Why does running multiple Wicket applications cause AJAX conflicts? - ajax

When I open two Wicket web applications in the same browser, it seems there are AJAX conflicts as I see a full page refresh in place of a partial refresh. This is true even if the applications are on different servers and port numbers.
I only use the out-of-the-box JavaScript provided by Wicket (tabbedPanel, onTimerAutoRefresh).
Perhaps it is something related to the fallback function.
When only one web application is open, it works without any problems.
I don't have a problem on the examples site, so I think something is wrong with the configuration of my application.
wicket-ajax.js, line 970:
try {
redirectUrl = t.getResponseHeader('Ajax-Location');
} catch (ignore) { // might happen in older mozilla
// the redirect header was set, go to new url
if (typeof(redirectUrl) != "undefined" &&
redirectUrl != null &&
redirectUrl != "") {
//redirect and do a full page refresh (window.location = redirectUrl);
// do the normal ajax functionality
When everything is okay, there is no Ajax-Location in the header. When the second web application is loaded in the same browser, then the next AJAX request on the first loaded web application gets this line in its header:
[Ajax-Location: .]

Can you check that the root context of your applications is different? Otherwise, you could have a conflict at cookie level. They are stored based on the hostname and the path. If the context path of both application is "/", then the cookie values will be overwritten. Whence the conflict that you see.


Create a multi-website proxy with `http-proxy`

I'm using node-http-proxy to run a proxy website. I would like to proxy any target website that the user chooses, similarly to what's done by https://www.proxysite.com/, https://www.croxyproxy.com/ or https://hide.me/en/proxy.
How would one achieve this with node-http-proxy?
Idea #1: use a ?target= query param.
My first naive idea was to add a query param to the proxy, so that the proxy can read it and redirect.
Code-wise, it would more or less look like (assuming we're deploy this to http://myproxy.com):
const BASE_URL = 'https://myproxy.com';
// handler is the unique handler of all routes.
async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
): Promise<void> {
try {
const url = new URL(req.url, BASE_URL); // For example: `https://myproxy.com?target=https://google.com`
const targetURLStr = url.searchParams.get('target'); // Get `?target=` query param.
return httpProxyMiddleware(req, res, {
changeOrigin: true,
target: targetURLStr,
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ error: (err as Error).message });
Problem: If I deploy this code to myproxy.com, and load https://myproxy.com?target=https://google.com, then google.com is loaded, but:
if I click a link to google images, it loads https://myproxy.com/images instead of https://myproxy.com?target=https://google.com/images, also see URL as query param in proxy, how to navigate?
Idea #2: use cookies
Second idea is to read the ?target= query param like above, store its hostname in a cookie, and proxy all resources to the cookie's hostname.
So for example user wants to access https://google.com/a/b?c=d via the proxy. The flow is:
go to https://myproxy.com?target=${encodeURIComponent('https://google.com/a/b?c=d')}
proxy reads the ?target= query param, sets the hostname (https://google.com) in a cookie
proxy redirects to https://myproxy.com/a/b?c=d (307 redirect)
proxy sees a new request, and since the cookie is set, we proxy this request into node-http-proxy using cookie's target.
Code-wise, it would look like: https://gist.github.com/throwaway34241/de8a623c1925ce0acd9d75ff10746275
Problem: This works very well. But only for one proxy at a time. If I open one browser tab with https://myproxy.com?target=https://google.com, and another tab with https://myproxy.com?target=https://facebook.com, then:
first it'll set the cookie to https://google.com, and i can navigate in the 1st tab correctly
then I go to the 2nd tab (without closing the 1st one), it'll set the cookie to https://facebook.com, and I can navigate facebook on the 2nd tab correctly
but then if I go back to the first tab, it'll proxy google resources through facebook, because the cookie has been overwritten.
I'm a bit out of ideas, and am wondering how those generic proxy websites are doing. Ideally, I would not want to parse the HTML of the target website.
The idea of a Proxy is to intercept the client requests, either by ports or by backend APIs, extract the URLs of requested resources, modify them and make those requests by self from servers, and modify responses and send them back to the client.
your first approach does this except modify responses and send back modified responses.
one way to do this is to edit all links in resources return by proxy to have your web address in them, only then send them as responses back to the client.
another way is to wrap the target site in a frame, as most web proxy sites do, and have a script to crawl the page and replace all links.
there is a small problem though. javascript-based requests are mostly hardcoded in the script and it is not an easy job to replace them.
your seconds approach sounds as if it would work better, but just a sound, nothing concrete I can say. implement a tab activity checker so you can change the cookie to your active tab. please check how-to-tell-if-browser-tab-is-active discussion about that

