AOL IE9/FF4 user unable to download some images (random) - firefox

I have a user on my site which (AOL + IE9) which is having issues with images on a webpage not loading. It's odd because I can't replicate the issue whatsoever. He mentions that the problem also occurs in Firefox. Basically, the page will load but some of the images on the page don't load even though the images do exist and we (and many other users) can view the pages without any problem. Also, sometimes a particular page will load images while other times it wont.
Any ideas? I've tried all the troubleshooting I can think of:
Check add ons
Has highspec computer
Check antivirus/firewall/etc software might be blocking
decent internet connection
no issues with when running a tracert

Is he behind a proxy that might block certain traffic? Does he run an anti-spyware tool which might modify his %SYSTEM32%/drivers/etc/Hosts file - and does it work if he changes that back to defaults?
If you can get him to download Firebug in Fx he can go to Net->Images which might help explain why the request for the images failed.


What are some websites to circumvent company firewall and view blocked sites? (not proxy)

I've been using these for some time. Each has its own limitations. - It retrieves text content of the blocked site. I miss visual content, especially when there is text on images. I also miss empty placeholders for images and videos. Clickable tabs or "more" buttons hiding text are also unavailable.
web2pdfconvert - Hit or miss. Sometimes it doesn't work (from behind firewall). I don't know why. - Opens a browser inside a browser. A great idea. I even donated. I wonder why there's no alternative (or is there?). The drawback is, some sites (esp. shopping) reject access from this site.
Are there any other sites like these? I'm a restricted user, so no browser extensions, no software install, no changing internet settings for me. All proxy sites are blocked as you might guess. I'm not a computer guy but copying and mimicking the contents of a site should not be so difficult, I presume.
Search for "free vpn" and look for something that works best in your country or with the speed or other constraints that you have now.

Image URL Path on server not rendered in normal window but in Incognito it is

I have an unusual problem that I can't wrap my head around and figure what is causing this and how to tackle it.
I've created a webpage that allows image uploads to the server! After the user uplaoded an image the host of the page receives an e-mail with the path to the uploaded image - really straight forward.
In the e-mail for instance a url like this is coming in.
I can open that in Safari on Mac, I can open that in some cases in Chrome Incogntio, but it never renders in Internet Explorer or normal Chrome Window (in Incognito it does)
In the image you see something weird happening. In Incognito a different source is rendered than in a normal chrome window. (this is btw. not a caching issue)
you also see the page-title of the actual website resolved in the normal window, but not in incognito.
Why is that happening? What could cause that? is that some server setting? Some react setting I have to set?
I'm posting this in case someone else runs into it as well. I ran into this same issue where 500 kept happening for me and I knew it was not the extensions.
What fixed it for me:
Open Developer Tools in Chrome
Navigate to Applications Tab
Click "Clear Storage
Click Clear Site Data
As Nitish Phanse said, it is because the page is cached. Turning off browser caching will solve it.
I faced a similar problem, when any of the changes in CSS were not being reflected in the webpage, because the cached version was being used by chrome. However, the changes were visible in other browsers and devices. Turning off caching in chrome solved this problem for me.
I prefer to use incognito mode when developing website because when browsing normally the files are cached, thus, not reflecting the changes you made. When you use incognito mode, fresh cache and cookies are stored and the cache and cookies are disposed when you close the incognito window. Another plus point of using incognito mode for testing is that, it disables all the plugins, unless you explicitly enable them.
You might want to check out this question on Quora for further details on why to use incognito mode when developing websites.
Seems like you use quite amount of Chrome plugins. In Incognito-mode those are disabled by default. Try remove/disable AdBlock etc. stuff which blocks scripts and disallow them from running.
Makes quite a lot sense why they run in other browsers too.
I strongly recommend to NOT use plugins when you do web development. You might see different kind of behaviour with same code as user who do not use them. Only use this approach if you especially wan't to develop under certain conditions.
As most people suggest, it definitely sounds like a caching issue. Incognito doesn't load the page with cache. You could ctrl+f5 the page (reload without chache) and see if it still does it. If the caching itself proves to be an issue, you could add a ghost/phantom string (I don't know if that's the actual correct terminology). Basically you add,
<?php echo '?'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ?>
at the end CSS or JavaScript import (whatever may cause the issue). I.e,
<script src="/js/regexps.js<?php echo '?'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
What this does, is that it will prevent people from caching your file, since the name of that file will change by the second. This way, you make sure that if you make changes to files that are often cached, that everyone gets the uncached changes as you update your CSS/JavaScript or whatever. This is very useful for files where you make JavaScript check for instance, in case you make changes to some regex etc.

