Loading variables from a separate file for Rake - ruby

I am trying to get into Ruby / Rake. I thought it would be a good idea to separate some configuration out of the Rakefile in a file called configuration. This file has the following content:
puts "config loaded"
Then in my Rakefile I load the configuration file by
load 'configuration'
and use the variables defined later on, e.g.:
task :dummy do
sh = "echo #{proxy_server}"
But then I get an error stating that the variable is not defined:
rake aborted!
undefined local variable or method `proxy_server' for #<Object:0xb783595c>
How can I access the configuration variables defined in the configuration file?

Visibility: variables from configuration file are not visible in the script that has executed it. You need to establish a common context, for example using global variables (even if globals are evil:-)) like:
and then
task :dummy do
sh = "echo #{$proxy_server}"
But since rake files are Ruby themselves why use a separate configuration file in the first place? If you need to change the config you can as well edit rake file.


capistrano 3 (ruby) variable scope

I have some problems with a capistrano 3 script regarding the scope of variables. I read the variables from hiera like this:
deployment = hiera("deployment")
My hiera file looks like this:
webserver_group: 'www-data'
app_config_environment: 'prod'
application: 'site_manager'
translator_deploymentLockPath: '/tmp/translation_lockfile.lock'
If I try to access the variables in a task I receive an error message like this:
Exception while executing on host xxxx: undefined local variable or
method `translator_deploymentLockPath' for
Here is how a task looks like:
desc "creates a new lockfile"
task :create_lock do
on roles(:app), in: :parallel do
execute :touch, "#{translator_deploymentLockPath}"
If I declare the variables global (like this: binding.eval("$#{k}='#{v}'") ) I can read them in the tasks using $translator_deploymentLockPath instead of #{translator_deploymentLockPath} but this is not a solution for me because I have a lot of code to modify.
What am I missing? How can I read the variables from hiera (using eyaml backend) and declare them so I can use them in my tasks?

Failed to run a very simple ruby script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Ruby: how to "require" a file from the current working dir?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have create a Ruby class Worker, file name is Worker.rb:
class Worker
def initialize
def doTask(task_name)
Then, I created another Ruby script file, named run.rb (it requires Worker):
require 'Worker'
worker = Worker.new
Both two ruby files are located directly under the project folder:
-- Worker.rb
-- run.rb
I run the run.rb under project folder by command:
ruby run.rb
But get following error:
/Users/John/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- Worker (LoadError)
from /Users/John/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
from runme.rb:1:in `<main>'
I figured out after checking #Geo 's github project, I should use:
require_relative "worker"
require looks for the required file from the so called load path and not the current directory. Since the syntax for looking in the current directory was awkward Ruby 1.9 introduces require_relative, which looks in the current directory.
Change your code like this:
require_relative "Worker"
instead of
require "Worker"
The reason this does not work is because the current directory is not part of ruby's default load path.
If you run the following command, you will see what the current load path is and it will confirm that the current directory is not part of that path.
ruby -e 'puts $LOAD_PATH'
This should answer your primary question as to why the required file was not loaded.
As for a solution, require_relative will work and is probably the best solution in this case.
There are however still cases were inserting directories into the load path is helpful, if not required. For example say you have a script that can be run anywhere in the file system and you want the flexibility to require a particular version of your co-worker's foo class.
In a case like this either setting the RUBYSIM var (maybe in a wrapper) or setting the proper include path on the ruby command line can be a useful solution.
Again, your co-worker has not published this as a gem, he is just providing a shared directory.
There are several ways you can insert directories into the load path when it is appropriate, as demonstrated below:
You can use the -I command line flag
ruby -I some_path -e 'puts $LOAD_PATH'
You can set the RUBYLIB env var to include your current directory.
on unix/linix/osx
export RUBYLIB=some_path
on windows
set RUBYLIB=some_path

How to load a ruby file in to IRB?

I have a file: options.rb
I open IRB and type:
require './options.rb'
#=> true
Try to call a variable in the options file such as key (yes this variable is there and the file is saved)
NameError: undefined local variable or method `key' for main:Object
from (irb):2
Why is this not working? By the way also tried to load the file as: irb -r ./options.rb
Also tried to do load './options.rb' which does return #=> true but this also does not work.
From the require docs:
Any constants or globals within the loaded source file will be available in the calling program’s global namespace. However, local variables will not be propagated to the loading environment.
So if in options.rb you have something like:
key = something
(i.e. key is a local in the file) then it will not be available in irb. If you make it a global (e.g. $key = 'something') or a constant (e.g. KEY = 'something') it should be available.
If you do not like global variables (as matt suggested) you might also make it an instance variable of the object irb is running on (an instance of Object available through self as ruby always has an object it is operating on) you may also assign
in your file which will give you access to #key in your irb-session afterwards. This will work with either require as with load, but require will only load the file if it has not already done so while load will always execute the code in the file and thus will end up overwriting the contents of your variable if it has been changed in the mean time.
Ruby is a interpreted language, so for the interpreter to notice your declarations you need to actually 'run' them, the corresponding command in irb is
load './options.rb'

