Generate Oracle SQL scripts from SQLSERVER Database - oracle

I have a Microsoft SQL Server database(tables, relationships and data).
But now I want an exact same copy of this database in Oracle.
I was thinking there may be some sort of a tool or converter that could generate Oracle sql scripts that I could run to create and populate my new Oracle database.
Is this kind of thing possible?
And how can I achieve this ?

Your best bet is to use a DB modelling tool which can reverse engineer your SQL Server database and then generate a script to recreate it in Oracle.
DB Designer Fork can do this for you and is Open Source.


How to remove database name from the user/schema name in oracle after migration from SQL Server to Oracle?

We are migrating our database from SQL Server to Oracle using the SQL developer tool. While migration, the schema name in SQL Server is "schmdw". This schema is used in our datawarehouse or OLAP database AdvworksDW. After migration we were expecting the schema/user name in oracle will be schmdw. But it is coming as schmdw_AdvworksDW i.e. schemaname_databasename. How can we get rid of this and get the schema/user name in Oracle as schmdw only? Can anyone help me in this regard?
In Oracle, there's no supported way to rename a schema/user. The best solution for you is to create another user, SCHMDW in your case, and give it grants on all objects of the SCHMDW_ADVWORKSDW plus synonyms. Have a look at the second comment on this post, it gives a pl/sql script to automate that.

How to migrate(convert) database(or just tables) from PostgreSQL to Oracle using only Oracle tools?

Data was sent to our company with PostgreSQL, but we are prohibited to use the tools of PostgreSQL , permitted the use of only Oracle.
How to migrate data from PostgreSQL to Oracle without using a third party application(they are also prohibited)? You can only use the tools of Oracle.
I found this article but we don't have Support Identifier
We have one .sql file. It weighs 8 Gigabytes.
It looks like you have so many impediments in your company. Regarding Oracle's SQL Developer Migration Workbench, unfortunately it does not support the migration of PostgreSQL databases. However, the following 3rd-party software tools are available and may assist in migration, but I am afraid you cannot use them as you said that those products are forbidden:
Other options will only move the data from your Postgresql database to Oracle database, it means that you must have the DDLs of the tables before to run the import:
To move data only, you can generate a flat file of the the
PostgreSQL data and use Oracle SQL*Loader.
Another option to migrate data only is to use Oracle Database
Gateway for ODBC which requires an ODBC driver to connect to the
PostreSQL database, and copy each table over the network using
sqlplus "COPY" or "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT" commands via oracle
database link.
Also, Oracle has discussion forum for migrating non-oracle databases to Oracle.
But, if you have only a sql file, you should look at it to see whether you have both DDLs ( create tables and indexes, etc ) and the data itself as insert statements. If so, you need to split it and treat the DDLs to convert the original data types to Oracle datatypes.

Need to migrate Oracle transaction data to Azure SQL

There is one scenario where in our target is to migrate oracle database to Azure SQL DB.
Currently I am evaluating multiple options to migrate the existing Oracle Db to the Azure SQL DB, for the same reason I could not decide how to handle this situation where in the source DB i.e. Oracle is having transaction data which is a kind of incremental load.
Should this can be handled with mere replication of DB? or performing some data migration steps would help me ? Here i can think of earlier approach as easier approach where in i need not to worry about the transaction updates happening inside the data.
Considering this which utility i should use to perform this kind of activity?
You can replicate your Oracle database to Azure using Oracle Golden Gate as a way to migrate your Oracle database to Azure SQL. Striim seems to be another good tools to move your database to Azure SQL.
I think you may use the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle.
SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle consists of a client application that you use to perform a migration from Oracle to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB. It also contains an extension pack that supports data migration and the use of Oracle system functions in your migrated databases.
SSMA can converts the transaction processing:
For more details, you can see:SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle
Hope this helps!

Accessing SAP Pool Table A016 from Sql Developer

We have two divisions in our company, one uses E1 on Oracle 11g the other uses SAP on Oracle 11g.
We also have a SQL Server system we use to data warehouse information once a night from both system to run our report server against.
The question I have is for pooled tables in SAP, such as A016, how would I get that information out of SAP?
Currently we have SSIS's setup with a linked server to the two Oracle servers which pull the data we need I just don't have the knowledge of SAP to find the Pooled tables.
if I can't pull the pooled tables because they don't physically exist is there a tool I can use in SAP to find out what tables the pooled table is getting it's information from? This way I can rebuild that table in SQL using a open query and some fun Joins.
You have to access those tables using the application server. They can't be accessed directly from the database.
You'll probably want to write an ABAP program to extract the data you need go from there.

Creating SQL compact database from Oracle database

We have Oracle database and need to create client with SQL compact, we will need synchronize data between them in future. How can we create SQL compact database from Oracle database(maybe somehow exporting schema etc.) ?
You could use the SQL Server Migration assistant to move to SQL Server, and then use Export2sqlce to create schema (or schema and data) -
