Using Watir to check for bad links - ruby

I have an unordered list of links that I save off to the side, and I want to click each link and make sure it goes to a real page and doesnt 404, 500, etc.
The issue is that I do not know how to do it. Is there some object I can inspect which will give me the http status code or anything?
mylinks = Browser.ul(:id, 'my_ul_id').links
mylinks.each do |link|
# need to check for a 200 status or something here! how?

My answer is similar idea with the Tin Man's.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
mylinks = Browser.ul(:id, 'my_ul_id').links
mylinks.each do |link|
u = URI.parse link.href
status_code = Net::HTTP.start(,u.port){|http| http.head(u.request_uri).code }
# testing with rspec
status_code.should == '200'
if you use Test::Unit for testing framework, you can test like the following, i think
assert_equal '200',status_code
another sample (including Chuck van der Linden's idea): check status code and log out URLs if the status is not good.
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
mylinks = Browser.ul(:id, 'my_ul_id').links
mylinks.each do |link|
u = URI.parse link.href
status_code = Net::HTTP.start(,u.port){|http| http.head(u.request_uri).code }
unless status_code == '200''error_log.txt','a+'){|file| file.puts "#{link.href} is #{status_code}" }

There's no need to use Watir for this. A HTTP HEAD request will give you an idea whether the URL resolves and will be faster.
Ruby's Net::HTTP can do it, or you can use Open::URI.
Using Open::URI you can request a URI, and get a page back. Because you don't really care what the page contains, you can throw away that part and only return whether you got something:
require 'open-uri'
if (open('').read.any?)
puts "is"
puts "isn't"
The upside is the Open::URI resolves HTTP redirects. The downside is it returns full pages so it can be slow.
Ruby's Net::HTTP can help somewhat, because it can use HTTP HEAD requests, which don't return the entire page, only a header. That by itself isn't enough to know whether the actual page is reachable because the HEAD response could redirect to a page that doesn't resolve, so you have to loop through the redirects until you either don't get a redirect, or you get an error. The Net::HTTP docs have an example to get you started:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str))
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit - 1)
print fetch('')
Again, that example is returning pages, which might slow you down. You can replace get_response with request_head, which returns a response like get_response does, which should help.
In either case, there's another thing you have to consider. A lot of sites use "meta refreshes", which cause the browser to refresh the page, using an alternate URL, after parsing the page. Handling these requires requesting the page and parsing it, looking for the <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" /> tags.
Other HTTP gems like Typhoeus and Patron also can do HEAD requests easily, so take a look at them too. In particular, Typhoeus can handle some heavy loads via its companion Hydra, allowing you to easily use parallel requests.
require 'typhoeus'
response = Typhoeus::Request.head("")
response.code # => 302
case response.code
when (200 .. 299)
when (300 .. 399)
headers = Hash[*response.headers.split(/[\r\n]+/).map{ |h| h.split(' ', 2) }.flatten]
puts "Redirected to: #{ headers['Location:'] }"
when (400 .. 499)
when (500 .. 599)
# >> Redirected to:
Just in case you haven't played with one, here's what the response looks like. It's useful for exactly the sort of situation you're look at:
(rdb:1) pp response
#curl_error_message="No error",
"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\nLocation:\r\nServer: BigIP\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n",
:method => :head,
:url =>,
:headers => {"User-Agent"=>"Typhoeus -"},
If you have a lot of URLs to check, see the Hydra example that is part of Typhoeus.

There's a bit of a philosophical debate on whether watir or watir-webdriver should provide HTTP return code information. The premise being that an ordinary 'user' which is what Watir is simulating on the DOM is ignorant of HTTP return codes. I don't necessarily agree with this, as I have a slightly different use case perhaps to the main (performance testing etc)... but it is what it is. This thread expresses some opinions about the distinction =>
At present there's no easy way to determine HTTP response codes from Watir without using supplementary tools like proxies/Fiddler/HTTPWatch/TCPdump, or downgrading to a net/http level of scripting mid test... I personally like using firebug with the netexport plugin to keep a retrospective look at tests.

All previous solutions are inefficient if you have a very huge number of links because for each one, it will establish a new HTTP connection with the server hosting the link.
I have written a one-liner bash command that will use the curl command to fetch a list of links supplied from stdin and returns a list of status codes corresponding to each link. The key point here is that curl takes all bunch of links in the same invocation and it will reuse HTTP connections which will dramatically improve speed.
However, curl will divide the list into chunks of 256, which is still by far more than 1! To make sure connections are reused, sort the links first (simply using the sort command).
cat <YOUR_LINKS_FILE_ONE_PER_LINE> | xargs curl --head --location -w '---HTTP_STATUS_CODE:%{http_code}\n\n' -s --retry 10 --globoff | grep HTTP_STATUS_CODE | cut -d: -f2 > <RESULTS_FILE>
It is worth noting that the above command will follow HTTP redirects, retry 10 times for temporary errors (timeouts or 5xx) and of course will only fetch headers.
Update: added --globoff so that curl won't expand any url if it contains {} or []