Reading in variables from a file in Ruby

Is there a way to read in a file of environment variables?
In bash I have a file env.sh that I can use
bash file
set -a
source env.sh
This would allow me to just use foo as if I had delcared it in the ruby script.
Also is it there a way to make sure that this file is unreadable so that passwords could be stored in this file?
It sounds like you should provide a file example for the user/admin to modify for their personal environment, and then populate the environment from that, while avoiding, perhaps, having that file with the sensitive information in a repository. Note: per file security is going to be addressed by where the file is located and your operating system, and server software.
If this is the case, then you can provide a file that holds a template of the kind of things that you would require from the administrator/user of the program you are configuring.
Ruby has the ENV constant that acts like a Hash and holds the environment of the shell you are using.
As an example, there is a file called environment.rb.sample that gets shared with anyone, publicly. It has instructions and holds the template that users can modify freely, with instructions to copy the file to environment.rb. The sample file looks like this:
# environment.rb.sample
# Copy this file to environment.rb and change the name and password to your credentials
ENV['temp_user_name'] = 'Foo Bar'
ENV['temp_password'] = 'Dazz Kezz
The file is then copied to this, perhaps:
# environment.rb
ENV['temp_user_name'] = 'Joe Admin'
ENV['temp_password'] = 'Super Secure Password'
The file that loads this and uses it is just a Ruby file that is freely modified by the user/administrator of the software, and looks like this and is also shared publicly.
# load_environment
require './environment'
puts ENV['temp_user_name']
puts ENV['temp_password']
This loads the file and uses the ENV that is a globally scoped constant for the application.
The file permissions are then managed by the user/administrator of the system and secured like any other sensitive information on their system. The sensitive file should also be listed in the repository's ignore mechanism. It should never be made public.
Yes, there is, and if for some bizzare, arcane reason you must use it, it's eval:
WARNING: Never use this on a user-supplied file
And, unless you have a very, very specific need, don't use it in production code.
eval(File.read("name_of_var_file"), binding)
If what you're really trying to do is write a configuration file, use YAML. A file like this:
foo: "bar"
Can be accessed like this:
require 'yaml'
conf = YAML.loads(File.read("config.yaml"))
conf['foo'] #=> 'bar'
This is secure and manageable, not to mention standard practice.
As for making the file inaccessible, that is an operating system level problem that can't be solved without information on the environment, OS, setup, etc.
The purpose of a local variable is to be used temporally within a method definition or a block. Using it outside of such environments, particularly across files defeats the purpose of it. You should not need to do it, and Ruby does not have a simple way to do it.
If you are using variables correctly, and want to share variables between files, that should be other types of variables such as instance, class, or global variables. Or, for the purpose of setting environments, you should be using constants. Among them, global variables and constants can be written in a file, loaded in a different file, and be used.
$foo = 1
FOO = 2
load "file-a.rb"
$foo # => 1
FOO # => 2
As for instance and class variables, they belong to a class or an instance of it, so they should be defined in such environment. And you can reopen the same class within a different file, and load it in another file.
class Bar
##foo = 1
def initialize; #foo = 2 end
load "file-a.rb"
Bar.class_variable_get("##foo") # => 1
Bar.new.instance_variable_get("#foo") # => 2

Referencing file location in RSpec Rake task vs. rspec runner

I have this directory structure:
The person_spec.rb has this piece of code in it:
describe "Create person tests"
context "Person with invalid address" do
invalid_address_examples = []
File.open("person_invalid_address_examples.yaml", "r") do |file|
invalid_address_examples = YAML::load(file)
invalid_address_examples.each do |example|
it "Does not allow to create person with #{example[:description]}" do
person.address = example[:value]
result = person.create
result.should_not be_success
Now when I run from the person directory rspec person_spec.rb everything works as expected. But if I run RSpec rake task from the rakefile I get No such file or directory error... The problem is obviously present also the other way round - if I configure filename with path relative to the rakefile location then RSpec rake task works fine but I get No such file or directory error from the rspec runner.. Is there a way to configure filename with path so that it is working for the RSpec rake task and Rspec runner at the same time?
Whether your File.open works depends on the load path -- ruby looks up that relative path in the dirs in the current load path. You can look at the load path in the special $: variable.
Try looking at the value of this variable compared between both methods of executing the spec, and see how/if it differs.
It may be that the current working directory (basically, what directory you executed the command from, shows up in a list of paths as .) is on the load path, and the current working directory ends up different in your two different methods of running the spec.
Where is your yaml file located? Is your YAML file used only for testing, can you put it wherever you want?
You have various options, but they all depend on supplying either an absolute path, or a relative path that will always be on the load path.
Move the yml file to somewhere that is always on the load path. Your spec dir is probably already on the load path. You can put your yml in ./spec/example.yml. Or put your yml in a subdir, but reference that subdir in the open too -- spec/support/data/examples.yml, and then open "data/examples.yml" (starting from a dir on the load path, data/examples.yml will resolve).
Or, ignoring the load path, you could use the special __FILE__ variable to construct the complete path to your yml file, from it's relative location to the current file. __FILE__ is the file path of the source file where the code referencing it is.
Or, probably better than 2, you could add a directory of example data to the load path in your spec_helper.rb, by constructing a path with __FILE__, and then adding it to the $: variable. For instance, a example_data directory.
Probably #1 is sufficient for your needs though. Put the yml inside your spec directory -- or put it in a subdir of your spec directory, but include that subdir in the open argument.
It's because of
File.open("person_invalid_address_examples.yaml", "r")
It opens the file where the rspec is running.
In your case you should define file more apparently something like this:
file_path = File.expand_path("person_invalid_address_examples.yaml", File.dirname(__FILE__))
File.open(file_path, "r")
