A "killer adversary" for memory allocators? - algorithm

After reading this question about seemingly degenerate behavior for the Windows memory allocator, and remembering back to this paper about constructing worst-case inputs to quicksort implementations, I started wondering: would it be possible to build a program that, given a black-box memory allocator, forces that allocator to fail an allocation request even when sufficient memory is still available in the system? That is, is it possible to take a black-box memory allocator and force it to fail?
I know that this can probably be done by allocating and freeing memory in a checkerboard pattern to force massive fragmentation, so in my mind an ideal solution would cause a failure to occur with the fewest total bytes allocated at the time of failure. With respect to the original post that inspired this, it could in theory be possible to cause a failure with zero bytes allocated if the memory allocator has an internal bug.
Any ideas/thoughts on how to do this?

Depends what you mean by "sufficient memory available". For a simple fragmentation "attack":
Make a squillion small allocations until one fails[*].
Now, sort them in order of address[**].
Free 100 alternate allocations.
Attempt to allocate 100*small bytes.
Chances are the allocator will fail to find contiguous memory to satisfy that. If it has a small page size, and plenty of virtual address space compared with physical memory, then it might be able to rearrange things to do it - but that requires capabilities of the MMU on top of any anti-fragmentation strategy by the allocator.
If by "sufficient available memory" you mean a large block of memory that formerly was a contiguous block, has been split up into several allocations all of which have since been freed, and now the allocator treats it as separate blocks and so fails to allocate large bytes then no, I don't think you can force an arbitrary block-box allocator to fail to coalesce blocks. Some allocator or other might do much more work than Windows appears to be doing in that other question, to guarantee that adjacent free blocks are always coalesced.
[*] possible problem - over-committing memory allocators might not fail, you just get a segfault or your process is killed. On such systems you might need to track how much memory is available.
[**] possible problem - in C and C++, operator< isn't guaranteed to work. But on almost all systems it does, and in C++ there's std::less too.


How to deal with external fragmentation, how paging helps with external fragmentation?

