How do you deal with distracting shell tty output? - shell

My application does cyclic error_logger reports.
These will be displayed on the Erlang shell which is quite a lot of output.
This makes typing into the shell quite a nuisance.
What is the usual way of dealing with this given that:
I really want to see this output
I'd don't like it all over the input line I just type
How to deal with this? Always have distribution on and connect with a second shell for user input (this is extra effort when starting the application, which I do often during development).
I'd prefer some automatic easily startable setup where all logging and sasl messages go one place and my input and return values is undisturbed in another place.
For reference this is how I start my sessions:
#!/bin sh
erl +W w -boot start_sasl -config myapp -s myapp -extra "$#"

In the docs for the kernel ( ) it described how to set your application environment variables to redirect error_logger printouts to a file or disable them completely. Something like this should work for you:
erl +W w -boot start_sasl -kernel error_logger '{file,"/tmp/log"}' -config myapp -s myapp -extra "$#"
there are also similar options which you can use for sasl printouts:


Using Expect to fill a password in a bash script

I am relatively new to working in bash and one of the biggest pains with this script I have to run is that I get prompted for passwords repeatedly when running this script. I am unable to pass ssh keys or use any options except expect due to security restrictions but I am struggling to understand how to use expect.
Does Expect require a separate file from this script to call itself, it seems that way looking at tutorials but they seem rather complex and confusing for a new user. Also how do I input into my script that I want it to auto fill in any prompt that says Password: ? Also this script runs with 3 separate unique variables every time the script is called. How do I make sure that those are gathered but the password is still automatically filled?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
zero=`echo $2`
TMPIP=`python bin/ $zero`
IP=`echo $TMPIP`
folder1=`echo $zero | cut -c 1-6`
folder2=`echo $zero`
mkdir $folder1
cd $folder1
mkdir $folder2
cd $folder2
scp $1#`echo $IP`:$3 .
Embedding expect code in an shell script is not too difficult. We have to be careful to get the quoting correct. You'll do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
IP=$(python bin/ "$zero")
mkdir -p "${zero:0:6}/$zero"
cd "${zero:0:6}/$zero"
export user IP files
expect <<<'END_EXPECT' # note the single quotes here!
set timeout -1
spawn scp $env(user)#$env(IP):$env(files) .
expect {assword:}
send "$env(my_password)\r"
expect eof
Before you run this, put your password into your shell's exported environment variables:
export my_password=abc123
bash joe zero bigfile1.tgz
bash joe zero bigfile2.tgz
Having said all that, public key authentication is much more secure. Use that, or get your sysadmins to enable it, if at all possible.

Any reason not to exec in shell script?

I have a bunch of wrapper shell scripts which manipulate command line arguments and do some stuff before invoking another binary at the end. Is there any reason to not always exec the binary at the end? It seems like this would be simpler and more efficient, but I never see it done.
If you check /usr/bin, you will likely find many many shell scripts that end with an exec command. Just as an example, here is /usr/bin/ps2pdf (debian):
# Convert PostScript to PDF.
# Currently, we produce PDF 1.4 by default, but this is not guaranteed
# not to change in the future.
ps2pdf="`dirname \"$0\"`/ps2pdf$version"
if test ! -x "$ps2pdf"; then
exec "$ps2pdf" "$#"
exec is used because it eliminates the need for keeping the shell process active after it is no longer needed.
My /usr/bin directory has over 150 shell scripts that use exec. So, the use of exec is common.
A reason not to use exec would be if there was some processing to be done after the binary finished executing.
I disagree with your assessment that this is not a common practice. That said, it's not always the right thing.
The most common scenario where I end a script with the execution of another command, but can't reasonably use exec, is if I need a cleanup hook to be run after the command at the end finishes. For instance:
# create a temporary directory
tempdir=$(mktemp -t -d myprog.XXXXXX)
cleanup() { rm -rf "$tempdir"; }
trap cleanup 0
# use that temporary directory for our program
exec myprog --workdir="$tempdir" "$#"
...won't actually clean up tempdir after execution! Changing that exec myprog to merely myprog has some disadvantages -- continued memory usage from the shell, an extra process-table entry, signals being potentially delivered to the shell rather than to the program that it's executing -- but it also ensures that the shell is still around on myprog's exit to run any traps required.

how do I get etcd values into my systemd service on coreOS?

