Compare Lines of Code using VS 2010 & TFS - visual-studio-2010

Using TFS and Visual Studio 2010, is it possible to get a report of the number of lines of code each team member has written?
I know the Annotate feature allows you to see who is responsible for all of the code within a file, but is there anything that would aggregate this into a total number for each team member??

I wrote a powershell script that requires TFS Power Tools and takes an extremely long time to run, and is really kind of embarrassing code because it's the first thing I've written in powershell. You're welcome to grab it from my bitbucket repository. If you fix or improve anything, please send me an update.
All it does recursively go through (almost all) the files from the current path, and run annotate on each one, grab the changeset # from each line and increment a dictionary entry for that changeset, then loops through each changeset and finds the responsible user and adds that changeset's lines into that user's dictionary entry. It spits it out in a html table, so run it like LineCount.ps1 > LineCount.html

You may be able to use if you're running a version of SQL capable of using data cubes


Why does looking at a dtsx file modify it?

I'm looking of a DTSX file that I didn't make, trying to get an overview of how it works. But I've noticed that every time I open up an Execute SQL Task or File System Task it checks out the dtsx from TFS. I haven't changed anything, so why does it always check out the file?
Because the dtsx file is overly burdensome and mixes UI and data/programming elements in the same backing file? winces
Without seeing the specific file, what I had noticed back when I used version control systems that subscribed to the checkout/modify/checkin pattern is that things such as package configuration, expressions, etc may get re-evaluated as you open tasks which I assume the TFS modify daemon in VS detects the file could get dirty and so checks it out to help you.
You'll also notice that if you run the package, sometimes it gets checked out and marked as modified. Which is totally fun as you get to play: what was I doing before I left my desk? Did I actually make a change or was I just looking?
Not helping matters is that the save action from visual studio always triggers two changes: version build (which is a monotonically increasing number) and the corresponding version guid.
Not an answer, but I can commiserate with your experience. The answer likely lies in the engineering minds in Redmond and was never publicly documented.

creating a save point when debugging in visual studio

I have an error which is occurring only very late in my code (after it's been running for ~20 minutes) and so trying to pinpoint exactly where it is is tricky because I have a lot of recursive function calls and if I go too far the important variable values may have been changed. Is there a way I can set a kind of save point where all the variables have their values saved and which I can jump back to after I've done some exploring rather than having the run the whole thing again from the beginning?
I found this and just wanted to point out that Roger Lipscombe's comment is what I was also looking for:
Precisely: IntelliTrace
Historical Debugging (which is part of IntelliTrace)
Only available on the enterprise version of Visual Studio
I have a workaround for this kind of issue: Using the Data Breakpoint, at least, it could output and save the value manually, and it also can help you check that what value was applied to your code line, I just get this idea from this case I met before:
Visual Studio. Debug. How to save to a file all the values a variable has had during the duration of a run?
If IntelliTrace tool is helpful for you like Roger Lipscombe's suggestion, one idea is that you could use IntelliTrace Standalone Collector tool without the VS in one machine:

How can I perform a data compare on a VS 2013 SSDT project programmatically?

Visual Studio 2013 has a feature that allows for performing a data compare between your SSDT project and a target database.
According to another post here on SO, there are certain requirements with regards to performing such a compare.
Those requirements taken into consideration, I want to do something like this as a part of our build and deployment process:
Publish any DB schema changes to the target database(s) to make sure that source and target have exactly the same tables, columns, SP's, etc. to comply with the requirements mentioned in the link above
Run a data compare and generate an update script, or publish any changes in the source DB directly to the target DB
Currently, I have a script which takes care of bullet no. 1 by doing a schema compare, using a DACPAC, via sqlpackage.exe. It does not look like it is possible to perform a data compare using sqlpackage, though, and I have not found any other alternatives yet. In VS 2010 it was possible to run a data compare via the command window, but I have not seen any documentation regarding this in VS 2013...
Thus, my question is if there exists an API and/or other tools that allows for a data compare to be run programmatically through e.g. a Powershell script.
It appears you are correct, for schema diff there is command line support as long as SSDT is installed on disk (more details here), but there is no programmatic interface yet for data compare and update.

Automatic "SCM" for the single developer

I want to use a versioning system to back up and track my changes but I'm too lazy to check out/check in, merge, commit, etc. I don't want to branch, fork or anything else. I just want to be able to see what files have changes and what my Main() looked like last week.
So I'm looking for an application that will simply take my Visual Studio projects folder and back it up in such a way that all prior versions of the files are preserved so I can not only have a backup, but I can easily see how the file looked at some point in the past without me having to explicitly put it in a repository, update/commit/merge/etc.
Basically what I'm looking for is dropbox's functionality but on my local machine and without the 30 day limitation of prior versions.
Does such an application exist?
As AlexC stated, I highly doubt that the little bit of work you save by not using a version control system explicitly is worth the drawbacks, but anyway:
Simplest idea: Just write a wrapper script that checks out the HEAD of your repository, starts Visual Studio and commits everything to version control after you close it.
Alternatively, just trigger commits every hour. With most VCSes, non-modified files won't show up in the listing of modified files.

TFS annotate/blame summary report for a project

In Team Foundation Server, I know that you can use the Annotate feature to see who last edited each line in a particular file (equivalent to "Blame" in CVS). What I'd like to do is akin to running Annotate on every file in a project, and get a summary report of all the developers who have edited a file in the project, and how many lines of code they currently "own" in that project.
Aside from systematically running Annotate of each file, I can't see a way to do this. Any ideas that would make this process faster?
PS - I'm doing to this to see how much of a consultant's code still remains in a particular (rather large) project, not to keep tabs on my developers, in case you're worried about my motivation :)
It's easy enough to use the "tf.exe history" command recursively across a directory of files in TFS. This will tell you who changed what files.
However what you're after is a little bit more than this - you want to know if the latest versions of any files have lines written by a particular user.
The Team Foundation Power Tools ship with a command-line version of annotate called "tfpt.exe annotate". This has a /noprompt option to direct the output to the console, but it only outputs the changeset id - not the user name.
You could also use the TFS VersionControl object model to write a tool that does exactly what you need.
If you install the TFS Power tools (at least for VS2005); it's called annotate.
It might be part of VS2008...
You can use TFS Analysis Cube to see generate a code churn report, which I believe is something you would like.
Annotate is now part of Visual Studio (I think it was introduced in VS 2010).
I'm writing an answer to an 8 year old question :). Its not really a full answer, but a suggestion to look into excel reports for TFS.
TFS2013 / 2015 on prem has something has an excel report that can be used to visualize Code Churn.
In VS open team explorer then select "Documents" then explode "Excel Reports". I believe Code Churn report has something like discussed. The report is made by some default project template so I think tfs2013 on prem just creates it.
Code Churn Excel Report VS2015
I had very similar requirement to get details of particular attribute in a file e.g. who added, when, related work items etc.; Following GitHub project is having implementation to get required details and required minimal changes to work with multiple files or project -
SonarQube SCM TFVC plugin
It requires analysis to be executed from Windows machines with the Team Foundation Server Object Model installed (download for TFS 2013).
This blog post is also having good explaination and sample application -
TFS SDK: Connecting to TFS 2010 & TFS 2012 Programmatically