I know that there is a lot of questions regarding the issue I'm pointing here, but I couldn't find any complex answer (neither on StackOverflow nor in other sources).
I would like to ask about heap (RAM) fragmentation problem.
As I understood there are two kind of fragmentation:
internal - related with difference between allocation unit size (AU) and the size of the allocated memory AM (waste memory is equal to AM % AU),
external - related with noncontinuous areas of a free memory, so even if the sum of the free memory areas can handle the new allocation request, it fails if there is no continues area that can handle it.
This is quite clear. The problems start when the "paging" appears.
Sometimes I can find an information that paging solves the external fragmentation issue.
Indeed I agree that thanks to paging the OS is able to create the virtually continues areas of the memory, assigned to the process, even if physically the parts of the memory are scattered.
But how exactly does it help with the external fragmentation?
I mean, assuming that the size of a page has 4kB, and we want to allocate 16 kB, then of course we just need to find four empty pages frames, even if physically the frames are not a part of a continues area.
But what in case of the smaller allocation ?
I believe the page itself can still be fragmented and (in worst case) the OS still needs to provide a new frame if the old one cannot be used to allocate the requested memory.
So is it that (assuming the worst case) sooner or later, with paging or without, the long working application that allocates and releases the heap memory (different sizes) will fall into low-memory condition, because of external fragmentation ?
So the question is how to deal with the external fragmentation?
Own implementation of allocation algorithm ? Paging (as I wrote, not sure it helps) ? What else ? Does OS (Windows, Linux) provides some defragmentation methods ?
The most radical solution is to forbid using of the heap, but is it really necessary for the platforms with paging, virtual address spaces, virtual memory etc ... and the only issue is that the applications need to run unstoppable for a years ?
One more issue.. is internal fragmentation an ambiguous term ?
Somewhere I have spotted the definition that internal fragmentation points to the part of page frame, that is wasted because the process does not need more memory, but the single frame cannot be owned by more than a single processes.
I have bolded the questions, so the people who are in hurry could find the question without reading everything.
"Fragmentation" is indeed not a very precise term. But we can say for sure that when a running application needs a block of n bytes and there are n or more bytes not in use, yet we can't get the required block, then "memory is too fragmented."
But how exactly does it [paging] help with the external allocation [I assume you mean fragmentation] ?
There's really nothing complicated here. External fragmentation is free memory between allocated blocks that's "too small" to satisfy any application requirement. This is a general concept. The definition of "too small" is application-dependent. Nonetheless, if allocated blocks can fall on any boundary, then it's easy, after many allocations and deallocations, for lots of such fragments to occur. Paging helps with external fragmentation in two ways.
First, it subdivides memory into fixed-size adjacent chunks - the pages - that are "large enough" so they're never useless. Again the definition of "large enough" is not precise. But most applications will have lots of requirements satisfiable by a single 4k page. Since no external fragmentation problem can occur for allocations of a page or less, the problem has been mitigated.
Second, the paging hardware provides a level of indirection between application pages and physical memory pages. Therefore any free physical memory page can be used to help satisfy any application request, no matter how large. For example, suppose you have 100 physical pages with every other physical page (50 of them) allocated. Without page-mapping hardware, the biggest request for contiguous memory that can be satisfied is 1 page. With mapping, it's 50 pages. (I'm disregarding virtual pages allocated initially with no mapped physical page. That's another discussion.)
But what in case of the smaller allocation ?
Again it's pretty simple. If the unit of allocation is a page, then any allocation smaller than a page yields an unused portion. This is internal fragmentation: unusable memory within an allocated block. The bigger you make allocation units (they don't have to be a single page), the more memory will be unusable due to internal fragmentation. On average, this will tend toward half of an allocation unit. Consequently, though OS's tend to allocate in units of pages, most application-side memory allocators request a very small number (often one) of big blocks (of pages) from the OS. They use much smaller allocation units internally: 4-16 bytes is pretty common.
So the question is how to deal with the external allocation [I assume you mean fragmentation] ? So is it that (assuming the worst case) sooner or later, with paging or without, the long working application that allocates and releases the heap memory (different sizes) will fall into low-memory condition, because of external fragmentation ?
If I understand you correctly, you're asking if fragmentation is inevitable. Except under very special conditions (e.g. the application only needs blocks of one size), the answer is yes. But that doesn't mean it's necessarily a problem.
Memory allocators use smart algorithms that limit fragmentation pretty effectively. For example, they may maintain "pools" with different block sizes, using the pool with block size most closely matching a given request. This tends to limit both internal and external fragmentation. A real world example that's very well documented is dlmalloc. The source code is also very clear.
Of course any general purpose allocator can fail under specific conditions. For this reason, modern languages (C++ and Ada are two I know) let you supply special-purpose allocators for objects of a given type. Typically -
for a fixed-size object - these might simply maintain a pre-allcoated free list, so fragmentation for that particular case is zero, and allocation/deallocation are very fast.
One more note: It's possible to totally eliminate fragmentation with copying/compacting garbage collection. Of course this requires underlying language support, and there's a performance bill to pay. A copying garbage collector compacts the heap by moving objects to eliminate unused space completely whenever it runs to reclaim storage. To do this it must update every pointer in the running program to the corresponding object's new location. While this may sound complex, I've implemented a copying garbage collector, and it's not so bad. The algorithms are extremely cool. Unfortunately, the semantics of many languages (e.g. C and C++) don't allow finding every pointer in the running program, which is required.
The most radical solution is to forbid using of the heap, but is it really necessary for the platforms with paging, virtual address spaces, virtual memory etc ... and the only issue is that the applications need to run unstoppable for a years ?
Though general purpose allocators are good, they're not guaranteed. It's not unusual for safety-critical or hard real time constrained systems to avoid heap use completely. On the other hand, when no absolute guarantee is needed, a general purpose allocator is often fine. There are many systems that run perfectly with tough loads for extended periods using general purpose allocators: fragmentation reaches an acceptable steady state and doesn't cause a problem.
One more issue.. is internal fragmentation an ambiguous term ?
The term isn't ambiguous, but is used in different contexts. The invariant is that it's referring to unused memory inside allocated blocks.
OS literature tends to assume the allocation unit is pages. For example, Linux sbrk lets you request the end of the data segment be set anywhere, but Linux allocates pages, not bytes, so the unused part of the last page is internal fragmentation from the OS's point of view.
Application-oriented discussions tend to assume allocation is in "blocks" or "chunks" of arbitrary size. dlmalloc uses about 128 discrete chunk sizes, each maintained in its own free list. Plus, it will custom allocate very large blocks using OS memory mapping system calls, so there's at most a page size (minus 1 byte) of mismatch between request and actual allocation. Clearly it's going to a lot of trouble to minimize internal fragmentation. The fragmentation caused a given allocation is the difference between the request and the chunk actually allocated. Since there are so many chunk sizes, that difference is strictly limited. On the other hand, the many chunk sizes increase chances of external fragmentation problems: free memory may consist entirely of chunks that are well-managed by dlmalloc, yet too small to honor an application requirement.