How to scrape pages which have lazy loading

Here is the code which i used for parsing of web page.I did it in rails console.But i am not getting any output in my rails console.The site which i want to scrape is having lazy loading
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
page = 1
while true
url = ""+"/ajxsearch.php?national_search=0&act=pagination&city=Delhi+%2F+NCR&search=Pandits"+"&where=Delhi+Cantt&catid=1195&psearch=&prid=&page=#{page}"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(doc.at_css('#ajax').text)
d = doc.css(".rslwrp")
d.each do |t|
puts t.css(".jrcw").text
puts t.css("span.jcn").text
puts t.css(".jaid").text
puts t.css(".estd").text
You have 2 options here:
Switch pure HTTP scraping to some tool which supports javascript evaluation, such as Capybara (with proper driver selected). This can be slow, since you're running headless browser under the hood plus you'll have to set some timeouts or figure another way to make sure the blocks of text you're interested in are loaded before you start any scraping.
Second option is to use Web Developer console and figure out how those blocks of text are loaded (which AJAX calls, their parameters and etc.) and implement them in your scraper. This is more advanced approach, but more performant, since you won't make any extra work, like you've done in option 1.
Have a nice day!
Your code above doesn't work, because the response is HTML code wrapped in JSON object, while you're trying to parse it as a raw HTML. It looks like this:
"error": 0,
"msg": "request successful",
"paidDocIds": "some ids here",
"itemStartIndex": 20,
"lastPageNum": 50,
What you need is unwrap JSON and then parse as HTML:
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse(open(url).read) # make sure you check http errors here
html = json['markup'] # can this field be empty? check for the json['error'] field
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) # parse as you like
I'd also advise you against using open-uri since your code may become vulnerable if you use dynamic urls because of the way open-uri works (read the linked article for the details) and use good and more feature-wise libraries such as HTTParty and RestClient.
UPDATE 2: Minimal working script for me:
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
url = ''
json = JSON.parse(open(url).read) # make sure you check http errors here
html = json['markup'] # can this field be empty? check for the json['error'] field
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) # parse as you like
puts doc.at_css('#newphoto10').attr('title')
# => Dr Raaj Batra Lal Kitab Expert in East Patel Nagar, Delhi

Setting an HTTP Timeout in Ruby 1.9.3

I'm using Ruby 1.9.3 and need to GET a URL. I have this working with Net::HTTP, however, if the site is down, Net::HTTP ends up hanging.
While searching the internet, I've seen many people faced similar problems, all with hacky solutions. However, many of those posts are quite old.
I'd prefer using Net::HTTP to installing a new gem.
I need both the Body and the Response Code. (e.g. 200)
I do not want to require open-uri, since that makes global changes and raises some security issues.
I need to GET a URL within X seconds, or return error.
Using Ruby 1.9.3, how can I GET a URL while setting a timeout?
To clarify, my existing code looks like:
Trying to add:
Results in:
NoMethodError: undefined method `open_timeout' for Net::HTTP:Class
You can set the open_timeout attribute of the Net::HTTP object before making the connection.
uri = URI.parse(url), uri.port) do |http|
http.open_timeout = 1000
response = http.request_get(uri.request_uri)
I tried all the solutions here and on the other questions about this problem but I only got everything right with the following code, The open-uri gem is a wrapper for net::http.
I needed a get that had to wait longer than the default timeout and read the response. The code is also simpler.
require 'open-uri'
open(url, :read_timeout => 5 * 60) do |response|
if[/Return: Ok/i]
log "sending ok"
raise "error sending, no confirmation received"

Ruby: expand shorten urls the hard way

Is there a way to open URLS in ruby and output the re-directed url:
ie convert to
I find that there are more url shortener services than gems can keep up with, so I'm asking for the hard -but robust- way, instead of using a gem that connects to some API.
Here is a lengthen method
This has very little error handling but it might help you get started.
You could wrap lengthen with a begin rescue block that returns nil or attempt to retry it later. Not sure what you are trying to build but hope it helps.
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
def lengthen(url)
uri = URI(url), uri.port).get(uri.path).header['location']
irb(main):008:0> lengthen('')
=> ""

