Is it possible to send several different datatypes at once with boost::asio without casting? - boost

At the moment I'm filling an std::vector with all of my data and then sending it with async_write. All of the packets I send have a 2 byte header and this tells receiver how much further to read (if any further at all). The code which generates this std::vector is:
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> BasePacket::buffer()
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers;
buffers.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(headerBytes_)); // This is just a boost::array<uint8_t, 2>
return buffers;
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> UpdatePacket::buffer()
printf("Making an update packet into a buffer.\n");
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> buffers = BasePacket::buffer();
boost::array<uint16_t, 2> test = { 30, 40 };
return buffers;
This is read by:
void readHeader(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytesTransferred)
printf("Error reading header: %s\n", error.message().c_str());
// At this point 2 bytes have been read into boost::array<uint8_t, 2> header
uint8_t primeByte =[0];
uint8_t supByte =[1];
// Unrelated case removed
// Read the first 4 bytes as two 16-bit numbers representing the size of
// the update
boost::array<uint16_t, 2> buf;
printf("Attempting to read the first two Uint16's.\n");
boost::asio::read(mySocket, boost::asio::buffer(buf));
printf("The update has size %d x %d\n",[0],[1]);
// Keep listening
boost::asio::async_read(mySocket, boost::asio::buffer(header),
boost::bind(readHeader, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
The code compiles, however it doesn't return 30 x 40 as I would expect. Instead it returns
188 x 40. If I stretch the second array out only the first byte is messed up. However, if I add a third array before sending (but still read the send amount), the values of the second array all get messed up. I'm guessing that this could be related to how I'm reading it (in chunks into one buffer rather than similar to how I'm writing it).
Ideally I'd like to avoid having to cast everything into bytes and read/write that way, since it's less clear and probably less portable, but I know that's an option. However, if there is a better way I'm fine rewriting what I have.

The first problem I see is a lifetime issue with the data you are sending. asio::buffers simply wrap a data buffer that you continue to own.
The UpdatePacket::buffer() method creates a boost::array which it wraps and then pushes back on the buffers std::vector. When the method exits the boost::array goes out of scope and the asio::buffer is now pointing to garbage.
There maybe other issues, but this is a good start. Mind the lifetimes of your data buffers in Asio.


MPI_Send does not work with higher buffer size?

When MPI_Send buffer size is 100 program works, but it stucks when it is 1000 or greater. Why?
if(id == 0){
rgb_image = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &bpp, CHANNEL_NUM);
for(int i = 0; i < size -1; i++)
uint8_t *part = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(1000));
if(id != size-1 && size > 1)
This program is not valid w.r.t. MPI Standard since there is no matching receive (on rank 0) for
MPI_Send(..., dest=0, ...)
MPI_Send() is allowed to block until a matching receive is posted (and that generally happens when the message is "large") ... and the required matching receive never gets posted.
A typical fix would be to issue a MPI_Irecv(...,src = 0,...) on rank 0 before the MPI_Send() (and MPI_Wait() after), or to handle 0 -> 0 communication with MPI_Sendrecv().
That being said, it would likely more efficient to create a communicator will all the ranks minus the last one, and MPI_Bcast() in this communicator.
If a program works for small buffers but not for large, you are probably running into "eager sends". Normally, a send & receive transaction involves the sender & receiver talking back and forth, confirming that the data went across. This is overhead, so for small messages, many MPIs will just send the data, without confirmation. The data then goes into some secret buffer on the receiver.
But this means that your program will "succeed" if it's not a correct program. As is the case here. See #Giles answer.

MPI: Best way to coordinate many sends and recieves

I've been away from parallel programming for a long period of time and I am trying to figure out the best method for coordinating sending large amounts of data between many processors with a complicated dependency structure. For example, I might to send data to/from the following processes:
int process_1_dependencies[] = {2,3,5,6}
int process_2_dependencies[] = {1}
int process_3_dependencies[] = {1,4,5}
int process_4_dependencies[] = {3,5,6}
int process_5_dependencies[] = {1,3,4,6}
int process_6_dependencies[] = {1,4,5,7}
int process_7_dependencies[] = {6,8}
int process_8_dependencies[] = {7}
The obvious, and stupid, way of doing this would be do something like:
for(int i = 0; i < world_size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < dependency_length; j++)
if (i == my_rank)
if (i == dependency[j])
// blocking stuff?
I'm not actually sure if this would work once you have 100's of communications going and in anycase, it seems super inefficient. It's at least O(N) and only allows a single process to be receiving at once. A better way would be to use blocking and ensure that independent processes are simultaneously exchanging information. But that becomes quite complicated and requires optimizing which processes are simultaneously sending and receiving.
Am I just completely overthinking this? Is it safe to do something like this (provided that every sending process has a receiving pair):
for(int i = 0; i < dependency_length; i++)
mpi_isend(..., dest=dependency[i], ...)
mpi_irecv(..., source=dependency[i], ...)
//blocking stuff
sorry for the lack of focus in the question. I'm away from my computer so I can't really test it out, and in even if it did would I guess I'm not confident that it is saleable and that the buffers would keep working for arbitrary numbers of processes?
To avoid queueing a large number of messages and to avoid opaque deadlock problems, you can also employ a single call to MPI_Alltoallv, where all sends and receives are done for you automatically, and---with crossed fingers--- even hope that you MPI implemetation is able to optimize all communication on its own. The prototype is
sendbuf, // buffer containing all data needed by other ranks in comm
sendcounts, // number of elements to send to each rank in comm
sdispls, // offsets in sendbuf per rank in comm
sendtype, // MPI datatype of the sent data
recvbuf, // buffer to contain all data needed by this rank
recvcounts, // number of elements to receive per rank in comm
rdispls, // offsets in recvbuf per rank in comm
recvtype, // MPI datatype of the received data
comm // the communicator
where sendcounts would be directly related to your process_X_dependencies; it would contain non-zero values at positions listed by process_X_dependencies.

