How to treat Button as a container in WatiN? - watin

<button> is a very well valid container in HTML standard yet WatiN DOM implementation does not support that behavior. Is there way to "cast" it to a container to query child elements of that button? My attempts to do it with ElementContainer<TElement> instances were in vain.

We worked this around by creating a descendant of ElementContainer<Button> naming it ContainerButton. We used that whenever we wanted to refer to a button. It needs to have an [ElementTag("button")] attribute at top.


How can I disable a custom toolbar button in CKEditor 5?

I implemented a version of the image insert Simple Plugin example from CKEditor 5's framework docs.
But the example doesn't cover how to disable the item when the editor's isReadOnly property is set (like it does by default for all the standard buttons). I found docs for an isEnabled prop as well as a bind method for ButtonView, but it quotes examples using a command item, rather than a view item. Problem is, the Simple Plugin example doesn't create a command to bind to.
So question is whether I need to create a command, or if there is some other way to make the view item's state sensitive to the readonly state of the editor instance.
Thanks, and my apologies if I've left out any needed context (new to posting here on SO). Feedback is welcome (and I know y'all will whip me into shape).
D'oh, I think I figured it out:
view.bind('isEnabled').to(editor, 'isReadOnly', isReadOnly => !isReadOnly);
Just needed to bind to the observable property of the editor. Seems to be working as I desired/expected.

Angular5 pass DOM object to ng-content

I'm newest in web.
I want customize default scroll-bar in ag-grid. I try use ngx-scrollbar for this. In sources ngx-scrollbar I found that ngx-scrollbar using ng-content for wrapping elements(link to github source file). If wrap ag-grid-angular element then scrolling even doesn't shows because content doesn't overflow ag-grid-angular content because oveflow happen in div with class .ag-body-viewport where using stock srolls. In order to achieve needed effect I wish pass DOM element with class .ag-body-viewport to ng-content of ngx-scrollbar. Is it possible?
More info here github issue but I don't use Nice Scroll or Perfect Scrollbar
I want use ngx-scrollbar because it has capability of customization.
I can pass DOM element to ng-content using next sintax(agGridViewport is native element):
{{ agGridViewport }}
but it pass element like a copy of real DOM object but I want pass this like a refence.
Now I got UI like a stack style:
[rendered real ag-grid-angular]
[rendered ng-scrollbar with his content]
But it isn't that I need. Also I got bad rendering with artifacts and even some components doesn't appear. Now I want to try use Renderer2 for putting ng-scrollbar element between two DOM elements in tree(.ag-body-viewport-wrapper and .ag-body-viewport). But I think it's very bad idea because Renderer2 doesn't have methods for putting elements between DOM elements in tree and my code will be very unlify and complicated :( It's must be like injection.
No, I can not do injection in DOM with Angular tools. It's bad idea do it and it is not possible now. AgGrid doesn't support customization with tools like ngx-scrollbar which using ng-content for wrapping components and other elements. May be better way using other tools which working by another way or using webkit customization which supports not all web browsers.
Also I try to use smooth-scrollbar. I managed to get better result. I bind him to element .ag-body-viewport. It works fine but it scrolling only content of grid without header be careful. smooth-scroll bar doesn't have options for horizontal and vertical scrollbar as a different units. I know how issue can be solve. Vertical scrollbar must be bind to .ag-body-viewport and horizaontal scrollbar must be bind to .ag-root. If your can find scrollbar which let you do it that you can solve this problem. May be I write special component for Angular in near future and then add link to this answer. If you do it faster you can add yourself link or you can add link to already existing packages.

What exactly does aria-controls do for the user? How is it affected by AJAX usage?

I have a set of tabs with proper roles and attributes for accessibility support. The content that tab controls gets loaded in via ajax. But each wrapper for the content loaded in also has proper tab pane roles and attributes.
The problem is, when I run an automated audit using Chrome Accessibility Tools, the test fails stating that the corresponding ID of the tab pane is missing for all of the tabs except the one that's currently active (because that wrapper with ID has been loaded). The exact error states: "ARIA attributes which refer to other elements by ID should refer to elements which exist in the DOM."
Since the ID will exist once the tab with the corresponding aria-controls attribute is active, is this really an error? Or is this just a case of a false positive because it's an automated test and they can only do so much.
In summary, What does aria-controls do and does it really need to refer to an ID that currently exists in the DOM?
aria-controls give your assisting technology a way to move to the controlled element.
If this element is not in the DOM or can't be accessed, then yes it's an error.
The two (the element with aria-controls as well the element with the referenced id) must exist at the same time, whether at page render or via JS injection.
The DOM is parsed by the UA/AT combo before the user even gets to the control or your script fires to make it exist. If you use JS injection then you need to make sure the DOM is re-parsed.
This would apply to aria-owns as well.
I don't know whether the following would work in your architecture, but it would solve the error problem:
Design the tabs so they are all in the page at the time it loads. Format those that should not be shown to be outside the viewport using absolute positioning and something like "left: -99em." Use AJAX to reset the positioning when the time has come to display the tabs. The result is that the ARIA ID dependencies will always be valid because the tabs are always part of the DOM.

Can a Widget plugin upcast an anchor tag without link plugin interfering?