How first-fit allocation algorithm reduce memory fragmentation?

I'm reading the Chapter 21 Understanding the Garbage Collector of Real World OCaml.
In the section Memory Allocation Strategies, it says:
First-fit allocation
If your program allocates values of many varied sizes, you may sometimes find that your free list becomes fragmented. In this situation, the GC is forced to perform an expensive compaction despite there being free chunks, since none of the chunks alone are big enough to satisfy the request.
First-fit allocation focuses on reducing memory fragmentation (and hence the number of compactions), but at the expense of slower memory allocation. Every allocation scans the free list from the beginning for a suitable free chunk, instead of reusing the most recent heap chunk as the next-fit allocator does.
I can't figure out how first-fit allocation reduces memory fragmentation compare to next-fit allocation, the only different of these two algorithm is they start the searching from different place.
Material Design Animation - Jobs allocation First Fit & Best Fit
What are the first fit, next fit and best fit algorithms for memory management?
I think the short answer is that Next Fit allocates from blocks throughout the whole free memory region, which means that all blocks are slowly reduced in size. First Fit allocates from as close to the front as possible, so the small blocks concentrate there. Thus the supply of large blocks lasts longer. Since compactions happen where no free block is large enough, First Fit will require fewer compactions.
There is a summary of memory allocation policies and (perhaps) a solution of the memory fragmentation problem for practical programs at http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= "The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved?" by Johnstone and Wilson. They point out that most work on this problem has been by simulation of memory allocation and deallocation (a point also made by Knuth in Vol 1 Section 2.5). Their contribution is to move from simulation studies based on statistical studies and random number generators to simulation studies based on traces of the memory allocation behaviour of real programs. Under this regime, they find that a variant of best fit tuned for real life behaviour, which uses free lists dedicated to particular memory block sizes for commonly used block sizes, does very well.
So I think your answer is that there is no simple clear answer except for the results of simulation studies, that for common C/C++ programs a variant of best fit can in fact be made to work very well - but if the storage allocation behaviour of OCaml is significantly different from that of C/C++ it is likely that we will only really find out about what is good and bad when somebody runs tests with different allocators using real programs or traces of real programs.

Why shouldn't we have dynamic allocated memory with different size in embedded system

