Tips for optimizing performance of -webkit-transform? - performance

I'm using webkit-transform: translate3d and a few other properties pretty extensively on a mobile app for iPhone because its hardware accelerated. With about 98% of the features in place, performance is great. I'm aware of not trying to do too much at once.
I'm successfully simulating swiping in a very excellent, native way. What I've noticed now is that when I add the last 2% of features I'm seeing some image redrawing issues in the that is being animated while swiping. After you swipe through all 4 images and they load, then performance is perfectly smooth again. However, when this section is hidden and shown, the same thing happens.
What I hypothesize is happening is there's an internal buffer being hit and it has to reload each time.
So this with that background, the general question is what kinds of performance optimizations have other developers been making for -webkit-transform? I'm not necessarily asking about my particular situation, but rather what wider range of optimizations have people figured out for their individual needs?
Hopefully if this question gets some answers, it can be a resource for other folks asking the same question down the road.

It's a fairly well known thing, but making sure the element you transform is using 3d transforms where possible helps a lot on devices that hardware acccelerate transforms (iOS at the moment).
The easiest way to do that is to add:
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
with the appropriate prefixes to the css of the element in question, then just animate it as normal, either by using 2d or 3d transforms.

It might sound a bit weird but i had a similar issue and i solved it by using -webkit-perspective: 1000.
Don't know how this acts in favor of the transitions, but in my case it did.


translate3d vs translate performance

We now all know, particularly from that nice article, that we should prefer css-transforms to animate position.
But we got the choice between translate() and translate3d()...
Which one is generally faster?
This site below runs tests comparing translate(), translate3d(), and a couple other properties. According to it, translate3d() is faster in most browsers.
The use of translate3d pushes CSS animations into hardware acceleration. Even if you're looking to do a basic 2d translation, use translate3d for more power! So 'T3d' is just better because it tells the CSS animations to push the animations in 3d power!
That's why it is faster.
(The answer of Cameron Little is the proof)
As Cameron suggested translate3d should be faster in a lot of browsers, mostly those that use GFX hardware acceleration to speed up rendering. Especially on WebKit translate3d was the preferred way of forcing hardware acceleration on page items.
Though in my experience sometimes there is one drawback to using 3d transforms - in certain browser versions/OS combinations (macOS + Safari I'm looking at you) hardware accelerated rendering can slightly alter font smoothing as well as interpolation, thus causing minor flicker or blur. Those situations can mostly be worked around but should be kept in mind.

j2me: what is effect of 'g.clipRect()' on speed?

I'm developing in j2me and using canvas to drawing some images.
Now, my question is : what is difference of below sample codes in speed of drawing?
drawing after clipping area rectangle:
g.clipRect(x, y, myImage.getWidth(), myImage.getHeight());
g.drawImage(myImage, x , y, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
g.setClip(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
drawing without clip:
g.drawImage(myImage, x, y, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
is the first one is faster? I'm drawing on screen a lot.
Well the direct answer to your question would be Mu I'm afraid - because you appear to approach the issue from the wrong direction.
Thing is, clipping API is not intended for performance considerations / optimizations. You can find full coverage of its purpose in API documentation (available online), it does not state anything related to performance impact:
The clip is the set of pixels in the destination of the Graphics object that may be modified by graphics rendering operations.
There is a single clip per Graphics object. The only pixels modified by graphics operations are those that lie within the clip. Pixels outside the clip are not modified by any graphics operations.
Operations are provided for intersecting the current clip with a given rectangle and for setting the current clip outright...
Attempting to use clipping API for imaginary performance considerations will make your code a nightmare to understand for future maintainers. Note this future maintainer may be you yourself, just few weeks / months / years later - I for one had my nose broken on my own code written some time ago without clearly understandable intent - trust me, it hurts the same as messing with poor code written by anyone else.
Don't get me wrong - there is a chance that clipping may have substantial performance impact in some particular case on specific device - why not, everything is possible given the variety of MIDP implementations. Know what? there is even a chance of it having an opposite impact on some other device, why not.
If (if) that happens, if (if) you'll somehow get a clear, solid, tested and proven justification of specific performance impact - then (then), go ahead, implement whatever tricks necessary to reach required performance, no matter how perverse they may be (BTDTGTTS). Until then, though, drop any baseless assumptions that just may come to your mind.
Until then... Just. Drop. It.
Developers love to optimize code and with good reason. It is so satisfying and fun. But knowing when to optimize is far more important. Unfortunately, developers generally have horrible intuition about where the performance problems in an application will actually be... Most performance tuning reminds me of the old joke about the guy who's looking for his keys in the kitchen even though he lost them in the street, because the light's better in the kitchen... (Brian Goetz)
This will almost certainly vary between platforms, and will depend on how much you're actually drawing.
I suggest you measure performance yourself by logging the number of paints per second, or the average duration of a paint method, and painting this on screen.
Drawing without clip should be faster on any platform for the simple reason that you are not calling two clip methods. But I might ask, why are you using clip to begin with?
You usually use clipping when you have an animation sprite or an icon variation in the same file. In this case you can create a file for each frame/icon. It will increase your jar file size and will use more heap space to hold these images on memory, but will be drawn faster.

