What is the most efficient way to find the shared space occupied by two overlapping cube objects?
I'm not necessarily looking for source code, just the general idea on how it should be solved.
To simplify, the algorithm doesn't have to take into account rotated cubes.
The overlap of two non-rotated cubes is still a 'box'. If two corner points of box A are (x,y,z) and (x',y',z') (x'>x,y'>y,z'>z) and two corner points of box B are (a,b,c) and (a',b',c') (a'>a,b'>b,c'>c) then the volume of the overlap is
* max(min(b',y')-max(b,y),0)
* max(min(c',z')-max(c,z),0)
How the read the formula:
The overlap starts on the X axis at the maximum of the two coordinates x and a and ends at the minimum of a' and x'. If a' < x (i.e. a < a' < x < x') then there's no overlap and what happens is that max(a,x) = x > min(a',x') = a', so the difference becomes negative and the volume is zero (hence the outer max(...,0)) term. The same applies for the other two axes.
If the cubes aren't rotated (axis aligned), the overlap of the dimensions is enough to describe the overlap of the cubes.
Consider the problem in 2 dimensions:
| S2 |
____|___ |
| | | |
| |___|____|
| S1 |
The overlapping area is described by a width of S1.xmax - S2.xmin, and a height of S1.ymax - S2.ymin. To determine the order of subtraction requires a couple of if tests. You may find there's no overlap at all. To do this for cubes, consider the z dimension in addition to x and y.
Compute the min/max in each dimension of each of your cubes and then test these against each other e.g. in the x direction where the cubes are labeled 1 and 2
if ( Xmin1 > Xmax2 )
// no intersection
else if ( Xmin1 >= Xmin2 )
// possible cube intersection
XminInt = Xmin1;
else if ( Xmin2 <= Xmax1 )
// possible cube intersection
XminInt = Xmin2;
Do something similar for the max and repeat both for y and z. If you hit the no intersection case in any of them then you can exit early. If you don't exit early in any of the six possible early exit clauses then you will have all six defining values for the intersection cube i.e. min/max for each dimension.
The six early returns are pretty much the simplest example there is of a separating axis method. Since your shapes are cubes and are axis-aligned the Cartesian axes are the possible separating axes. Testing is then a simple matter of comparing the min/max values as above.
Note that I have implemented the above method in C++ and confirmed that it works.
I have the same question and this is the best thread that comes up but the best answer does not address the question. After sometime, I have it solved. Antti answer calculates the volumne as a scalar rather than defining the overlapping cube points. Using his definition to define a cube, to get the shared space occupied by two overlapping cube objects, that shared cube is:
let box A be a vector (Ax,Ay,Az) and A' be (Ax',Ay',Az') with (Ax'>Ax,Ay'>Ay,Az'>Az)
let box B be a vector (Bx,By,Bz) and B' be (Bx',By',Bz') with (Bx'>Bx,By'>By,Bz'>Bz)
let box C be our new overlapping cube
then the intersection between the two cubes is:
C = Min(A', B');
C' = Max(A, B);
Note if the boxes touch only at a single point, then C = C'. If only one dimension is different, touches at a line, and if only 2 dimensions are different touches at a plane.
I need some help with writing this algorithm.
For a given set of lines in space, I am trying to find the accessible volume when the origin (reference point) is 0.5,0.5,0.5. Currently, I do the following:
For each line, calculate the distance to the origin (0.5,0.5,0.5). Then, gather all these perpendicular distance points on all the lines into a list.
Now, I would like to calculate the "interior" (neither the boundary nor the convhull), because I want to evaluate the accessible volume for a ball centered at (0.5,0.5,0.5).
For example I would like to compute with my algorithm the green (internal line) in this simple example:
The configuration:
The closest points from the origin (0.5,0.5,0.5) to the lines
Only the points for whom I want the "internal boundary" be computed. Meaning the shape that bounds all the point either outside of the interior or on its boundary.
