HDFS: Using HDFS API to append to a SequenceFile - hadoop

I've been trying to create and maintain a Sequence File on HDFS using the Java API without running a MapReduce job as a setup for a future MapReduce job. I want to store all of my input data for the MapReduce job in a single Sequence File, but the data gets appended over time throughout the day. The problem is, if a SequenceFile exists, the following call will just overwrite the SequenceFile instead of appending to it.
// fs and conf are set up for HDFS, not as a LocalFileSystem
seqWriter = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, new Path(hdfsPath),
keyClass, valueClass, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);
seqWriter.append(new Text(key), new BytesWritable(value));
Another concern is that I cannot maintain a file of my own format and turn the data into a SequenceFile at the end of the day as a MapReduce job could be launched using that data at any point.
I cannot find any other API call to append to a SequenceFile and maintain its format. I also cannot simply concatenate two SequenceFiles because of their formatting needs.
I also wanted to avoid running a MapReduce job for this since it has high overhead for the little amount of data I'm adding to the SequenceFile.
Any thoughts or work-arounds? Thanks.

Support for appending to existing SequenceFiles has been added to Apache Hadoop 2.6.1 and 2.7.2 releases onwards, via enhancement JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7139
For example usage, the test-case can be read: https://github.com/apache/hadoop/blob/branch-2.7.2/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/io/TestSequenceFileAppend.java#L63-L140
CDH5 users can find the same ability in version CDH 5.7.1 onwards.

Sorry, currently the Hadoop FileSystem does not support appends. But there are plans for it in a future release.


Persisting unstructured data to hadoop using spark streaming

I have an ingest pipeline created using spark streaming, and I would like to store the RDDs in hadoop as a large unstructured (JSONL) datafile to simplify future analysis.
What is the best approach for persisting astream to hadoop without ending up with very large numbers of small files? (since hadoop is not good with those, and they complicate analysis workflows)
First, I would suggest using a persistance layer that can handle this like Cassandra. But, if you are deadset on HDFS, then the mailing list has an answer already
You can use FileUtil.copyMerge (from the hadoop fs) API and specify the path to the folder where saveAsTextFiles is saving the part text file.
Suppose your directory is /a/b/c/ use
FileUtil.copyMerge(FileSystem of source, a/b/c,
FileSystem of destination, Path to the merged file say (a/b/c.txt),
true(to delete the original dir,null))

Processing HDFS files

Let me begin by saying I am a complete newbie to Hadoop. My requirement is to analyse server log files using Hadoop infrastructure. The first step I took in this direction was to stream the log files and dump them raw into my single node Hadoop cluster using Flume HDFS sink. Now I have a bunch of files with records which look something like this:
timestamp req-id level module-name message
My next step is to parse the files (separate out the fields) and store them back so that they are ready for searching.
What approach should I use for this? Can I do this using Hive? (sorry if the question is naive). The information available on the internet is overwhelming.
You can use HCatalog or Impala for faster querying.
From your explanation you have time series data.Hadoop with HDFS itself is not meant for random access or querying. You can use HBase a database for hadoop as HDFS a backend filesystem. It is good for random access.
Also for your need parsing and rearranging data, you can make use of Hadoop's MapReduce.HBase has built in support for this. HBase can be used for input/output of MapReduce Job.
Basic information you can get from here. For better understanding try Definitive Guide for HBase / HBase in Action books.

How to add data in same file in Apache PIG?

I am new to PIG.
Actually I have a use case in which I have to store the data again and again in the same file after every regular interval. But as I gone through some tutorial and links, I didn't see the anything related to this.
How should I do store the data in same file?
It's impossible. Pig uses Hadoop and right now there is no "recommended" solution for appending files.
The other point is that pig would produce one file only if one mapper has been used or one reducer has been used and the end of the whole data flow.
You can:
Give more info about the problem you are trying to solve
Bad solution:
2.1. process data in your pig script
2.2. load data from exisitng file
2.3. union relations hwre first relation keeps new data, the second relation keeps data from exisitng file
2.4. store union result to new output
2.5. replace old file with new one.
Good solution:
Create folder /mydata
create partitions inside folder, they can be /yyyy/MM/dd/HH if you do process data each hour
Use globs to read data:
All files from hour partitions would be read by PIG/HIVE/MR or whatever hadoop tool.
make a date folder like: /abc/hadoop/20130726/
within you generate output based on timestamp like: /abc/hadoop/20130726/201307265465.gz.
Then use getmerge command to merge all data into a single file
Usage: hadoop fs -getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]
Hope it will help you.

replace text in input file with hadoop MR

I am a newbie on the MR and Hadoop front.
I wrote an MR for finding missing's in csv file and it is working fine.
now I have an usecase where i need to parse a csv file and code it with the regarding category.
ex: "11,abc,xyz,51,61,78","11,adc,ryz,41,71,38",.............
now this has to be replaced as "1,abc,xyz,5,6,7","1,adc,ryz,4,7,3",.............
here i am doing a mod of 10 but there will be different cases of mod's.
data size is in gb's.
I want to know how to replace the content in-place for the input. Is this achievable with MR?
Basically i have not seen any file handling or writing based hadoop examples any where.
At this point i do not want to go to HBase or other db tools.
You can not replace data in place, since HDFS files are append only, and can not be edited.
I think simplest way to achiece your goal is to register your data in the Hive as external table, and write your trnasformation in HQL.
Hive is a system sitting aside of hadoop and translating your queries to MR Jobs.
Its usage is not serious infrastructure decision as HBASE usage

Can Hadoop MapReduce can run over other filesystems?

I heard like for mapreduce jobs input need not in HDFS. It can be on other file system.. Can someone please provide me more inputs on this..
I am litle confused on this? In standalone mode, data can be on local file system. But in cluster mode how can we point to mapreduce jobs to some other file system?
No it does not need to be in HDFS. For instance jobs which target HBase using its TableInputFormat pull records over the network from HBase nodes as inputs to its map jobs. The DbInputFormat can be used to pull data from a SQL database into a job. You could build an input format that did something like read data off of an NFS mount.
In practice you want to avoid pulling data over the network if you can. MR performance is much better if you can have your data locally on the nodes where the job is being run since Disk Throughput > Network Throughput.
Based in the InputFormat set on the job, Hadoop can read from any source. Hadoop provides a couple of InputFormats. It's not difficult to write a custom InputFormat also, let's say to provide a proprietary format as input to a Job.
On the same lines Hadoop provides a couple of OutputFormats and it shouldn't be difficult to write a custom OutputFormat also.
Here is a nice article on the DBInputFormat.
Another way to achieve it is to put into HDFS files with information where the real data is. Mapper will get this information and pull real data for the processing.
For example we can have several files with URLs of data to be processed.
What we will loose in this case is data locality - otherwise it is fine.