Is it better to use images or CSS to keep performance of a webpage or application as high as possible?

My project's creative designer and I have had some amicable disagreements as far as whether it is better to use slices of his comp or rely on the browser's rendering engine to create certain aspects of the user experience.
One specific example is with a horizontal "bar" that runs the entire width of the widget. He created a really snazzy gradient that involves several stops of different colors and opacities, and he feels that the small size of the image is preferable or at least comparable to the added lines of CSS code needed to generate the gradient natively.
We're already using CSS sprite technique to reduce the number of return trips from the server so that's not an issue for us. Right now it's simply the pro's and con's of using sliced up imagery versus rendering with CSS and HTML.
Is there a definitive rule as to how large an image needs to be to be the "worse" option of the two?
UPDATE: Since a few people have mentioned the complexity of the gradient as a factor I'm going to present it here:
-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(50%, rgb(0,0,0)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0.9)));
Very complex! ;-)
Measure it! Not the answer you like I think, but it really depends how complex the CSS will be and therefore how long it takes to be rendered.
In most cases it'll be the render time (CSS version) vs. request overhead and transmission time (image version). You will most probably see the big numbers here. Since you're already using image sprites you're reducing the request overhead to a minimum.
Browser compatibility should also be something you should be aware of. Here images will often win over CSS when it comes to gradients and something like that.
Some very complex CSS3-site to demonstrate what I mean:
This is a VERY nice case study, but incredible slow. It lags when loading. It lags even more when scrolling. And I am sure it is much slower than a solution using an image sprite for all of that.
Don't treat me wrong! I love CSS, but images are fine too. Sometimes even finer.
Measure it! When you do not have the time to measure, then estimate how complex the css would be. When it tends to get complex, then use images. When you've compatibility issues, then use images.
In general, if it can be done with CSS, definitely skip the image. If for no other reason it's easier to maintain.
HOWEVER, a complex gradient is likely where I'd give in and throw in an image. Having recently implemented some CSS gradients, it is a bit of a mess right now.
Ultimately, Fabian Barney has the correct answer. If it's an issue of performance, you need to measure things. In the grand scheme of things, this is likely low on the performance issues to dwell on.
i think CSS is more reusable. Imagine you have to repeat the same image over and over again in the same web document. Lots of HTTP requests there. But that's my opinion, please correct me if I'm wrong I think CSS is way more expressive and flexibly stylish.
However, there are things you have to watch out for. Stuff like browser specific prefixing kill pages with too much CSS.

Should I use HTML5 Canvas or CSS3 Sprites to animate objects for a game?