$urlRouteProvider, simple routing

Can't get my head around $urlRouterPovider...
basically whenever I go to a link it should load associated view and controller. So that works.
$stateProvider.state('views', {
url: "/:view",
templateUrl: function(stateParams, formResolver) {
return "views/" + stateParams.view + "/" + stateParams.view + "-view.html";
controllerProvider: function($stateParams) {
return "" + $stateParams.view + "Ctrl";
So whenever user goes to http://localhost:3030/#/foo, it loads "views/foo/foo.html" with controller as "fooCtrl", and goes to home by default, and for all other cases errror.
That is cool. What I need though, whenever user goes to http://localhost:3030/#/auth it would redirect to "/auth" on the server, skipping stateProvider. Currently it sees that as a state and tries to find corresponding view and controller.
If you need to redirect them to the server you need to leave out the #/ part of the URL.
The browser ignores the the #/ portion of the URL, which is how AngularJS is able to allow the page you server from localhost:3030/#/ handle the request. This is essentially still just requesting localhost:3030/
If you are wanting to do a true redirect or navigation to /auth on your server, ignore state for that request - you want your browser to make a straight-up HTTP request pointed directly at your server. Use /auth as the action in your form, or post to /auth from within your controller. When you are done on the server, redirect the user back to your Angular application.
Remember as well that you need to have some mechanism for your AngularJS application to know ehnIn our applications, we have the server set a cookie with a JWT token in it that is then used by the AngularJS application to retrieve the user information. This way the AngularJS application knows how to tell when a the user is really logged in (vs. a user going to a URL that represents a logged-in state).

How to clear cookies of HttpWebRequest in WP7?

My logout does not seem to work.
I clear cookies like that:
foreach (Cookie cookie in _session.Cookie.GetCookies(new Uri(Session.ServerSecureURL + "/Login", UriKind.Absolute)))
cookie.Discard = true;
cookie.Expired = true;
But next time I try to login, I get the previous user's session, even though, I verified, and in the web request I see a new cookie.
Anyone had similar problems with cookies?
I Found the problem. It was not Cookie related after all.
I used wireshark to see what is sent to the server, and found out that after i logout there is only one call to the server, the one that logs me back in, but no calls to retrieve the data are made. Apparently WP7 retrieves me the old data from previous session from cache. I fixed that by adding a random data to the end of my url, and now it works perfectly. I'm still wondering what is the right way to control caching on WP7.
new Uri(Session.ServerSecureURL + "/Login", UriKind.Absolute)))
Looks a little suspect to me. I would expect it to be:-
new Uri(Session.ServerSecureURL + "/", UriKind.Absolute)))
Ordinarily cookes set in a folder (like "Login") would still have the path "/", since its usually intended that the cookies be available to the whole application.

Problem sending AJAX request with headers on Blackberry Webworks

I am developing a Blackberry webworks application and I am having trouble with an AJAX request that I am making to a server. I am learning HTML/Javascript/AJAX on the fly, so excuse any beginner mistakes. Basically, formatted HTTP requests are made to the server, which returns JSON objects that I use in the application. I am using AJAX to make the requests without any kind of framework.
Most requests do not have to be authenticated, and those are returning just fine. However, to access a directory part of the server, a username and password are encoded and sent as a header with the XMLHTTPRequest. when I try and add the header, the request is sent, but I never get anything back. The readyState property is set to 1, but never goes beyond that. I know the server works fine, because I did the same thing for iPhone, and it worked.
Here is the relevant code:
function grabFromServer(httpRequest){
httpConnection = new XMLHttpRequest();
var me = this;
httpConnection.open("GET", httpRequest,true);
if(this.request == "company" || this.request == "property" || this.request == "individual"){
var authorized = this.checkCredentials();
//ask for username pword
//here, add credentials
httpConnection.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic : ODI5ZGV2bDokY19kdXN0Ym93bA==");
Your code appears to be good. Have you added an entry in your config.xml file to allow access to your domain? You should see an entry for something like <access subdomains="false" uri="http://data.mycompany.com/"/>. To make any HTTPRequests to an external website from a WebWorks application, you have to add an entry to "whitelist" domain like this.
If you're using the eclipse plugin, open up the config.xml file, click the Permissions tab at the bottom, and click "Add Domain".

Redirecting browser using AJAX

Is there a way to redirect a user to a page (login page in my case) when an AJAX query is made by the user to a server? The server is supposed to serve data only if the session is set or else the user should be redirected. I have tried sending a header("location:...") request but the browser handled it as a string (xmlhttp.response) rather than acting on it.
Not directly. Your callback function would have to handle it.
For example, if the server sends the text "LOGIN;/login.php;" then your onreadystatechange call back could have the snippet
if (xmlhttp.responseText.substring(0,6) == 'LOGIN;') {
window.location.href = xmlhttp.responseText.split(";")[1];
If you're using a framework for the Ajax, this code could be in whichever callback gets the result of the Ajax call.
No. Not directly. You can return something special which should be handled as a redirect. But since the browser isn't looking to navigate and it won't.
In the callback function you can set the window.location to the new page if the session is not set.
