date validation in javascript - validation

I have two text boxes, one is "From Date" and "To Date". user will enter the date in the format of "mm/dd/yyyy". Here the "To Date" is always Greater than "From Date". if not, i will alert the user "Not valide, To date is always greater than From Date".
Ex: From Date: 06/05/2011
To Date: 05/08/2011
The above statement is wrong.
Please give your answer.

First, you'll probably want to use <input type="date">, which does some validation on browsers that support it, and shows as a regular input box on browsers that don't.
For actually validating that one date is before the other, you can use a JavaScript Date Object.
var fromDate = new Date(from.value);
if (isNaN(fromDate.getTime())
alert("Invalid From Date");
var toDate = new Date(end.value);
if (isNaN(toDate.getTime())
alert("Invalid To Date");
if (toDate < fromDate)
alert("Not valid, To date is always greater than From Date");

That's one way to do it. Another might be to ask if the user wishes to reverse the two.


Filter Date for Reporting

I am currently working with reports in Navision by a "book sales" currently use 2 variables "Date" one for the start and one for the end of the filter, but I wonder if you can only use a single variable where the user directly enter "month" and "year". Thank You!
If you are setting the filter with SETRANGE you need two values. But if you use SETFILTER you can use a string with a date filter like this:
and the just:
Yes, when the user put the month and year data you by code transform this info in date values example:
Variables from and to = date
from := DMY2DATE(1, Month, Year);
EVALUATE(to, FORMAT(CALCDATE('+1M', Desde) -1));
YourTable.SETRANGE("Posting Date", from, to);

Comparing dates using Dynamic Action on DatePicker Oracle Apex

I have a date picker where the user simply chooses a date then a Dynamic Action is suppose to send an alert if the user clicks tomorrow(sysdate+1).
The Datepicker term is the simple layout.
The Dynamic Action-->
Name: Valid Date
Event: Change
Selection type: Item(s)
Item(s): datepicker_name
Condition: equal to
Value: sysdate+1
When I run the program and click any day on the calendar, no alert comes up. I thought the problem was the format. The Dynamic Action sees the date as "DD/MM/YYYY" while the Datepickers output is "DD-Mon-YY" so it could not compare them. Apples and Oranges. But I played around with the format to make it all the same but still no progress.
Thanks again for your time and help!
As #ScottWe mentions: you're trying to apply PLSQL logic in HTML/javascript. The 'When - Condition' is evaluated at runtime and thus you can't use PLSQL there.
The date arithmetic is a bit annoying in javascript though, so if you're a unfamiliar with it, here is a way you can perform your check (which is, is the entered date tomorrow or not).
Taking my clues from these:
Date difference in Javascript (ignoring time of day)
JavaScript how to get tomorrows date in format dd-mm-yy
Add this function to the page's javascript section for global variables and functions:
function isTomorrow(pDateItem){
function getTomorrow(){
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
return tomorrow;
function cutTime(pDate){
return new Date(pDate.getFullYear(), pDate.getMonth(), pDate.getDate());
// check if pDateItem leads to a selection
// check if it is a datepicker
// check if a date has been selected
if ( $(pDateItem).length
&& $(pDateItem).data("datepicker")
&& $(pDateItem).datepicker("getDate") !== null
var tomorrow = getTomorrow();
var check = $(pDateItem).datepicker("getDate");
var one = cutTime(check);
var two = cutTime(tomorrow);
return one.getDate() === two.getDate();
return false;
Then in your Dynamic action 'When' condition, use a javascript expression with this code:
Then the corresponding True Actions will only fire when the date is set to tomorrow.

Kendo Datepicker shows wrong format when value is set past max date

I have a pair of Kendo Datepicker fields on a page for Start Date and End Date. The Start Date defaults to today's date and the End Date defaults to today's date a year from now. The user is allowed to pick a date from the Kendo Datepicker calender or enter a date manually.
The Datepicker calendar popup on the End Date field has a 'max' option set so it won't show dates greater than one year from now, but a user can enter a later date manually. If they do so and click Submit on my form, the server-side validation will catch the problem and display the form again with an error.
I want to leave the date the user manually entered in the Datepicker field intact so they can see the source of the problem, but keep the 'max' option in the calendar. But when I set the Datepicker options with a 'max' and a 'value' that's after the max, it shows the value in the wrong format.
Here's how to replicate:
<!-- Note future date in 'value' attribute. -->
<input id='dateField' style="width: 100%;" type="text" value="20160618">
var dateField = $("#dateField");
// The DatePicker's value comes from the dateField's 'value' attribute.
var value = moment(dateField.val(), 'YYYYMMDD').toDate(); // moment().toDate() gives a JavaScript Date object.
// Initialize the date picker options object with some common settings.
datePickerOptions = {
format: 'MM/dd/yyyy',
value: value,
// Set the max to be one year from now.
datePickerOptions.max = new Date(moment(new Date()).add('years', 1).toDate());
// Initialize the DatePicker.
// Here's a workaround I found... After initializing the picker, manually set the value back to the correctly formatted string.
jsFiddle with the above code.
Set the 'value' attribute of the input tag to be a date after the max date and the date will display like this:
Fri Jun 19 2015 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Standard Time)
instead of how it should be:
Is this a Kendo bug or is it broken by design? Or am I goofing up somewhere?
Yeah, it looks like the control is working fine. The issue is that the control fails fast on testing for max, which means it doesn't apply some other options (eg. format). I'd vote for broken by design.
try this...
datePickerOptions = {
format: 'MM/dd/yyyy',
value: moment(value).format('MM/DD/YYYY'),
max: new Date(moment(new Date()).add('years', 1).toDate())

Determine the amount of clicks required to reach a specific date using a JQuery calendar?