Here is the code for which I want something else rather than convhull:
close all
S1 = cell(1, N);
for k = 1:N, S1{k} = rand(1, 3); end
S2 = cell(1, N);
for k = 1:N, S2{k} = rand(1, 3); end
M1 = cat(3, S1{:});
M2 = cat(3, S2{:});
M = permute(cat(1, M1, M2), [1, 3, 2]);
plot3(M(:, :, 1), M(:, :, 2), M(:, :, 3))
hold on
[x,y,z] = sphere;
hold on
NearestIntersectionPoints = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
tmp1 = M(1,k,:); tmp2 = M(2,k,:);
v1=tmp1(1,:); v2=tmp2(1,:);
[d, intersection] = point_to_line([0.5,0.5,0.5], v1, v2);
[x,y,z] = sphere;
NearestIntersectionPoints{k} = intersection;
MHull = cat(3,NearestIntersectionPoints{:});
X=MHull(:,1,:); Y=MHull(:,2,:); Z=MHull(:,3,:);
X=X(:); Y=Y(:); Z=Z(:);
k = boundary(X,Y,Z);
hold on
plot3(X(k),Y(k),Z(k), 'r-*')
function [d,intersection] = point_to_line(pt, v1, v2)
a = v1 - v2;
b = pt - v2;
d = norm(cross(a,b)) / norm(a);
theta = asin(norm(cross(a,b))/(norm(a)*norm(b)));
intersection = v2 + a * cos(theta);
I would do it like this:
tetrahedronize your pointcloud
so create a mesh consisting of tetrahedrons where no tetrahedron intersect any other or contain any point in it. I do it like this:
you need list of points,triangles and tetrahedrons. Each triangle need one counter which will tell you if it is used once or twice.
create first tetrahedron
by 4 nested loops through all points and check if formed tetrahedron does not contain any point inside. If not stop as you found your first tetrahedron. This is O(n^5) but as there are a lot of valid tetrahedrons it will never reach such high runtime... Now just add this tetrahedron to triangle and tetrahedron lists.
find next tetrahedron
now loop through all triangles that has been used once. for each form tetrahedron by using those 3 points used by it and find 4th point the same way as in #2. Valid tetrahedron must not contain any points in it and also must not intersect any existing tetrahedron in the list.
To ensure whole volume will be filled without holes you need to prioritize the process by preferring tetrahedrons with more triangles already in list. So first search 4 triangles if no found than 3 etc ...
For each found valid tetrahedron add it to the lists and look again until no valid tetrahedron can be formed ... The whole process is around O(n^2) so be careful with too many points in pointcloud. Also having normals for triangles stored can speed the tests a lot ...
outer boundary
outer boundary consist of triangles in list which have been used just once
interior boundary
interior gap tetrahedrons should be larger than all the others. So check their size against average size and if bigger they are most likely a gap. So group them together to lists. Each gap have only large tetrahedrons and all of them must share at least one face (triangle). Now just count the triangle usage for each group alone and all the triangles used just once will form your gap/hole/interior boundary/mesh.
If your point density is uniform you can adapt this:
Finding holes in 2d point sets?
And create a voxel map of point density... voxels with no density are either gap or outer space. This can be used for faster and better selection of interior tetrahedrons.
If I understand well your question, you want the largest volume inside another volume, without points in common between the two volumes.
The outer volume is built from a subset of the set of points. The obvious solution is to build the inner volume with the rest of points.
A volume from a set of points can be made in several ways. If the volume is not convex, then you need some more info (e.g. minimum angle between faces) because you get starred polytopo or cuasi-convex, or some other shape.
For convex volume I recomend the 3D Delaunay construction, with tetrahedra. The boundary is defined by the faces of "tets" that are not shared with other "tets".
Remove from the full set of points those belonging to the boundary: Each tet in boundary has a fourth point that does not lie on the boundary.
The inner volume is another Delaunay construction. Perhaps you only need the fourth points from the previous boundary-tets.
For example, in a 2D space, with x [0 ; 1] and y [0 ; 1]. For p = 4, intuitively, I will place each point at each corner of the square.
But what can be the general algorithm?
Edit: The algorithm needs modification if dimensions are not orthogonal to eachother
To uniformly place the points as described in your example you could do something like this:
var combinedSize = 0
for each dimension d in d0..dn {
combinedSize += d.length;
val listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension = new List
for each d dimension d0..dn {
val percentageOfWholeDimensionSize = d.length/combinedSize
val pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension = percentageOfWholeDimensionSize * numberOfPoints
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[d.index] = d.length/(pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension - 1)
Run on your example it gives:
combinedSize = 2
percentageOfWholeDimensionSize = 1 / 2
pointsToPlaceAlongThisDimension = 0.5 * 4
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[0] = 1 / (2 - 1)
listOfDistancesBetweenPointsAlongEachDimension[1] = 1 / (2 - 1)
note: The minus 1 deals with the inclusive interval, allowing points at both endpoints of the dimension
2D case
In 2D (n=2) the solution is to place your p points evenly on some circle. If you want also to define the distance d between points then the circle should have radius around:
2*Pi*r = ~p*d
r = ~(p*d)/(2*Pi)
To be more precise you should use circumference of regular p-point polygon instead of circle circumference (I am too lazy to do that). Or you can compute the distance of produced points and scale up/down as needed instead.