EventMachine Proxy -- HTTP Proxy mixing up request/response pairs

I have the following code (just as a test) and I want to create an HTTP proxy using EventMachine. The code below is an example on the es-proxy GitHub page. However, when I run this and open up a website that has a moderate amount of images, the images start loading incorrectly. What I mean by this is that some images are loaded twice or if I request my icon for the navigation bar, I instead get the profile picture. This is especially evident if I refresh the page a few times.
It seems that the responses do not correspond to the matching request; causing everything to be jumbled. However, I'm not sure why this is. The code below seems simple enough for this to not be a problem.
require 'rubygems'
require 'em-proxy'
require 'http/parser' # gem install http_parser.rb
require 'uuid' # gem install uuid
# > ruby em-proxy-http.rb
# > curl --proxy localhost:9889
host = ""
port = 9889
puts "listening on #{host}:#{port}..."
Proxy.start(:host => host, :port => port) do |conn|
#p =
#p.on_headers_complete = proc do |h|
session = UUID.generate
puts "New session: #{session} (#{h.inspect})"
host, port = h['Host'].split(':')
conn.server session, :host => host, :port => (port || 80)
conn.relay_to_servers #buffer
#buffer = ''
#buffer = ''
conn.on_connect do |data,b|
puts [:on_connect, data, b].inspect
conn.on_data do |data|
#buffer << data
#p << data
conn.on_response do |backend, resp|
#puts [:on_response, backend, resp].inspect
conn.on_finish do |backend, name|
puts [:on_finish, name].inspect
I believe I have insight as to what is happening but, still no way of solving my problem. I am creating a server for each request and when I relay my requests I have multiple servers. Then in the on response I should only be returning the response if it is from the correct server. However, I don't have a way to correlate this as of yet.
Here a proper response:
Try removing every puts in the example so the main loop can concentrate on doing the actual network I/O, it works for me like that.
I think there may be some kind of timeout playing behind this, maybe the client does not wait long enough for the full answer to come back while the server is stuck outputing text to the console.
That's the downside of using an event reactor, you have to make sure nothing blocks it.
The code doesn't seem to account for persistent http connections. Maybe you could try a HTTP 1.0 browser.

Download an image from a URL?

I am trying to use HTTP::get to download an image of a Google chart from a URL I created.
This was my first attempt:
failures_url = [title, type, data, size, colors, labels].join("&")
require 'net/http'
Net::HTTP.start("") { |http|
resp = http.get("/chart?#{failures_url")
open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|
Which produced only an empty PNG file.
For my second attempt I used the value stored inside failure_url inside the http.get() call.
require 'net/http'
Net::HTTP.start("") { |http|
resp = http.get("/chart?chtt=Builds+in+the+last+12+months&cht=bvg&chd=t:296,1058,1217,1615,1200,611,2055,1663,1746,1950,2044,2781,1553&chs=800x375&chco=4466AA&chxl=0:|Jul-2010|Aug-2010|Sep-2010|Oct-2010|Nov-2010|Dec-2010|Jan-2011|Feb-2011|Mar-2011|Apr-2011|May-2011|Jun-2011|Jul-2011|2:|Months|3:|Builds&chxt=x,y,x,y&chg=0,6.6666666666666666666666666666667,5,5,0,0&chxp=3,50|2,50&chbh=23,5,30&chxr=1,0,3000&chds=0,3000")
open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|
And, for some reason, this version works even though the first attempt had the same data inside the http.get() call. Does anyone know why this is?
After trying to figure why this is happening I found "How do I download a binary file over HTTP?".
One of the comments mentions removing http:// in the Net::HTTP.start(...) call otherwise it won't succeed. Sure enough after I did this:
failures_url = [title, type, data, size, colors, labels].join("&")
require 'net/http'
Net::HTTP.start("") { |http|
resp = http.get("/chart?#{failures_url")
open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|
it worked.
I'd go after the file using Ruby's Open::URI:
require "open-uri"'pie.png', 'wb') do |fo|
fo.write open("{failures_url}").read
The reason I prefer Open::URI is it handles redirects automatically, so WHEN Google makes a change to their back-end and tries to redirect the URL, the code will handle it magically. It also handles timeouts and retries more gracefully if I remember right.
If you must have lower level control then I'd look at one of the many other HTTP clients for Ruby; Net::HTTP is fine for creating new services or when a client doesn't exist, but I'd use Open::URI or something besides Net::HTTP until the need presents itself.
The URL:,1058,1217,1615,1200,611,2055,1663,1746,1950,2044,2781,1553&chs=800x375&chco=4466AA&chxl=0:|Jul-2010|Aug-2010|Sep-2010|Oct-2010|Nov-2010|Dec-2010|Jan-2011|Feb-2011|Mar-2011|Apr-2011|May-2011|Jun-2011|Jul-2011|2:|Months|3:|Builds&chxt=x,y,x,y&chg=0,6.6666666666666666666666666666667,5,5,0,0&chxp=3,50|2,50&chbh=23,5,30&chxr=1,0,3000&chds=0,3000
makes URI upset. I suspect it is seeing characters that should be encoded in URLs.
For documentation purposes, here is what URI says when trying to parse that URL as-is:
URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?)
If I encode the URI first, I get a successful parse. Testing further using Open::URI shows it is able to retrieve the document at that point and returns 23701 bytes.
I think that is the appropriate fix for the problem if some of those characters are truly not acceptable to URI AND they are out of the RFC.
Just for information, the Addressable::URI gem is a great replacement for the built-in URI.
resp = http.get("/chart?#{failures_url")
If you copied your original code then you're missing a closing curly bracket in your path string.
Your original version did not have the parameter name for each parameter, just the data. For example, on the title, you cannot just submit "Builds+in+the+last+12+months", but instead it must be "chtt=Builds+in+the+last+12+months".
Try this:
failures_url = ["title="+title, "type="+type, "data="+data, "size="+size, "colors="+colors, "labels="+labels].join("&")
