LAPACK on Visual C/C++ 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I want to use LAPACK and BLAS in Visual C/C++ 2010 (add LAPACK and BLAS libs to Visual C/C++ 2010), so I was reading a very similar question here (The same but with visual C/C++ 2008),He claims he solved it like:
I figured out the answer to my
problem. The problem was that I knew I
had to put the directory containing
the LAPACK .lib file in the list of
library directories (Tools -> Options
-> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Library Files) but
forgot that I also had to add it to
the "Additional Dependencies" under
Project -> (Project Name) Properties
-> Linker -> Input.
When I tried to follow his solution, after getting Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories Visual, C/C++ 2010 says the VC++ directories is unused...
So now how do I add .libs so Visual C/C++ 2010 recognize them?

Add into Project settings: Linker -> Input.


Include c++ project in another c++ project from different solution in Visual Studio 2015

I have 2 c++ projects in different solutions. When I built the project B solution's it generated a .dll, .exp, .exe, and .lib files.
How I have to reference the project B in the project A?. I've tried rigth click -> add -> reference -> B.dll.
But it shows me a window error with the following message:
could not add a reference to B.dll for one of the following reasons:
Targets a higher version of the .NET Framework
Not a .NET assembly
Not a registered ActiveX control
I've never worked with visual studio,I'm a little bit lost
Thank you and sorry for my english

How to load OpenCV's PDB debug files for debugging OpenCV source codes

I compiled OpenCV and I have PDB file for both debug and release mode.
I can program and run OpenCV's APIs, but I can't debug into OpenCV's source files using F11.
I need to link to those pdb files. I did the followings, but still have the problems.
(1)Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols > Check Microsoft Symbols Server
(2)In the same dialog, at Cache symbols in this directory, I link to D:\OpenCV_Lib_2.4.6\Win64\bin\Debug, where pdb files are there.
(3)Set D:\OpenCV_Lib_2.4.6\Win64\bin\Debug and D:\OpenCV_Lib_2.4.6\Win64\bin\Release to Environment Path.
What else I still need to do to have debugging into OpenCV's sources.
I use Visual Studio 2010.
I solved the problem. The first step, all library files must have their pdb files in the same folder where library files are located. Secondly, in the VC++ project setting Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> optimization -> Disable. If it is selected for maximize speed, will have problem. Finally, Configuration properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate debug info -> YES. Then problem is solved.

Windows Driver Development with Eclipse

Is that possible to integrate WDK into Eclipse? WDK seems to have its own compiler and debugger, so I wonder if there is a plug-in or it could be done manually?
See DDKBUILD for an example of how to launch the WDK build procedure from a bath file:
Typically all you need to do is modify this procedure to fit your IDE.
Run Eclipse from build environment that you need (free or checked with needed architecture)
Create project or import C/C++ / Existing code as makefile project. Select GNU Toolchain.
Properties -> Builders -> New -> Environment -> Select, select all variables, mark "add to all configurations", select "replace native environment with specified on". On the Main tab select full path to build.exe of the selected build environment. Select your project directory in workspace as "working directory"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> On Bulder Settings tab remove "Use default build command" flag and type "build"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor -> Select Tools. Personaly I selected msvc compilers.
Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> select includes that you need including WDK ones

Visual C++ 2010 project properties macros - how to edit?

I need to change the value of macro TargetExt. How can I do this? I can't find a way to do that from IDE (??!) and those macros aren't stored in project file either.
Go to: Project -> NAME properties... -> Configuration properties -> Target Extension

Using WinPcap in VC++ programs

I am trying to include WinPcap library in one of my Visual C++ program and I am using Visual Studio 10 Ultimate.
In the documentation it says
To add a preprocessor definition, you
must select Properties from the
Project menu, then select C/C++ from
the list control on the left, and
under the category Preprocessor, you
must add the definition under the
Preprocessor Definitions text box.
Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions-> Added WPCAP
I have performed this step successfully, then
To add a new library to the project,
you must select Properties from the
Project menu, then select Linker from
the list control on the left, and
under the category Input add the name
of the new library in the Additional
Dependencies text box.
Project -> Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> Added wpcap.lib
Now I have problem while performing the third step.
To add a new path where Microsoft
Visual Studio will look for the
libraries, you must select Options
from the Tools menu, then Project and
Solutions from the list control on the
left, VC++ Directories, then choose
Library Files in the Show directories
for combobox, and the add the path in
the box below.
Tools -> Options -> Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories.
Here it says VC++ Directories editing in Tools > Options has been deprecated.
Now where is this user property sheet located ? Can some one point me in a right direction?
It is now a project property and located in project properties -> VC++ Directories.
