How to make a list in Ruby? - ruby

I'm new at Ruby, and failing to Google this easy question:
What's the normal way to obtain a list of numbers [1, 2, ..., n] in Ruby? In Haskell I just type [1..n], and I'm sure that this is easy in Ruby also, but I can't guess it.

1..n is a Range in Ruby. You can convert it to an array using (1..n).to_a or the shorter form [*1..n].
Depending on what you're doing, using the Range directly might be more efficient.

Ruby has special range objects, written as 1..10 or whatever. For many purposes you can use one of these instead of an array. If you need the array, call the range object's to_a method:

You mean a range? You can do it like this:
This will give you an array that has the numbers 0 to 9 in it.
For more information about ranges and arrays, visit here:

Another approach is
Pretty boring by itself, but you can also do
1.step(10, 3).to_a #=> [1, 4, 7, 10]


how does this Ruby code work? (hash) (Learnrubythehardway)

I know i will look like a total noob, but there's something I can't wrap my head around. Let me emphasize that i DID google this thing, but i didn't find what I was looking for.
I'm going through the learnrubythehardway course, and for ex39 this is one of the functions we have defined:
def Dict.hash_key(aDict, key)
return key.hash % aDict.length
The author gives this explanation:
This deceptively simple function is the core of how a hash works. What it does is uses the built-in Ruby hash function to convert a
string to a number. Ruby uses this function for its own hash data
structure, and I'm just reusing it. You should fire up a Ruby console
to see how it works. Once I have a number for the key, I then use the
% (modulus) operator and the aDict.length to get a bucket where this
key can go. As you should know, the % (modulus) operator will divide
any number and give me the remainder. I can also use this as a way of
limiting giant numbers to a fixed smaller set of other numbers. If you
don't get this then use Ruby to explore it
I like this course, but the above paragraph was no help.
Ok, you call the function passing it two arguments (aDict is an array) and it returns something.
(My questions are not totally independent of one another.)
What and how does it do that? (ok, it returns a bucket index, but how do we "get there"?)
What does the key.hash do/what is it?
How does using the % help me get what I need? (What is the use of "modding" the key.hash by the aDict.length?)
"Use Ruby to explore it." - ok, but my question No.2. kinda already suggests that I wouldn't know how to go about doing that.
Thanks in advance.
key.hash is calling Object#hash, which is not to be confused with Hash.
Object#hash converts a string into a number consistently (the same string will always result in the same number, in the same running instance of Ruby).
pry(main)> "abc".hash
=> -1672853150
So now we have a number, but it's way too large for the number of buckets in our Dict structure, which defaults to 256 buckets. So we modulus it to get a number within our bucket range.
pry(main)> "abc".hash % 256
=> 98
This essentially allows us to translate Dict["abc"] into aDict[98].
RE: This example in particular
I'm going to change the order of things in a way that I hope makes more sense:
#2. You can think of a hash as a sort of 'fingerprint' of something. The .hash method will create a (generally) unique output for any given input.
#3. In this case, we know that the hash is a number, so we take the modulo of the generated number by the backing array's length in order to find a (hopefully empty) index that is within our storage's bounds.
#1. That's how. A hashing algorithm will return the same output for any given input. The modulo takes this output and turns it into something we can actually use in an array to find something reliably.
#4. Call hash on something. Call it on a string and then modulo it by the length of an array. Try again on another string. Do that again, and use your result to assign something to that array. Do it again to see that the hash and modulo thing will find that value again.
Further Notes:
By itself, the modulo function is not a good way to pick unique indexes for keys. This example is the first step, but especially in a small array, there is still a relatively large chance for the hashes of different keys to modulo into the same number. That's called a collision, and handling those seems to be outside the scope of this question.

What are the differences between an array and a range in ruby?

just wondering what the subtle difference between an array and a range is. I came across an example where I have x = *(1..10) output x as an array and *(1..10) == (1..10).to_a throws an error. This means to me there is a subtle difference between the two and I'm just curious what it is.
Firstly, when you're not in the middle of an assignment or parameter-passing, *(1..10) is a syntax error because the splat operator doesn't parse that way. That's not really related to arrays or ranges per se, but I thought I'd clear up why that's an error.
Secondly, arrays and ranges are really apples and oranges. An array is an object that's a collection of arbitrary elements. A range is an object that has a "start" and an "end", and knows how to move from the start to the end without having to enumerate all the elements in between.
Finally, when you convert a range to an array with to_a, you're not really "converting" it so much as you're saying, "start at the beginning of this range and keep giving me elements until you reach the end". In the case of "(1..10)", the range is giving you 1, then 2, then 3, and so on, until you get to 10.
One difference is that ranges do not separately store every element in itself, unlike an array.
r = (1..1000000) # very fast
r.to_a # sloooooow
You lose the ability to index to an arbitrary point, however.

