Oracle: search though all stored procs/triggers/other db code? - oracle

Is it possible to search through all of the programmatic objects (functions, stored procedures, triggers, etc) across multiple schemas in Oracle?
There are a number of tables that appear to be unused in my code, but I don't want to break anything by removing them without checking first.

It is possible to search through object code-- you'd generally use the DBMS_METADATA package to generate the DDL for the object and then search the CLOB. However, it doesn't sound like that's actually what you want to do.
If you are just trying to figure out whether a table is referenced by any code in your system, you would generally want to use the DBA_DEPENDENCIES view (or ALL_DEPENDENCIES or USER_DEPENDENCIES depending on your privileges and the scope of what you're looking for). Something like
FROM dba_dependencies
WHERE referenced_owner = 'SCOTT'
AND referenced_name = 'EMP'
AND referenced_type = 'TABLE'
will show you everything that depends on the EMP table in the SCOTT schema.
The only time you'd want to search code rather than looking at DBA_DEPENDENCIES would be when you had code that was doing dynamic SQL where the table name was hard-coded. But that's relatively unlikely in practice.

You can search the DBA_SOURCE view:
FROM dba_source

Do this in Toad by selecting:
Search => Object Search

If you had Toad you could do this built-in. (I removed my schemas for privacy)


Table and Proc dependency

I am new to schema and not sure how the table is being populated (How the data is being inserted into the table ). How can we find out ?
This should work.
select *
from dba_source
where upper(text) like '%TABLE_NAME%'
But as I do not have DBA rights , can not execute this command. What is the other way to find this out ?
To see dependencies between objects you have access to you can query the all_dependencies data dictionary view. In this case:
select * from all_dependencies where referenced_name = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';
If the objects are in your own schema when you can use the user_dependencies view. If you want to see objects you don't have privileges against then you can use dba_dependencies, but it sounds like you are unlikely to have the privileges required to query that view, since you can't see dba_source.
Of course, that will only identify references within your stored PL/SQL code; it won't tell you about any external application code that is performing inserts directly against the database (as opposed to via CRUD procedures) or manual inserts.
And it will only tell you which objects have dependencies, you'll still need to dig through the object source code, either by querying all_source (or user_source if you're the owner) for the relevant type and name. I would avoid the possibility of false-positives from, say, comments that happen to mention the table name in code which doesn't access it. You could also do that outside the database - hopefully your code is under source control (right!?).
If you know the query you need to run but do not have the necessary privileges then perhaps you can write the query using USER_ or ALL_ views to validate the syntax then change the view to DBA_ and ask the DBA to run the query for you.

Any way to find out the which objects use or populate a particular table in oracle

I have a certain requirement where in I have been given a table name say ABC, i want to find out which all procedures,packages,mv's,functions refer to that particular table 'ABC' or do a insert or update on that table. Is there any way or query to find this.
Since I cannot look up the code of every object in the schema, I am searching for another way.
You may use Oracle System view dba_dependencies (check with your dba if you don't have access to this view).
select *
from dba_dependencies
where referenced_name='ABC'
and referenced_type='TABLE';
Beware, your objects may also use synonyms. So a second list could come with:
select *
from dba_dependencies
where referenced_name='ABC'
and referenced_type='SYNONYM';

How to find all tables updated by a particular plsql method

Is there any way to find all which tables are (potentially) updated by a particular PLSQL method, other than by code inspection?
No, not really.
ALL_DEPENDENCIES lists the tables statically referenced by a PL/SQL package but that will include both tables read and tebles updated, and it's for the entire package, not just a single procedure. Tables updated via dynamic SQL are not listed. Also, a procedure can call procedures outside the package, and they can in turn update additional tables.
Maybe query the all_source table:
select * from all_source
where name = 'procedure_name'
and upper(text) like upper('%update TABLE_NAME%');
While not exactly what you want, it will show what procedures, functions or packages contain the table_name right after an UPDATE (assuming they are on the same line).

