Single layout for 'edit' and 'debug' in Visual Studio - visual-studio

In Visual Studio 2008, 'Start Debugging' switches Visual Studio to a different layout. How can I force Visual Studio to use a single layout at all times?
I could attempt to lay out my windows in both normal and 'Debug' modes as similarly as possible. However, i) Visual Studio will still do a visible redraw, and ii) I have to keep the layouts in sync manually.
Update: It seems the correct terms are 'Design View' and 'Debugging View'. According to Window Layouts: The Four Modes 'There is no way to tell Visual Studio to use one state for all modes at this time.' Is this really true?

As others have pointed out, you can't use one settings group to control both design and debug views. Visual Studio doesn't make it easy to get the most out of window placement settings, but the approach I use to manage layouts might help.
Instead of frequently adjusting window placements by hand, try to think of a fixed number of different views you want to work with. Eclipse has perspectives, window layouts you can switch between. Think of Visual Studio this way. For example, I use two layouts in Visual Studio: one to take advantage of two monitors when I'm sitting at my physical workstation, another for one monitor when I'm working remotely. If you can constrain yourself to using a group of layouts that makes sense for you without manually adjusting windows, you can make design and debug window placements the same for each layout.
However, switching between layouts is painful with Visual Studio out of the box. You have to go to Tools->Import and Export Settings and select the layout manually. It takes more than five mouse clicks and sometimes 15 seconds to switch layouts this way on my workstation. We can do much better!
Save the window positions you want for each layout to settings files
Make a macro to load each settings file
Bind the macros to keyboard shortcuts or toolbar buttons
Save window positions to a settings file
Arrange windows the way you want them for a specific layout. Visual Studio saves the location for nearly every window (e.g. Solution Explorer, Output, Find and Replace), so be thorough. Visual Studio saves design and debug layouts in a single file so arrange windows in both views.
Go to Tools->Import and Export Settings. Choose Export selected environment settings and click Next.
The next dialog prompts you to select the settings to export. Uncheck all settings except General Settings/Window Layouts so only window placements are saved, like in these screen shots (I can't expand the window so here are two shots of the same dialog):
Enter a name for this settings file and save it. Repeat until you have a settings file for each layout. There is no limit to how many settings files you may have.
Make a macro to load each settings file
Go to Tools->Macros->Macro Explorer to show your macros. There should already be a macro project named MyMacros. Create an empty macro project if none are visible. Double click any module in any of these projects to open up the macro editor.
Enter this into the editor. You want one main sub that takes a path to a settings file and loads the file, and one sub for each individual file that calls the main sub. If you save your settings files to the same folder you can have the per-file subs pass just the file name instead of the whole path.
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module Module1
Private RootFolder As String = "C:\Path\To\Folder\With\Settings\Files\"
Private Sub ImportSettingsFile(ByVal FileName As String)
FileName = IO.Path.Combine(RootFolder, FileName & ".vssettings")
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Tools.ImportandExportSettings", "-import:""" & FileName & """")
End Sub
'Corresponds to file layoutA.settings
Public Sub ImportLayoutA()
End Sub
'Corresponds to file layoutB.settings
Public Sub ImportLayoutB()
End Sub
'Repeat for each settings file
End Module
Close the macro editor and go back to Visual Studio. You're done! Running any of these macros will load the settings files automatically. You can double click any of the subs in Macro Explorer to run them. If you display Macro Explorer at all times this might be sufficient, but if you don't or would rather not have to click the macros to run them we can do even better ...
Bind the macros to keyboard shortcuts or toolbar buttons
Go to Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard. This window allows you to change any keyboard bindings. Type "Macro" without quotes into the Show commands containing text box. This will show the macros you created. Select any macro, click in the text box titled Press shortcut keys, and enter the keyboard shortcut you want to use to run the macro. Hit Assign, then OK. You can now use this keyboard command to load the settings file.
Alternately, you can use a toolbar button instead of or in addition to a keyboard binding. Go to Tools->Customize. Select the Commands tab, select Toolbar, and select the toolbar you want to add the button to (Standard is the main toolbar). Click Add Command, select the Macros category, select the macro you want to add a button for, and click OK. You will have a new button on the toolbar that loads the window layout from that macro.
Keep in mind that keyboard shortcuts and toolbar buttons are themselves settings. If you import a settings file that overwrites either of them you will have to redo this last step. The window placement settings files won't overwrite these values because you only exported window locations. It's a good idea to periodically export and back up all settings, not just window settings, in case something like this happens and you want to recover non-window settings.

