python); all bits are managed in parallel.
def add(counter,x):
k = 0
while x :
x, counter[k] = x & counter[k], x ^ counter[k]
k += 1
def sub(counter,x):
k = 0
while x :
x, counter[k] = x & ~counter[k], x ^ counter[k]
k += 1
def val(counter,count): # return A[i] & .... & A[j-1] if count = j-i.
k = 0
res = -1
while count:
if count %2 > 0 : res &= counter[k]
else: res &= ~counter[k]
count //= 2
k += 1
return res
And the algorithm :
def solve(A,P):
counter = np.zeros(32, np.int64) # up to 4Go
n = A.size
i = j = 0
K=P # trig fill buffer
mini = np.int64(2**63-1)
while i<n :
if K<P or j == n : # dump buffer
i += 1
else: # fill buffer
j += 1
if j>i:
K = val(counter, count)
X = np.abs(K - P)
if mini > X: mini = X
else : K = P # reset K
return mini
val,sub and add are O(ln N) so the whole process is O(N ln N)
Test :
n = 10**5
A = np.random.randint(0, 10**8, n, dtype=np.int64)
P = np.random.randint(0, 10**8, dtype=np.int64)
%time solve(A,P)
Wall time: 0.8 s
Out: 452613036735
A numba compiled version (decorate the 4 functions by #numba.jit) is 200x faster (5 ms).
Yonlif answer is wrong.
In the Find subaray with given sum solution we have a loop where we do substruction.
while (curr_sum > sum && start < i-1)
curr_sum = curr_sum - arr[start++];
Since there is no inverse operator of a logical AND, we cannot rewrite this line and we cannot use this solution directly.
One would say that we can recalculate the sum every time when we increase the lower bound of a sliding window (which would lead us to O(n^2) time complexity), but this solution would not work (I'll provide the code and counter example in the end).
Here is brute force solution that works in O(n^3)
unsigned int getSum(const vector<int>& vec, int from, int to) {
unsigned int sum = -1;
for (auto k = from; k <= to; k++)
sum &= (unsigned int)vec[k];
return sum;
void updateMin(unsigned int& minDiff, int sum, int target) {
minDiff = std::min(minDiff, (unsigned int)std::abs((int)sum - target));
// Brute force solution: O(n^3)
int maxSubArray(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target) {
auto minDiff = UINT_MAX;
for (auto i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
for (auto j = i; j < vec.size(); j++)
updateMin(minDiff, getSum(vec, i, j), target);
return minDiff;
Here is O(n^2) solution in C++ (thanks to B.M answer) The idea is to update current sum instead calling getSum for every two indices. You should also look at B.M answer as it contains conditions for early braak. Here is C++ version:
int maxSubArray(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target) {
auto minDiff = UINT_MAX;
for (auto i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
unsigned int sum = -1;
for (auto j = i; j < vec.size(); j++) {
sum &= (unsigned int)vec[j];
updateMin(minDiff, sum, target);
return minDiff;
Here is NOT working solution with a sliding window: This is the idea from Yonlif answer with the precomputation of the sum in O(n^2)
int maxSubArray(const std::vector<int>& vec, int target) {
auto minDiff = UINT_MAX;
unsigned int sum = -1;
auto left = 0, right = 0;
while (right < vec.size()) {
if (sum > target)
sum &= (unsigned int)vec[right++];
sum = getSum(vec, ++left, right);
updateMin(minDiff, sum, target);
while (left < vec.size()) {
sum = getSum(vec, left++, right);
updateMin(minDiff, sum, target);
return minDiff;
The problem with this solution is that we skip some sequences which can actually be the best ones.
Input: vector = [26,77,21,6], target = 5.
Ouput should be zero as 77&21=5, but sliding window approach is not capable of finding that one as it will first consider window [0..3] and than increase lower bound, without possibility to consider window [1..2].
If someone have a linear or log-linear solution which works it would be nice to post.
Here is a solution that i wrote and that takes time complexity of the order O(n^2).
The below code snippet is written in Java .
class Solution{
public int solve(int[] arr,int p){
int maxk = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int mink = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int size = arr.length;
for(int i =0;i<size;i++){
int temp = arr[i];
for(int j = i;j<size;j++){
temp &=arr[j];
maxk = temp;
if(temp < mink)
mink = temp;
int min1 = Math.abs(mink -p);
int min2 = Math.abs(maxk -p);
return ( min1 < min2 ) ? min1 : min2;
It is simple brute force approach where 2 numbers let us say x and y , such that x <= k and y >=k are found where x and y are some different K = arr[i]&arr[i+1]&...arr[j] where i<=j for different i and j for x,y .
