How to upload a file in joomla? - image

Hi i am making a simple component in joomla having name image detail and i have to upload that image how can i upload image from backend. which one is better using extension or make custom. can you please share any good article for it. i have searched many more but due to lack of idea on joomla cannot find. hope you genius guys help me.
thanks i advance

Joomla Component for the exact scenario of your requirement will be very hard to find out. So you've two options:
1. Make your own component
2. Customize other similar type of component like gallery component
For uploading file from joomla component on admin if you're making your own component:
1. Just use move_uploaded_file php function.
2. copy this code, for joomla's standard fxn :
function upload($src, $dest)
$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');
$ret = false;
$dest = JPath::clean($dest);
$baseDir = dirname($dest);
if (!file_exists($baseDir)) {
if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);
$dest = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');
if (is_uploaded_file($src) && $ftp->store($src, $dest))
$ret = true;
} else {
JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR02'));
} else {
if (is_writeable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest)) { // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
if (JPath::setPermissions($dest)) {
$ret = true;
} else {
JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR01'));
} else {
JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR02'));
return $ret;
If you want to use other's component and edit it according to need, download it:
Remember it's a gallery component.

Uploading any file be it an image on your Joomla site is something which is so simple, and can be done using either the web based FTP and or the desktop FTP services like filezilla but only when you have saved the file you want to upload. Using the web based way, you need to log in to your host for example 000webhost, locate the file manager option, click on it and enter your domain username and password. Then go to public_html folder , create a new folder for your photos or images and click on upload. Locate your image and click on the tick link to start uploading.
Using the desktop way, you will need to unzip your file to add to joomla, open your FTP client like filezilla, locate the file on local host, input your log in details as provided by your host and once you are logged in to your account through filezilla, locate where you want to add the file and click on upload.
You can find a similar tutorial with regard here {entire thing}

Please please please make sure you use the filtering available in the MediaHelper. Specifically never trust uploaded images, always check first that they are valid file types, then that they are in the list of approved types of files listed in your global configuration, that the names do not contain html or javascript, and that the files themselves do not contain code. In particular I would recommend the MediaHelper::canUpload method which will check the majority of these things for you. If anything you should be checking even more strongly. Also make sure that you are checking whether the user has permission to upload. If anything you should make the checking even more restrictive. Use the APIs that joomla gives you, such as the built in media field.


BrowserComponent "onDownloadStart" event

I'm trying to build a simple web browser using BrowserComponent. Are there any options to check when a user clicks on a "download" button (how to detect download)? When developing directly with Android, there is an event "onDownloadStart". Is there something similar?
We don't support that behavior as it isn't portable. Androids download facility stores files "elsewhere" and requires some additional permissions. Instead you can intercept the URL navigation logic and decide whether you want to perform a download or not, you can then use something like the Util download methods to perform the actual file download.
bc.addBrowserNavigationCallback(url -> {
// *** WARNING: this code runs off the EDT and must not block!!!! ***
if(shouldIDownloadThisURL(url) {
String file = getStorageFileNameForUrl(url);
Util.downloadUrlToStorageInBackground(url, file,
ev -> fileDownloadCompleted(file));
return false;
return true;

How to upload file on another domain?

I have an external hosting server.
On that server I have 2 domains:
On I have my whole web page (in Codeigniter). One of the functionalities is upload (users can upload their files.)
On there is only one folder called upload_dom2. is otherwise empty and not visible anywhere on the Internet. I would like to use it exclusively for upload. I imagine that this is a much safer way than letting the users upload their files on where all my other files are (by the way, let me know if I'm wrong, please).
So, how do I do that? How do I upload a file - that user has uploaded in the framework of Codeignitors system (webpage) on - in a folder called upload-dom2 on
I know how to upload a file in a folder called uplod_dom1 that is located on This is a code that I use.
$config['upload_path'] = $pathd.'/upload_dom1';
But as said, that is not what I want. I want to upload to (in its uplod-dom2 folder).
May I know what is the correct way to achieve my objective?
Take a look at the Codeigniter FTP class. You can do this with any external website/server that supports FTP:
Example code:
$config['hostname'] = '';
$config['username'] = 'your-username';
$config['password'] = 'your-password';
$config['debug'] = TRUE;
$this->ftp->upload('/local/path/to/myfile.html', '/public_html/myfile.html', 'ascii', 0775);

