Ruby Torrent Library - ruby

Is there any good library for Ruby to work with BitTorrent trackers? To download or seed files. There's a rubytorrent library on rubyforge, but it was last updated in 2005 and doesn't seem like working anymore.

see lib-torrent ruby...
I'm not sure if this is what you want.

Also see this post which contains some potentially useful comments as well, including a Ruby wrapper for the Transmission API using RPCs.
My experience with libtorrent derived clients has been very positive, I would like to see something new here. (I prefer the high density interface & advanced features of qbittorrent to the sparse UI of Transmission.)
A torrent client that exchanges DHT buckets to crawl the public DHT... ?
(No web searching required.)


Run a site on Scheme

I can't find this on Google (so maybe it doesn't exist), but I basically'd like to install something on a web server such that I can run a site on Scheme, PHP is starting to annoy me, I want to get rid off it, what I want is:
Run Scheme sources towards UTF-8 output (duh)
Support for SXML, SXLT et cetera, I plan to compose the damned thing in SXML and -> to normal representation on at the end.
Ability to read other files from the server, write them, set permissions et cetera
Also some things to for instance determine the filesize of files, height of images, mime-types and all that mumbo-jumbo
(optionally) connect to a database, but for what I want to do storing the entire database in S-expressions itself is feasible enough
I don't need any fancy libraries and other things that come with it like CMS'es and what-not, except the support for SXML but I'm sure I can just find a lib for that anyway that I can load.
Spark-Scheme has a full web server. If you don't need that, it also has a FastCGI interface so that you can serve Scheme scripts from a web servers like Apache, Lighttpd etc. Spark-Scheme also seem to meet your requirements for database support, UTF-8, file handling and SXML. See the Spark-Scheme Programming Guide (pdf) for more information.
mod_lisp and FastCGI are the only two Apache modules I'm aware of that might work at this time. mod_lisp provides Scheme support because it's architecture is similar to FastCGI, where CGI like parameters are sent over a socket to a second process which remains running as the Scheme backend to the web server. Basically you use one or the other to send CGI like parameters across a socket to a running Scheme backend.
You can find some information about these solutions here. There was another FastCGI like effort called SCGI which demoed a simple SCGI receiver in Scheme called gambit. That code is probably not maintained anymore, but the scheme receiver might be useful.
Back in the Apache 2.0 days, there were more projects playing with scheme and clisp bindings. I don't believe that mod_scheme ever released anything, but if they did, odds are it is not compatible with the modern releases of Apache.
Did you come across Fermion (
If you're looking for a lispy language to develop web applications in, I'd recommend looking into Clojure. Clojure is a lisp variant that's fairly close to scheme; here is a list of some of the differences.
Clojure runs on the Java virtual machine and integrates well with Java libraries, and there's a great webapp framework available called Compojure.
Check out Chicken Scheme's Eggs Unlimited. I think what you want is a combination of the sxml- packages coupled with the fastcgi package.
PLT Scheme has a web application server here:

'River of news' code sample in ruby?

Looking for a good example of a 'River of News' implementation done in Ruby. Rails, merb, sinatra or any other web framework would work. I have a couple ideas about how to implement it, but would love to see how people would do it.
The implementation should load more items into the same page as soon the user reach the bottom of the document.
For more information about the 'River of News' format, please check this video about humanized reader at vimeo.
I know about Mars, a river-of-news aggregator written by Sam Ruby as a port of Venus (which is written in Python and is a refactoring of Planet). Please note that, however, it doesn't use a web framework; if this is a strict requirement on your part, then Mars may not be what you need.
Venus, the aggregator which the Mars port has originated from, comes with extensive documentation: some (most?) of it should probably be valid for Mars, too; you may be particularly interested in the architectural diagram of the software.

How can i use RAW Sockets in Ruby?

