I have the following dumb test:
(define-syntax a
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(k e s) #'(let ((show display)) (e s))])))
(a show "something")
Why can't this work? (The error shows in DrRacket is expand: unbound identifier in module in: show.
However, The following can work:
(define-syntax a
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(k e s)
(with-syntax ((show (datum->syntax #'k 'show)))
#'(let ((show display)) (e s)))])))
(a show "something")
Then WHY?
Um, I assume that you're trying this out after reading the blog post I mentioned in an earlier answer -- but that blog post is explaining exactly this issue. Specifically, your first example has two different show identifiers, one that is bound by the macro, and a different one that is coming from the toplevel use (and is unbound). OTOH, in the second case you're creating a show with the lexical context of the user code.
I'm in a bigger code and I need to do it like:
file_1.rkt :
#lang racket
(provide define-type types-ref)
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define types (make-hasheq)))
(define-syntax-parser define-type
[(_ id type)
(hash-set! types (syntax->datum #'id) (syntax->datum #'type))
(define-syntax-parser types-ref
[(_ id)
(writeln (hash-ref types (syntax->datum #'id)))
file_2.rkt :
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require "file_1.rkt")
(define-type Atom Symbol)
(types-ref Atom)
file_3.rkt :
#lang racket
(require "file_1.rkt" "file_2.rkt")
(types-ref Atom)
; hash-ref: no value found for key
; key: 'Atom
; Context (plain; to see better errortrace context, re-run with C-u prefix):
; /Applications/Racket v8.0/collects/syntax/parse/define.rkt:20:4
; /Applications/Racket v8.0/collects/syntax/wrap-modbeg.rkt:46:4
; /...
It seems that for each syntax expansion types is instantiated again.
I need to share the same types for different files. What can I do?
Do you really need to store the information in a hash table like that? A simpler way is to actually define id in define-type, so that you can properly provide it, and the other modules can properly require it.
It looks like you want define-type to occur at compile-time, so you can use define-syntax to create the binding, and use syntax-local-value to reference it.
#lang racket
(provide define-type types-ref)
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define-syntax-parser define-type
[(_ id type)
#'(define-syntax id (quote type))])
(define-syntax-parser types-ref
[(_ id)
(writeln (syntax-local-value #'id))
I'm trying to write the Scheme equivalent of this CL code:
(defmacro alias (new-name prev-name)
`(defmacro ,new-name (&rest args)
`(,',prev-name ,#args)))
;; Sample use:
(alias co concatenate)
My aim is to be able to use shorthand names for symbol and function names like:
(alias sa string-append)
(sa "ok" "not ok")
To do that I've tried this but it didn't work:
(define-syntax alias (new-name prev-name)
`(define-syntax ,new-name (#!rest args)
`(,',prev-name ,#args)))
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
You can do this easily with a syntax-rules macro that defines another syntax-rules macro:
(define-syntax alias
(syntax-rules ()
((_ new-name prev-name)
(define-syntax new-name
(... (syntax-rules ()
((_ arg ...)
(prev-name arg ...))))))))
The trickiest thing is this macro is the use of ... to escape nested uses of ....
However, this is not necessarily the best way to do this. The best way probably depends on your precise Scheme implementation, as Scheme is less a language and more a family of languages. Writing portable Scheme is usually not very useful.
If your scheme supports R6RS syntax-case and cognates (say, guile or chez scheme), identifier-syntax is the most direct way of implementing what you want:
(define-syntax new-name (identifier-syntax old-name))
(define-syntax new-display (identifier-syntax display))
(new-display "hello\n")
Edit: I see you are using chicken. In that case you can use er-macro-transformer to reproduce your defmacro solution (this works with chicken-4.10.0 at any rate):
(define-syntax alias
(lambda (exp r c)
(let ([new-name (cadr exp)]
[old-name (caddr exp)])
`(define-syntax ,new-name
(lambda (exp i c)
`(,',old-name ,#(cdr exp)))))))))
By the way, in Common Lisp you can make an alias a real function, not a macro, by settings symbol-function of a symbol denoting an alias like this:
CL-USER> (defun foo (name)
(format nil "Hello ~A!~%" name))
CL-USER> (setf (symbol-function 'bar)
CL-USER> (bar "Bob")
"Hello Bob!
This time my problem is mostly with Racklog. I guess. Could also be the Racket syntax this time.
The idea is rather simple. I have a logic-base made up of places and objects and I just wanted to try out printing all the objects using the %bag-of primitive.
My logic-base looks like this:
(define %contains
(%rel ()
[('bridge 'phaser)]
[('engine_room 'toolkit)]
[('toolkit 'screwdriver)]
[('toolkit 'tricorder)]
[('inventory '(communicator, no_tea))]
Now I have my predicate which is the following one. It should be simply called with the query "(%which () (%list_objects 'toolkit))" and then give out all the items inside the toolkit for example.
