HttpWebRequest Timing Out On A Response With Status Code 304 - windows-phone-7

When communicating with our REST webservice, an http response with status code of 304 is returned to indicate that the resource requested hasn't changed. However our WP7 application, using the HttpWebRequest class, the phone is taking exactly 2 minutes before this type of response is successfully read.
HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create("path/to/unchanged/resource") as HttpWebRequest;
request.Method = "GET";
new AsyncCallback(
(aysncResult) => {
// response is read correctly here... 120 seconds later
}), null);
I can see that the webservice is responding immediately with 304 and no body data, the request itself is not timing-out and our application is able to successfully handle other response codes [404, 201 etc]. Could it be a Silverlight browser "caching" issue?
Can anyone confirm that they've seen this before, or have any thoughts on the issue?
== Additional Information ==
As a result of WP7 restricting certain request headers, we use a custom [If-Modified-Since] header for all our resource requests. This custom header [X-If-Modified-Since] is recognised by the firewall in front of the webservice and modified back to the standard header. I'm unsure if this is related to the issue described above.

Answered my own question in case anyone is interested or facing a similar problem.
We eventually created a work around by configuring our webservice to respond with an OK (200) http status code, and writing the actual response code in a custom header X-Http-Status. On the client side when we parse the response, if this custom header exist then we take this to being the actual status code and continue with the business logic from there.
This allows us to potentially deal with any additional status codes that the Windows Phone handles differently.
The cause of the issue is still unknown, although we strongly suspect that since this is a NOT MODIFIED (304) code, some caching is happening at some low level layer in Silverlight before the response is made available to us.


Embedded google drive api to show a pdf returns 204

My website has an iframe pointing to
Most of the times, the pdf loads correctly, but sometimes it doesn't, I get just a blank page. The request seems to be returning 204 (request successful - response empty).
I could even replicate this, by entering the url above directly on the browser, and refreshing multiple times, until I got a 204, so it is not something on my website and/or the iframe.. any idea why this happens? and how to prevent it.
Thanks in advance :)
The error HTTP Status 204 (No Content) indicates that the server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no content to send in the response payload body. The server might want to return updated meta information in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be applied to current document’s active view if any.
By default, 204 (No Content) response is cacheable. If caching needs
to be overridden then response must include cache respective cache
In order to solve this issue, the lost update problem, the server may also include HTTP header ETag to let the client validate client side resource representation before making further update on server:
Lost update problem happens when multiple people edit a resource
without knowledge of each other’s changes. In this scenario, the last
person to update a resource “wins”, and previous updates are lost.
ETags can be used in combination with the If-Match header to let the
server decide if a resource should be updated. If ETag does not match
then server informs the client via a 412 (Precondition Failed)
Please check this site for more details. cloud code httprequest status code 200 zero bytes returned

I'm trying to make a httprequest from cloud code, but although it returns response status code 200, it doesn't have any data with it (content-length: 0).
Because of my company privacy I can't post an URL on which the request fails, however it returns data successfully when used on or (which returns 301 as a redirection issue, but still succeeds), so it's not caused by a https thing (my url is an api url with https)
Do you have an idea of why would the request succeed but return zero bytes, when in browser the data loads correctly?
It turned out that httpRequest doesn't use gzip decompression, and the api does, so although it received the response, nothing was returned since no data could be get.
I've overcome this issue by writing a php script posted on my web which get's the api's response, and prints it afterwards, therefore's httpRequest doesn't need to decompress the gzip and everything works as expected. I needed the same for images, by the way.

How to handle status codes with .NET web API?