So each point p(i) can be defined as:
p(i).x = r*cos((i*2.0*Pi)/p)
p(i).y = r*sin((i*2.0*Pi)/p)
3D case
Just use sphere instead of circle.
ND case
Use ND hypersphere instead of circle.
So your question boils down to place p "equidistant" points to a n-D hypersphere (either surface or volume). As you can see 2D case is simple, but in 3D this starts to be a problem. See:
Make a sphere with equidistant vertices
sphere subdivision triangulation
As you can see there are quite a few approaches to do this (there are much more of them even using Fibonacci sequence generated spiral) which are more or less hard to grasp or implement.
However If you want to generalize this into ND space you need to chose general approach. I would try to do something like this:
Place p uniformly distributed place inside bounding hypersphere
each point should have position,velocity and acceleration vectors. You can also place the points randomly (just ensure none are at the same position)...
For each p compute acceleration
each p should retract any other point (opposite of gravity).
update position
just do a Newton D'Alembert physics simulation in ND. Do not forget to include some dampening of speed so the simulation will stop in time. Bound the position and speed to the sphere so points will not cross it's border nor they would reflect the speed inwards.
loop #2 until max speed of any p crosses some threshold
This will more or less accurately place p points on the circumference of ND hypersphere. So you got minimal distance d between them. If you got some special dependency between n and p then there might be better configurations then this but for arbitrary numbers I think this approach should be safe enough.
Now by modifying #2 rules you can achieve 2 different outcomes. One filling hypersphere surface (by placing massive negative mass into center of surface) and second filling its volume. For these two options also the radius will be different. For one you need to use surface and for the other volume...
Here example of similar simulation used to solve a geometry problem:
How to implement a constraint solver for 2-D geometry?
Here preview of 3D surface case:
The number on top is the max abs speed of particles used to determine the simulations stopped and the white-ish lines are speed vectors. You need to carefully select the acceleration and dampening coefficients so the simulation is fast ...
Hi sorry for the confusing title.
I'm trying to make a race track using points. I want to draw 3 rectangles which form my roads. However I don't want these rectangles to overlap, I want to leave an empty space between them to place my corners (triangles) meaning they only intersect at a single point. Since the roads have a common width I know the width of the rectangles.
I know the coordinates of the points A, B and C and therefore their length and the angles between them. From this I think I can say that the angles of the yellow triangle are the same as those of the outer triangle. From there I can work out the lengths of the sides of the blue triangles. However I don't know how to find the coordinates of the points of the blue triangles or the length of the sides of the yellow triangle and therefore the rectangles.
This is an X-Y problem (asking us how to accomplish X because you think it would help you solve a problem Y better solved another way), but luckily you gave us Y so I can just answer that.
What you should do is find the lines that are the edges of the roads, figure out where they intersect, and proceed to calculate everything else from that.
First, given 2 points P and Q, we can write down the line between them in parameterized form as f(t) = P + t(Q - P). Note that Q - P = v is the vector representing the direction of the line.
Second, given a vector v = (x_v, y_v) the vector (y_v, -x_v) is at right angles to it. Divide by its length sqrt(x_v**2 + y_v**2) and you have a unit vector at right angles to the first. Project P and Q a distance d along this vector, and you've got 2 points on a parallel line at distance d from your original line.
There are two such parallel lines. Given a point on the line and a point off of the line, the sign of the dot product of your normal vector with the vector between those two lines tells you whether you've found the parallel line on the same side as the other, or on the opposite side.
You just need to figure out where they intersect. But figuring out where lines P1 + t*v1 and P2 + s*v2 intersect can be done by setting up 2 equations in 2 variables and solving that. Which calculation you can carry out.
And now you have sufficient information to calculate the edges of the roads, which edges are inside, and every intersection in your diagram. Which lets you figure out anything else that you need.