I have heard in embedded system, we should use some preallocated fixed-size memory chunks(like buddy memory system?). Could somebody give me a detailed explanation why?
In embedded systems you have very limited memory. Therefore, if you occasionally lose only one byte of memory (because you allocate it , but you dont free it), this will eat up the system memory pretty quickly (1 GByte of RAM, with a leak rate of 1/hour will take its time. If you have 4kB RAM, not as long)
Essentially the behaviour of avoiding dynamic memory is to avoid the effects of bugs in your program. As static memory allocation is fully deterministic (while dynamic memory alloc is not), by using only static memory allocation one can counteract such bugs. One important factor for that is that embedded systems are often used in security-critical application. A few hours of downtime could cost millions or an accident could happen.
Furthermore, depending on the dynamic memory allocator, the indeterminism also might take an indeterminate amount of time, which can lead to more bugs especially in systems relying on tight timing (thanks to Clifford for mentioning this). This type of bug is often hard to test and to reproduce because it relies on a very specific execution path.
Additionally, embedded systems don't usually have MMUs, so there is nothing like memory protection. If you run out of memory and your code to handle that condition doesn't work, you could end up executing any memory as instruction (bad things could happen! However this case is only indirectly related to dynamic mem allocation).
As Hao Shen mentioned, fragmentation is also a danger. Whether it may occur depends on your exact usecase, but in embedded systems it is quite easy to loose 50% of your RAM due to fragmentation. You can only avoid fragmentation if you allocate chunks that always have the exact same size.
Performance also plays a role (depends on the usecase - thanks Hao Shen). Statically allocated memory is allocated by the compiler whereas malloc() and similar need to run on the device and therefore consume CPU time (and power).
Many embedded OSs (e.g. ChibiOS) support some kind of dynamic memory allocator. But using it only increases the possibility of unexpected issues to occur.
Note that these arguments are often circumvented by using smaller statically allocated memory pools. This is not a real solution, as one can still run out of memory in those pools, but it will only affect a small part of the system.
As pointed out by Stephano Sanfilippo, some system don't even have enough resources to support dynamic memory allocation.
Note: Most coding standard, including the JPL coding standard and DO-178B (for critical avionics code - thanks Stephano Sanfilippo) forbid the use of malloc.
I also assume the MISRA C standard forbids malloc() because of this forum post -- however I don't have access to the standard itself.
The main reasons not to use dynamic heap memory allocation here are basically:
a) Determinism and, correlated,
b) Memory fragmentation.
Memory leaks are usually not a problem in those small embedded applications, because they will be detected very early in development/testing.
Memory fragmentation can however become non-deterministic, causing (best case) out-of-memory errors at random times and points in the application in the field.
It may also be non-trivial to predict the actual maximum memory usage of the application during development with dynamic allocation, whereas the amount of statically allocated memory is known at compile time and it is absolutely trivial to check if that memory can be provided by the hardware or not.
Allocating memory from a pool of fixed size chunks has a couple advantages over dynamic memory allocation. It prevents heap fragmentation and it is more deterministic.
With dynamic memory allocation, dynamically sized memory chunks are allocated from a fixed size heap. The allocations aren't necessarily freed in the same order that they're allocated. Over time this can lead to a situation where the free portions of the heap are divided up between allocated portions of the heap. As this fragmentation occurs, it can become more difficult to fulfill requests for larger allocations of memory. If a request for a large memory allocation is made, and there is no contiguous free section in the heap that's large enough then the allocation will fail. The heap may have enough total free memory but if it's all fragmented and there is not a contiguous section then the allocation will fail. The possibility of malloc() failing due to heap fragmentation is undesirable in embedded systems.
One way to combat fragmentation is rejoin the smaller memory allocations into larger contiguous sections as they are freed. This can be done in various ways but they all take time and can make the system less deterministic. For example, if the memory manager scans the heap when a memory allocation is freed then the amount of time it takes free() to complete can vary depending on what types of memory are adjacent to the allocation being freed. That is non-deterministic and undesirable in many embedded systems.
Allocating from a pool of fixed sized chunks does not cause fragmentation. So long as there is some free chunks then an allocation won't fail because every chunk is the right size. Plus allocating and freeing from a pool of fixed size chunks is simpler. So the allocate and free functions can be written to be deterministic.