Ruby Loops Question

What's the equivalence to this in ruby?
Besides the normal for, while loop seen in C++. Can someone name off the other special loops ruby has? Such as .times? .each?
Thanks in advance.
If I understand your question (at least the first part of it), you are wondering how you can iterate two separate variables at the same time, such as i and j.
You can do that in Ruby using the for loop, with multiple variables. For instance, if you wanted i to count up from 1 to 10, and j to count from 10 to 20, you could do:
for i, j in (1..10).zip(10..20)
puts "#{i}, #{j}"
zip will produce, from two arrays, a single array of which each element is an array, with the first element taken from the corresponding position in the first array, and the second element taken from the corresponding position in the second array:
> [1, 2, 3].zip([4, 5, 6])
=> [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
And using i, j in your for loop will take i from the first element of each inner array, and j from the second element.
If you'd rather use each than for, you can just use a block with two parameters:
(1..10).zip(10..20).each { |i, j| puts "#{i}, #{j}" }
As to the second part of your question, Ruby doesn't really have a fixed number of different iterators, since most iteration is done by passing a block to a method, and thus any class can define its own methods that allow iterating over its own contents. The most common is each, and any class that defines an each method can mix in the Enumerable class, which gives you a variety of different methods for iterating over elements, selecting elements, filtering, and so on. There are also times, upto, and downto defined on the Integer class, each_key, each_value, each_pair on Hash, each_byte, each_char, each_line on String, and so on. Just about any class that defines some sort of collection or sequence has methods for iterating over said collection or sequence.
Ruby is different to C++. In C++ you use a for loop to loop through anything, but in Ruby you'll find you're usually looping through an enumerable object, so it's more common to do something like:
monkeys.each do |monkey|
monkey.say 'ow!'
Don't try to look for too much equivalence between the two languages - they're built for different things. Obviously there are a lot of equivalent things, but you can't learn Ruby by producing a chart that shows C++ code on one side and the Ruby equivalent on the other. Try to learn the idiomatic way of doing things and you'll find it much easier.
If you want ways of looping through enumerable objects, check out all the methods in Module: Enumerable: all? any? collect detect each_cons each_slice each_with_index entries enum_cons enum_slice enum_with_index find find_all grep include? inject inject map max member? min partition reject select sort sort_by to_a to_set zip. With most of these methods you'd use a for loop to do the equivalent thing in C++.
You can do:
(0..j).each do |i|
puts i
I am not terribly familiar with C++, but AFAICS, the equivalent Ruby code to the loop you posted is simply:
i, j = 0, 0
Which shows once again the expressive power Ruby has. Anybody can figure out what this does, even if he has never seen Ruby before, while the equivalent C++ takes quite a while to figure out.

How to prepend a column to a matrix?

Ok, imagine I have this Matrix: {{1,2},{2,3}}, and I'd rather have {{4,1,2},{5,2,3}}. That is, I prepended a column to the matrix. Is there an easy way to do it?
My best proposal is this:
PrependColumn[vector_List, matrix_List] :=
Outer[Prepend[#1, #2] &, matrix, vector, 1]
But it obfuscates the code and constantly requires loading more and more code. Isn't this built in somehow?
Since ArrayFlatten was introduced in Mathematica 6 the least obfuscated solution must be
matrix = {{1, 2}, {2, 3}}
vector = {{4}, {5}}
ArrayFlatten#{{vector, matrix}}
A nice trick is that replacing any matrix block with 0 gives you a zero block of the right size.
I believe the most common way is to transpose, prepend, and transpose again:
PrependColumn[vector_List, matrix_List] :=
Transpose[Prepend[Transpose[matrix], vector]]
I think the least obscure is the following way of doing this is:
PrependColumn[vector_List, matrix_List] := MapThread[Prepend, {matrix, vector}];
In general, MapThread is the function that you'll use most often for tasks like this one (I use it all the time when adding labels to arrays before formating them nicely with Grid), and it can make things a lot clearer and more concise to use Prepend instead of the equivalent Prepend[#1, #2]&.
THE... ABSOLUTELY.. BY FAR... FASTEST method to append or prepend a column from my tests of various methods on array RandomReal[100,{10^8,5}] (kids, don't try this at home... if your machine isn't built for speed and memory, operations on an array this size are guaranteed to hang your computer) this: Append[tmp\[Transpose], Range#Length#tmp]\[Transpose].
Replace Append with Prepend at will.
The next fastest thing is this: Table[tmp[[n]]~Join~{n}, {n, Length#tmp}] - almost twice as slow.

fixnum and prime numbers in ruby

Before I set about to writing this myself, has anyone seen a ruby implementation of the following behavior?
puts 7.nextprime(); #=> 11
puts 7.previousprime(); #=> 5
puts 7.isprime(); #=> true
Obviously this kind of thing would be ugly for large numbers but for integers never exceeding a few thousand (the common instance for me) a sensible implementation is doable, hence the question.
Ruby comes with a built-in Prime class that allows you to iterate through primes starting at 1, but I see no way to initialize it with a starting value other than 1, nor a predicate check to determine whether or not a number is prime. I'd say go for it, though you should keep in mind that math in Ruby can be slow and if performance is a factor you may be better off considering writing it as a C or Java extension. Here's an example of how to use RubyInline to generate primes in C.
Also, I suggest you avoid using the method name 7.isprime - the convention in Ruby is
Take a look at the snippets found here. They could give you a headstart.