Answer will be just the minimum of |x-p| and |y-p| .
This is a Python implementation of the O(n) solution based on the broad idea from Yonlif's answer. There were doubts about whether this solution could work since no implementation was provided, so here's an explicit writeup.
Some caveats:
The code technically runs in O(n*B), where n is the number of integers and B is the number of unique bit positions set in any of the integers. With constant-width integers that's linear, but otherwise it's not generally linear in actual input size. You can get a true linear solution for exponentially large inputs with more bookkeeping.
Negative numbers in the array aren't handled, since their bit representation isn't specified in the question. See the comments on Yonlif's answer for hints on how to handle fixed-width two's complement signed integers.
The contentious part of the sliding window solution seems to be how to 'undo' bitwise &. The trick is to store the counts of set-bits in each bit-position of elements in your sliding window, not just the bitwise &. This means adding or removing an element from the window turns into adding or removing 1 from the bit-counters for each set-bit in the element.
On top of testing this code for correctness, it isn't too hard to prove that a sliding window approach can solve this problem. The bitwise & function on subarrays is weakly-monotonic with respect to subarray inclusion. Therefore the basic approach of increasing the right pointer when the &-value is too large, and increasing the left pointer when the &-value is too small, will cause our sliding window to equal an optimal sliding window at some point.
Here's a small example run on Dejan's testcase from another answer:
A = [26, 77, 21, 6], Target = 5
Active sliding window surrounded by []
[26], 77, 21, 6
left = 0, right = 0, AND = 26
[26, 77], 21, 6
left = 0, right = 1, AND = 8
[26, 77, 21], 6
left = 0, right = 2, AND = 0
26, [77, 21], 6
left = 1, right = 2, AND = 5
26, 77, [21], 6
left = 2, right = 2, AND = 21
26, 77, [21, 6]
left = 2, right = 3, AND = 4
26, 77, 21, [6]
left = 3, right = 3, AND = 6
So the code will correctly output 0, as the value of 5 was found for [77, 21]
Python code:
def find_bitwise_and(nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
"""Find smallest difference between a subarray-& and target.
Given a list on nonnegative integers, and nonnegative target
returns the minimum value of abs(target - BITWISE_AND(B))
over all nonempty subarrays B
Runs in linear time on fixed-width integers.
def get_set_bits(x: int) -> List[int]:
"""Return indices of set bits in x"""
return [i for i, x in enumerate(reversed(bin(x)[2:]))
if x == '1']
def counts_to_bitwise_and(window_length: int,
bit_counts: Dict[int, int]) -> int:
"""Given bit counts for a window of an array, return
bitwise AND of the window's elements."""
return sum((1 << key) for key, count in bit_counts.items()
if count == window_length)
current_AND_value = nums[0]
best_diff = abs(current_AND_value - target)
window_bit_counts = Counter(get_set_bits(nums[0]))
left_idx = right_idx = 0
while right_idx < len(nums):
# Expand the window to decrease & value
if current_AND_value > target or left_idx > right_idx:
right_idx += 1
if right_idx >= len(nums):
window_bit_counts += Counter(get_set_bits(nums[right_idx]))
# Shrink the window to increase & value
window_bit_counts -= Counter(get_set_bits(nums[left_idx]))
left_idx += 1
current_AND_value = counts_to_bitwise_and(right_idx - left_idx + 1,
# No nonempty arrays allowed
if left_idx <= right_idx:
best_diff = min(best_diff, abs(current_AND_value - target))
return best_diff

How to solve "fixed size maximum subarray" using divide and conquer approach?

Disclaimer: I know this problem can be solved with single pass of array very efficiently, but I am interested in doing this with divide and conquer because it is bit different than typical problems we tackle with divide and conquer.
Suppose you are given a floating point array X[1:n] of size n and interval length l. The problem is to design a divide and conquer algorithm to find the sub-array of length l from the array that has the maximum sum.
Here is what I came up with.For array of length n there are n-l+1 sub-arrays of l consecutive elements. For example for array of length n = 10 and l = 3, there will be 8 sub-arrays of length 3.