I have two services A and B.
A sets a value in etcd as it's being started, say the public IP address which it gets from an environment file:
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/etcdctl set /A_ADDR $COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4
B needs that value as it starts up, as well as its own IP address. So something like this would be nice:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 -e A_ADDR=$ETCD_A_ADDR mikedewar/B
but that's obviously not possible as etcd variables don't present as systemd environment variables like that. Instead I can do some sort of /usr/bin/bash -c 'run stuff' in my ExecStart but it's awkward especially as I need systemd to expand $COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 and my new bash shell to expand $(etcdctl get /A_ADDR). It also reeks of code smell and makes me think I'm missing something important.
Can someone tell me the "right" way of getting values from etcd into my ExecStart declaration?
-- update
So I'm up and running with
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'source /etc/environment && /usr/bin/docker run -e A_ADDR=$(/usr/bin/etcdctl get /A_ADDR) -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 mikedewar/B'
but it's pretty ugly. Still can't believe I'm not missing something..
I've was struggling with the same thing until recently. After reading much of the documentation of CoreOS and systemd, here is a slightly 'cleaner' version of what you're doing:
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/docker run -e A_ADDR=$(/usr/bin/etcdctl get /A_ADDR) -e MY_ADDR=$COREOS_PUBLIC_IPV4 mikedewar/B'
Additionally, I have adopted a pattern where my services depend on a systemd 'oneshot' service that will compute some value and write it in to /etc/environment. This allows you to keep more complex shell scripting out of the main service unit and place it into it's own oneshot service unit.
Here are the docs for EnvironmentFile:
Finally, a quick gotchya: you must use a shell invocation if you use any variable in your ExecStart/Stop commands. systemd does no shell invocation when executing the command you provide, so variables will not be expanded.
I am currently using such a workaround:
I've created scripts which extracts data from particular etcd directory
#! /bin/sh
for entry in `etcdctl ls /my_dir --recursive` ; do
echo ' -e '`grep -o '[^/]*$' <<< ${entry}`=`etcdctl get ${entry}`
its output looks following:
-e DATABASE_URL=postgres://
So then eventually I can in my init file place that in such way
/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/docker run -p 9000:9000 $(/home/core/ me/myapp -D FOREGROUND'
It's not the most elegant way, and I'd love to know how to improve it, but placing that for loop as a one-liner requires lots of escaping.
Can you container read directly from etcd as it starts, over the docker0 bridge IP, instead of passing in the values? This will also allow you to do more complex logic on the response, parse JSON if you are storing it as the etcd value, etc.

How can one specify a user's emacs init file to load with emacsclient?