I have a jquery calendar for the start date of a project.
Using Watir (automated browser driver, a gem for ruby), I have a set date that I would like to enter in.
The calendar start date is always today's date, whatever that may be for the day it is used. I was wondering if there was a way that ruby can process what today's date is, and use the specified date provided by the user, to calculate the difference of months between them.
Here is an example of the Calendar plugin:
today's date is 30/10/2012, if there was a project that were to start on the 20/12/2012, that would be 2 months from now, so 2 clicks on the next month button.
Is there a way I could do this?
Here is how I approached a similar situation with JSdatepicker:
$today ="%e").gsub(" ", "") #one digit day of month without leading space
#browser.text_field(:id => /dateAvailable/).click
Watir::Wait.until(60) {#browser.div(:id => /dateAvailable_popup_cal/).td(:text => $today).exists?}
#browser.div(:id => /dateAvailable_popup_cal/).td(:text => $today).click
Set or grab the date.
Click the text_field that fires the JSDatePicker object
Wait until the calendar actually pops up
The current month is shown, so choose today's date number.
In your case, you also need to set the month. Whether prompting the user for this, or choosing "today", the theory is the same:
$month = Date::MONTHNAMES[] #etc
Pseudo-code making lots of assumptions (only future dates, month name shown on calendar as text, etc):
while !#jquerytablewindow.text.include?($month)
I don't see a specific advantage to my method versus counting each month, unless of course we add a month to the calendar one day and you still want your code to work!
You could do:
#End date converted to date object
specified_date = '20/12/2012'
end_date = Date.parse(specified_date)
#Start date (today - 30/10/2012)
today =
#Determine difference in months
number_of_months_up_to_today = (today.month + today.year * 12)
number_of_months_up_to_end = (end_date.month + end_date.year * 12)
clicks_required = number_of_months_up_to_end - number_of_months_up_to_today
#=> 2
Basically it is counting the number of months since the year 0 and then finding the difference.

How do I dynamically select parameter with crystal report

I have been working on getting a report out for long without success.
I have a report that select based on parameter fields of date and boolean. Currently I have to create 3 reports. One based on dates, one based on the boolean and one based on both.
However, I want my report to be able to select all dates if the user does not input date in the parameter or select all booleans if user does not select one.
Currently I used this
if ({?Start Date} = DateTimeValue('') or {?End Date} =DateTimeValue('')) then
{rectReport.Call date} in DateTimeValue ('1753-01-01 00:00:00') to CurrentDateTime
({rectReport.Call date} in {?Start Date} to {?End Date}) and {rectReport.EngineDown} = {?Engine Down}
The basic Idea I am looking for is that the user can decide to select only one parameter instead of the two.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
In Crystal 2008 you have the option of making parameters optional. What you could do is create one report with both parameters and then set both parameters as optional. In your record selection formula you could do something like this:
(if (HasValue({?Startdate}) and HasValue({?Enddate}))
then {table.datefield} in {?Startdate} to {?Enddate}
else {table.datefield} in {defaultstartdate} to {defaultenddate})
and (if HasValue({?BoolParam}) then {table.boolfield} = {?BoolParam}
else {table.boolfield} = {defaultbool})
If you wanted to select ALL tables if the user did not input the parameter, you could just omit the else-statements.
(note: Sorry if that syntax isn't correct (I am just getting back into CR again), but you get the idea.)
EDIT: Since optional parameters aren't available in CR10, couldn't you just use parameter default values for the dates instead? For the boolean, you could just make a parameter with 3 values: true, false, and "all" and then default to the "all" value when running the report.
I don't know your particular situation, but the way we handle this (specifically for Defined Periods vs User-specified-Date-Range) is through being able to set defaults.
Our main environment is BOE XI.
Our parameters might be
ReportPeriod (String Variable)
CustomDates (DateTime Range, but will work as two discrete dates)
Example params for ReportPeriod might be
1 Day
7 Days
Last Month
Custom Dates
Formulas are used to calculate date limits that will be used in the record selection. I start with the END DATE, as it is convenient for our period reports.
Select ?ReportPeriod
"1 Day", "7 Days" : CurrentDate
// Conveniently defaults to MIDNIGHT
"Last Month" : Maximum(LastFullMonth)
"CustomDates" : Maximum(?CustomDates)
// Or discrete parameter for end date
default : CurrentDate
Select ?ReportPeriod
"1 Day" : DateAdd("d", -1, #EndDate)
"7 Days" : DateAdd("d", -7, #EndDate)
"Last Month" : Minimum(LastFullMonth)
"CustomDates" : Minimum(?CustomDates)
// Or discrete parameter for end date
default : DateAdd("d", -1, #EndDate)
And, let me caution against using CurentDateTime unless necessary. Every time you try to step through the report, the selection will have changed: 5:01:10 PM ... 5:01:16 PM ... 5:01:24 PM ...
When publishing a report, we set default date (it doesn't matter what, it's only used for CUSTOM and the customer resets it then), and a default ReportPeriod.
The report can be scheduled periodically (based on ReportPeriod) and it will always run.
If the user wants to do custom dates (historic reporting, etc.), then they can chose that for report period, and then set whatever start and end dates they need.