Now, to divide the problem into two half, I decided to break array at n-l+1/2 so that equal number of sub-arrays will be distributed to both halves of my division as depicted in algorithm below. Again, for n = 10, l = 3, n-l+1 = 8, so I divided the problem at (n-l+1)/2 = 4. But for 4th sub-array I need array elements up-to 6 i.e. (n+l-1)/2.
void FixedLengthMS(input: X[1:n], l, output: k, max_sum)
if(l==n){//only one sub-array
sum = Sumof(X[1:n]);
int kl, kr;
float sum_l, sum_r;
FixedLengthMS(X[1:(n+l-1)/2], l, kl, sum_l);
FixedLengthMS(X[(n-l+3)/2:n], l, kr, sum_r);
if(sum_l >= sum_r){
sum = sum_l;
k = kl;
sum = sum_r;
k = n-l+1/2 + kr;
Note: to clear out array indexing
for sub-array starting at (n-l+1)/2 we need array elements up-to (n-l+1)/2 + l-1 = (n+l-1)/2
My concern:
To apply divide and conquer I have used some data elements in both array, so I am looking for another method that avoids the extra storage.
Faster method will be appreciated.
Please ignore the syntax of code section, I am just trying to give overview of algorithm.
You don't need divide and conquer. A simple one pass algorithm can be used for the task. Let's suppose, that array is big enough. Then:
double sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < l; ++i)
sum += X[i];
size_t max_index = 0;
double max_sum = sum;
for (int i = 0; i < n - l; ++i) {
sum += X[i + l] - X[i];
if (sum > max_sum) {
max_sum = sum;
max_index = i;

Path of Length N in graph with constraints

I want to find number of path of length N in a graph where the vertex can be any natural number. However two vertex are connected only if the product of the two vertices is less than some natural number P. If the product of two vertexes are greater than P than those are not connected and can't be reached from one other.
I can obviously run two nested loops (<= P) and create an adjacency matrix, but P can be extremely large and this approach would be extremely slow. Can anyone think of some optimal approach to solve the problem? Can we solve it using Dynamic Programming?
I agree with Ante's recurrence, although I used a slightly simplified version. Note that I'm using the letter P to name the maximum product, as it is used in the original problem statement:
f(1,x) = 1
f(i,x) = sum(f(i-1, y) for y in {1, ..., floor(P/x)})
f(i,x) is the number of sequences of length i that end with x. The answer to the question is then f(n+1, 1).
Of course since P can be up to 10^9 in this task, a straightforward implementation with a DP table is out of the question. However, there are only up to m < 70000 possible different values of floor(P/i). So let's find the maximal segments aj ... bj, where floor(P/aj) = floor(P/bj). We can find those segments in O(number of segments * log P) using binary search.
Imagine the full DP table for f. Since there are only m different values for floor(P/x), every row of f consists of m contiguous ranges that have the same value.
So let's compute the compressed DP table, where we represent the rows as list of (length, value) pairs. We start with f(1) = [(P, 1)] and we can compute f(i+1) from f(i) by processing the segments in increasing order and computing prefix sums of the lengths stored in f(i).
The total runtime of my implementation of this approach is O(m (log P + n)). This is the code I used:
using ll=long long;
const int mod = 1000000007;
void add(int& x, ll y) { x = (x+y)%mod; }
int main() {
int n, P;
cin >> n >> P;
int x = 1;
vector<pair<int,int>> segments;
while(x <= P) {
int y = x+1, hi = P+1;
while(y<hi) {
int mid = (y+hi)/2;
if (P/mid < P/x) hi=mid;
else y=mid+1;
segments.push_back(make_pair(P/x, y-x));
x = y;
reverse(begin(segments), end(segments));
vector<pair<int,int>> dp;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
int j = 0;
int sum_smaller = 0, cnt_smaller = 0;
vector<pair<int,int>> dp2;
for (auto it : segments) {
int value = it.first, cnt = it.second;
while (cnt_smaller + dp[j].first <= value) {
cnt_smaller += dp[j].first;
int pref_sum = sum_smaller;
if (value > cnt_smaller)
add(pref_sum, (ll)(value - cnt_smaller)*dp[j].second);
dp2.push_back(make_pair(cnt, pref_sum));
dp = dp2;
cout << dp[0].second << endl;
I needed to do some micro-optimizations with the handling of the arrays to get AC, but those aren't really relevant, so I left them away.
If number of vertices is small than adjacency matrix (A) can help. Since sum of elements in A^N is number of distinct paths, if paths are oriented. If not than number of paths i sum of elements / 2. That is due an element (i,j) represents number of paths from vertex i to vertex j.