I'm trying to create a raw socket using Ruby.
The problem is, there isn't anything called "raw socket" there and, on the other hand, the Socket class itself is not fully documented.
Does anybody have some code samples for that kind of socket in Ruby, or maybe some kind of a documentation for that?
By the way, I already know how to work with TCPSocket and TCPServer classes, and what I need is particularly a raw socket.
Google brings up the following result:
Short version:
require 'socket'
rsock =, Socket::SOCK_RAW, Socket::IPPROTO_RAW)
rsock.send(string, flags)
More documentation on the various Socket classes:
(The whole raw sockets thing is rather nasty on unices since it usually requires root access. I did not test this code. You may need to construct the whole packet yourself if you're not using IPSocket)
Have a look at the racket gem ( It seems to be a bit outdated since the last version was released in 2009 but its also used in the metasploit framework.
Have a look at PacketFu. It is very well maintained and used by the Metasploit Project.

How to add proxy support to c# socket connection?

I have a socket app that needs to have support for SOCKS 4 and 5 proxy connections, since my users may be behind firewalls. I am using WPF and C# 3.5 SP1. I see no options in the default Socket class for proxys, do I have to roll my own?
I'd prefer not to use 3rd party libs if possible - how difficult is it to enable proxy support with a standard C# Socket?
It is not terribly hard but you have to read through a couple of RFCs. You need to read the RFC spec on Socks v4, Socks v4a and Socks v5. I wrote a library that will do all the work for you but if you would rather write you own that is cool too. My library was mentioned in the previous post (Starksoft). You can implement the Socks protocol using a standard TcpClient object or a Socket connection. The TcpClient is easier. You simply need to send the commands immediately after connection to your proxy server. Those command will instruct the proxy server what final end point you are interested in connecting to. There is also specs for a UDP Socks connection but it sounds like you won't be needing that.
You can find all the RFCs and generation information on wikipedia. I can't post more because this crazy stackoverflow site limits the number of hyperlinks I am allowed to 1 since I am not a regular user. Very annoying.
Finally, you can rip off my code if you like since it is under the MIT license and I let you do that kind of thing. :) Take at look at my class Socks4ProxyClient.cs that implements the Socks v4 protocol. The method of most interest to you is named SendCommand() located on line 282. You can find my code at Google Code. Search for Starksoft. Or you can go to my web site directly and I have link to the source code in Google.
Socks5 implementation is a little trickier with more options to specify and a little more chatter to the server but basically very similar to Socks4.
Good luck and you should implement a solution yourself if you want to learn Socks. So, kudos to you!
You could ask google for some info. One of the first links will lead you to and their free proxy implementation. They were once well known for their free network and security stuff but the projects seem to not being maintained for a while.
But it might be worth a look anyway.
I know you said that you did not want to use 3rd party librarys if possbile, but I would like to recommend this

Ruby support for XML namespaces

I work at a small company and our production system uses a hand-rolled RESTful API, implemented in Java with JAXB. We now find that we're taking on customers who use Ruby on Rails, and I have to come up with a reference implementation to show customers how to use our API in Ruby. I'd love to be able to just tell them to use ActiveResource, but the XML required by our API uses (and absolutely requires) namespaces. Unfortunately, we've already got a number of other customers who've already integrated this API, so removing the usage of namespaces is out of the question. What's the best way to generate XML with namespaces in Ruby ?
"Best" obviously depends on your needs.
The fastest way to generate any XML in ruby is to use libxml-ruby - link to rdoc.
If your server gets any kind of load at all, this will be the way to go.
The easiest way to generate any XML in ruby is to use REXML as it's part of the standard library and therefore it "just works". If your XML generation is something that hardly ever gets used, it's probably easier to just go with rexml.
Both support XML namespaces - check the rdocs to find out how to set and get namespaces
I find myself in almost an identical situation as yours (RESTful API done with JAXB w/ namespaces).
I think the most promising project for working with XML in Ruby is HappyMapper. It is a kind of XML binding library (along the lines of an early JAXB-type implementation). It has been gaining a lot of traction recently, and a few of us have been working on providing good namespace support.
The project resides here:
with the source here:
The project currently doesn't support creation of XML from Ruby Objects, and the original author has expressed no desire to provide that support, but I'll be committing some functionality for that in my fork:
Hope this helps.
Jimmy Zimmerman