No, this is not possible. The website you found is indeed accurate:
There are four different window layout modes in Visual Studio:
Design View - this is the one you see when you start up Visual Studio. It's what most people refer to as the "normal" view.
Debugging View - this is the view that you get when you enter Debug Mode like when you are stepping through your code
Full Screen - the view you get when you go to View -> Full Screen (Shift + Alt + Enter).
File View - the lesser known view you can get when you open up a file in DevEnv.eve
The thing to remember here is that, both, your tool windows and your command bar customizations are saved separately for each state. There is no way to tell Visual Studio to use one state for all modes at this time. Additionally, when you shut down Visual Studio in any state, all four states are saved.
It's very strange that you would want to use the same window layout for all four modes. The same windows that are useful at design time are hardly ever useful during debugging, and vice versa.
For example, in Debugging View, I hide the Toolbox, Document Outline, and Property Manager windows. Then, I add the immensely useful Call Stack, Autos, Locals, Processes, Modules, and Breakpoints windows. None of the latter panes would be remotely useful to me in design mode, so I don't want them taking up screen space. But they're invaluable in debug mode, so I want them to show up. I also resize windows in the two different modes, based on their relative importance (such as the Properties window).
If you really still think that the two views should have the same window layout, the best you can do is rearrange the windows manually to achieve the same layout in both modes. I also recommend exporting your Window Layout settings (Tools -> Import and Export Settings) so that you have a fresh copy to revert back to in the case of disaster. I keep settings files containing my preferred window layout settings for single monitor (laptop), dual monitor, and triple monitor configurations.

I think your question was, "How do I use the same settings for both modes?" Am I right? Although #Chris gave an excellent thesis on how to stuff automagically, I wanted to point out, for anyone else that finds this question that there is an easy way to acheive same window settings for both design and debug modes.
Export your settings:
Choose General Settings/Window Layouts (in VS 2013) and save the file.
Open the file in an XML editor (or whatever... it's an XML file)
Find /UserSettings/Category/Design/WindowProfile and copy the entire node.
-- This assumes your Design view is the one you want to use for both modes.
Find /UserSettings/Category/Debug/WindowProfile and replace it with the one you copied from Design.
Save and re-import.
I have one of these settings files for home, remote, and office.

Many people try to turn off this feature because of strange behaviors (glitches) of VS windows on multi-monitor configurations.
In such cases there is another option that can help:
Turn off Environment->General->"Optimize rendering for screens with different pixels densities"


MFC EditBrowse control does not display the folder icon at runtime

I have a dialog type application that includes a MFC EditBrowse Control. This control includes a folder/magnifier icon on the right side where the user is supposed to click to bring up a folder browser pop-up.
That folder/magnifier icon displays properly in the dialog editor within Visual Studio, but at runtime it displays as a plain flat button. It behaves properly otherwise - that is, the browser pop-up pops up and the selected folder is displayed when the user clicks OK.
When run with the debugger a message is displayed in the VS Output Window saying "Can't load bitmap: 4299". That message is displayed after the CDialogEx::OnInitDialog() line within my OnInitDialog().
I've written test programs and they display the icon properly. I've also added additional EditBrowse controls in my original program, but they experience the same problem and just add another line of "can't load bitmap". I've also added other MFC controls and some of them also do not display their icons (or other stuff).
I've managed to affect the problem slightly by making calls to EnableBrowseButton() and EnableFolderBrowswButton() from my OnInitDialog. If I do that, I get an icon that looks like 3 horizontal dots:
which is better, but I'd prefer the folder/magnifier icon.
It's a complicated enough application I'd rather not re-write it from the beginning and furthermore I'd like to understand what is going on. I'm fairly certain this is a result of adding/deleting controls as the app was developed, but don't have a good idea on where to begin tracking down where things went awry.
Thoughts on how to debug this? BTW, this is VS 2010.
CMFCEditBrowseCtrl uses the Visual Manager to load the bitmap from MFC resources.
This resource is loaded in "afxribbon.rc"
Make sure the following these lines are included in the main *.rc file (this is how VS Wizard creates the *.rc file)
#if !defined(_AFXDLL)
#include "afxribbon.rc" // MFC ribbon and control bar resources
(I guess you can omit the #if/end statement, but it's probably there for a reason)
Alternatively, CMFCEditBrowseCtrl::SetBrowseButtonImage can be used to assign user icon.

Can I have a panel like Toolbox only visible when in Design mode?

On my laptop I try to maximize workspace within Visual Studio. If I'm just dealing with code, I keep all of my panels on the left and right hidden via auto-hide.
However, if I'm working in Design mode I pin the toolbox, properties, etc so they're always visible. I was hoping to find a way to actually hide the panels when I tab to a file only dealing with text (not in Design mode), and regain the panel when I return to a tab in Design mode, no manual pinning/unpinning required. I'm not fond of just mousing over the panel tab so it pops into view. I like to keep them permanently there while in Design mode.
Going from to is basically what I'm referring to.
Im not sure if there's a better way but I was able to create a macro to do this. Open Macro IDE in Tools -> Macros -> Macros IDE. Open EnvironmentEvents under MyMacros. Add the following code:
Private Sub WindowEvents_WindowActivated(ByVal GotFocus As EnvDTE.Window, ByVal LostFocus As EnvDTE.Window) Handles WindowEvents.WindowActivated
If GotFocus.Caption.EndsWith(" [Design]") Then
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindProperties).AutoHides = False
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindProperties).AutoHides = True
End If
End Sub
If the properties panel is not already opened, you add this code to open:
Try to use Perspectives extension. After installing you can save your current layout as perspective (just like in Eclipse) in Visual Studio 2010 and then switch between them. The only bad thing is what you can't switch between them automatically. I don't know maybe we can modify sources of extension(if it's available).

