Why is GEF documentation so outdated? - eclipse-gef

I am trying to implement an application with Graphical Editing Framework GEF. But somehow it seems that the tutorials and the documentations are all very old and outdated.
Is GEF not used anymore or are there good, understandable tutorials out there?

The book mentioned by Matt is now available:
"The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framwork" by Dan Rubel, Jaime Wren, and Eric Clayberg.

Yeah, I'd agree that GEF documentation isn't great. There is a book in progress, and you can otherwise piece together information from different places; e.g. Notes for Starting Out with Eclipse GEF. Also, even if a tutorial is a few years old, it's not necessarily out of date.


Documentation about AppScript and ModScript (Serena)

I'm currently working for a bank as an analyst developper. The bank uses SBM from Serena (recently buy back by Micro Focus). The problem is that the scripts are coded in AppScript (VBScript 4.0) and in ModScript (ChaiScript/C++) and I can't find any documentations on the Internet about those two. The only things I found was on the forum of Serena...
Either I look bad, or those languages are not well known.
Maybe someone here got some doc ? Would help me a lot !
I thank you already for the help you will bring me !
PS: Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
Documentation for Modscript and Appscript can be found online through the Documentation portal for MicroFocus/Serena.
Specifically the Composer help guide covers alot of ground for the scripting languages this is the latest version's guide (11.5) http://help.serena.com/doc_center/sbm/ver11_5/composer/help.html
However, you can switch versions and find plenty of documentation here:
Additionally there is community dedicated to the Serena-owned products at http://serenacentral.com

Speech to Text in XCODE Example

I've been looking a sample code in the internet on how to create an xcode app that will convert voice/speech to text.
Hopefully guys you could lead me to a link on how to do this, I am a newbie in xcode, would appreciate if the link will be a little bit detailed in explanation or in code.
Thanks Guys and Rest of all stackoverflow community
Technically, this is not the kind of question you are supposed to ask. You should pose a problem and give examples of what you have done so far with the problem, rather than just asking for material.
What you should search for is OpenEars. It's a speech to text library with tutorials on the website. It also does text to speech. However, it has limitations so be sure to read all its documentation and advice first.

Joomla 1.6 Component Tutorial

Aside from the HelloWorld Tutorial, are there any other tutorials/books available with regards to component development on Joomla 1.6 ?
Although the HelloWorld guides the user through chapters/steps, it doesn't exactly explain what certain code or function does. I'm at Part 14, and I'm at a complete lost.
Really appreciate if someone could point me to some other tutorial sites or books to purchase..
Try the Joomla Programming book by Mark Dexter, I am not sure whether its available yet.
you can see the preview here: http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/web-development/joomla/9780132780841/components-part-ii-views-jform-and-front-end/ch08#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoUmVhZGVyP3htbGlkPTk3ODAxMzI3ODA4NDEvMjE0
Documentation supporting Joomla 1.6 is lacking at this time from what I've seen. Your best bet might be http://learn.theartofjoomla.com/version-16-development.html.
This set of tutorials is exactly what is needed to really learn the new classes in 1.6. Unfortunately, they only take you so for to date. Other videos are forthcoming according to Andrew Eddie.
I now of no other tutorial that will, at this time, take you completely through the process with thorough explanations.

iPhoto '11 plugins possible to develop?

Can't find any information on iPhoto's plugin development for iPhoto 11. Did Apple abandoned iPhoto SDK effort completely?
Log into your developer.apple.com account and paste this into Safari:
One bit of good news is that the iPhoto database is SQLite and is quite accessible to someone already familiar to SQL. The schema changed pretty significantly between iPhoto '09 and '11 but the concepts behind my experiments accessing iPhotoMain.db from the "sqlite3" command-line tool are still relevant.
I can't answer that officially, but it sure seems like Apple abandoned it. The SDK/sample code used to be readily available on the developer site, but it's now pretty difficult to track down. The bright side is it can still be done with the old sample code they used to provide assuming you can find it. The down side is that when it's hard to find like that, it's likely Apple won't be supporting it any more. Of course, maybe they're going to adopt a new plugin architecture, but I won't be holding my breath.
I found this link to an iPhoto Exporter plugin code example: http://code.google.com/p/slideshowexporter/ I think whoever posted this one to google code modified it to meet their needs, but it looks like some of the original code is still in tact and might be a good starting place for you.
I can confirm that the Apple example code works with iPhoto 11. I just don't have an official link.
Good luck.

Is there a Wiki with a Web 2.0 UI (like StackOverflow's)?

I need to use MediaWiki at work. It used to be okay, but with sites s.a. StackOverflow, there's some user interface issues that simply don't do any more.
Most importantly, I'd want to see the live preview when typing. There shouldn't be need for a preview mode.
What Wikis are you using? Which would be the best for a recent (easy) Web experience?
Can MediaWiki be updated to have more recent UI behaviour?
Two products seem to be above others, both "open source commercial" (= you get a skinny version free, standard and enterprise levels with more goodies cost).
MindTouch DekiWiki
Judge for yourself. I sure found my liking in one of these. :)
There is a WYSIWYG extension for mediawiki. See Fckeditor:
Well there is StackExchange (which is the StackOverflow engine), but you have to pay for it.
A discussion on Confluence vs Mediawiki: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DISC/Confluence+Vs+Mediawiki
It doesn't have the preview feature you talk about, but you asked for "favorite wikis", so here's mine (at least favorite for ease of use/setup):