When upcasting a Widget plugin, existing elements that should get upcasted in the textarea on init are not being upcasted when they are anchors. They are instead "upcasted" by the link plugin. When disabling the link plugin, the anchor elements are still not upcasted by the widget.
Perhaps anchor element is an exception for Widget plugins? Anyone have any ideas on this?
Anchors are touched by an older mechanism called fakeobjects. This mechanism runs independently from widgets and thus there's conflict. Some elements, in order to be editable, are replaced with images with special attributes.
The line that is responsible for the transformation of empty anchors to fake objects is this one -
There's no option to disable that other than removing this line of code (or disabling plugin as you know). Another solution could be to trigger the opposite transformation inside your upcast method (if you discovered that this fake object was an anchor earlier), however, that requires few lines of code.

Behat/Mink - trouble finding buttons

My application under test has been developed by external suppliers so I have no control over the HTML structure. The application is extremely Javascript and Ajax heavy, with numerous dynamically generated buttons and auto-complete lists.
In other words, the characteristics of the pages are that they are filled with:
Elements with no fixed IDs (IDs are generated on the fly and have
numbers or other text dynamically added to them)
The same happens with some classes
Most of the times the buttons have no text associated with them since they are either custom coded 'down' arrows for lookup lists
(which aren't lookup lists but hidden divs) or '+' and '-' icons to
maximise or minimise portions of the content. -
It is therefore very difficult to identify these elements, especially the buttons.
I am trying to write a generic 'I click on the button near y' type of step so that it is not necessary to hardcode each and every button (assuming I can even get something to identify them with) into each and every test.
The thinking behind this is that normally there is a label of some sort close to the button at least.
What I want to to is to find the text label, then see if there is a button inside the same scope, and if there is not, move 'back' through the parent elements, and check if there is a button inside the scope of each parent level, up to 5 parents.
There might be all sorts of problems with this approach but I am just curious to see if this will work in general. I have run into some problems.
First I tried to use Xpaths, so I got the Xpath of the parent through :
$parentelement = $element->getParent();
This would give me an Xpath of : (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1] and moving up through the parent elements all the time, they would become successively:
(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]
(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]
and so forth.
The actual button is located in: (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]//button but it has to go through all the parent elements in order to get there, so it will start with (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]//button and should end with (//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1]/..[1]//button where it should find the button.
Trying to use Xpath I used:
$button_element = $session->getPage()->find('xpath',$parentXpath."//button")
I soon saw that the 'find' command appends an //html to the front of your xpath string so the Xpath that it tried to use ended up being (for each parent Xpath, but using this one as an example):
(//html(//html//span[text()='Cost center'])[1]/..[1])
I then stripped out the brackets as well as the //html, leaving me with:
//span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]
but when I tried:
$button_element = $session->getPage()->find('xpath',$strippedParentXpath."//button")
I got the following error:
SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'evaluate' on 'Document': The string '(//html//span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]//button)[1]' is not a valid XPath expression
However, Firepath can execute this expression and does not show a syntax error for it, although it does not find the actual button (since the button is actually located one level up, where Firepath DOES find it).
So my question 1 is: What is wrong with my Xpath that I can't use it in the find? It actually looks as if //span[text()='Cost center'][1]//button does not throw the same exception, since as I said, I am looping through the parent Xpaths, and it starts with //span[text()='Cost center'][1]//button. It crashes on //span[text()='Cost center'][1]/..[1]//button.
My second option was to get the parent element each time, starting with finding the text on the page, but then to search for a button inside the scope of the parent element using the findbutton functionality.
Looping through the parent elements (up to a maximum of 5):
$parentelement = $parentelement->getParent();
$butonelement = $parentelement->findbutton('xxx');
In other words, find ANY button in the scope of the parent element. The problem I have is how to specify a generic 'button'.
One has to associate SOME text with the button (depicted by the 'xxx' above).
But this is a typical example of buttons in the application:
<button class="autocomplete_button" type="button" id="button_OM_1"> </button>
Where the class is used more than once, and the ID is auto-generated and not the same number all the time. There is no text associated with the button since the class specifies an image.
Question 2: So how can I use 'findbutton' to generically find a 'button' no specific distinguishing characteristics? Please note that I actually did try findbutton("button"), taking the chance that there might be a 'button' somewhere in a button, but this did not work either. At least, it doesn't work consistently and by that I mean that the same test randomly seems to either find or not find the same button when I run the test a couple of times.
After doing some more investigation on this issue I have found the following:
My method of trying to find the closest button to a piece of text via traversing 'up' through the scope of the divs and spans around the text (using xpath) is actually working.
What is NOT working is SAHI, which I am using as the web driver. In other words, it is not a Behat/Mink problem, it is SAHI specific issue.
I tried the same code using Selenium2 and it executes perfectly.
I still require an answer to question 2 - how can I use findbutton() without a specific parameter such as the ID, name or value but I will see if I can find an answer to that question separately and on the Behat user group since I do think that is a Behat/Mink specific issue.
I normaly use css selector and with that, I use to navigate to the class and ID's that the button is inside. it is easier than xpath I think, like you can use
$this->getSession ()->getPage ()->find ( 'css', '.parrent1 .parrent2 .autocomplete_button ' );
I think this will help you as you know which button your gonna use in each scenario