Why should we use OutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len) instead of OutputStream.write(byte[] b)?

Sorry, everybody. It's a Java beginner question, but I think it will be helpful for a lot of java learners.
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len;
while(( != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, len);
The code above is part of FileSenderClient class which is for sending files from client to a server using and
My question is that: in the above code, why should we use
os.write(buffer, 0, len)
instead of
In another way to ask this question: what is the point of having a "len" parameter for "OutputStream.write()" method?
It seems both codes are working fine.
while(( != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, len);
Because you only want to write data that you actually read. Consider the case where the input consists of N buffers plus one byte. Without the len parameter you would write (N+1)*1024 bytes instead of N*1024+1 bytes. Consider also the case of reading from a socket, or indeed the general case of reading: the actual contract of is that it transfers at least one byte, not that it fills the buffer. Often it can't, for one reason or another.
It seems both codes are working fine.
No they're not.
It actually does not work in the same way.
It is very likely you used a very small text file to test. But if you look carefully, you will still find there is a lot of extra spaces in the end of you file you received, and the size of the file you received is larger than the file you send.
The reason is that you have created a byte array in a size of 1024 but you don't have so many data to put (or read()) into that byte array. Therefore, the byte array is full with NULL in the end part. When it comes to writing to file, these NULLs are still written into the file and show as spaces " " in Windows Notepad...
If you use advanced text editors like Notepad++ or Sublime Text to view the file you received, you will see these NULL characters.

Why the following code prints garbage values for input strings greater than 128 bytes?

This is a problem of codechef that I recently came across. The answer seems to be right for every test case where the value of input string is less than 128 bytes as it is passing a couple of test cases. For every value greater than 128 bytes it is printing out a large value which seems to be a garbage value.
std::string str;
vector<pair<char,int>> v;
int i=0;
else if (str[i]=='H')
else if (str[i]=='E')
else if (str[i]=='F')
Even enclosing the same code within
/*reading the string values from a file and not console*/
std::string input;
std::ifstream infile("input.txt");
istringstream in(input);
string str;
/* above code goes here */
generates the same result. I am not looking for any solution(s) or hint(s) to get to the right answer as I want to test the correctness of my algorithm. But I want to know why this happens as I am new to vector containers`.
You're modifying v[67]
... which is not contained in your vector, and thus either invalid memory or uninitialized
You seem to be trying to use a vector as an associative array. There is already such a structure in C++: a std::map. Use that instead.
With using this v['C'] you actually access the 67th (if 'A' is 65 from ASCII) element of a container having only 4 items. Depending on compiler and mode (debug vs release) you get undefined behavior for the code.
What you probably wanted to use was map i.e. map<char,int> v; instead of vector<pair<char,int>> v; and simple v['C']++; instead of v['C'].second++;

Algorithm for fragmenting data into packets

Lets just say I want to fragment some data units into packets (max size per packet is lets say 1024 bytes). Each data unit can be of variable size, say:
a = 20 bytes
b = 1000 bytes
c = 10 bytes
d = 800 bytes
Can anyone please suggest any efficient algorithm to create packets with such random data efficiently utilizing the bandwidth? I cannot split the individual data units into bytes...they go whole inside a packet.
EDIT: The ordering of data units is of no concern!
There are several different ways, depending on your requirements and how much time you want to spend on it. The general problem, as #amit mentioned in comments, is NP-Hard. But you can get some improvement with some simple changes.
Before we go there, are you sure you really need to do this? Most networking layers have a packet-sized (or larger) buffer. When you write to the network, it puts your data in that buffer. If you don't fill the buffer completely, the code will delay briefly before sending. If you add more data during that delay, the new data is added to the buffer. The buffer is sent once it fills, or after the delay timeout expires.
So if you have a loop that writes one byte at a time to the network, it's not like you'll be creating a large number of one-byte packets.
On the receiving side, the lowest level networking layer receives an entire packet, but there's no guarantee that your call to receive the data will get the entire packet. That is, the sender might send an 800 byte packet, but on the receiving end the first call to read might only return 50 or 273 bytes.
This depends, of course, at what level you're reading the data. If you're talking about something like Java or .NET, where your interface to the network stack is through a socket, you almost certainly can't guarantee that a call to socket.Read() will return an entire packet.
Now, if you can guarantee that every call to read returns an entire packet, then the easiest way to pack things would be to serialize everything into one big buffer and then send it out in multiple 1,024-byte packets. You'll want to create a header at the front of the first packet that says how many total bytes will be sent, so the receiver knows what to expect. The result will be a bunch of 1,024-byte packets, potentially followed by a final packet that is somewhat smaller.
If you want to make sure that a data object is fully contained within a single packet, then you have to do something like:
add a to buffer
if remaining buffer < size of b
send buffer
clear buffer
add b to buffer
if remaining buffer < size of c
send buffer
clear buffer
add c to buffer
... etc ...
Here's some simple JavaScript pseudo code. The packets will stay ordered and the bandwidth will be used optimally.
packets = [];
currentPacket = [];
function write(data) {
var len = currentPacket.length + data.length;
if(len < PACKET_SIZE) {
currentPacket = currentPacket.concat(data);
} else if(len === PACKET_SIZE) {
currentPacket = [];
} else { // if(len > PACKET_SIZE) {
currentPacket = data;
function flush() {
if(currentPacket.length > 0) {
currentPacket = [];
EDIT Since you have all of the data chunks and you want to optimally package them out of order (bin packing) then you left with trying every permutation of the chunks for an exact answer or compromising with an best guess/first fit type algorithm.
