How to Handle Exception Occured In Web method which Is Called In a Ajax Call - ajax

I'm calling a web method ajax call which returns a value say "Completed". In that web method whenever exception occurs, it is not returning any value and I am not able to throw the message about the exception to the user. What should I do?

If you could show us some could that would help :)
Maybe you could try, catch the expected Exception and return a string value other than "Completed" and could use this value to tell the user what when wrong.
Suppose that the Ajax call this method :
public string Test(){
string ab1 = "ab1";
return "Error";
return "Completed";
Something like that, I wrote it on the fly, maybe there are mistakes, just tell me, it was just to present my idea. And in your javascript, upon receiving "Error" you could warn the user something went wrong.


Guidewire Exception handling in UI

when internal Guidewire code throws an exception you get a nicely formatted error message box. However, when custom code throws an exception you are directed to the error page (with the red stack trace text & back to application button). Is there anything in the Guidewire framework to make proper UI handling of errors nicer?
such as: < TextBox value="user.someMethod()"/>
//someMethod code...
return user.someOtherCode()
}catch(e : Exception){
//TODO: gracefully display erorr mesage on page
//e.g. showErrorMessage()
return null
You have a simpler way to do this,
The below piece of code can be written in helper class or any Enhancement or even in PCF code tab, this will return a nice formatted error message.
gw.api.util.LocationUtil.addRequestScopedErrorMessage("Your error message")
After some searching through Guidewire OOTB code UserDisplayableExceptions are what you need - answering myself in case someone else has this thought.
function goToPolicy(bulkDocumentDownload : BulkDocDownload_Avi) {
try {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Ops! some index out of bounds exception was thrown")
} catch (e : Exception) {
throw new

Spring aspect for crosscutting process pipeline usage

I want to use spring aspect for my crosscutting process like a before or after handler in my process execution lifetime.
For example
What I want before a method I want to execute my handler and due to its response I want to finialize myprocess and return custom response.
In example in stop condition should I throw custom exception to stop process that time how can I handle my return response ,I want to give meaningfull object at the client.What is the best way to do that?
bool stop=checkvalue();
//break all process
and return custom response to client
//throw exception but meaningfullresponse??
Instead of using Before advice, I would use Around advice to wrap the method invocation and call checkValue() on beforehand:
public Object MyHandler(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) {
if (!checkvalue()) {
return pjp.proceed();
} else {
return someCustomResponseToClient();
More info on Around advice can be found in the Spring documentation.

How can I tread OpenDolphin client send HttpHostConnectException?

Is there way to handle situation when message is not delivered to server? Dolphin log infors about situation clearly, but I'would like to catch it from code. I was looking for some method like: onError to override like onFinished:
clientDolphin.send(message, new OnFinishedHandlerAdapter() {
public void onFinished(List<ClientPresentationModel> presentationModels) {
// Do something useful
, but there is nothing like that. Also wrapping send call in try/catch does not work(not suprising since send is not blocking its caller code).
I thing there is definitely some easy way to get informed about undelivered message, but I cant see it.
Thaks, in advace, for answers!
You can assign an onException handler to the ClientConnector - and you are actually supposed to do so. The exception handler will get the exception object passed in that happened in the asynchronous send action.
Below is the default handler that even tells you, what you should do ;-)
Closure onException = { Throwable up ->
def out = new StringWriter()
up.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out))
log.severe("onException reached, rethrowing in UI Thread, consider setting ClientConnector.onException\n${out.buffer}")
uiThreadHandler.executeInsideUiThread { throw up } // not sure whether this is a good default

How to handle only a specific type of Exception using the HandleError and let the rest of the Exceptions be thrown normally?

I'm working on a team-project and I am in the following situation:
I created my own Exception class, and I want all the thrown exceptions of type myException to be handled and automatically redirected to the Error view where I would nicely display the error, which is ok to do. This is what I added in my Web.config:
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error" />
The issue is I want all the rest of the exceptions to be thrown normally, seeing all the information about it, including the stack trace, the source file and the line error, which would be really good for the team-project.
I've tried the [HandleError(ExceptionType=typeof(myException)], but it is no use.
I also tried to override the OnException function of the controller and if the exception is not myException then i would throw it again, but i still get in the Error view.
protected override void OnException(System.Web.Mvc.ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Exception.GetType() != typeof(myException)) {
throw filterContext.Exception;
Any idea which could work?
You may get the result you want by leaving custom errors Off (so that for all the errors you get the stack trace displayed), and redirecting the exceptions you want to the controller/view you need (so that a friendly-looking page will be displayed).
You could define a base controller for all your controllers, and override its OnException method with something like below:
if (filterContext.Exception.GetType() == typeof(YourCustomException))
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("ActionName", "ControllerName", new { customMessage = "You may want to pass a custom error message, or any other parameters here"});

call method that creates a file from the Action Performed

I am trying to call method that creates a file, however I am calling that method from the Action Performed which simply can not have throws IOException...
Here is the code:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
Object source = evt.getSource();
if (source == add)
String mothername = " ";
String fathername = " ";
String motherphone = " ";
String fatherphone = " ";
Patient patient = new Patient(...));
System.out.println("past printing patient");
writetoFile(patient); //giving an error
if (source == uadd)
Patient patient = new Patient(...));
writetoFile(patient); //giving an error
//This is the method I am trying to call
public static void writetoFile(Patient p) throws IOException
RandomAccessFile inout = new RandomAccessFile("PatientsInfo.dat", "rw");;
System.out.println("names and sentinel value sent to file Countries.dat");
//The error is in the two blue lines, and the error it shows is:
Error: C:\Users\Pedro Quintas\Documents\Documents and Work
\Escola\Computer Science\Programs\Dossier\
unreported exception; must be caught or
declared to be thrown
Please tell me what to change
The answer is in the error message :) You have to handle your exceptions. They aren't there just to blow things up when things go slightly askew -- they are there for you to figure out how you want to handle your errors when they happen. This means that you have to think about which portions of your program are going to handle error conditions, and which portions of your program are going to assume that errors don't happen.
You might want your actionPerformed() method to place an error dialog box on screen to alert the user that the 'save' button in fact threw away all their work. In that case, wrap all those calls to writeToFile() in try/catch blocks and handle appropriately.
You might want your writeToFile() to log a message to the log4j instance logging your application, or simply spit something to standard error or standard out when writing fails. In that case, undelcare throws IOException from your writeToFile(), wrap the contents of the method in a try/catch block and handle appropriately.
Handling errors is, at least in my experience, most of the code of most applications. It's a pity schools don't teach it better, but here's your opportunity to learn what design tradeoffs you have by trying both of my suggestions here and noticing the effects elsewhere in the program.
