ETL of Human Resource data from Taleo - etl

My company needs to migrate data from a Taleo system to a new HR system.
A little research suggests that traditional ETL may not work against the Taleo cloud based system, but I don't know enough about the setup and am trying to learn.
Does anyone have experience migrating HR data from Taleo to another system, and, if so, how did you do it, and was traditional ETL an option?

How you access Taleo depends as much on your platform as theirs.
Example: I'm using Windows:
not sure if this is my mistake ~~ vs2010 Add Service Reference fails
Taleo has just released a new version that as has killed a number of companies temporarily.*
Whether your ETL is one time or continous, Taleo provides a .PDF version of their API that works as follows for employee records (I'm only grabbing their employee records). Other records appear to use the same paradigm.
Employee records have two types of fields: fixed and user defined. The fixed fields which I work with in c# are like simple properties of a class and can be accessed with standard .name notation such as taleoItem.ManagerId. The user defined names are in list of "beans" ... for each bean, one looks first at its name ( *foreach (var taleoItem in taleoEmployeeBean.flexValues) ... if (taleoItem.fieldName == "Social Club Member") { ... ). * currently I'm getting zero of the 50+ flexbeans that I normally get and two flexbeans that I've never before seen. as can be expected, until Taleo fixes this breakage, all that I can to is twiddle my thumbs
When Taleo works properly, retrieving data generally works like this.
access a fixed url to get a url for your company;
authenticate via the url retrieved from step 1 to get a session token.
use the session token from step 2 to invoke the various Taleo API methods.
Warning: the Taleo API has documentation errors. Also, the test cases will not necessarily work.

I'm not familiar with Taleo, but according to their website they have features that allow integration via "XML, Web Services, reusable components, and standard APIs". There are many ETL tools on the market that can interface with web services as a source, or you could optionally write your own.

Taleo provides a PDF which described all the calls that can be made. Basically Taleo uses SOAP as web-service for accessing their data.
For a detailed description visit Taleo Integration in Drupal


Spring Boot + Google Vision AI

Good night! Guys, I need some advice from Java developers about my monkey code. I'm learning Spring Boot, and I need to make an application that can take images medium REST API or UI on Vaadin after you recognize objects on it with Google AI, the result must be saved in PgSQL + some more requirements described in
In general, I've made an outline of REST and can get ready-made recognition. But I have many questions:
I have to cover the code with integration + unit tests. I don't have integration questions but how to write units for SpringBoot applications, did each method need to be covered?
How do I automatically generate Sql INSERT for oid PgSQL tables (DataGrip, DBeaver can't do that)? I want to add this to the Flyway migration.
I use many to many links, how do I implement Hibernate deletion from three tables (all I know so far is how to do it in pure SQL)?
In handlePicrureUpload() I not only upload the image but also write the image into PgSQL tags. It's a very serious error how to run these actions only when the handlePicrureUpload() method is finished.
How to make multithreaded uploading and processing of images? How to track the status of each recognition, a separate controller that takes the statuses from Google Cloud?
How to output c /api/ai/ getAiResults() table in Vaadin. How to display the picture in the Vaadin table and how to schedule the tag list in the field (it was highly desirable to edit them).
I know that Google has all these answers, but I'm a little time constrained right now. You can hit me with a stick.
Cloud Vision documentation -
Thank you to everyone who will respond!
I have to cover the code with integration + unit tests. I don't have
integration questions but how to write units for SpringBoot
applications, did each method need to be covered?
unit tests are generally for each method.
I use many to many links, how do I implement Hibernate deletion from
three tables (all I know so far is how to do it in pure SQL)?
JPA supports deleting records. If you have cascade delete setup between the tables you don't need to delete them one by one.
In handlePicrureUpload() I not only upload the image but also write
the image into PgSQL tags. It's a very serious error how to run these
actions only when the handlePicrureUpload() method is finished.
You are using the wrong OR operator in your handlePicrureUpload. It should be ||
-How to make multithreaded uploading and processing of images? How to track the status of each recognition, a separate controller that takes
the statuses from Google Cloud?
Spring provides #Async to execute methods asynchronously in separate thred. It sounds like you want to do some sort of queueing of requests. To start simple, you can save the request in a table 'request' and return a request id to track it. You can setup a #Scheduled job that reads new operations every X interval and process. You can setup a REST endpoint to return the status of request.

