ASP.NET MVC How to access a property in the Global.asax file from the Controller? -

in the Global.asax file, I manage some threads, and - from the Controller - I need to invoke an event of the one's thread. Is it possible to have access to that thread ?

You could use the application state to store some object that will be shared among all users of the application:
protected void Application_Start()
Application["foo"] = "bar";
and inside your controller you can access this property:
public ActionResult Index()
var foo = HttpContext.Application["foo"] as string;

You could if it were any other kind of object, like a string, because you'll need to declare the property as static in the Global.asax to make it available to the rest of the app:
public class Application : HttpApplication
// This is the class declared in Global.asax
// Your route definitions and initializations are also in here
public static string MyProperty { get; set; }
This will be available to the rest of the application. You can call by doing:
public ActionResult MyAction()
var bla = Application.MyProperty;
That said, I dont think you want to make a Thread available to the rest of the app this way.


Injecting Non-User-Submitted Data For Use During Validation

From what I can tell, ASP.Net Core performs model state validation before calling the relevant controller action method. This means that code in the action method isn't given an opportunity to add data to the model before it is validated.
What is the ASP.Net Core way of giving a view model access to additional, non-user-submitted data prior to validation?
What I'm trying to do (doesn't work).
The view model's Validate method expects data to be in ValidOptions. However, since validation occurs before the controller can set this property, validation causes the view model to throw an ArgumentNullException.
// From the Controller
public async Task<IActionResult> Process([Bind("SelectedId")]ViewModels.Import details)
// data needed for validation
details.ValidOptions = await service.ImportTypes.ToListAsync();
if (ModelState.ValidationState != ModelValidationState.Valid) {
// ...
// From ViewModels.Import
public IEnumerable<Option> ValidOptions { get; set; }
public int SelectdId {get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
// throws ArgumentNullException because ValidOptions hasn't been set when this is executed
var option = ValidOptions.Single(t => t.Id == SelectdId);
Probably many ways to skin a cat here. But the easiest for you is probably custom model binders. It's a way to "supplement" or change the binding of your model before it hits the controller. I will say that some see it as extremely bad practice to call an external service/repository at the point of model binding, but it does work and can come in handy.
You need to implement a class that inherits from IModelBinder.
public class MyViewModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
//Bind here. Including calling external services if you want.
Then you need to implement a provider, this essentially says "when" to bind.
public class MyViewModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(MyViewModel))
return new MyViewModelBinder();
return null;
In your configure method of your startup.cs, you need to add the provider to the ModelBinderProviders list.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
services.AddMvc(config =>
config.ModelBinderProviders.Add(new MyViewModelBinderProvider())
Further Documentation :
I don't think the official documentation has an article on custom model binders yet unfortunately.

MVC3 REST service - how do I access the request body content for a PUT or POST request?

I am creating an ASP.NET MVC3 restful web service to allow reports to be uploaded from a set of servers. When a new report is created, I want the client app to do a PUT to
passing the content of the report as XML in the body of the request.
My question is: how do I access the content of the report in my controller? I would imagine that it is available somewhere in the HttpContext.Request object but I am reluctant to access that from my controller as it is not possible(?) to unit test that. Is it possible to tweak the routing to allow the content to be passed as one or more parameters into the controller method? The outcome needs to be RESTful, i.e. it has to PUT or POST to a URL like the one above.
Currently my routing is:
new { controller = "Reports", action = "Put" },
new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });
Is there any way to modify this to pass content from the HTTP request body into the controller method?
The controller method is currently:
public class ReportsController : Controller
public ActionResult Put(string serverName, string reportTime)
// Code here to decode and save the report
The object I am trying to PUT to the URL is:
public class Report
public int SuccessCount { get; set; }
public int FailureOneCount { get; set; }
public int FailureTwoCount { get; set; }
// Other stuff
This question looks similar but doesn't have any answer.
Thanks in advance
Seems like you just need to use the standard ASP.NET MVC model binding capability with the slight wrinkle that you would doing an HTTP PUT instead of the more common HTTP POST. This article series has some good samples to see how model binding is used.
Your controller code would then look like:
public class ReportsController : Controller
public ActionResult Put(Report report, string serverName, string reportTime)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Do biz logic and return appropriate view
// Return invalid request handling "view"
EDIT: ====================>>>
Jon added this code to his comment as part of the fix so I added it to the answer for others:
Create a custom ModelBinder:
public class ReportModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Report));
return (Report)xs.Deserialize(
Modify the Global.asax.cs to register this model binder against the Report type:
ModelBinders.Binders[typeof(Report)] = new Models.ReportModelBinder();

Why is an item in the ViewBag not propagated to the _Layout page?

