Custom attributes are not consistent errors moving a VS 2008 solution to VS 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to move my VS 2008 solution to VS 2010. Everything works perfectly (compile and link) if I keep the target framework at 4.0.
When I change the framework 2.0 and change the platform framework v100 (to get past compile errors) only to run into metadata linking errors, like this one:
error LNK2022: metadata operation failed (80131195) : Custom attributes are not consistent: (0x0c0000f7). C:\Development\Main\Filemaster\SoxService\MSVCMRTD.lib(managdeh.obj)
I've read that I'm supposed to use ILDAsm but it doesn't like my obj file and since the link didn't complete I don't have an exe to load.
Can anyone please provide some advice on how to find the sorts of errors?
I hate nothing worse than fighting the tool!

I was able to get around this problem by going into the project XML file itself and changing the TargetFramework to be 4.0 After that everything compiled and linked fine.
Hans he is referring to C++ Native Multi-Targeting which can be found at this location Platform Framework can be changed under project Properties > General and is advised by the article - however this does not work due to apparent bugs in VC++


Missing Method exception "System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary System.Web.WebPages.TypeHelper.ObjectToDictionaryUncached(System.Object)

I've created a new project in Visual Studio 2013.2 with WebAPI and MVC enabled. Right out of the box, compiling the generated project and running gives me the exception. Looking around here, I've come across the following two questions:
Mvc 5.1 MissingMethodException System.Web.WebPages.TypeHelper.ObjectToDictionaryUncached
Both these answers involve assembly redirects; however, in my case the assembly redirects are present and I'm still getting an issue. My problem is that the GAC is loading version 3.00.11001.0 which is listed under assembly version and my application wants 3.20.20520.0 which is also listed as assembly version (Note that in diagnosing the project I installed the 5.2 pre-release nuget package, but I had the same problem with the original versions, I just don't have those readily available)
Since the GAC is preferred over the bin directory, it seems that my development machine will always pull the wrong file.
Is it safe to remove these files from the GAC? It appears that these are required for Visual Studio to produce Razor intellisense
Removing the Assemblies from the GAC did behave exactly as expected. The Razor intellisense for the project stopped working; however, the application began functioning properly.
You have to add the reference of System.Web to get it working.

Why is my xml doc file always getting locked?

When building an F# project through Visual Studio 2010 (either Build or Rebuild, or Clean -> Build) where I've checked "XML Documentation file" and specified a location in the Build tab of the properties page, I frequently but sporadically run into build failures:
FSC: error FS0193: Access to the path 'xxx.XML' is denied.
I've experience this with several F# projects / solutions. Most of the time I then just turn it off, but I recently noticed then documentation isn't built into the compiled assemblies (I apparently falsely assumed that the XML doc was only for possible external processing and that the doc comments would always get built in).
Any help appreciated.
I know we fixed this bug in VS2010 for F#. I seem to recall that C# and VB had the bug as well (dunno if they fixed it, I can investigate). Do you have a C# or VB project referencing the F# project? (Are you building the solution, or a specific project?)

Using VS 2010, can I reference a project created in VS 2005?