Website with a very slow load time on every page
i made a WordPress page for a client, and for some reason it is taking over a minute to load the page. The only thing that I could think of being the problem is the amount of photos that he inserted into the slider up top on the home page. It looks like all those pictures need to load before anything else pops up. But then I click on Contact or any other page that has no real images to speak of, and the problem is still there. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this. thanks!
Like #David said, its the initial request (the source for the page) that is giving you the issues. This means it is unlikely an issue with hosting, and most likely an issue with your code. I would go through any plugins you have installed and disable them one-by-one, and slowly start commenting out your own custom dynamic code bit by bit, till you see what is taking so incredibly long. Then rewrite/excise that code from the site.
Start With the Basics
Keep the number of WordPress plugins you use to a minimum
Get a Proper Hosting Provider
Remove Unnecessary Code From WordPress Header ->
Use firebug and click Network tab to check loading speed for each files
Check Suggestion how to improve website speed ->
Install WP Super Cache plugin ->
*If you use gallery try to use image thumbnail rather than load whole images size

How to "go deeper" than firebug/chrome dev tools net panel?

How do I take a deeper look at what's going on in the network level of my web browser than the developer tools network panel will provide? For example, I'm trying to debug an issue on a page right now in Firefox (18.0.1) where the loading "spinner" keeps going continuously long after the page has finished loading.
The firebug net panel shows all resources loaded ("200 OK") but the loading icon on the tab is still spinning and the text on the bottom of the window still shows "Transferring data..". How would I take a closer look and see what is supposedly still transferring? Note that this only seems to happen with Firefox and only on a fresh load (not when resources are cached).
After checking your link with Wireshark and with HTTPScoup (a different tool), my conclusion from both was that all the data arrives successfully and no connection remains open with your server's IP. The problem in FF I think is related to something else
Google reveals that in some cases, it is possible to confuse FF into this state. It doesn't have to be related to open network connections.
Take a look at this questions for example:
FireFox sits on "Transferring data from..." or "Read...."
The issue there was unclosed tags in the HTML body.. so try to find problems like this one too. You can try fixing some validation errors by running a validator such as this one. Since you have about 200 validation errors, I suggest you start by deleting half your HTML code until the problem goes away and this way zero-in on the problem location. Then go in and fix the tag mess.. looking a little in the HTML source gave me a headache :)
I would use a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to do this. Both of these tools provide more low level packet information.
I would start with Fiddler. Fiddler is meant for http traffic analysis whereas Wireshark is a full-fledged packet sniffing tool for all layers of network traffic.
Another advantage to both of these tools is that you can use them with any browser. One disadvantage to fiddler is I believe it is only available for Windows.
I would recommend a very nice Firefox extension called HttpFox which is a bit easier to use than wireshark and friends
It lets you see the HTTP calls made by the page in much greater detail, and also the flow between pages (fast redirects and such). Here is what it looks like:

cookies or cache? my own site won't load in FF without a restarting FF

Over the last few days, I've noticed that (occasionally) when testing my own site in FF, it loads the first time that FF has been opened, but it seems to hang on subsequent loads (windows only - i haven't noticed this behaviour on mac, but i don't use my mac as much).
The url is
Of course, my concern is that sometimes people will try to get to the site and not be able to (and based on what I can see, that is a distinct possibility, as i've seen a significant drop in stats over the last few days, so I suspect that might be happening).
Any idea why? I can't seem to figure this one out.
I view source on the page that hasn't loaded, and it appears that all the source is there.
The one thing I can think of that might be causing the problem is that in my head and footer, i have a bit of PHP which attaches the correct API key based on the visiting domain (this is so I don't have to hard-code the api key into the page and change it from dev to prod).
i use a fairly simple
}else {
but when viewing the source, it appears that show without issue.
I do a similar bit of code at the bottom of the page so I only include tracking codes when the domain is not dev.
Any ideas?
UPDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------
After checking it out in Firebug (not sure why i didn't check that before), the following two google scripts are failing, and everything stops there.
The site is map/location centric, so there i need the google stuff. Any idea why it would fail?
these are the failing scripts,jseval.103,jsdone.105,e.316,ab1.336
Have you tried Firebug plugin for Firefox? It could help you debug some script/network/html issues.
You can monitor script, images and other ressources load time.
Good luck.
It appears this was/is an error with Firebug. Disabling firebug resolves the issue, so it shouldn't affect too many visitors.
Thanks for the help,