Multiple windows in Visual Studio

I've just come to Visual Studio 2008 from a UNIX / Java background.
In Visual Studio, how can I have multiple overlapping editor windows? In Eclipse, I can open a new Window, add an editor to each of them, then Alt-Tab between them, overlap them, select them in the Taskbar, etc. Similarly, I'd like to put 'Output' in it's own 'first class' window so I can easily Alt-Tab between that and an editor when on a laptop.
Studio tools lets me 'tear off' and editor window, but the 'torn off' window doesn't respect Alt-Tab rules, and always hides the main Visual Studio pane.
Update: By way of example, In 'Word' I can have two documents open. I can Alt-Tab between them. I can Alt-Tab between either document, or Alt-Tab from either one to Outlook if I wish. I can overlap the documents, or place them side-by-side. I can place one document on one monitor, and one document on the other. I can have have Outlook open on one screen, overlapping one of the Word documents, while I edit the other. This is the kind of thing I would like to do with my source files!
You can change the window layout in the Tools menu under Options. The very first item is Environment\General. You can choose Multiple Documents (versus Tabbed Documents). That may give you the "look" you are describing.
However, I don't think it is possible to use alt+tab to change windows since those windows still belong to the single instance of VS2008. You can change windows with ctrl+F6. In addition, a nice trick when using Tabbed Documents is to press ctrl+alt+down arrow. That brings up a list of all open editor windows.
Alt+Tab is for switching between applications on Windows.
To switch between windows within Visual Studio use Ctrl+Tab.
This should work on any mutli-windowed application.
You can click on the tab of the window and drag outside making it a standalone window.
If you are a vim user, and install VsVim, you have an effective work around for dealing the quirky behaviour Visual studio has for moving between file editing windows.
You can easily make vertical and horizontal split windows within the "main" file editing window, just as you would in vim, using the regular vim keys. e.g. with any of the regular vim commands :vs, <C-w>s, <C-w>v, ...
If you tear off a second editing window (e.g. with the mouse) and put it on a separate monitor, you can use Vim's global marks, or <C-w>w (and similar commands for navigating between panes in vim) to jump between file editing windows across different monitors/screens with just a few keys.

Lock down placement of panes from Visual Studio

Ok, if you're like me, you've accidentally dragged one of the many, many panes in Visual Studio around and spent some tedious time getting things back in order again.
Is there any way to lock down all the panes in Visual Studio so they cannot be dragged and placed elsewhere ?
When you have your pane layouts (as well as your fonts, toolbars, colour schemes and whatnot) the way you like them, export your settings (Tools, Import and Export Settings) and give the file a sensible name. Then if you have a spot of accidental dragging, just import your saved ones. This is better than Reset Layout if your preferred layout is not the default.
As far as I know, no. But everything for getting for working with tabs and tab groups is inside the "Window" menu item in VS. But if you want to reset everything back to the way it was why not try:
Window -> Reset Windows Layout
You might also want to check out this Arranging and Using Windows in Visual Studio, I think you might be able to create a workspace, save it and if needed reset back to it after you moved windows around.
Export your settings according to Mar's answer and then check out this extension:
A real lifesaver :)
Feature request on User Voice:
Lock/Unlock Docked Window Layout
You can reset Visual Studio windows back to the default by going to Window->Reset Window Layout (Visual Studio 10). Other versions have something similar. This helps the tedium on dragging the windows back in order.

How to control VS window positions and state from a macro

I want to set up some hotkeys in Visual Studio to control the window layout.
For example, F10 would collapse all windows (such as the command from the windows main menu called - Auto Hide All) and then F11 which would dock and position certain windows of my choice at certain positions. This would be so I can jump to specific layouts quickly.
So how to control window layout from visual studio macros?
Probably not optimized but couldn't you consider using vssettings and Import/Export Settings to achieve your goal? (I know this isn't exactly the answer to your question...)
You can check out my blog post which provides the ability to list and switch window layouts in Vs2008 and Vs2010:
****Old Answer Below****
If you are looking for a repeatable setup, then a Macro may be your best option. AutoHideAll may already be bound to CTRL+Shift+~ - I cannot remember if that is the default. If not, you can bind it in your Tools-->Options-->Keyboard dialog. In there you can also bind the Macro below to your F11.
Here is a Macro that will accomplish the layout for you:
Public Sub SetupMyPersonalLayout()
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer).Visible = True
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer).AutoHides = False
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindTaskList).Visible = True
DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindTaskList).AutoHides = False
End Sub
This will show the window and then "pin" it.
Another option that comes to mind is to take advantage of the different views that Visual Studio offers (Standard, Full Screen, Debug, and some others).
Lastly, if you are on 2005 or earlier (or if you want to update the code) there is an add-in that will do it for you:
