How to track history and correlation of emails? - outlook

Let me explain the background with an example. I receive an email from person1, I re-send this email to Person3 and Person2 waiting for a response. Person2 re-sends email to person4 who answers the email to person2; then, person2 emails the answer to me and, finally, I answer to person1.
Is there a way to "automatically" track and show all this sequence of mails in outlook? If yes, how?
For example I would like to see:
10-jan-11 15:00, I need a new computer, to: My name, from: person1
10-jan-11 15:30, I need a new computer, to: person2;person3, from: My name
10-jan-11 17:00, xx needs a new computer, to: peson4, from:person2
11-jan-11 08:00, There are not computers, to:person2, from:person4
11-jan-11 08:10, Sorry, we have a used one, to:My name, from:person2
11-jan-11 09:00, Accept the used one meanwhile we buy one, to person1, from:My name
Best regards.

Each email message carries in itself a list of references (message-ids to which each of the forwards/answers applied). So if you were CC'ed on all those messages your email client could have re-constructed the whole thread. If you open the last email's source and check the headers you'll probably see the References: header with the list of all message ids involved (or Microsoft's Thread-index)
The problem is that you're not CC'ed on all those messages and each person in this thread sees only part of the thread. I don't think Outlook can show you the whole history unless you're always copied.
What is a general problem you're trying to solve?


href mailto gets truncated in outlook

I'm running in to the following issue.
I'm working on a private intranet that makes use of user accounts. As administrator you are able to select a specific usergroup (or all) and puts all email adresses that are in the selected usergroup as a long string like so (clearly not the best way but it is what the clients budget allowed).
Send mail
Now I'm not really sure what the issue is but somehow not all email adresses are send to outlook so they can send their 'newsletter' .
In total there should be 89 adressses containing 2206 characters. When I click the link only 2065 characters get trough.
When using this method over Imail it works fine but office keeps truncating in some way.
Does office only allow a max. count of characters at once in their Bcc? There is nothing I can find about this on the internet.
Hope you guys could help me out,
Thanks in advance.
Mots browsers limit the length of a url. In IE the max length is 2083 characters:

How to get all message history from Hipchat for a room via the API?

I was using the Hipchat API (v2) a bit today and ran into an odd issue where I was not able to really pull up all of the history for a room. It seemed as though when I queried a specific date, for example, it would only retrieve a fraction of the history for that date given. I had had plans to simply iterate across all of the dates for a Room to extract the history in a format that I could use, but ended up hitting this and am now unsure if it is really possible to pull out the history fully.
I realize that this is a bit clunky. It is pulling the JSON as a string and then I have to form it into a hash so I know I'm not doing this as good as it could be done, but here is roughly what I quickly did just to test out the history method for the API:
api_token = "MY_TOKEN"
client =, :api_version => 'v2')
history = client['ROOM_NAME'].history
history = JSON.parse(history)
history.each do |key, history|
if history.is_a? Array
history.each do |message|
if message.is_a? Hash
puts "#{message['from']['name']}: #{message['message']}"
Obviously then the extension to that was to just curse through the dates in the desired range (using: client['ROOM_NAME'].history(:date => '2010-11-19', :timezone => 'PST')), but again, I was only getting a fraction of the history for the room. Are there some additional parameters that I'm missing for this to make it work as expected?
I got this working but it was a big pain.
Start by sending a query with the current time, in UTC, but without including the time zone, as the start date:
This is very fiddly:
If you specify just the current date, without a timezone, as documented in the API, it is interpreted as midnight last night and you only get messages from yesterday or older.
If you try specifying tomorrow’s date instead, the response is 400 Bad Request This day has not yet come to pass.
If you specify the time as 2015-06-25T20:42:18.658439+00:00, which is the format that times come in HipChat API responses, HipChat’s parser seems to fail and interpret it as midnight last night.
When you get the response back, take the oldest property, strip the timezone, and resubmit the above URL with an updated date parameter:
Be sure to include the microseconds, in case a notification posted multiple messages to the same room in the same second.
This will get you the next page of messages. Keep doing this until you get fewer than max-results messages back.
There is a start-index parameter I tried passing before I got the above working, and it will give you a few pages of results, with responses lacking a property, but it won’t give you the full history. On a chatroom with 9166 messages in the history according to statistics.messages_sent, it only returned 3217 messages. So don’t use it. You can use statistics.messages_sent as a sanity check for whether you get all messages.
Oh yeah, and the last_active property in the /v2/room call cannot be trusted because it doesn’t update when notification messages are posted to the room.

