Setting proxy on .Rprofile on OSX fails - macos

In order to access CRAN packages from within R on OSX I've been using
as the first command in the R GUI for a while, but would really like to set this proxy automatically.
I've tried unsuccessfully to get the same command to work in a .Rprofile file in ~/
I've also tried http_proxy="http://blah_blah:1234/", but this fails too.
The error I get when I try to view packages is a drop-down window that says:
Fetching Package List Failed
Please consult R Console output for details
The GUI then gives:
Error in read.dcf(file = tmpf) : Line starting '<head> ...' is malformed!
The .Rprofile file itself seems to be loading (checked using cat("my profile works\n"))

Couldn't you just use .First ?

This thread appears first when searching for setting R proxy on OS X, so here's what I use in my .Rprofile:
Sys.setenv(http_proxy=system("networksetup -getwebproxy Ethernet | awk {'print $2'} | awk {'getline l2; getline l3; print \"http://\"l2\":\"l3'} | head -n 1",intern=TRUE))
Change Ethernet to Airport if necessary.
Credit for the awk part goes to Chealion

I think I have managed to solve this using trial and error...
A combination of .First and Sys.setenv() works.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be interested to know why.


How to get the output of execute shell script in lua api

I am newbie in luci and lua api. Now I have problem about remove firewall rule from luci webgui in opnewrt. I know delete the rule is using the uci command : uci delete firewall.#rule[index]
But I don't know the index exectly. So I use blow shell script name to find the index by key word.
uci show firewall | grep $1 | grep -oE '\[.*?\]' | sed 's/[][]//g' | head -n 1
Here $1 is the mac address.
My process is get the mac address from luci web and remove the firewall rule of block the
network access from the mac address I set before. To recover the network access of the mac address.
But I use the lua api of luci.sys.exec and luci.util.exec to get the output of firewall rule index that are all wrong.
My example code:
1.Get the mac address from luci
local del_mac = protocol.urldecode(luci.http.formvalue("deleteMac"))
2.Execute the the shell script to get the index
local ruleindex = ut.trim(tostring(luci.sys.exec(" '" .. del_mac .."'"))
local uci_delete_rule = "uci delete firewall.#rule['" .. ruleindex .. "]'"
local index = " %s" %{list_del_mac}
local rule_index = ut.trim(tostring(luci.util.exe(index)))
local uci_delete_rule = "uci delete firewall.#rule['" .. rule_index .. "]'"
3.Reload the firewall rule
luci.sys.exec("uci commit firewall")
luci.sys.exec("fw3 reload")
Can anyone help me to reslove the problem?
Thank you for your help
This doesn't look right to me: " %s" %{list_del_mac} Unless it's short for string.format in luci, that's not proper Lua. Concatenate your command string, or actually use string.format
" " ..list_del_mac
string.format( " %s", list_del_mac )
also, to get the return value after execution, you need to send it to a variable
return_value = luci.sys.exec(uci_delete_rule)
print( return_value )

Disconnecting and reconnecting nvme

Is there capacity within amazon/centos/linux to switch the ordering round of nitro disks?
I have an ami which consistently has devices in the incorrect order, by this I mean nvme1n1 and nvme2n1 should be switched round. If I run nvme id-ctrl -v /dev/nvme1n1 | grep sn I get a different serial number back following a reboot. I know they're "wrong" as the serial numbers are not reflective of their capacity... Hope that makes sense (I appreciate it's a bit confusing). This only ever occurs on servers with two or more disks; upon a reboot the disks are "correct"
My question is, is there a method of forcing the nvme device to disconnect and reconnect (in the hope that the mapping works as expected in the correct order).
Thanks guys
Amazon Linux version 2017.09.01 and later contains scripts and a udev rule that automatically maps NVMe devices to /dev/xvd?. It is very briefly mentioned in the documentation, but there is not much information there.
You can obtain a copy by launching the Amazon Linux AMI, but there are also other places on the web where they have been posted. For example, I found this gist.
Very simple in the end:
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$(readlink -f /sys/class/nvme/nvme1 | awk -F "/" '{print $5}')/remove
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$(readlink -f /sys/class/nvme/nvme2 | awk -F "/" '{print $5}')/remove
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

Bash commands putting out extra information which results into issues with scripts