FHIR interoperability platform choice

I want to create an interoperability platform FHIR compliance with a complex business logic.
Our clients can send FHIR resources to platform.
The best architecture by best practise documentation is an ibrid system FHIR + SOA, as this link says.
Now I write two examples of scenario I must to manage:
The first:
I want to create a ServiceRequest resource with a subject where I know only the fiscal code as identifier. If I need other informations about the subject I can query an external database, for example, to know name, surname and others.
I can do this, send to my interoperability platform only a Service Request as follow?
"resourceType" : "ServiceRequest",
"subject" : {
"reference" : "Patient?identifier=FISCALCODE"
and so on
The second:
I want to create a ServiceRequest resource with a RelatedPerson linked in the requester tag.
The RelatedPerson is not a fully registry, I know only name and surname and a link to patient.
I must create a SOA method createServiceRequest where I must to pass two parameters the ServiceRequest and RelatedPerson? Or I can use a CRUD method for Bundle resource where I put as entries my ServiceRequest and my RelatedPerson?
So if I try to summarize, the possible ways are:
Create a method createMyMethodName(ServiceRequest serviceRequest, RelatedPerson relatedPerson)
Creation and exposure of this method is it FHIR standard?
If the answer of first quesiton point is YES, in my platform I'll have a lot of custom methods but I have a very strict control on the input informations
Use a CRUD Bundle method where I pass into the Bundle resource the following entries: ServiceRequest, RelatedPerson
In this way I expose only one method to write on my platform, but I must to implement a lot of code to manage all input bundles with several different entries (I suppose a mega switch and then for each branch I apply the business logic controls to accomplish my business logic rules)
This response is not intended as a complete response to your question and comes from a US perspective; however, you may find the perspective useful.
Gotcha with identifier queries
"reference" : "Patient?identifier=FISCALCODE"
As written, your ?identifier=FISCALCODE will query the FISCALCODE key against all code systems. I think what you want is to specify a code system, e.g. ?identifier=<CodeSystem>|<FiscalCode>
This is a common gotcha that's buried in the FHIR search documentation.
You'll either have to reference an existing code system, e.g. an Italy specific implementation guide analogous to US Core that contains the list of FiscalCodes, or author your own.
Which FHIR integration paradigm are you using?
Before diving into the createMethod vs Bundle question, I think it'd be useful to step back and pick an overall FHIR integration approach.
In my opinion, there are three major approaches:
Load data into an existing stand-alone FHIR server
Challenge: Drift between data loaded in FHIR server and other data warehouses
FHIR server queries non-FHIR API
Challenge: Duplication between FHIR API and non-FHIR API
NB: In the limiting case, there is no data stored in the FHIR server proper. Adding to the confusion, some will call this implementation a "FHIR gateway" instead of a "FHIR server."
FHIR server queries staging database for FHIR data
Challenge: Must write data access for each FHIR resource and each data element.
In the future, there may be a fourth approach where one uses the FHIR mapping language in real-time from an intermediate source model to multiple targets.
Your "CRUD Bundle method" is more in-line with POSTing data to a stand-alone FHIR server, whereas your "createMyMethodName" is more in-line with writing DAOs (Data Access Objects) to an external database.
In the limit where you don't need to maintain synchrony between the FHIR server and source data systems, importing data into a stand-alone FHIR server is much less work.
In the limit where you already have mappings to an intermediate data model (in the US, many large service providers will have mappings to either the USCDI or the Common Clinical Dataset), you'll have an easier lift writing CRUD in the FHIR server against an existing database.
For a more in-depth discussion, there was a FHIR integration patterns talk at FHIR Dev Days 2018, starting at Slide 21. Note that the author assumes a familiarity with architectural patterns such as the facade pattern.
Select a stand-alone server or library
Unless you have a compelling requirement or are a large company, it's advisable to use an existing open-source stand-alone server or library implementation. The three most popular are:
Microsoft (.NET)
IBM (Java)
If taking the stand-alone option, popular commercial FHIR servers
Microsoft (hosted in Azure)
Smile CDR (commercial version of HAPI-FHIR)
Firely Vonk