Improving my redblack tree implementation

I wrote a rb-tree implementation. Nodes are allocated using malloc. Is it a good idea to allocate a large table at the beginning and use that space to allocate nodes and doubling the size each time the table is about to overflow. That would make insert operations somewhat faster assuming that the time to allocate is significant which I'm not sure of.
The question of whether it is better to allocate one large block (and split it up on your own) versus allocating lots of small items applies to many situations. And there is not a one-size-fits-all answer for it. In general, though, it would probably be a little bit faster to allocate the large block. But the speedup (if any) may not be large. In my experience, doing the single large allocation typically is worth the effort and complexity in a highly concurrent system that makes heavy use of dynamic allocation. If you have a single-threaded application, my guess is that the allocation of each node makes up a very small cost of the insert operation.
Some general thoughts/comments:
Allocating a single large block (and growing it as needed) will generally use less memory overall. A typical general purpose allocator (e.g., malloc/free in C) has overhead with each allocation. So, for example, a small allocation request of 100 bytes might result in using 128 bytes.
In a memory constrained system with lots of memory fragmentation, it might not be possible to allocate a large block of memory and slice it up whereas multiple small allocations might still succeed.
Although allocating a large block reduces contention for synchronization at the allocator level (e.g., in malloc), it is still necessary to provide your own synchronization when grabbing a node from your own managed list/block (assuming a multi-threaded system). But then there likely has to be some synchronization associated with the insert of the node itself, so it could handled in that same operation.
Ultimately, you would need to test it and measure the difference. One simple thing you could do is just write a simple "throw-away" test that allocates the number of nodes you expect to be handling and just time how long it takes (and then possibly time the freeing of them too). This might give you some kind of ballpark estimate of the allocation costs.

Does calling free or delete ever release memory back to the "system"