oracle 11g dispaly user created tables

Hi I m new to oracle using 11g exprs edition and familiar with mysql. We can use the below code to display all databases in mysql
show databases;
What is the corresponding command in Oracle. Or how can i display all databases. Also We have
use mydatabase;
to chanage database in mysql. How can i change database in oracle. I tried to display all owners and their tables using the following command
select table_name, owner from all_tables;
It working fine. But when I tried to display tables I have created, by adding a where cluase
select table_name, owner from all_tables where owner='root';
it shows no rows were selected. Why this happens? Also I am facing the same problem with most of the queries when using the where clause. Without where clause it works fine. but when using it, the result is no rows selected for example
select * from all_tab_comments where owner='root';
select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints where table_name='location';
Is there anything special in oracle for where clause or the problem with my query.
Your username is very unlikely to be root; it could however be ROOT, in which case you could do:
select table_name, owner from all_tables where owner='ROOT';
The owner name is case-sensitive, and all objects including users and table names are upper-case by default (unless they're created with double-quotes, which is a bad idea). If you're connected as that user, to see only your own tables you can also do:
select table_name from user_tables;
And there is the dba_tables view which also shows you tables you don't have permissions on, but you can only see that with elevated privileges.
Oracle doesn't have 'databases' in the same sense as other products. You probably means schemas, as the logical grouping of objects. And schemas and users are essentially synonymous.
To get a list of all schemas you can query dba_users (if you have the right privileges), or to get a list of schemas that have objects - as you may have users who only use objects in other schemas - you can do:
select distinct owner from dba_objects;
... or all_objects to again only see things you have permissions for. To see what kind of objects:
select owner, object_type, count(*) from dba_objects group by owner, object_type;
The documentation explains the static data dictionary views which hold all of this information. You won't be able to see all of them though, unless you're connected as a privileged user.
There will be a lot of differences between the two products; you might be better off trying to find a tutorial that works through them rather than using trial and error and trying to understand what's gone wrong at each step. Or at least familiarise yourself with the Oracle documentation so you can research issues.
First, there is going to be a terminology difference when you change platforms. What MySQL calls a "database" is most similar to what Oracle calls a "schema". If you are using Oracle XE, you can only have one database (using Oracle terminology) on the machine. You can have many schemas within that database.
The owner in all_tables is the name of the schema that owns the table. Assuming that you created an Oracle user root (which seems like an odd choice for a database user) and assuming that you did not create a case-sensitive user name in all lower case (which would create a ton of issues down the line), the owner will always be upper-case.
SELECT owner, table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE owner = 'ROOT'
In Oracle, you do not generally change from one schema to another. You either fully qualify the table name
FROM schema_name.table_name
or you create synonyms (public or private) for objects that you want to reference
CREATE SYNONYM synonym_name
FOR schema_name.table_name;
FROM synonym_name
If you really want to, however, you can change your current schema for name resolution purposes
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = <<schema name>>
use the view : tabs
select * from tabs;

Find references to specific column in Oracle in Jobs and Procedures

I'm looking for a query allowing me to query all the tables, views, JOBS, and PROCEDURES in the oracle database. I've found some links to queries that will work for the tables and views but I need jobs and procedures. If one query can't be used for all this, I need at least job and procedures.
Here is what I found for the tables and views:
Select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from user_tab_columns
My guess is that you want something like
SELECT name, type, line, text
FROM user_source
WHERE lower(text) like lower('%<<column name>>%');
That will show you any line of code in any pL/SQL object (package, package body, procedure, function, trigger, type, etc.) that contains the column name. If there are multiple tables with identically named columns (i.e. a column name is found in many different tables), all instances will be identified. There isn't a really great way, short of inspecting the code, to figure out which queries refer the name column in one particular table. You could potentially look to see whether the NAME and TYPE from USER_SOURCE appear in DBA_DEPENDENCIES as referencing the particular table you're interested in. But that just shows you table-level dependencies at an object level and your object may depend on a large number of different tables.
