Split pane solution explorer in Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

Is there any setting or plug-in to improve the solution explorer? Specifically, it would be amazing if I could have something like the windows file explorer, with folders on the left and files on the right (or split in two panes I can arrange any way I like).
In larger projects, I feel like I am constantly frustrated by scrolling up and down trying to find things, it's driving me crazy! Any suggestions would be appreciated.

This is for VS 2010
Mindscape Visual Studio File Explorer
Also check Productivity Power Tools (http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/d0d33361-18e2-46c0-8ff2-4adea1e34fef?SRC=Home). There is nice thing - Solution Navigator

You can check this add in seems to be for visual studio 2005 but the source code is there


how do I create a list of the current shortcuts in Visual Studio 2010?

How do I output a list of the current shortcuts in Visual Studio 2010? I know I could download the posters from Microsoft and I think JetBrains has something similar. The problem is, we have other add-ons that map shortcuts and some of the shortcuts are not working. Resetting the mappings doesn't seem to help. I need to figure out the command to shortcut mappings.
Update - I'm looking for a tool to read the settings in Visual Studio and tell me the current mappings.
Here is a nice userfriendly overview.
I hope that i helped you alot.

Visually distinguishing Visual Studio 2010 windows

Imagine I have two branches (default and production) of the same solution "checked out" locally. Now, when I open these two in Visual Studio there's absolutely no way to distinguish them at a glance. Is there any way I can configure Visual Studio to somehow differentiate solutions opened from different paths? Think SQL Server Management Studio:
Rename Visual Studio Window Title seems to do almost what I need. Changing settings to 1-2-2-False seem to produce decent results.
And here's more to that end.

Is there any tab manager for visual studio?

It's common for me to have 20+ files opened in Visual Studio (I use VS 2008 now, but we will migrate to VS 2010, soon.). Is there any add-in which could help organize actively opened files?
I mean something like Firefox colorful tabs or a tab-manager which will group windows tabs by projects or folders,...
Visual Studio Power tools will do it for 2010, out of luck for 2008 (as far as I know).
There are versions of Power tools for all the newer Visual Studios.
Newest: VS Power tools 2015
You can have them color coded by assembly, most recently used up front, and several other sorting/grouping options
Tabs Studio document tabs manager add-in (developed by me) supports VS 2010+ and VS 2008.
I like the alternative approach proposed by the 'Tidy Tabs' extension.
Rather than providing you with a mechanism to manage billions of tabs, it helps by automatically monitoring and cleaning up your tabs to only display the ones that you have most recently been using.
It's free too. :)
From the extension page:
Tidy Tabs keeps your document well organized by closing tabs that are no longer being used. Tabs that have not been viewed in a configurable amount of time can be closed with a keyboard shortcut (CTRL+ALT+ESC) or closed automatically whenever you save a document.

Visual studio 2010 solution explorer settings

I got a fairly large (C++) project in Visual studio 2010. Somehow I managed to click "Show all files" in the solution explorer and now a bug in visual studio 2010 is preventing me from uncheck the option.
Do anyone here know where the this setting is stored? I've searched the solution file, project files, filter files without finding anything.
For C#, similar user-specific data is stored in SolutionName.suo (hidden) and ProjectName.csproj.user files. See if you have what might be the equivalent files for C++. You can freely delete these files to reset user-specific settings, which should restore solution explorer to its default view.
In addition to those programming in C++, for VS 2010 C++ these files are:

Collapse all files at once in Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio

Is there a way to collapse all the files at once in the Solution Explorer window in Visual Studio?
Use the extension Collapse Solution. Usually, this feature comes with ReSharper, but I presume that you are not using ReSharper.
There are also a lot of macros out there that help you do the same. One of them is in ‘Collapse All’ in Visual Studio.
Note: There is no inbuilt way in Visual Studio to actually achieve this. And considering just how practical it is, I would have thought they would have added this kind of feature way back in Visual Studio 2005 itself. I know people have been asking for it for years. But in their infinite wisdom, Microsoft don't consider it important enough.
In visual studio 2013, there is a button in solution explorer - Collapse All
I think this extension have requested functionality - PowerCommands for VS 2010.
Also Productivity Power Tools
contains solution navigator which also have this feature and much more usefull stuff for solution navigation and search.
Edited: there also a lot of examples of macro, doing this stuff.
Try free VSCommands 2010 Lite extension. It has this and few other free features.
In Visual Studio 2013 you can do it with right click by Solution -> Collapse All
Of course, you can collapse any selected node by pressing '-', but I understand you are probably looking to collapse the entire tree.