In this case, same approach can be done by DP, using reasoning that number of paths of length n from vertex v is sum of numbers of paths of length n-1 of all it's neighbours. Neigbours of vertex i are vertices from 1 to floor(Q/i). With that we can construct function N(vertex, length) which represent number of paths from given vertex with given length:
N(i, 1) = floor(Q/i),
N(i, n) = sum( N(j, n-1) for j in {1, ..., floor(Q/i)}.
Number of all oriented paths of length is sum( N(i,N) ).

Maximize sum of list with no more than k consecutive elements from input

I have an array of N numbers and I want remove only those elements from the list which when removed will create a new list where there are no more K numbers adjacent to each other. There can be multiple lists that can be created with this restriction. So I just want that list in which the sum of the remaining numbers is maximum and as an output print that sum only.
The algorithm that I have come up with so far has a time complexity of O(n^2). Is it possible to get better algorithm for this problem?
Link to the question.
Here's my attempt:
int main()
//Total Number of elements in the list
int count = 6;
//Maximum number of elements that can be together
int maxTogether = 1;
//The list of numbers
int billboards[] = {4, 7, 2, 0, 8, 9};
int maxSum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k<=maxTogether ; k++){
int sum=0;
int size= k;
for (int i = 0; i< count; i++) {
if(size != maxTogether){
sum += billboards[i];
size = 0;
printf("%i\n", sum);
if(sum > maxSum)
maxSum = sum;
return 0;
The O(NK) dynamic programming solution is fairly easy:
Let A[i] be the best sum of the elements to the left subject to the not-k-consecutive constraint (assuming we're removing the i-th element as well).
Then we can calculate A[i] by looking back K elements:
A[i] = 0;
for j = 1 to k
A[i] = max(A[i], A[i-j])
A[i] += input[i]
And, at the end, just look through the last k elements from A, adding the elements to the right to each and picking the best one.
But this is too slow.
Let's do better.
So A[i] finds the best from A[i-1], A[i-2], ..., A[i-K+1], A[i-K].
So A[i+1] finds the best from A[i], A[i-1], A[i-2], ..., A[i-K+1].
There's a lot of redundancy there - we already know the best from indices i-1 through i-K because of A[i]'s calculation, but then we find the best of all of those except i-K (with i) again in A[i+1].
So we can just store all of them in an ordered data structure and then remove A[i-K] and insert A[i]. My choice - A binary search tree to find the minimum, along with a circular array of size K+1 of tree nodes, so we can easily find the one we need to remove.
I swapped the problem around to make it slightly simpler - instead of finding the maximum of remaining elements, I find the minimum of removed elements and then return total sum - removed sum.
High-level pseudo-code:
for each i in input
add (i + the smallest value in the BST) to the BST
add the above node to the circular array
if it wrapper around, remove the overridden element from the BST
// now the remaining nodes in the BST are the last k elements
return (the total sum - the smallest value in the BST)
Running time:
O(n log k)
Java code:
int getBestSum(int[] input, int K)
Node[] array = new Node[K+1];
TreeSet<Node> nodes = new TreeSet<Node>();
Node n = new Node(0);
array[0] = n;
int arrPos = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i: input)
sum += i;
Node oldNode = nodes.first();
Node newNode = new Node(oldNode.value + i);
arrPos = (arrPos + 1) % array.length;
if (array[arrPos] != null)
array[arrPos] = newNode;
return sum - nodes.first().value;
getBestSum(new int[]{1,2,3,1,6,10}, 2) prints 21, as required.
Let f[i] be the maximum total value you can get with the first i numbers, while you don't choose the last(i.e. the i-th) one. Then we have
f[i] = max{
max{f[j] + sum(j + 1, i - 1) | (i - j) <= k}
you can use a heap-like data structure to maintain the options and get the maximum one in log(n) time, keep a global delta or whatever, and pay attention to the range i - j <= k.
The following algorithm is of O(N*K) complexity.
Examine the 1st K elements (0 to K-1) of the array. There can be at most 1 gap in this region.
Reason: If there were two gaps, then there would not be any reason to have the lower (earlier gap).
For each index i of these K gap options, following holds true:
1. Sum upto i-1 is the present score of each option.
2. If the next gap is after a distance of d, then the options for d are (K - i) to K
For every possible position of gap, calculate the best sum upto that position among the options.
The latter part of the array can be traversed similarly independently from the past gap history.
Traverse the array further till the end.