Slightly different approach with a bit of trigonometry:
Define vectors
b = B - A
c = C - A
uB = Normalized(b)
uC = Normalized(c)
Alpha = atan2(CrossProduct(b, c), DotProduct(b,c))
HalfA = Alpha / 2
HalfW = Width / 2
uB_Perp = (-uB.Y, ub.X) //unit vector, perpendicular to b
//now calculate points:
P1 = A + HalfW * (uB * ctg(HalfA) + uB_Perp) //outer blue triangle vertice
P2 = A + HalfW * (uB * ctg(HalfA) - uB_Perp) //inner blue triangle vertice, lies on bisector
(I did not consider extra case of too large width)
I have a list of points moving in two dimensions (x- and y-axis) represented as rows in an array. I might have N points - i.e., N rows:
1 t1 x1 y1
2 t2 x2 y2
N tN xN yN
where ti, xi, and yi, is the time-index, x-coordinate, and the y-coordinate for point i. The time index-index ti is an integer from 1 to T. The number of points at each such possible time index can vary from 0 to N (still with only N points in total).
My goal is the filter out all the points that do not move in a certain way; or to keep only those that do. A point must move in a parabolic trajectory - with decreasing x- and y-coordinate (i.e., moving to the left and downwards only). Points with other dynamic behaviour must be removed.
Can I use a simple sorting mechanism on this array - and then analyse the order of the time-index? I have also considered the fact each point having the same time-index ti are physically distinct points, and so should be paired up with other points. The complexity of the problem grew - and now I turn to you.
NOTE: You can assume that the points are confined to a sub-region of the (x,y)-plane between two parabolic curves. These curves intersect only at only at one point: A point close to the origin of motion for any point.
More Information:
I have made some datafiles available:
MATLAB datafile (1.17 kB)
same data as CSV with semicolon as column separator (2.77 kB)
Necessary context:
The datafile hold one uint32 array with 176 rows and 5 columns. The columns are:
pixel x-coordinate in 175-by-175 lattice
pixel y-coordinate in 175-by-175 lattice
discrete theta angle-index
time index (from 1 to T = 10)
row index for this original sorting
The points "live" in a 175-by-175 pixel-lattice - and again inside the upper quadrant of a circle with radius 175. The points travel on the circle circumference in a counterclockwise rotation to a certain angle theta with horizontal, where they are thrown off into something close to a parabolic orbit. Column 3 holds a discrete index into a list with indices 1 to 45 from 0 to 90 degress (one index thus spans 2 degrees). The theta-angle was originally deduces solely from the points by setting up the trivial equations of motions and solving for the angle. This gives rise to a quasi-symmetric quartic which can be solved in close-form. The actual metric radius of the circle is 0.2 m and the pixel coordinate were converted from pixel-coordinate to metric using simple linear interpolation (but what we see here are the points in original pixel-space).
My problem is that some points are not behaving properly and since I need to statistics on the theta angle, I need to remove the points that certainly do NOT move in a parabolic trajoctory. These error are expected and fully natural, but still need to be filtered out.
MATLAB plot code:
% load data and setup variables:
load mat_points.mat;
num_r = 175;
num_T = 10;
num_gridN = 20;
% begin plotting:
plot( ...
num_r * cos(0:0.1:pi/2), ...
num_r * sin(0:0.1:pi/2), ...
'Color', 'k', ...
'LineWidth', 2 ...
axis equal;
xlim([0 num_r]);
ylim([0 num_r]);
hold all;
% setup grid (yea... went crazy with one):
vec_tickValues = linspace(0, num_r, num_gridN);
cell_tickLabels = repmat({''}, size(vec_tickValues));
cell_tickLabels{1} = sprintf('%u', vec_tickValues(1));
cell_tickLabels{end} = sprintf('%u', vec_tickValues(end));
set(gca, 'XTick', vec_tickValues);
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', cell_tickLabels);
set(gca, 'YTick', vec_tickValues);
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', cell_tickLabels);
set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', '-');
grid on;
% plot points per timeindex (with increasing brightness):
vec_grayIndex = linspace(0,0.9,num_T);
for num_kt = 1:num_T
vec_xCoords = mat_points((mat_points(:,4) == num_kt), 1);
vec_yCoords = mat_points((mat_points(:,4) == num_kt), 2);
plot(vec_xCoords, vec_yCoords, 'o', ...
'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', ...
'MarkerFaceColor', vec_grayIndex(num_kt) * ones(1,3) ...
Thanks :)
Why, it looks almost as if you're simulating a radar tracking debris from the collision of two missiles...
Anyway, let's coin a new term: object. Objects are moving along parabolae and at certain times they may emit flashes that appear as points. There are also other points which we are trying to filter out.