Here's my question: Does calling free or delete ever release memory back to the "system". By system I mean, does it ever reduce the data segment of the process?
Let's consider the memory allocator on Linux, i.e ptmalloc.
From what I know (please correct me if I am wrong), ptmalloc maintains a free list of memory blocks and when a request for memory allocation comes, it tries to allocate a memory block from this free list (I know, the allocator is much more complex than that but I am just putting it in simple words). If, however, it fails, it gets the memory from the system using say sbrk or brk system calls. When a memory is free'd, that block is placed in the free list.
Now consider this scenario, on peak load, a lot of objects have been allocated on heap. Now when the load decreases, the objects are free'd. So my question is: Once the object is free'd will the allocator do some calculations to find whether it should just keep this object in the free list or depending upon the current size of the free list it may decide to give that memory back to the system i.e decrease the data segment of the process using sbrk or brk?
Documentation of glibc tells me that if the allocation request is much larger than page size, it will be allocated using mmap and will be directly released back to the system once free'd. Cool. But let's say I never ask for allocation of size greater than say 50 bytes and I ask a lot of such 50 byte objects on peak load on the system. Then what?
From what I know (correct me please), a memory allocated with malloc will never be released back to the system ever until the process ends i.e. the allocator will simply keep it in the free list if I free it. But the question that is troubling me is then, if I use a tool to see the memory usage of my process (I am using pmap on Linux, what do you guys use?), it should always show the memory used at peak load (as the memory is never given back to the system, except when allocated using mmap)? That is memory used by the process should never ever decrease(except the stack memory)? Is it?
I know I am missing something, so please shed some light on all this.
Experts, please clear my concepts regarding this. I will be grateful. I hope I was able to explain my question.
There isn't much overhead for malloc, so you are unlikely to achieve any run-time savings. There is, however, a good reason to implement an allocator on top of malloc, and that is to be able to trace memory leaks. For example, you can free all memory allocated by the program when it exits, and then check to see if your memory allocator calls balance (i.e. same number of calls to allocate/deallocate).
For your specific implementation, there is no reason to free() since the malloc won't release to system memory and so it will only release memory back to your own allocator.
Another reason for using a custom allocator is that you may be allocating many objects of the same size (i.e you have some data structure that you are allocating a lot). You may want to maintain a separate free list for this type of object, and free/allocate only from this special list. The advantage of this is that it will avoid memory fragmentation.
It's actually a bad strategy for a number of reasons, so it doesn't happen --except-- as you note, there can be an exception for large allocations that can be directly made in pages.
It increases internal fragmentation and therefore can actually waste memory. (You can only return aligned pages to the OS, so pulling aligned pages out of a block will usually create two guaranteed-to-be-small blocks --smaller than a page, anyway-- to either side of the block. If this happens a lot you end up with the same total amount of usefully-allocated memory plus lots of useless small blocks.)
A kernel call is required, and kernel calls are slow, so it would slow down the program. It's much faster to just throw the block back into the heap.
Almost every program will either converge on a steady-state memory footprint or it will have an increasing footprint until exit. (Or, until near-exit.) Therefore, all the extra processing needed by a page-return mechanism would be completely wasted.
It is entirely implementation dependent. On Windows VC++ programs can return memory back to the system if the corresponding memory pages contain only free'd blocks.
I think that you have all the information you need to answer your own question. pmap shows the memory that is currenly being used by the process. So, if you call pmap before the process achieves peak memory, then no it will not show peak memory. if you call pmap just before the process exits, then it will show peak memory for a process that does not use mmap. If the process uses mmap, then if you call pmap at the point where maximum memory is being used, it will show peak memory usage, but this point may not be at the end of the process (it could occur anywhere).
This applies only to your current system (i.e. based on the documentation you have provided for free and mmap and malloc) but as the previous poster has stated, behavior of these is implmentation dependent.
This varies a bit from implementation to implementation.
Think of your memory as a massive long block, when you allocate to it you take a bit out of your memory (labeled '1' below):
If I allocate more more memory with malloc it gets some from the system:
If I now free '1':
It won't be returned to the system, because two is in front of it (and memory is given as a continous block). However if the end of the memory is freed, then that memory is returned to the system. If I freed '2' instead of '1'. I would get:
the bit where '2' was would be returned to the system.
The main benefit of freeing memory is that that bit can then be reallocated, as opposed to getting more memory from the system. e.g:
I believe that the memory allocator in glibc can return memory back to the system, but whether it will or not depends on your memory allocation patterns.
Let's say you do something like this:
void *pointers[10000];
for(i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
pointers[i] = malloc(1024);
for(i = 0; i < 9999; i++)
The only part of the heap that can be safely returned to the system is the "wilderness chunk", which is at the end of the heap. This can be returned to the system using another sbrk system call, and the glibc memory allocator will do that when the size of this last chunk exceeds some threshold.
The above program would make 10000 small allocations, but only free the first 9999 of them. The last one should (assuming nothing else has called malloc, which is unlikely) be sitting right at the end of the heap. This would prevent the allocator from returning any memory to the system at all.
If you were to free the remaining allocation, glibc's malloc implementation should be able to return most of the pages allocated back to the system.
If you're allocating and freeing small chunks of memory, a few of which are long-lived, you could end up in a situation where you have a large chunk of memory allocated from the system, but you're only using a tiny fraction of it.
Here are some "advantages" to never releasing memory back to the system:
Having already used a lot of memory makes it very likely you will do so again, and
when you release memory the OS has to do quite a bit of paperwork
when you need it again, your memory allocator has to re-initialise all its data structures in the region it just received
Freed memory that isn't needed gets paged out to disk where it doesn't actually make that much difference
Often, even if you free 90% of your memory, fragmentation means that very few pages can actually be released, so the effort required to look for empty pages isn't terribly well spent
Many memory managers can perform TRIM operations where they return entirely unused blocks of memory to the OS. However, as several posts here have mentioned, it's entirely implementation dependent.
But lets say I never ask for allocation of size greater than say 50 bytes and I ask a lot of such 50 byte objects on peak load on the system. Then what ?
This depends on your allocation pattern. Do you free ALL of the small allocations? If so and if the memory manager has handling for a small block allocations, then this may be possible. However, if you allocate many small items and then only free all but a few scattered items, you may fragment memory and make it impossible to TRIM blocks since each block will have only a few straggling allocations. In this case, you may want to use a different allocation scheme for the temporary allocations and the persistant ones so you can return the temporary allocations back to the OS.