Okay, hopefully I can explain this correctly as I have no idea what's causing this or how to resolve this.
For some reason bash commands (on a CentOS 6.x server) are displaying more information than "normally" and that causes issues with certain scripts. I have no clue if there is a name for this, but hopefully someone knows a solution for this.
First example.
Correct / good server:
[root#goodserver ~]# vzctl enter 3567
entered into CT 3567
[root#example /]#
(this is the correct behaviour)
Incorrect / bad server:
[root#badserver /]# vzctl enter 3127
Entering CT
entered into CT 3127
Open /dev/pts/0
[root#example /]#
With the "bad" server it will display more information as usual, like:
Entering CT
Open /dev/pts/0
It's like it parsing extra information on what it's doing.
Ofcourse the above is purely something cosmetic, however with several bash scripts we use, these issues are really issues.
A part of the script we use, uses the following command (there are more, but this is mainly a example of what's wrong):
DOMAIN=`vzctl exec $VEID 'hostname -d'`
The result of the above information is parsed in /etc/named.conf.
On the GOOD server it would be added in the named.conf like this:
zone "" {
type master;
file "";
allow-transfer {;;
The above is correct.
On the BAD server it would be added in the named.conf like this:
zone "Executing command: hostname -d" {
type master;
file "Executing command: hostname -d";
allow-transfer {;;
So it's add stuff of the action it does, in this example "Executing command: hostname -d"
Another example here when I run the command on a good server and on the bad server.
Bad server:
[root#bad-server /]# DOMAIN=`vzctl exec 3333 'hostname -d'`
[root#bad-server /]# echo $DOMAIN
Executing command: hostname -d
Good server:
[root#good-server ~]# DOMAIN=`vzctl exec 4444 'hostname -d'`
[root#good-server ~]# echo $DOMAIN
My knowledge is limited, but I have tried several things checking rsyslog and the grub.conf, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.
I have no clue why it's displaying the extra information.
Probably it's something simple / stupid, but I have been trying to solve this for hours now and I really have no clue...
So any help is really appreciated.
Added information:
Both servers use: kernel.printk = 7 4 1 7
(I don't know if that's useful)
Well (thanks to Aaron for pointing me in the right direction) I finally found the little culprit which was causing all the issues I experienced with this script (which worked for every other server, so no need to change that obviously).
The issues were caused by the VERBOSE leven set in vz.conf (located in /etc/vz/ directory). There is an option in there called "VERBOSE" and in my case it was set to 3.
According to OpenVZ's website it does the following:
Increments logging level up from the default. Can be used multiple times.
Default value is set to the value of VERBOSE parameter in the global
configuration file vz.conf(5), or to 0 if not set by VERBOSE parameter.
After I changed VERBOSE=3 to VERBOSE=0 my script worked fine once again (as it did for every other server). :-)
So a big shoutout to Aaron for pointing me in the right direction. The answer is easy when you know where to look!
Sorry to say, but I am kinda disappointed by ndim's reaction. This is the 2nd time he was very unhelpful and rude in his response after that. He clearly didn't read the issue I posted correctly. Oh well.
I would make sure to properly parse the output of the command. In this case, we are only interested in lines of the form
entered into CT 12345
One way of doing this would be to pipe everything through sed and having sed print only the number when the line looks as above (untested, and I always forget which braces/brackets/parens need a backslash in front of them):
whateverthecommand | sed -n 's/^entered into CT ([0-9]{1,})$/\1/p'

hive output consists of these 2 warnings at the end. How do I suppress these 2 warnings

Hive query output that is using UDFs consists of these 2 warnings at the end. How do I suppress these 2 warnings. Please note that the 2 warnings come right after the output as part of output.
WARN: The method class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory#release() was invoked.
WARN: Please see for an explanation.
hadoop version
Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.4.0
hive --version
Hive 1.1.0-cdh5.4.0
If you use beeline instead of Hive the error goes away. Not the best solution, but I'm planning to post to the CDH user group asking the same question to see if it's a bug that can be fixed.
This error occurs due to adding of assembly jar which which contains classes from icl-over-slf4j.jar (which is causing the stdout messages) and slf4j-log4j12.jar.
You can try couple of things to begin with:
Try removing the assembly jar, in case if using.
Look at the following link:
This suggest that we can trigger a flag in Hive where spark-assembly is loaded only if HIVE_ADD_SPARK_ASSEMBLY = "true". :
Although there is a workaround if to avoid any end time changes and that is to manually remove the 2 lines from the end of the files using shell script.
Have tried to set HIVE_ADD_SPARK_ASSEMBLY=false, but it didn't work.
Finally, I found a post question at Cloudera community. See:
You could try the follow command, it works for me!
hive -S -d ns=$hiveDB -d tab=$t -d dunsCol=$c1 -d phase="$ph1" -d error=$c2 -d ts=$eColumnArray -d reporting_window=$rDate -f $dir'select_count.hsql' | grep -v "^WARN" > $gOutPut 2> /dev/null

OS X Yosemite - Adding a Printer - UI Vs lpadmin

My problem is that when I add a printer using the Printers and Scanners UI printing works, when I add the same printer using lpadmin it doesn't.
To Add it through the UI I did the following:
From Printers and Scanners I selected the IP tab.
Address:, Protocol HP Jetdirect - Socket, Queue left blank, Name: TEST_01, Location "Top Floor", Use -> Select software -> HP LaserJet P3010 Series
After doing this, the Printer works as expected.
This is a (segment from a) script containing my lpadmin command that doesn't work
TEST_01_PPD="hp LaserJet P3010 Series.gz"
lpadmin -E -p TEST_01 -v $SUBNET$TEST_01 -P "$PPD_DIR/$TEST_01_PPD" -D "TEST_01" -L "Top Floor"
The printer appears correctly in the UI but shows as paused.
I did find a message in system.log that may or may not be relevant - I was using Notes to test the printer:
Notes[502]: Failed to connect (_delegate) outlet from (com_hp_psdriver_19_11_0_PDEView) to (com_hp_psdriver_19_11_0_PDEAccountingController): missing setter or instance variable
Notes[2198]: Printing failed because PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog() returned -30871.
The reason I want to use a script is that there are 20 printers to add on each of 30 new Macs. The actual script uses a series of arrays with lpadmin in a for loop. Everything I have read says it should work. What am I missing?
I think -E specified before the printer name enables encryption, whereas specified after it Enables the printer - effectively "unpausing" it. Madness- I know!
Mad Apple Documentation - see second sentence
I think you want:
lpadmin -p TEST_01 -v $SUBNET$TEST_01 -P "$PPD_DIR/$TEST_01_PPD" -D "TEST_01" -L "Top Floor" -E
I don't have a direct answer, but I can suggest an alternate approach: set up all 20 printers by hand on one computer, then copy the /etc/cups directory from that one to the other 29.