How can one specify a user's emacs init file to load with emacsclient?
emacsclient does not understand '-u user' and '-a ALTERNATE-EDITOR' does not allow me to quote it and provide '-u user'.
For example, running:
/usr/bin/emacsclient -n -a '/usr/bin/emacs -u <username>' ~<username>/notes.txt
/usr/bin/emacsclient: error executing alternate editor "/usr/bin/emacs -u <username>"
I'm using emacs version 23.1.1 and emacsclient version 23.1.
emacs itself supports '-u user' to load a specified user's init file.
I use the following bash function in my aliases file to invoke emacs
# a wrapper is needed to sandwich multiple command line arguments in bash
# 2>/dev/null hides
# "emacsclient: can't find socket; have you started the server?"
emacs_wrapper () {
if [ 0 -eq $# ]
/usr/bin/emacsclient -n -a /usr/bin/emacs ~<username>/notes.txt 2>/dev/null &
/usr/bin/emacsclient -n -a /usr/bin/emacs $* 2>/dev/null &
alias x='emacs_wrapper'
Typing x followed by a list of files:
Connects to an existing emacs server if one is running, otherwise starts a new one
Executes as a background process
Opens the list of files or my notes file if no files are provided
This works great when I'm logged in as myself. However, many production boxes require me to log in as a production user. I've separated my aliases into a bash script, therefore I can get my aliases and bash functions by simply running.
. ~<username>/
Unfortunately, this won't let me use my .emacs file (~<username>/.emacs) :(
This problem has been driving me crazy.
If you can't include command line arguments in your alternate editor specification, then simply write a shell script which does that for you, and supply that as the alternate editor argument instead.
emacs -u (username) "$#"
The point of the server/client model is that you have an existing Emacs with its own set of configurations, and then you connect via one or more clients.
What should the client do if the server was already configured to show the menu bar (a global setting), and the client says not to show it? What if another client attaches saying to show it?
If you want to use different settings for Emacs, use different emacs sessions.