We will need some more information:
Can we assume that the objects obey the physics of things falling under gravity?
Must every object emit a point at every timestep during its lifetime?
Speaking of lifetime, do all objects begin at the same time? Can some expire before others?
How precise is the data? Is it exact? Is there a measure of error? To put it another way, do we understand how poorly the points from an object might fit a perfect parabola?
Sort the data with (index,time) as keys and for all locations of a point i see if they follow parabolic trajectory?
Which part are you facing problem? Sorting should be very easy. IMHO, it is the second part (testing if a set of points follow parabolic trajectory) that is difficult.
Given n squares with edge length l, how can I determine the minimum radius r of the circle so that I can distribute all squares evenly along the perimeter of the circle without them overlapping? (Constraint: the first square will always be positioned at 12 o'clock.)
Followup question: how can I place n identical rectangles with height h and width w?
(source: n3rd.org)
There may be a mathematically clever way to do this, but I wouldn't know.
I think it's complicated a bit by the fact that the geometry is different for every different number of squares; for 4 it's a rhombus, for 5 it's a pentagon and so on.
What I'd do is place those squares on a 1 unit circle (much too small, I know, bear with me) distributed equally on it. That's easy enough, just subtend (divide) your 360 degrees by the number of squares. Then just test all your squares for overlap against their neighbors; if they overlap, increase the radius.
You can make this procedure less stupid than it sounds by using an intelligent algorithm to approach the right size. I'm thinking of something like Newton's algorithm: Given two successive guesses, of which one is too small and one is too big, your next guess needs to be the average of those two.
You can iterate down to any precision you like. Stop whenever the distance between guesses is smaller than some arbitrary small margin of error.
EDIT I have a better solution:
I was thinking about what to tell you if you asked "how will I know if squares overlap?" This gave me an idea on how to calculate the circle size exactly, in one step:
Place your squares on a much-too-small circle. You know how: Calculate the points on the circle where your 360/n angles intersect it, and put the center of the square there. Actually, you don't need to place squares yet, the next steps only require midpoints.
To calculate the minimum distance of a square to its neighbor: Calculate the difference in X and the difference in Y of the midpoints, and take the minimum of those. The X's and Y's are actually just cosines and sines on the circle.
You'll want the minimum of any square against its neighbor (clockwise, say). So you need to work your way around the circle to find the very smallest one.
The minimum (X or Y) distance between the squares needs to become 1.0 . So just take the reciprocal of the minimum distance and multiply the circle's size by that. Presto, your circle is the right size.
Without losing generality, I think it's possible to nail my solution down a bit so it's close to coding. Here's a refinement:
Assume the squares have size 1, i.e. each side has a length of 1 unit. In the end, your boxes will surely be larger than 1 pixel but it's just a matter of scaling.
Get rid of the corner cases:
if (n < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (n == 2) return 0.5; // 2 squares will fit exactly on a circle of radius 0.5
Start with a circle size r of 0.5, which will surely be too small for any number of squares > 2.
r = 0.5;
dmin = 1.0; // start assuming minimum distance is fine
a = 2 * PI / n;
for (p1 = 0.0; p1 <= PI; p1+=a) { // starting with angle 0, try all points till halfway around
// (yeah, we're starting east, not north. doesn't matter)
p2 = p1 + a; // next point on the circle
dx = abs(r * cos(p2) - r * cos(p1))
dy = abs(r * sin(p2) - r * sin(p1))
dmin = min(dmin, dx, dy)
r = r / dmin;
I turned this into real Java code and got something quite similar to this to run. Code and results here: http://ideone.com/r9aiu
I created graphical output using GnuPlot. I was able to create simple diagrams of boxes arranged in a circle by cut-and-pasting the point sets from the output into a data file and then running
plot '5.dat' with boxxyerrorbars
The .5's in the file serve to size the boxes... lazy but working solution. The .5 is applied to both sides of the center, so the boxes end up being exactly 1.0 in size.
Alas, my algorithm doesn't work. It makes the radii far too large, thus placing the boxes much further apart than necessary. Even scaling down by a factor of 2 (could have been a mistake to use 0.5 in some places) didn't help.
Sorry, I give up. Maybe my approach can be salvaged, but it doesn't work the way I had though it would. :(
I hate giving up. I was about to leave my PC when I thought of a way to salvage my algorithm:
The algorithm was adjusting the smaller of the X or Y distances to be at least 1. It's easy to demonstrate that's just plain silly. When you have a lot of boxes then at the eastern and western edges of the circle you have boxes stacked almost directly on top of each other, with their X's very close to one another but they are saved from touching by having just enough Y distance between them.