I'm new to the .NET web api. But I can't figure out what the best practice should be when returning status codes. I've followed the tutorial on creating a web api that supports crud operations to get a good idea on how it all works.
I have a spec where the response to every request returns a status code along with other data, I can change the spec if need be but I can't work out if it's good to return a status code and also return all the data requested or to just return the data on it's own.
For example if I made a request to GetAllCarManufacturers without being authenticated I'd return a custom statusCode of 1 (Indicating not authenticated), and message "User is not authenticated.". But if I was authenticated I'd like to send back a statusCode of 0 (indicating success) and all the car manufacturers. This seems to go against the way the tutorial is organised as only the car manufacturers are sent back without any additional data. Which leads me to believe passing around a statusCode isn't the correct thing to do.
I've seen in the example crud demo that HttpResponseExceptions are thrown which sets the HttpStatusCode to a certain value (see code below). Should I be using that instead of returning my own status code? But then my concern is it doesn't have enough different status codes that will match my custom scenarios.
// Setting the HTTPStatusCode example.
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
.NET Web API sets up a convention for HTTP calls to a server that supports a REST interface. So, if you follow the convention, you should return HTTP Status Codes as a way of indicating what happened to the request when the server processed it.
HTTP Status Codes are part of the HTTP spec and can be found here.
There are many benefits to using HTTP Status Codes. One is that the HTTP Status Code is a header, so the client doesn't have to look into the content of the response in order to find out what happened.
So, returning a custom status code (of say 0 or 1) is not very useful to HTTP clients if they expect a RESTful experience from your interface.

REST API - best method for error handling

When constructing an API response, which method is better for (manually) returning the status code to indicate the validity of the request:
1 - Embed a response code within the JSON response
'status_code' => 200,
'status_message' => 'OK',
'data' => { ... }
2 - Or is it better to modify the HTTP Headers Status field?
Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code: 200 (EDITING THIS ONE)
I would think that the HTTP Statuses should only be regarding connection errors and file retrieval errors that occur at the server level rather than altering this to address application level errors.
Any good articles and resources to read would be very appreciated as well.
I have found the best way to present errors in a REST Request is to change the HTTP Status Code to the proper error, and embed the error in the response.
If you are using JSON, it might look like this, with the status code set to 500 for this example:
{"error" : "An error has occurred while trying to read from the database."}
This is the same method that Microsoft CRM uses to report errors, and it has proved to be a good method; RESTFul applications will not fail to parse the response if they are expecting JSON (or XML, if you are using that).
This question addresses the same issue (perhaps from a slightly different perspective).
I think that, in general, if a request to a resource in your application results in an error condition, that fact should be reflected in the HTTP headers. You can use the application response to provide more detailed information.
Update: Here is an interesting mapping of application errors to status codes (used by Azure).

Missing POST Parameters with proxy servers

we encounter some strange behaviour with our web application. Some POST requests do not have any http body, when they should. content-length is 0. There are no post parameters at all. We traced the network traffic at our loadbalancer and we see that we do not get any request body with some of our POST requests.
All broken POST requests have in common that they arrive via a proxy server.
We already found this question on SO:
Why "Content-Length: 0" in POST requests?
We are now using a frame escape javascript routine and it helps a bit. It seems that error rate drops. But we still have POST requests with no data which should never happen in our webapp. These requests does not come from hackers or alike.
Often we saw webwasher as a proxy. But most of the time we do not see which proxy is used.
In this PDF we saw a comment about missing POST parameters with webwasher
WebWasher - Transparent Authentication Guide
Notes on Some Pitfalls
Note that there are some pitfalls that must be taken into account when setting up transparent authentication:
POST requests will fail if the ICAP server sends an redirect to the authentication server. This affects, however, only the renewal of the mapping since for the browser the request was successful, and the POST body will not be sent again after the final redirect.
We would like to know if there is some workaround other than using only GET instead of POST.
We would also here if other sites had problems with missing POST data and which conclusion they made.
Are there any other reasons why POST data is not sent?
I've had issues with Microsoft's proxy server not playing well with web requests.
I've had to resort to forcing HTTP/1.0 and setting the KeepAlive property to false.
There's something about the way NTLM authentication works that causes the body to be sent sporadically.
I've added this to many of my web requests
protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest) base.GetWebRequest(uri);
webRequest.KeepAlive = false;
return webRequest;
Hope this helps!
Not really an answer, I guess, but I arrived here because we had a similar problem. Initially, we thought it was due to the clients being mobile, as this was a common theme, but we have now realised that the common denominator is proxies.
We now raise a http 400 when it happens.
Here are a few of the proxies, we've had issues with. Posting them to lead the casual googler here:
1.1 ACISA02S, 1.1 abc:3328 (squid/2.6.STABLE21)
1.1 (squid/2.6.STABLE21)
1.1 ISA
No ones which conform to the spec:
Some HTTP methods MUST cause a cache to invalidate an entity.
(the HTTP/1.0 spec states 'Applications must not cache responses to a POST request').
But there are is a LOT of badly written code out there.
What headers do you include in replies to POSTs on the URLs?
