Visual Studio 2010 Publishing So Slow - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Premium, and find publishing via FTP through Visual Studio's build in publishing mechanism to be painfully slow. If I choose to manually FTP (with a client like FileZilla), I'm able to publish much quicker. Although I haven't measured it, publishing the whole site (i.e. overwriting all files) with FileZilla is in the neighborhood of 10 times faster than the incremental publishing of Visual Studio. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a way to address this issue?

scenario: you don't mind publishing your source code, and you need to publish via ftp. visual studio's built in "copy web site" tool is prohibitively slow because it scans the server for changes and your website has many folders and files, but analyzing the server is unnecessary because you are the only person who updates your website.
solution: "web site publisher", the simplest and most genius program ever. it took me many hours to find it, which is why i felt the need to share it. you can configure it to scan only your hard drive for new/changed files and deletions, and then publish the changes since you last published to the ftp server. my solution won't work for pre-compiled web applications; works well for regular web sites.
download it here:
you must enable the turbo optimization so that it does not scan the server. click "config", "optimisations", and then check "turbo".
here's my blog post saying the exact same thing:


Create Visual Studio 2019 project from existing Azure Web App

I have a v7 Umbraco instance as a Web App on Azure but the machine the dev copy was on has been decommissioned and I need now to recreate the dev site in Visual Studio 2019, ideally cloning it from the live site in some way. I have created an empty project and, using the cloud explorer, downloaded the files from the app, but I am unclear whether I just copy them directly into the solution folder or into their own subfolder of the solution folder or whether simply copying them in will do the trick anyway as there's still the database to consider as well. I'm afraid I haven't used Visual Studio since creating this site three or so years ago and I seem to have forgotten most of what I did then anyway, so any help wpuld be greatly appreciated. The only advice I coud find via google was for older versions of VS and so not much help.
Recreating the original project from the live site is probably not going to be possible. It depends how and what you deployed to the live site.
It sounds like what you have is a working live site, but have lost access to the original source code. You should be able to copy the site and get it working elsewhere, but you're probably going to struggle to recreate the original development environment and amend the compiled elements of the website without access to the source code.
The website has some great documentation on getting started and setting up Umbraco. Umbraco TV is great for getting up to speed quickly too. This should help explain the project structure. I suggest you create a blank Umbraco install to familiarise yourself with how Umbraco works(I wrote a post explaining how to do this with MS VS2015 here).
A typical deployment, using MS WebDeploy or FTP from Visual Studio, wouldn't deploy the project files or source-code for the compiled (.cs) elements of the website, these are usually kept as development files and checked in to source control.The live site probably only has the compiled versions of these file in the bin folder. The good news is the Razor template and view files(.cshtml) should be on the server.
However, if everything was uploaded (it happens) then you may have a chance, in which case you can download the files, potentially open the project and try to run the project locally on the development machine. There's no reason why you can't install an older version of MS Visual Studio alongside 2019 if there's an issue with that version. Although, I suspect this isn't an option since you felt the need to create a new empty project. If this is the case you might be able to add any project files to the the new empty project and attempt to recreate the project that way.
Regarding the database. You're going to need a copy or backup installed on a Microsoft SQL Server (unless you used MS SQL CE which is file based). You should be able to download a .bak file from the server if you're using Plesk or connect remotely using MS Management Studio if not, it depends on the host (Azure will allow access via MS Management Studio). Umbraco will need the connection string configured in it's web.config, the one you downloaded may be trying to connect to the live server so be careful.
Long shot ideas:
If you're really desperate you might be able to reverse engineer some of your compiled .dll using a tool like ILASM.exe but it's not going to be easy;
Perhaps you could reference the .dll in a the new project and it will all work auto-magically?! but I doubt this will work as there will be two application starting points and you'll probably get a runtime exception.

Search between different TFS / projects - visual studio

Got 5 different TFS, is there a way to search in all TFS's? Visual studio plugin?
Right now I've downloaded all the source code to my local machine and turned on indexing on serveral filetypes (properties and inside files)..
If anyone has the same problem, how do you solve this kind of problem?
Never heard this kind of tools or plugin.
In a sense, there are different Application Lifecycle Management system. They have different servers, SQL servers, users, permission settings and so on. Searching between them, how could this be possible to achieve. Unless, you choose to migrate different projects to one instance of TFS.
OpsHub Integration Manager supports bi-directional synchronization between a wide variety of systems including Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Online. It can be used for bi-directional sync between TFS and VSO. For more information please reach out to OpsHub at

Is it possible to develop a classic ASP website directly on a webserver with TFS?

We currently have a very large Classic ASP website that is critical to our business. It is kept in Visual SourceSafe for version control and we have numerous developers who develop the site in Visual Studio 2005. We open the website with VS2005 directly from the Development web server. We can check the files in and out of VSS directly through VS2005 and all changes we make to the asp pages are visible on the development website immediately, without the need to check back in or copy any files.
We would like to move forward with VS2013 and TFS. Our newer websites are all in TFS and we want to standardize.
Is there a way that we can continue developing the website directly on the web server using VS2013 integrated with TFS? I have found number of articles and responses online about TFS and ASP.NET, but since we don't build classic ASP code, these don't seem to help us.
Really your development server is not where you should be doing your development, but on your local desktops, and then deploying to your development server for initial testing.
However with that said, it looks like your working directory in SourceSafe is where you have IIS pointing to on your development server. You can do the same thing with visual studio and TFS. Just have your Visual Studio workspace pointing to the same location, but checking in everything to TFS.
Edit- the bin directory for a project typically doesn't get checked in to TFS. The developer would have to make sure they build the project every time they wish to view the site on this development server to populate the bin directory.

Sharing visual studio projects between computers

I have a laptop and a desktop computer that I wish to share visual studio projects between - what is the simplest way to do this?
The simplest way to do this at the moment is to use Microsoft's new and free TFS (Team Foundation Server) service "in the cloud".
First, sign up a TFS account here. You will have to choose a name, which will give you a URL like
Next, within Visual Studio you can add a TFS server, where you will be able to check-in and check-out your solutions and projects from any number of computers.
Do you want to share Visual Studio project (1) or do you want to put the project under version-control (2)?
For the first case you may consider online backup / storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive. You will be able to access your project from different computers and could share it with others when needed. It's really the simplest way; no version-control though.
If you require version-control I advise you to choose Apache Subversion. TFS is like walking the hard and thorny path and is definitely NOT the simplest way.
So, you can install VisualSVN to add SVN as a source control to Visual Studio. Then you can "Add the solution to Subversion" with VisualSVN.
You can either host repositories on your LAN with VisualSVN Server (or any other SVN server) or use a hosted SVN service. Initial setup takes a couple of minutes max actually.
You can use a free SVN service. Here is one provided:-

How to work simultaneously with 2-3 users on the same project?

I have a team of 3 developers and I want that we should be able to work on the project from our own homes, at any time (or at the same time) and make changes to the project. Till now, we have to mail each other all the updates versions to keep in sync. We are developing the project in Visual Studio 2010 currently and use SQL Express 2008. I searched internet and got some idea about Team Foundation Server but it requires Windows Server. I don't want to get into this mess and I have a Win7 Pc. Please suggest me some easy solutions.
There are any number of low-cost (often free to open source projects) hosted source control providers out there.
Personally I use Subversion along with the AnkhSVN plugin for Visual Studio.
Mercurial and Git are also quite popular and supported within Visual Studio via plugins.
Any of those options can be setup in a few minutes (if you use a hosted solution) and will all work for a small team.
Version Control is what your looking for,and your right there are some complicated solutions out there. TortoiseSVN isn't too complicated but works well.