Hiding secret from command line parameter on Unix

I've a script that launches inside of itself a command with a parameter that is a secret. For example:
command-name secret
While running the command I can read through ps -ef | grep command-name which is the secret.
Is there any way of hiding the secret in a way that through ps -ef, the command line parameter is obfuscated?
First, you can NOT hide command line arguments. They will still be visible to other users via ps aux and cat /proc/$YOUR_PROCESS_PID/cmdline at the time of launching the program (before the program has a chance to do run-time changes to arguments). Good news is that you can still have a secret by using alternatives:
Use standard input:
mySecret='hello-neo' printenv mySecret | myCommand
Use a dedicated file if you want to keep the secret detached from the main script (note that you'd be recommended to use full disc encryption and make sure the file has correct chmod permissions):
cat /my/secret | myCommand
Use environment variables (with caveats). If your program can read them, do this:
mySecret='hello-neo' myCommand
Use temporary file descriptor:
myCommand <( mySecret='hello-neo' printenv mySecret )
In the last case your program will be launched like myCommand /dev/fd/67, where the contents of /dev/fd/67 is your secret (hello-neo in this example).
In all of the above approaches, be wary of leaving the command in bash command history (~/.bash_history). You can avoid this by either running the command from a script (file), or by interactively prompting yourself for password each time:
read -s secret
s=$secret printenv s | myCommand # approach 2
myCommand <( s=$secret printenv s ) # approach 3
secret=$secret myCommand # approach 4
export secret && myCommand # another variation of approach 4
If the secret doesn't change between executions, use a special configuration file, ".appsecrets". Set the permissions of the file to be read-only by owner. Inside the file set an environment variable to the secret. The file needs to be in the home directory of the user running the command.
#filename: .appsecrets
set SECRET=polkalover
Load the config file so the environment variable gets set.
. ~/.appsecrets
What I've seen done:
echo $SECRET | command
works if the command prompts for the password from stdin AND if 'echo' is a builtin of your shell. We were using Korn.
works if you have control of the code (e.g. in perl or C++)
. ./.app.config #sets the environment variables
isql -host [host] -user [user] -password <<SECRET
works if the command can accept the secret from std-in. One limitation is that the <<string has to be the last argument given to the command. This might be troublesome if there is a non-optional arg that has to appear after -password
The benefit of this approach is you can arrange it so the secret can be hidden in production. Use the same filename in production but it will be in the home directory of the account that runs the command in production. You can then lock down access to the secret like you would access to the root account. Only certain people can 'su' to the prod account to view or maintain the secret while developers can still run the program because they use their own '.appsecret' file in their home directory.
You can use this approach to store secured information for any number of applications, as long as they use different environment variable names for their secrets.
One old method I saw the DBAs use was to set SYBASE to "/opt/././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././sybase/bin". So their commandlines were so long the ps truncated it. But in linux I think you might be able to sniff out the full commandline from /proc.
I saw it on another post. This is the easiest way under Linux.
This modifies the memory part of command line that all other programs see.
strncpy(argv[1], "randomtrash", strlen(argv[1]));
You can also change the name of the process, but only when read from the command line. Programs like top will show the real process name:
strncpy(argv[0], "New process name", strlen(argv[0]));
Don't forget to copy maximum strlen(argv[0]) bytes because probably there's no more space allocated.
I think that arguments can only be found in the portion of the memory that we modify so I think that this works like a charm. If someone knows something accurate about this, please comment.
VasyaNovikov note: The password can still be intercepted after the program has invoked but before it started doing the changes you described.
The only way to conceal your secret argument from ps is not to provide the secret as an argument. One way of doing that is to place the secret in a file, and to redirect file descriptor 3 to read the file, and then remove the file:
echo secret > x.$$
command 3<x.$$
rm -f x.$$
It isn't entirely clear that this is a safe way to save the secret; the echo command is a shell built-in, so it shouldn't appear in the 'ps' output (and any appearance would be fleeting). Once upon a very long time ago, echo was not a built-in - indeed, on MacOS X, there is still a /bin/echo even though it is a built-in to all shells.
Of course, this assumes you have the source to command and can modify it to read the secret from a pre-opened file descriptor instead of from the command line argument. If you can't modify the command, you are completely stuck - the 'ps' listing will show the information.
Another trick you could pull if you're the command owner: you could capture the argument (secret), write it to a pipe or file (which is immediately unlinked) for yourself, and then re-exec the command without the secret argument; the second invocation knows that since the secret is absent, it should look wherever the first invocation hid the secret. The second invocation (minus secret) is what appears in the 'ps' output after the minuscule interval it takes to deal with hiding the secret. Not as good as having the secret channel set up from the beginning. But these are indicative of the lengths to which you have to go.
Zapping an argument from inside the program - overwriting with zeroes, for example - does not hide the argument from 'ps'.
The expect library was created partially for these kind of things, so you can still provide a password / other sensitive information to a process without having to pass it as an argument. Assuming that when 'secret' isn't given the program asks for it of course.
There's no easy way. Take a look at this question I asked a while ago:
Hide arguments from ps
Is command your own program? You could try encrypting the secret and have the command decrypt it before use.
You can use LD_PRELOAD to have a library manipulate the command line arguments of some binary within the process of that binary itself, where ps does not pick it up. See this answer of mine on Server Fault for details.
Per the following article:
you can configure the OS to hide / separate the processes from each other with the hidepid mount option for the /proc, requires Linux kernel 3.2+.
may be you can do like this:
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
void hide(int argc, char** argv, std::string const & arg){
for(char** current = argv; current != argv+ argc ;++current){
if(boost::algorithm::starts_with(*current, "--"+arg)){
bzero(*current, strlen(*current));
int main(int argc, char** argv){
hide(argc, argv, "password");
Here is one way to hide a secret in an environment variable from ps:
read -s -p "Enter your secret: " secret
umask 077 # nobody but the user can read the file x.$$
echo "export ES_PASSWORD=$secret" > x.$$
. x.$$ && your_awesome_command
rm -f x.$$ # Use shred, wipe or srm to securely delete the file
In the ps output you will see something like this:
$ps -ef | grep your_awesome_command
root 23134 1 0 20:55 pts/1 00:00:00 . x.$$ && your_awesome_command
Elastalert and Logstash are examples of services that can access passwords via environment variables.
If the script is intended to run manually, the best way is to read it in from STDIN
read -s -p "Enter your secret: " secret
command "$secret"
I always store sensitive data in files that I don't put in git and use the secrets like this:
$(cat path/to/secret)