Replacing REST calls with GraphQL

I've recently read about the advantages (and disatvanteges) of GraphQL over Rest API.
I am developing a webpage that consumes several different Rest APIs and Soap services. Some of those services are dependent, meaning that a result from Rest1 will be passed as a parameter to Rest2 which will be passed to Soap service for a final return value.
From what I understood, GraphQL deals with multiple data sources and query nesting, but I have not yet understood if it will handle those nested dependent queries.
Can anyone that worked with several data sources that are dependent with GraphQL tell me if it can be done? My project should be up in 2 weeks and investing time in learning and setting up GraphQL and ending up not using it because it's not supporting my case would be a big failure for me.
Note: the APIs and services are not mine, I am consuming them from an outside source
I'm assuming you haven't yet setup a GraphQL server. Once you do, you can see how this isn't too difficult. So, I'd recommend you setup your own server first. The Egghead Course, "Build a GraphQL Server" got me started, but it's not free.
In essence, you'll be setting up your schema then defining how to resolve with data. When you resolve, you can setup an express server to query a database, or you can hit a REST interface, or hit your SOAP interface. How you retrieve the data is up to you, so long as you return it in compliance with your defined schema.
Hope that makes sense. Mocking up a mini app to demonstrate is possible, but since I don't have one handy, this is the best advice I can offer.

Sonar Custom reports

I need to generate custom reports using Sonar sql server database data. The structure of the database is quite confusing me. How can I get below details of my project?
LoC(lines of code)
Rule Compliance %
Comment %
Public Documented API %
Security Violations
Violations (excluding Info)
Duplicated Line %
Once I get these details how can I stucture my report because root data is having many childs.
I think you probably really want to use the web services to extract data, rather than reading from the database. See for documentation.
I don't recommend to directly request database because it's not considered as an API. It deeply evolves over time.
There are currently two reporting plugins that generate PDF : (open-source + commercial edition) (commercial)
If you want to generate your own report, then you should implement a plugin or request web services from a dedicated application.

Multi Tenancy and User Definable Forms

We are designing our new product, which will include multi-tenancy. It will be written in ASP.NET and C#, and may be hosted on Windows Azure or some other Cloud hosting solution.
We’ve been looking at MVC and other technologies and, to be honest, we’re getting bogged down in various acronyms (MVC, EF, WCF etc. etc.).
A particular requirement of our application is causing a headache – the users will be able to add fields to the database, or even create a whole new module.
As a result, each tenant would have a database with a different structure to every other tenant using the system. We envisage that every tenant will have their own database, rather than sharing a database.
(Adding fields etc. to the system will be accomplished using a web interface).
All well and good, but the problem comes when creating a data model for MVC. Modifying a data model programmatically to add a field to a table seems to be impossible, according to this link:
Create EDM during runtime?
This is a major headache for us. Even if we don’t use MVC, I think we’d still want to create a data model (perhaps for used with LINQ to SQL).
We’re considering having a table with loads of fields in it, and instead of adding fields to the database we allocate an existing field in the table when the user wants to add a field to his form. Not sure I like that idea, though.
Of course, we don’t have to use MVC or Entity Framework, but it appears to me that these are the kind of technologies that Microsoft would steer us towards for future development.
Any thoughts? I’m assuming that we’re not the first people in the world to consider this idea of a user-customisable application.
I'd make sure that you have fully explored the option of creating 'Name-Value Pair' type tables as described here
before you start looking at a customizable schema. Also don't forget that you are going to have to grant much higher permissions to your sql accounts in order for them to create tables on the fly.
A customizable schema means that your sql accounts will also need much higher permissions. It wouldnt be advisable to assign these higher permissions to a tenants account, but to a separate provisioning account which can perform these tasks.
Also before investing effort into EF - try googling 'EF Vote of No Confidence'. It was raised (i believe) mainly in reaction to earlier versions but its definately worth reading up on. nHibernate is an alternative worth investigating.
Just off the top of my head it sounds like a bad idea to allow users to change the database schema. I think you are missing a layer of abstraction. In my mind, it would be more correct to use the database to hold data that describes the format of a customer's data. The actual data would then be saved in a text column as xml, including version information.
This solution may not fit your needs, but I don't know the details of your project. So just consider it my 5 cents.
Most modern SQL databases today supports the 'jsonb' type for key/value storage as a field. Other types (hstor for postgres) exists too. Forget about XML, that's yesterday and no application with respect for itself implements XML unless it is for importing/converting old data.