So... to make this work, you must scale the maximum of dx and dy to be (for all cases) at least the radius (or was it double the radius?).
Corrected code is here: http://ideone.com/EQ03g http://ideone.com/VRyyo
Tested again in GnuPlot, it produces beautiful little circles of boxes where sometimes just 1 or 2 boxes are exactly touching. Problem solved! :)
(These images are wider than they are tall because GnuPlot didn't know I wanted proportional layout. Just imagine the whole works squeezed into a square shape :) )
I would calculate an upper bound of the minimum radius, by working with circles enclosing the squares instead of with the squares themselves.
My calculation results in:
Rmin <= X / (sqrt(2) * sin (180/N) )
X is the square side length, and N is the required number of squares.
I assume that the circles are positioned such that their centers fall on the big circle's circumference.
-- EDIT --
Using the idea of Dave in the comment below, we can also calculate a nice lower bound, by considering the circles to be inside the squares (thus having radius X/2). This bound is:
Rmin >= X / (2 * sin (180/N) )
As already noted, the problem of positioning n points equally spaced round the circumference of a circle is trivial. The (not-terribly) difficult part of the problem is to figure out the radius of the circle needed to give a pleasing layout of the squares. I suggest you follow one of the other answers and think of the squares being inside a circular 'buffer' big enough to contain the square and enough space to satisfy your aesthetic requirements. Then check the formula for the chord length between the centres of neighbouring squares. Now you have the angle, at the centre of the circle, subtended by the chord between square centres, and can easily compute the radius of the circle from the trigonometry of a triangle.
And, as to your follow up question: I suggest that you work out the problem for squares of side length min(h,w) on a circle, then transform the squares to rectangles and the circle to an ellipse with eccentricity h/w (or w/h).
I would solve it like this:
To find the relation between the radius r and length l let's analyze dimensionless representation
get the centres on a circle (x1,y1)..(xn,yn)
from each center get lower right corner of the i-th square and upper left corner of the i+1-th square
the two points should either have equal x or equal y, whichever yields smaller l
procedure should be repeated for each center and the one that yields smallest l is the final solution.
This is the optimal solution and can be solved it terms of r = f(l).
The solution can be adapted to rectangles by adjusting the formula for xLR[i] and yUL[i+1].
Will try to give some pseudo code.
There's a bug in the procedure, lower right and upper left are not necessary closest points for two neighbouring squares/rectangles.
Let's assume you solved the problem for 3 or 4 squares.
If you have n >= 5 squares, and position one square at the top of the circle, you'll have another square fall into the first quadrant of a cartesian plane concentric with your circle.
The problem is then to find a radius r for the circle such that the left side of the circle next to the top one, and the right side of the top circle do not 'cross' each other.
The x coordinate of the right side of the top circle is x1 = L/2, where L is the side of a square. The x coordinate of the left side of the circle next to the top one is x2 = r cos a - L/2, where r is the radius and a is the angle between each pair of square centres (a = 360/n degrees).
So we need to solve x1 <= x2, which leads to
r >= L / cos a.
L and a are known, so we're done :-)
You start with an arbitrary circle (e.g., with a diameter of (* n l)) and position the squares evenly on the circumference. Then you go through each pair of adjacent squares and:
calculate the straight line connecting their mid points,
calculate the intersection of this line with the intervening square sides (M1 and M2 are the mid points, S1 and S2 the corresponding intersections with the square side:
S2 S1
| |
| |
| |
| |
| M1 |
| \ |
| \ |
| -------*------- +--------
| | \ | |
| | \ | |
-------+---------*------ |
| \ |
| M2 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
calculate the scale factor you would need to make S1 and S2 fall together (simply the ratio of the sum of M1-S1 and S2-M2 to M1-M2), and
finally scale the circle by the maximum of the found scale factors.
Edit: This is the exact solution. However, a little thought can optimize this further for speed:
You only need to do this for the squares closest to 45° (if n is even) resp. 45° and 135° (if n is odd; actually, you might prove that only one of these is necessary).
For large n, the optimal spacing of the squares on the circle will quickly approach the length of a diagonal of a square. You could thus precompute the scaling factors for a few small n (up to a dozen or so), and then have a good enough approximation with the diagonal.