HBASE schema design for instant message

We have been implementing an instant message service and want to use HBEASE to store message history (and using redis to caching ongoing conversation). The incoming message for a user looks like
Userid (to whom)
message body (combined with from, message body ....)
Regarding Schema design:
Option A: one message per row
Row key: md5(userid) + timesample
column/valye: null / message
Option B: one user per row
Row key: md5(userid)
column/valye: time / message
could you help me to figure out pro and cont? thanks
chatting type include: peer-2-peer, group chating
As far as I know Facebook has done a great job on message system use hbase; Maybe these links will help you:

reading EMV card using PPSE and not PSE

I'm trying to read the data off a contactless Visa Paywave card.
For the Paywave, I have to submit a SELECT using PPSE (2PAY.SYS.DDF01) instead of PSE (1PAY.SYS.DDF01).
The EMV book 1, section 11.3.4, table 43 only describes how to interpret the response for a successful SELECT command using PSE. Does anyone know or can refer me to a source that shows how to process the data returned from a successful SELECT command using PPSE?
Here's my request APDU:
Here's the response:
I understand tag 84, tag 85, tag BF0C from the response. According to the examples for reading PSE, I should be able to just send GET PROCESSION OPTIONS (to get the AIP and AFL) with PDOL = null after this successful response as follows: 80A80000830000.
But request 80A80000830000 returns error code 6985 - Command not allowed; conditions of use not satisfied.
I also tried reading all the files after successfully selecting the PPSE by traversing through every single SFI (0-30) and every single record (0-16) of each SFI. Yes, I also did the 3 bit shift and bitwise-OR the SFI with 0x4. But I got no data.
I'm stuck, any help that would point me into getting some info from my Paywave card would be appreciated!
Have you tried this tool from EMVLAB
Using that tool,
2PAY.SYS.DDF01 is for contactless (e.g. NFC ) cards, while 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 is for contact cards.
After successfully (SW1 SW2 = 90 00) reading a PSE, you should only search for the SFI (tag 88) which is a mandatory field in the FCI template returned.
With the SFI as your start index, your would have to read the records starting from the start index until you get a 6A83 (RECORD_NOT_FOUND). E.g. if your SFI is 1, you would do a readRecord with record_number=1. That would probably be successful. Then you increament record_number to 2 and do readRecord again. The increament to 3 .... Repeat it until you get 6A83 as your status.
The records read would be ADFs (at least 1). Then your would have to compare the read ADF Names with what your terminal support and also based on the ASI (Application Selection Indicator). At the end you would have a list of possible ADFs (Candidate list)
All the above steps (1-3) are documented in chapter 12.3.2 Book1 v4.3 of the EMV spec.
You would have to make a final selection (Chapter 12.4 Book1)
Read the spec book 1 chapter 12.3 - 12.4 for all the detailed steps.
You seem to have the flow mixed up a bit, you want to:
Send 1PAY or 2PAY, it doesn't actually matter for all of the cards I've tested. This will return a list of the AIDs available on the card. Alternately you can just select an AID straight away if you know it's there but good practice would be to check first.
Get the list of AIDs returned in response to 1PAY/2PAY, in PayWave's case this will probably be A0000000031010 if you sent 2PAY but you may get more if you send 1PAY.
Select one of the AIDs sent back (or one you already know is on there).
Then loop through the SFIs and records sending the Read Records command to get the data.
You don't have to send Get Processing Options before sending the Read Records command even though that's now a normal transaction flow goes.
I think the information you're looking for is available from this VISA website. But only if you're a registered and/or licensed partner of VISA.
EDIT: Looking at the resulting TLV struct under BF0C:
tag=0xBF0C, length=0x1A
tag=0x61, length=0x18
tag=0x4F, length=0x07, value=0xA0000000031010 // looks like an AID to me
tag=0x50, length=0x0A, value="VISA DEBIT"
tag=0x87, length=0x01, value=0x01
I would guess that you need to first select A0000000031010 before getting the processing options.
I was selecting application 2PAY.SYS.DDF01. when I should have been selecting AID = 0xA0000000031010. It looks like there's no records under application 2PAY.SYS.DDF01.
But there was 1 record under application 0xA0000000031010. After I got this application, I performed a READ RECORD, and the first record gave me the PAN and all the credit card info I wanted.
Thanks everyone for chiming in.