I'm in the process of starting to build a strategy game (think warcraft) for the web. I've been doing research on HTML5 Canvas and CSS3 sprites and still can't decide which technology to use.
The game won't be completed for another 6 months.
Any advice would be appreciated.
As you probably hear so frequently... "It Depends..." ™
My suggestion would be consider the feel of the application you're after. If you are trying to build a very graphically rich, mostly-images application, then I would use Canvas. However if you are trying to animate some graphics, but have the page remain and behave more "Web-like", mixed with other HTML content, I'd give CSS3 a try.
Two additional points:
Currently, Canvas is better supported than CSS3 animation/sprites.
If you use Canvas you're going to be implementing your own render loop and animation code (or making use of a 3rd partly library). Your code create animation by compositing the various layers of each frame, applying movement, and repeating. You can't simply say "move this image a little to the right". You'll have to do that yourself.
The EA web game "Lords of Ultima", as dull as it is, is an excellent example of a WarCraft-styled (well, it's more city building as there are no visible units) overworld, with animations and everything, built on a pure HTML and CSS sprite base. It looks and performs well and I think the square block box-model nature of HTML suits that kind of tile based design, especially since a lot of the image processing (embed an <img> or a <div> with a background, change background-position for animation) and click/mouse handling is done for you in simple html.
If you do go canvas you have to manage that yourself which will greatly increase the complexity and dev time. You'll have more control of minor elements and improved performance, but then you'll also lose (if it's at all important), greater backwards compatibility with older browsers. So it depends on how complex your design is and what kind of performance you need.
Use Canvas. If you use CSS sprites to build a game, then you are going to make a lots of <div>'s which performs operations on the DOM, which may slow down and also have a lots of focus and compatibility problems.
It may pay off to trade the development time for performance on <canvas>, by the assumption of "A code will be maintained forever".
I think CSS3 sprite system takes more time to develop, because you need to handle browser compatibility.
Browsers like IE 8 (8 or 9?) are using GPU to accelerate graphics, which lets you get the free lunch of Moore's Law.
There's pros and cons to both. Currently, Canvas is better supported then is CSS3, but you said that your game won't be done for another 6 months, by then the support for CSS3 could be much much better. There's also a lot of other variables here, such as: What browser will the game be viewed on? How advanced are the graphics you need to animate? etc... I would say that canvas would be better for support of the current generation of browsers and for gaming graphics, however CSS3 would be quicker, but wouldn't even come close to the support or graphics handling. But it doesn't seem like your in a rush to get it done.
Canvas: Graphics, current support in users browser
CSS3: Speed of development
Ether will work. But for now I would use Canvas. However, 6 months in the tech world is an eternity, things could be a lot different then.

Browser Repaint/Reflow performance: using CSS3 Gradients vs PNG Gradients

I am working at an app that causes lots of browser reflows. Performance is a key issue here. From the performance point of view Is it better to use a CSS3 gradient or an image gradient for some DOM elements? Does a page that uses CSS text shadows and gradients will have a slower reflow as a page that uses images to achieve those visual effects?
Also, are there any reflow tests out there I can use?
For drawing, CSS gradients and shadows do task the CPU more than images. Performance used to be pretty bad, these days they are acceptable. If you have a ton of gradients/shadows, you should just implement them and do the tests in your real-world setting. If you just have a few, I wouldn't worry about it.
It depends a lot on how the browser renders it, but for the most part those things will render slower. In addition, you'll have a less pixel-perfect display in older browsers. However, this also serves to segment your audience, as generally those with updated browsers also have updated computers. So, it's a trade-off that can work in your favor to essentially serve a stripped down version of your site to those that wouldn't be able to handle it. It's not guaranteed, but I've found it usually balances out pretty well.
Overall, real-world testing is the way to go. Build it, see if it works, and fix performance issues once you find them. I wouldn't hesitate just because there's a chance it might not work. If it works just fine and you don't try it, you'll never know!