Here's a puzzler - something that doesn't work that I assumed would (no surprise there).
We have a library project that is referenced in a few other desktop app projects. The library project is written in VS 2005 (.NET 2.0).
My problem is that some of our apps still live in VS 2005 for the time being (for various reason). I can't seem to reference this library project in VS 2010 without it demanding that I upgrade it to .NET 4, which if I do, then breaks my ability to include it as a reference in my VS 2005 projects.
This type of thing fries my brain. Is there any way I can make this work?
Hmm, that doesn't make a lot of sense. You don't reference a 'library project', you reference the DLL that it produces. Project + Add Reference, Browse tab. There's no known problem with that, within a 95% accuracy guess, mixed mode assemblies have a few hairs.
If you actually try to load a vs2005 project into a vs2010 solution, then yes, it's going to try to convert the project file. And that turns vs2005 catatonic, it doesn't have the time machine to guess what a vs2010 project looks like. Just making a copy of the project directory solves that problem.
Can you change the .NET version back to 3.5 or 2.0 in VS.NET 2010 after it revises the project version to .NET 4.0?
Use a file reference to the built dll, rather than a project reference.
You may also find you need to add an extra bit of compatible-framework info to your manifest file to tell .net to allow your .exe to use .net 4 and .net 2 assemblies alongside each other - if it's not there you'll just get an error on startup. (Sorry, I can't remember the exact details and I'm not at my work machine right now to be able to find them - but if you have problems at runtime, the error message should lead you to the exact solution you need)
Correction: I was thinking of this 'useLegacy' startup setting, which you may need to add to your app.config if you want to use a mixture of .net 2.0 and .net 4.0 assemblies in your application:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>
On option, that is a complete PITA, but should work is:
Create a new project file in 2010 that includes everything the 2005 project file has. Just call it MyProject2010.csproj or whatever.
Then, add this project to your 2010 solution.

Planning to upgrade VS 2005 to VS 2010

I have installed VS 2010 and want to migrate all code written in VS 2005 to VS 2010.
Please note that we do not have VS 2008, all code are in C# 2.0 and 2.0 only.
Can anyone please tell me now what all points need to be considered while migrating.
I have set target framework to 2.0 for all of my Libraries and web projects. It complies without any error!
However, when site opens in IE (Set to default.aspx), it gives me error as below:
InternalXmlHelper.vb(9) : error BC30560: 'ExtensionAttribute' is
ambiguous in the namespace 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices'.
<Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute()> _
Keep all the target framework settings to .NET 2.0. This way, there should be no compilation problem at all.
The changes that you should see are the solution and project files only.
Start with known good solutions in source control (and label—you shouldn't need to go back, but easy to add an extra safety net).
Open each solution in VS2010, allow the conversion wizard to do the conversion.
Resolve any issues.
Honestly, if you're just upgrading VS 2010 you don't really need to consider much. Just keep backups (any real SCM product will do) and you're good. You don't have to upgrade your applications' runtime targets at all if you don't want to.
If you're building with CAS policy, you might run into issues with using MSBuild 4.0 to build you 2.0 applications. If you don't know what I'm talking about, never mind.
My advice is to make sure everyone's "checked in" to your source code provider, and run the conversion wizard and see how it goes.

Visual Studio 2008 does not show any "obsolete"-warnings

Duplicate: Why are C# collection-properties not flagged as obsolete when calling properties on them?
I just migrated a .NET 1.1 project to .NET 2.0 using Visual Studio 2008. I know that there are references to obsolete methods in the project.
But Visual Studio does not show "obsolete"-warnings after building. The build succeeds and shows only 3 warnings from members that are assigned a value that is never used. When I remove these members there are no warnings at all.
The Warning level is 4 (maximum), Warnings are enabled.
Just one sample:
protected internal DataConnector()
_connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ProductConnectionString"];
All references that should result in an "obsolete"-warning are to members of classes of the .NET Framework.
Is the code calling the obsolete method(s) itself flagged as obsolete?
Just taking a shot in the dark here, but is the usage of an obsolete member taking place in a project that you're REFERENCING, and when you're building it isn't actually rebuilding that project? If that's a possibility, I would try manually building the project where the usage is taking place, or just rebuilding the entire solution.
Make sure you are doing a full build on the project, not just an incremental build.
Jeff Yates is right, this is a duplicate to Why are C# collection-properties not flagged as obsolete when calling properties on them?
It is a bug in the C# 3.5 compiler reported here:
I checked it: copied the csc.exe commandline from the output window to a cmd-console. When I change the directory to the .NET 2.0 directory (using C# 2.0 compiler), it shows the warnings. Microsoft knows this bug and fixed it in C# 4.0 but will not fix it in the 3.5 version.
