Visual Studio 2010 freezes when debugging x64 application - visual-studio-2010

Recently, my coworker and I upgraded our development environment to Win7 x64 with VS2010 Pro. Our application is specifically targeted at x64 platform.
The problem we are encountering is during debugging, when attempting to step through the code (F10), at least 50% of the time VS will simply lock up the application being debugged. The IDE has the appearance of having pressed F5, but the application is not responsive and we have to force stop the application.
Our application is a Client (GUI) and a Server that communicate through .NET remoting.
This is starting to directly affect our productivity, so if anyone has any ideas what may be causing this, please let me know.

There is an outside chance that it might be the debug symbols loading. Check the status bar I think it tells you when the symbols are loading.

This may be a moot point, but have you installed the VS 2010 service pack 1?
There are various bugfixes related to debuggers included.

I had a similar problem. it turned out that a higher level program had a different run-time library (multi-threaded debug dll), while my app was simply a multi-threaded debug. Once I converted mine to a multi-threaded debug dll, the freeze stopped happening.


Visual Studio 2015: MSVSMON.exe does not appear to be running on the remote computer for blank Cordova project

just starting to look at the Cordova tools for Visual studio.
Creating a blank Cordova probject, I am able to run (F5 debug), for Android and IOS (emulators), and also x86 windows, but for either Any CPU or x64 I get the following error..
The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer.
So I have seen mentioned elsewhere that VS (32 bit) needs to run the above for 64 bit debugging. I have no problems running and debugging a classic desktop WPF.
I have tried disabling both my firewall (Zone Alarm) and any antivirus (Avast), but made no difference.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be here (or how to diagnose)
Thanks in advance for any help!
I have this same problem. I use the same applications as you do, Zone Alarm and Avast. If I try to debug and get that error, disabling or stopping the programs do not help. You need to close VS and restart it with the offending apps already disabled, then you'll be able to continue.
I stumbled across this question because I am looking for a way to keep from doing this.

debbuging a plug-in DLL

I am working on a plug-in for an application. I have old development tools that have problems. My development tools are all from old 32 bit versions. CodeWarrior 6.7.and 8. I am running windows 7 pro 64 bit and having problems with the old tools. The CodeWarrior debugger will only work one time and I have to reboot before it will work again. It also has some problem using it. Break points stop working.
I switched to UeStudio from IDM but can not get a debugger to work. I created a project to use the compilers from Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0. UeStudio is supposed to use an integrated debugger. It downloads WinDbg.exe but it wont start up. The only WinDbg I found on Microsoft is from the Debugging Tools for Windows (x86) and (x64). It does not integrate with UeStudio. It starts up in a separate window. I have played around with it a bit but can not get it to load my DLL. I keep getting and error that it can not load my symbols (mismatching symbol file). I have set it to look were the '.pdb' for my plugin is located an doubled checked that it is correct. It's message names my DLL. I do not have symbols for the application. They do not supply one. I can load my source file and set Break points. But can not examine data.
Anybody get UeStudio debugging to work on windows 7? Or have any idea on debugging DLL on windows 7 cheaply.
I use OllyDebug.
IDA is also very nice (paid)

VS2010 Professional - Debugging very slow in just Web code

I have VS2010 Professional edition and I recently started getting problems debugging an MVC website. The debugging at the Controller code is very slow and each F10 command takes 20 seconds to move to the next line.
Javascript code debugging is quick. I tried a console app and a Forms app and debugging is quick. I also tried creating a blank new MVC app website and the debugger slows down. I am using IIS7.0. This recently started happening as I recently installed VS2012 Ultimate RC. I thought it may be the reason and uninstalled all the software VS2012RC Ultimate installed on that day and the debugger retuned to normal. Looking at task manager devenv.exe was using about 1GB of memory and w3wp.exe was also consuming memory and increasing to 800MB. Has anyone recently installed VS2012 RC Ultimate alongside VS2012 Professional and got into similar problems? Does any one who what is the rootcause of this problem?
Try setting IntelliTrace to collect events only in Options -> IntelliTrace -> General. This might speed up debugging.

Visual studio 2005 debugging is very slow on windows7

When i debug apps on windows7 using VS 2005, it's very slow. just general slowness. works fine on xp.
running outside of the debugger is normal. Even when i start apps outside the debugger then attach and debug it is normal.
im running VS 2005 in Vista compatibility mode.
Any idea what i can do to prevent slowness when debugging?
Seems like the problem happens periodically and is related to the amount and location of breakpoints set in the debugger. The problem can be worked around by attaching to the process after starting it.
For a complete solution, probably need vs2008.

Visual Studio 2010 causing computer to lock up

When running the debugger about 50% of the time, Visual Studio 2010 freezes and also locks up my entire machine. I can't even get to Task Manager. Nothing works except my mouse will still move. The only way to recover is to hard boot the machine which takes about 15 minutes each time. I don't have anything else running on my machine at the time except VS, IE 8 (sometimes) and Outlook.
I am running Windows XP on a Lenovo T400 with 3G RAM
Has anyone seen this behavior? If so, how did you fix it?
You don't mention what language your app is but I have run into this with our C++/CLI application on occasion. To avoid it, I changed the Project properties / Debugger and specify "Native" or "Managed" explicitly for the debugger type. The default of "Auto" can get confused.
Also, if you use Application Verifier from Microsoft, I have had VS hang while AV was configured to verify our .exe. To avoid this, we have to launch the app under the debugger as "Native".