magento order id increment jumps

For some reason order ID's (increment_id on sales_flat_order table) are not incrementing subsequently on my Magento 1.6.1. This is how it looks after a number of live orders placed:
increment_id created_at updated_at
100000001 2011-12-14 12:35:24 2011-12-14 12:35:25
100000002 2011-12-14 13:02:39 2011-12-14 13:02:39
100000003 2011-12-14 13:04:18 2011-12-14 13:04:18
100000004 2012-02-01 16:54:58 2012-02-01 16:54:58
100000005 2012-03-14 12:22:35 2012-03-14 12:22:35
100000006 2012-03-20 13:10:48 2012-03-20 13:10:48
100000011 2012-03-29 20:58:48 2012-03-29 20:58:48
100000012 2012-03-29 21:06:43 2012-03-29 21:06:43
100000013 2012-03-30 10:48:20 2012-03-30 10:48:21
100000014 2012-03-30 13:05:40 2012-03-30 13:05:41
100000015 2012-04-03 15:51:01 2012-04-03 15:51:02
100000016 2012-04-19 15:00:49 2012-04-19 15:00:50
100000017 2012-05-09 12:09:21 2012-05-09 12:09:22
100000019 2012-05-24 05:35:35 2012-05-24 05:35:36
100000020 2012-05-24 05:41:11 2012-05-24 05:41:12
100000008 2012-05-24 05:48:52 2012-05-24 05:48:53
My question is why is Magento jumping increments sometimes? And worse yet, in my example order with increment 100000008 goes after 100000020. Does someone know why this is happening and if there's a way to fix it?
This is normal, albeit understandably disconcerting.
When Magento enters the checkout process it 'reserves' an increment_id and places it on the quote (cart) object. You can see the code that gets an increment id at:
The last used ID for each store is stored in eav_entity_store. If a customer abandons their cart (ie the quote object) before completing the checkout process, the reserved increment_id will never show up on an order. You can see this effect sometimes in the order numbers as they come in on a busy store - occassionally a really old order id comes through in the day's orders from a customer that is checking out an old cart.
This behaviour exists to allow Magento to send payment gateways the final order id (increment_id), before the order is completed allowing the gateway to associate the order id with the order. If the customer abandons the payment process in the gateway, the order id is dead (or more correctly still attached to the quote).
You can see this happening in the PayPal express module at:
which calls
If you want to find your 'missing' increment_ids, take a look in sales_flat_quote under the field reserved_order_id. You should see them attached to unconverted quote objects (carts).
This behaviour can create issues with some payment gateways; Moneris comes to mind. When you send Moneris' hosted paypage the same order id twice, it chokes and creates a cryptic error state for the customer. This condition occurs when the customer visits the hosted pay page, backs out and re-visits the page. Hence in some cases, it is necessary to re-generate the order id associated with the quote object programmatically.
I was facing the same issue but it was only when the server was hit with a huge amount of load. This issue occurs because the db goes into the lock state while converting quote into order. On further inspection, I found out that the issue was that it tried to write into sales_flat_order_grid table within transaction right after insert into sales_flat_order table. With concurrent queries it caused locking collisions. The real solution is to move stuff of sales_flat_order_grid out of the transaction.
The link helped me understand the issue
The patch resolved the issue for me.
You have to remove function _afterSave from the Mage_Sales_Model_Abstract and add
public function afterCommitCallback(){
if (!$this->getForceUpdateGridRecords()) {
Let me know if it solves the problem for you.
We have had this same issue multiple times over the past couple of months. Upon checking our payment service provider transaction list we see 1000's of low value (micro) transactions being declined due to potential fraud issues. My opinion is that a fraudster is trying to use our checkout process to probe the list of cards they have to find out what cards are valid and what cards are dead. I have reported it to action fraud, our web host and our payment provider.
In summary, my advise would be for you to check your PSP list of transactions for the same time period.
Good luck with it,