Google Fonts and JQuery not working when hosted by Google Drive

I've uploaded them to a public folder. Everything works apart from these two.
Is there some extra "Google Drive Hosting" script I need to put in?
Or should it be working without any extra and I need re-check my code?
Many thanks!
me also faced same problem while uploading my custom Jquery Plugin, bt i can able upload js file to an existing folder which is already using for my previous project , me faced this problem while creating new folder only
In my new folder me just deleted that js file and uploaded it again ,its working fr me nw
save file as .js
content of that file
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.doValidation = function(options) {
//ur code goes here
}( jQuery ));

Validation Of Uploadfield in extjs4

I want to add validation in filefield of ExtJs4 , so that user can only browse .png , .jpeg image files..How should I do it ?
xtype: 'filefield',
buttonText: 'Photo'
I think it is important to understand how file upload works, so to prevent yourself from troubles in the future...
For security reasons, the following applies:
Browsers cannot access the file system unless the user has explicitly clicked on an upload field.
Browser has minimal access to the file being uploaded, in particular - you JS code may be able to see the file name (the browser has to display it in the field), but nothing else (the path itself on most browsers is not the correct one).
The upload process itself happens in these steps:
The user clicks on an upload field, initiating the file select dialog.
The browser implements access to the file system through the dialog, allowing the user to select a file.
Upon OK click, the browser sends the file to the server.
The server places the file in its temp directory (configured per server).
Once upload is complete, the upload script on the server is called with the file details, and that script will have full access to the uploaded file.
The last step is the only point where you have full access to the file details, including the real actual name, its size, and its content.
Anything the browser gives javascript is browser depended. Even the file name will vary between browsers although all the browsers I know do keep the actual file name (but not the real actual path), you cannot rely on this to work with future versions. The reason for this is that the file name is displayed on the client side.
So the recommendation is this:
Do all file upload checks on the server side.
Again, you may get away with the file name on the JS client side, particularly if you know and can test what browsers your clients will use, but I'd strongly recommend to to this test on the server.
The last thing you have to remember is that users might upload a file ending with .png, but the file itself is a .zip with the extension changed - so to really confirm that the file is .png you need to actually look into the file data, which only the server can do.
xtype: 'filefield',
buttonText: 'Photo'
And Vtype which I have use..
Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {
fileUpload: function(val, field) {
var fileName = /^.*\.(gif|png|bmp|jpg|jpeg)$/i;
return fileName.test(val);
fileUploadText: 'Image must be in .gif,.png,.bmp,.jpg,.jpeg format'
Try following snippet in your 'filefield' xtype config
regex : (/.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i),
regexText : 'Only image files allowed for upload',
msgTarget : 'under'

Ajax locally testing

I'm new to this Ajax thing. I wanted to try this
neat little Autosuggest form.
The form doesn't work when i save it locally.
Below there is a list of what i've done and used so far :
Firefox -> save pages as ..(index.html)
new folder ( test23 )
also saved the products.xml
opened index.html
change this line : var dsProducts = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("../../demos/products/products.xml", "/products/product", { sortOnLoad: "name" })
into : var dsProducts = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("products.xml", "/products/product", { sortOnLoad: "name" })
test failed :(
Can anyone help me out ?
AJAX requests cannot access the local file system, so requests like that will fail. You will need to have the page up on a webserver. If you want a local one, install XAMPP or something similar.
I just tried for like three minutes and got it to work at the first try (without images). you have to remember to get all the scripts and actually point to them in the main html file.
Don't forget the script tags on lines 41 through 43.
-- additions:
I tested on my Mac's local filesystem without any server using Safari as my browser. I have since deleted the files but could easily do it again and put the files up for download.