I have a SiteNavigation class that is being updated in the Initialize event of my base controller e.g.
public class SiteNavigation
public SiteNavigation()
IsSummarySelected = true;
public Model.Dtos.Folder[] Folders { get; set; }
public bool IsSummarySelected { get; set; }
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
var siteNavigation = new SiteNavigation();
siteNavigation.Folders = GetMeMyFolders() as Folder[];
ViewBag.SiteNavigation = siteNavigation;
and in the controller the IsSummarySelected property is changed to this value.
ViewBag.SiteNavigation.IsSummarySelected = false;
When I access the property in the _Layout file with this line of code, the value is ALWAYS true. It's as if the nav object is being New'd up again and the constructor is setting it to true.
#if (ViewBag.SiteNavigation.IsSummarySelected)
I've tried casting the nav object back to a variable and setting the property that way too, no dice. Any help would be appreciated.
Call me baffled!
Thank you,
I just copy pasted your code into my sample mvc project, and changing IsSummarySelected in my action correctly was reflected in the _Layout file. Are you certain your controller's assignment is getting hit, and you're not reassigning it afterwards somewhere else?
Edit: Your issues are an example of why I think it's a bad idea to use ViewBag for anything other than a localized quick fix. Debugging dynamic global objects is no fun. Refactoring suggestion: Make a site Navigation property in your base controller
SiteNavigation siteNavigation;
public SiteNavigation SiteNavigation
return siteNavigation;
siteNavigation = value;
and replace all references to ViewBag.SiteNavigation with this. Then create a custom WebViewPage and put in it.
public SiteNavigation SiteNavigation
return ((BaseController)ViewContext.Controller).SiteNavigation;
This won't fix your problem, but now you can just stick breakpoints on the get and set properties of SiteNavigation, and it should be very easy to debug your issue now.
I fill my TempData["SplitterIsCollapsed"] when Filters are invoked then via OnResultExecuting method. Additionally i fetch a property state from my UserContext class, which is registered only once per session: builder.RegisterType().As().CacheInSession(); .
Basic info: I use DependcyInjection!
Assignment of the Filter to the Controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
FilterAttribute class:
namespace MyProject.Web.Infrastructure.Filters
public class LayoutTempDataAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly IUserContext _userContext;
public LayoutTempDataAttribute()
_userContext = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IUserContext>();
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context)
if (context.Controller.TempData.ContainsKey("SplitterIsCollapsed"))
context.Controller.TempData["SplitterIsCollapsed"] = _userContext.LayoutInformation.SplitterIsCollapsed;
context.Controller.TempData.Add("SplitterIsCollapsed", _userContext.LayoutInformation.SplitterIsCollapsed);
The Splitter part of the _Layout.cshtml looks like:
.Panes(panes =>

Accessing ninject kernel in Application_Start

I am using Ninject and the MVC3 extension installed with nuget. My kernel setup code is in the App_Start/NinjectMVC3.cs file. Everything works great in controllers, but I can't figure out how to (properly) bind interfaces in the Global.asax.cs MvcApplication code.
I ended up using a hack (creating a public NinjectMVC3.GetKernel() method that returns bootstrap.kernel). However, that will be deprecated, and there must be a proper way to do this that I am not seeing.
Here is my code:
public class LogFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private IReportingService ReportingService { get; set; }
public LogFilterAttribute( IReportingService reportingService )
this.ReportingService = reportingService;
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilterCollection filters )
filters.Add( new HandleErrorAttribute() );
filters.Add( new LogFilterAttribute() );
protected void Application_Start()
RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilters.Filters );
// NOTE hack:
var kernel = NinjectMVC3.GetKernel();
var logger = kernel.Get<ILogger>();
var bw = new BackgroundWork(logger);
Application["BackgroundWork"] = bw;
There are two interfaces I am interested in. The first is just binding an object to a Global variable (the ILogger for the BackgroundWork).
And the second is for an ActionFilter. I read, but I don't see how it plugs into the actual registration (filter.Add).
I don't want to use the Property Inject if I can avoid it.
Any thoughts on the proper way to do this?
MVC 3 introduces the DependencyResolver which is populated into a singleton, and the Ninject extension supports it. You could use that in your MvcApplication class if you need it:
protected void Application_Start()
// ...
var logger = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ILogger>();
Now I should point out that it is unnecessary to do this with action filters. In Ninject.MVC3 you are supposed to use the BindFilter syntax, like so:
// Declare empty attribute
public class MyFilterAttribute : FilterAttribute { }
// Dependency module
public class MyModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Other bindings
// ...
this.BindFilter<MyActionFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 1)
Note that you have to use this because BindFilter is an extension method, and you also have to reference the Ninject.Web.Mvc.FilterBindingSyntax namespace.

Mvc3 - Best practice to deal with data which are required for (almost) all requests?

I am creating an application in mvc3 and wondering how to deal with database data which is required for all application requests, some of them depends on a session, some of them depends on url pattern basically all data is in database.
Like to know best practice
What I do in my applications and consider to be the best practice is to load your common data to the ViewBag on the Controller constructor.
For every project, I have a DefaultController abstract class that extends Controller. So, every controller in the project must inherit from DefaultController, instead of Controller. In that class' constructor, I load all data common to the whole project, like so:
// DefaultController.cs
public abstract class DefaultController : Controller
protected IRepository Repo { get; private set; }
protected DefaultController(IRepository repo)
Repo = repo;
ViewBag.CurrentUser = GetLoggedInUser();
protected User GetLoggedInUser()
// your logic for retrieving the data here
// HomeController.cs
public class HomeController : DefaultController
public HomeController(IRepository repo) : base(repo)
// ... your action methods
That way you will always have the logged in user available in your views.
I do the same as #rdumont but with one exception: I create a CommonViewModel which I use to define all common properties that I use.
public class CommonViewModel
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Extension {get;set; }
Declare a property in the base controller:
public abstract class BaseController : Controller
protected CommonViewModel Commons { get; private set; }
protected virtual void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
ViewBag.Commons = Commons;
By doing so I get everything almost typed. The only cast that I need to do is to cast ViewBag.Commons to the CommonViewModel.
Best is to avoid ViewBag at all.
See this answer, which details how to use Html.RenderAction() for that purpose:
Best way to show account information in layout file in MVC3
I'd suggest using a base ViewModel class.
So a base class with properties/functions which should be available at any point.