(define %list_objects
(%rel (place)
(%which (objects)
(%let (x)
(%bag-of x (%contains place x)
The weird thing is when I just thake the part from the "%which (objects)...)" onwards and throw it directly into the listener, it works perfectly fine. But if I'm using it inside the predicate, it throws this exception:
"application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: '((objects screwdriver tricorder))
arguments...: [none]"
I tried rearranging the code several times, but right now I'm quite stumped about what I did wrong. I would appreciate a little hint what I as a total newbee to Scheme and Racket missed out here. My thanks in advance!
The problem is that the goal (%which ...) returns an answer (not a new relation). Therefore %list_objects can't be used in the way you want.
Maybe this works for you?
#lang racket
(require racklog)
(define %contains
(%rel ()
[('bridge 'phaser)]
[('engine_room 'toolkit)]
[('toolkit 'screwdriver)]
[('toolkit 'tricorder)]
[('inventory '(communicator, no_tea))]))
(define %list_objects
(%rel (place)
(%let (x) (%contains place x))]))
(%which (x) (%list_objects x))
(%which (bag) (%let (x) (%bag-of x (%list_objects x) bag)))
(define tools-in-toolkit (map cdar (%find-all (tool) (%contains 'toolkit tool))))
(define %in-toolkit
(%rel (tool)
[(tool) (%member tool tools-in-toolkit)]))
(%find-all (tool) (%in-toolkit tool))
'((x . bridge))
'((x . engine_room))
'((bag bridge engine_room toolkit toolkit inventory))
'(((tool . screwdriver)) ((tool . tricorder)))
Let's call this function "dynamic-define".
Basically I want to write a macro or lambda that works like this:
$ (dynamic-define "variable" 123)
$ variable
$ => 123
I tried it:
(define-syntax dynamic-define
(syntax-rules ()
((_ string <body>)
(eval `(define ,(string->symbol string) <body>)))))
and it works as expected but doesn't seem to be a good solution.
I tried to use without eval like this:
(define-syntax dynamic-define
(syntax-rules ()
((_ string <body>)
(define (string->symbol string) <body>))))
But when I try to use I get this error:
Error: invalid syntax (define (string->symbol "variable") 123)
What should I do?
(PLEASE: edit this question to fit native English and erase this line please)
You're running against a fundamental problem: you cannot do a real dynamic define in a "clean" way, hence your attempt using eval. Note that the two solutions above are both not dynamic -- all they give you is the ability to write "foo" instead of foo. As I said elsewhere, using eval is usually bad, and in this case it's worse since it's eval that is used from a macro which makes it very weird. This is in addition to having an implicit quasi-quote in your macro that makes things even more confusing. You could just as well define the whole thing as a plain function:
(define (dynamic-define string <body>)
(eval `(define ,(string->symbol string) ,<body>)))
If you really need this to work, then it's best to take a step back and think about what it is that you need, exactly. On one hand, the above solutions are not dynamic since they require using the macro with a string syntax
(dynamic-define "foo" 123) ; instead of (define foo 123)
but how would it look to have a real dynamic definition that takes in a string? You'd probably expect this to define b:
(define a "b")
(dynamic-define a 123)
but this only becomes more confusing when you consider how it interacts with other bindings. For example:
(define y 123)
(define (foo s)
(define x 456)
(dynamic-define s 789)
(+ x y))
Now, assuming that dynamic-define does what you want it to do, think about what you'd get with (foo "x") and (foo "y"). Worse, consider (foo "s") and (foo "+"). And even worse, what about
(foo (random-element '("x" "y" "s" "+" "define")))
? Clearly, if this dynamic-define really does some dynamic definition, then there is no sense that you can make of this code without knowing ahead of time what name foo will be called with. Without being able to make such sense, compilation goes out the window -- but much more importantly, correctness (or generally, the meaning of your code) dies.
In my experience, this kind of pattern is much better handled with hash tables and similar devices.
using define-macro
#> (define-macro (dynamic-define varstr val)
`(define ,(string->symbol varstr) ,val))
#> (dynamic-define "variable" 123)
#> variable
using syntax-case
#> (define-syntax dynamic-define
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((k varstr val)
(with-syntax ([var (datum->syntax-object
(string->symbol (syntax-object->datum #'varstr)))])
#'(define var val))))))
#> (dynamic-define "variable" 123)
#> variable
(defspel game-action (command subj obj place &rest rest)
`(defspel ,command (subject object)
`(cond ((and (eq *location* ',',place)
(eq ',subject ',',subj)
(eq ',object ',',obj)
(have ',',subj))
(t '(i cant ,',command like that.)))))
Thats the code from http://www.lisperati.com/actions.html for the 'macro defining macro'. I can't seem to convert it appropriately to scheme. Can someone explain to me the process of creating this same sort of thing in Scheme?
This kind of macro is actually much simpler in Scheme, since you can do it all with define-syntax-rule (in standard Scheme code you will need define-syntax + syntax-rules). You basically do the same thing, minus the whole quote/unquote mess.
(defspel (game-action command subj obj place rest ...)
(defspel (command subject object)
(cond [(and (eq? *location* 'place)
(eq? 'subject 'subj)
(eq? 'object 'obj)
(have 'subj))
rest ...]
[else '(i cant command like that.)])))
And since this is actually most of the code, I ported the whole thing to PLT -- see the post on the mailing list.