I know how to use the VS2010 "Specify excluded modules" feature to do just that, specify one module to exclude from your debugging session. But how do I specify more than one symbol? Doing one at a time is quite tedious.
Figured it out, two solutions:
1) Using Process Monitor, found that these are saved to DOCS_PATH\Visual Studio 2010\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings. Under the <PropertyValue name="SymbolExcludeList"> enter the semicolon delimited list here, restart VS.
2) The easy way, you can paste in the semicolon delimited list on one line item on the "Symbols to exclude from automatic loading" dialog, it will then add the multiple items as desired.
Usually in vs2015 and vs2017 (at least) when you select a word, automatically all the references of the word get selected. I would like to know if there is a way to edit all the occurrences using a keyboard shortcut (placing multiple cursors without the searching dialog), as an example, let's say that in the image below i would like to replace the "Some" with "Very".
Try right-clicking your reference, then choosing "Rename..."
There is at least one plug-in, Multi Edit Mode, but you can just modify the function name and use the light bulb/quick actions (Ctrl .) to rename/refactor all references to the function.
I have a Visual Studio extension that generates some code. How do I respect the user's formatting settings (like Tab vs Spaces, this. qualifier, etc) when generating it?
I know you can make a syntax tree in Roslyn but you still need to specify what exactly is in all of the whitespace. Is there a global way to apply this formatting or do we need to try and read all the individual settings?
If so, how would I read the tab vs space and this. prefix settings, respecting .EditorConfig files?
Currently my extension just builds a string assuming default settings, writes it to a file and adds it to the solution.
You need the VisualStudioWorkspace object (which I assume you already have, otherwise take a look at Josh Varity's blog post here)
Generate your text and add it to the project using AddDocument
Call GetOptionsAsync to get the set of options (.editorconfig, user settings, etc) that apply to this document
Call Formatter.FormatAsync passing in the optionset that was given to you by GetOptionsAsync
Update the formatted document by calling WithDocumentText on the solution.
If I made the same mistake several times in the same code. Is it possible for me to change all the mistakes at once rather than finding each mistake and correcting it.
For Ex:- If I have written prnt instead of print several times at different places can I change it at once and apply it for all others rather than going at each place and correcting it manually.
You can use the Find and Replace feature in Visual Studio to find prnt and replace it with print. Use Ctrl+Shift+H as a quick shortcut to find and replace.
visual studio support multiple edit.
You can use Shift+ALT+; to edit all the same words in current file.
For this blog: Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Multi-line and multi-cursor editing you can get more infomation.
You can also change it in for the whole solution.
Use Ctrl+Shift+H on visual studio set the word you want to replace, type in the new word to be replaced, set whether it should be replaced for the entire solution or for that document alone. click replace.
Cool right?
I'm using Zend Studio 9 and would like to use the tasks feature by adding tags in my code such as #todo etc. When I open the tasks view, there is a huge list of existing tags from other libraries that cause so much clutter the list becomes too cumbersome to use. Also, the list displays task tags for all my projects at once, which adds even more clutter. How can I display task tags for the one project I'm currently working in and hide tags from third party libraries? Thanks!
This works for me in Zend Studio 10:
Click on the triangle pointig down in the upper right corner of the tasks window.
Select "Configure Contents" (There can be two. The right one is the opening dialog with "Show all items" as the first control.)
You can define here a working set, not including the folders containing the third party solutions.
I hope this helps.
Is there a way to navigate between tabs in VS similar to the emacs iswtichb-mode or Firefox ubiquity switch tab mode (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity_0.1_Author_Tutorial#Switching_Tabs) ?
In these apps, you just type a substring of the title of the tab (or buffer for emacs) to switch to this tab. For instance, to switch to a tab named "App_Code/Data/MyProgram.cs", you just invoke the tab switching command and then type "Progr" for instance to list all the tab whose name matches this string, including "MyProgram.cs".
It's much easier to switch between tabs this way when you have a lot of documents open and when you now where to go (which is the case in most situation)
Thank you !
Visual Assist has a function "Open File in Solution" (shortcut Shift-Alt-O), where you can type the filename and list of matching files from the solution is shown. Once you are happy with the selection, you can confirm it by pressing enter, or you can click the file you like with mouse.
As added bonus, this way you can also switch into files which you do not have open in a tab yet.
No this is not a supported operation in Visual Studio. It can be done by adding a Macro or via a plug-in though.
ReSharper will do something similar to this for you. It's not free, but it has many really nice features.
Invoke with Ctrl+T, then start typing the name of a file. It will provide you with a list of matches while you type. It's not limited to open tabs; it searches all files in the solution.
The search is intelligent. For example, if you have ThisIsMyClass.cs, typing 'TIMC' or 'ThisIMCla' will still match based on the idea that capital letters begin new words in file names.