How many URL patterns can exclude at a time in a test case using Jmeter?
Recently what I learned is that, We can create numerous URL patterns to exclude in
I am trying to test a web application once I login into the application in the response I see a lot of dynamic content getting loaded like java script files also I could see a lot of dynamic ids are generated on every run , I tried to handle few token/id using regex but still I see lot of id's on the login response
Is there any other way to test these kind of applications with lot of dynamic values
Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated , thanks in advance
With regards to javascript, images, styles, fonts, sounds, etc. - JMeter can handle it automatically, just tick these boxes in the HTTP Request Defaults
also add HTTP Cache Manager to your Test Plan to simulate browser cache.
With regards to handling dynamic IDs - the process is called correlation and there are 3 options:
Handle each dynamic parameter manually using Post-Processors
Use Correlations Recorder Plugin for JMeter to apply extraction and substitution rules during recording
Use BlazeMeter Proxy Recorder which automatically detects and handles dynamic parameter
I have a task in which I want to generate random websites URL's in a loop. The websites should be working one's and authentic. Is there any library in j-meter that can generate and add URLs in a bulk
I don't think that this is something you can "generate", you can create a list of existing websites i.e. from Alexa or Big List of Websites.
You can even do it in JMeter, like:
In setUp Thread Group visit alexa or big list of websites
Extract the URLs using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor and write the required number of the websites to the .CSV file
In the main Thread Group you can read the URLs from the CSV file using CSV Data Set Config
Use the variable from the CSV data set config in the HTTP Request sampler
Tried to capture request having only specific url e.g "" in URL but JMeter capturing all the requests from google, mozilla etc
Tried with patterm :
But not working.
I cannot reproduce described behaviour using latest JMeter 5.1
According to the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder documentation
Patterns to Include Regular expressions that are matched against the full URL that is sampled. Allows filtering of requests that are recorded. All requests pass through, but only those that meet the requirements of the Include/Exclude fields are recorded. If both Include and Exclude are left empty, then everything is recorded (which can result in dozens of samples recorded for each page, as images, stylesheets, etc. are recorded).
It means that you will see all the requests in the View Results Tree listener, but only those which match your regular expression will be stored under the Recording Controller
Also be aware that and are different servers, you might want to reconsider your test scenario.
Check out JMeter Proxy Step by Step guide for more information on recording in JMeter
I have to record and run Jmeter test using WorkBench so that I have recorded using Proxy[See the image].
Lists all the URLs
I know I can sort/get the urls by using 'URL Patterns to Include' option in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. When recording it lists out all the URLs including .gif, .png, .ico etc.
URL Patterns to Include
I have two doubts to clear.
When recording what is the criteria to give in 'URL Patterns to Include' - to record desired URLs only. (Desired URLs I meant is for example, if I am recording a website developed in PhP, I need all PhP links only. ie,,, Now it records all the URLs where I cannot see the desired links. How to get .php or main link URLs(we see in browser URL)?
Regarding running a test in Test Plan contains the URLs that I have cut-paste from WorkBench(recorded using Proxy), do we need to add all the recorded URLs including .gif, .png, .ico etc or just add the specific URLs(say only? If I run using only the specific URLs, whether the result will be correct as we excluded other URLs like .gif, .png, .css etc ?
You don't need to record these .gif, .ico, etc. files separately as this is not how real browsers work.
Real browsers do main request to the HTTP endpoint followed by concurrent download of so called embedded resources: images, scripts, styles, etc. In order to make your JMeter test to behave more like a real browser you need to:
Exclude these requests from recording. Click "Add suggested excludes" button in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (or even better re-record your test scenario using JMeter Recording Template feature)
You can create a recording test plan by selecting File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create from JMeter's main menu.
When it comes to test execution add HTTP Request Defaults to your Test Plan, switch to the "Advanced" tab and tick Retrieve All Embedded Resources and Parallel Downloads boxes
If there are images, banners, whatever coming from external servers you can filter them as well via URL(s) must match box in form of Perl-5 compatible regular expression.
See Web Testing with JMeter: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses article for more information on dealing with embedded resources in JMeter tests.
I was using Jmeter HTTPS Test Script Recorder to record a login request.
Please see the snapshot, I already added the URL patters to exclude the .js files, but I still get the js requests.
Why it's failed?
You can check that if you look at the contents of the said requests. Most likely they are GET requests, and most likely they have one or more Parameters. Regex .*\.js looks specifically for .js at the end of the URL. But if GET request has parameters, on recording its URL would look like <...>.js?param=value, so the regex .*\.js will not match (although the name of the request will still be the same).
So you need to specify 2 regex exclusions: .*\.js and .*\.js?.*
I know that it doesn't answer your question, but actually excluding images and .js files is not something you should be normally doing. I would rather use that field to filter out the "external" URLs, which are not connected to your application like 3rd-party banners, widgets, images, etc. - anything which is not related to your application under test. Even if you see it in response, these entities are being loaded from external sources which you cannot control so they are not interesting and the picture of your load test might be impacted.
So I would suggest the following:
In "Grouping" drop-down choose Store 1st sampler of each trade group only
Make sure that Follow Redirects and Retrieve All Embedded Resources. are turned on in the recorded requests. If not - enabled them via HTTP Request Defaults. Also check Use concurrent pool box is ticked as real browsers download images, styles and scripts in multi-threaded manner.
When it comes to running your test add HTTP Cache Manager to your test plan as well-behaved browsers download images, scripts and styles only once, on subsequent requests they are being returned from browsers cache and this situation needs to be properly simulated
For anyone else arriving here from google looking for an answer to this question:
You may simply be looking at the wrong place.
If you're looking at the workbench results tree, you'll see all requests. They are not filtered here. I've thought this was a bug with JMeter more times than I care to admit.
Instead, look inside the Recording controller tree (which is collapsed by default), where the results are in fact being filtered: