I have to convert a given matrix of pixels (coefficients are in a range from 0 to 255, since the matrix corresponds to a black and white image) into two lists. Both of them may be composed of lists, one containing the abscissas of the points, the other the ordinates.
As you can notice on the included picture, the first case corresponds to a single curve, whereas both the others involve multiple ones, crossing one each other. The algorithm should be able to make the difference between the two or three curves (in the two last examples), so in the two mainlists, a given sublist corresponds to a given curve.
I have absolutely no idea of what to start from...
One last thing : I'm seeking ideas on how to program this algorithm, so this is why I didn't add any specific programming language (if code may help any explanation, feel free to speak any language).
Thanks in advance >^.^<
Check out the Hough transform. It is a simple voting algorithm, that allows finding simple geometric shapes in images. One complication could be that your lines are not strictly straight. But it would give you equations on the lines it does find. Since your case is a little nonstandard I'd try to understand the algorithm itself and write my own implementation.
In my first implementation (centering a circle on a square in long focal depth image I took) I started with a very simple Python example I found online, rewrote it for my purposes and then later moved to C# for speed, since I needed more parameters (higher dimensional search space) than you need for this simple case.
In your case I would start with the simple assumption of a straight line. Then the Hough transform will give 1, 2 and 3 maxima respectively for your three cases.
The idea of the Hough transform is well described on wikipedia.
Here just the gist of the idea:
For a straight line think of giving each black pixel the right to vote
for 180 possible lines that could go through it (one for each angle in
single degree steps), then plotting the vote as histogram over a 2d space, where one
dimension is the angle of the line, another is the distance from
origin (using the Hesse normal form of the line for practical reasons
rather than the common y= m x +b) and the z-dimension is the number of votes. The actual line formed by the black
pixels will get more votes than any other possible line, so you are
simply looking for the Maximum vote location in the transformation
space (say in Python/numpy it would be argmax).
If there are two lines, you will find two clear maxima, the higher one with the longer or thicker line (more votes). You can then start playing with grayscale in your image, giving non-integer votes to pixels. You can also play with the resolution of the angle, depending on the content of your problem.
My requirement is to find the inclination of the lines (all 8 lines) surrounding the data matrix, as shown in the edge detected image:
The two main restrictions:
The inclination detected should have precision of at least 0.1 deg (the best achievable in this image)
Time taken should be less than 30 ms
I am implementing the algo on a Blackfin DSP, and have used Blackfin image processing toolbox.
I tried using Hough transform and Contour detection to find out the lines and thus their inclinations however the time limit exceeds. Any suggestions to use a different algorithm or optimize this one would help.
[for my use case the higher the angle precision the better, I am targeting at least 0.02 - 0.05 with a higher resolution image]
find bounding box
scan all points and found xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax of set pixels
find the gaps
cast scan lines through half of bounding box remembering/measure the gap sizes. To avoid line miss (due to holes) you can cast more scan lines or scan with wider ray.
If you need some examples for ray cast/scanning see:
How to find horizon line efficiently in a high-altitude photo?
segmentate the image into regions
just shrink bounding box by some fraction (50%) of a gap ... something like this:
forming 8 rectangular regions each one with single line without noise from the edges.
regress/fit lines
The idea is to make a list of all set pixels for each region separately and fit a line that has smallest distance to all of them.
I would try to use this:
Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line
Or use approximation search and fit something like
Curve fitting with y points on repeated x positions
just ignore the curvature and fit line equation parameters directly instead cubics.
After the lines are fitted you can compute their slope directly by atan2(dy,dx)
A fast and easy approch would be to scan every line and column for the first and second white pixel starting from left, right, top and bottom. Then simply use some robust line fit algorithm to get the lines.
Unless you did not already try to do that you can reduce the data for Hough transform or other algorithms by cropping the image down to DMC size.
The required angle accuracy cannot be achieved as you don't have enough resultion. And even if you had your results would suffer from any noise and outliers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically I'm trying to get a "nice" image where all the small rectangles add up to the big rectangle, kind like:
*Later Edit to clarify some things:
I want to be able to draw something like this in a piece of software. So, what I need is closer to an algorithm.
All I need are some rectangles. I don't need them to have some predefined proportions just that they look like a rectangle. Anything between a square and a 3:1 width/height (or height/width) is fine. The extremely naive approach would be to just divide the width of the enclosing rectangle into the percentage that enclosed rectangles have but this will create thin slices and some of the smaller percentage rectangles will drop bellow 1px.
I need to find a way to split the rectangles on multiple rows.
*Second Edit: Problem SOLVED. I was looking for a TreeMap algorithm (as pointed out by Phpdna). Once I had the keyword I was able to quickly find a couple of python implementations that satisfied my requirements.
Treemap is an algorithm that can pack smaller rectangles into a map. You can recursively subdivide a plane into smaller tiles for example by splitting the plane along the 2 axis and save the result to a tree.
This approach guarantees that the small rectangles always cover the initial rectangle. so does any other approach which starts by constructing rectangles within an existing set of rectangles.
Draw a straight line from one edge of the plane to the opposite edge and parallel to the other two edges. Draw it in a location which produces 2 rectangles whose proportions are pleasing to your eye.
If you want another rectangle, draw a line from the first line, perpendicular to it, and extend that line to the edge of the plane. Again, choose its position so that the line creates rectangles of pleasing proportions. Now you have 3 rectangles.
Now, to get the 4th rectangle, choose one of the existing lines to start from and draw a line perpendicular to it until it reaches either the edge of the plane or an existing line. Again, take care to ensure that the proportions of the rectangles created are pleasing to your eye.
Continue until you have all the rectangles you want.
Personally I think that the above is the easy part, the difficult part is determining algorithmically where to draw the lines. I suggest you think of the Golden Ratio, it cousins the Fibonnaci numbers and other ratios such as the basis of the A series of paper sizes, ie 1:sort(2).
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Circle-Rectangle collision detection (intersection)
How to determine the collision of a circle with a rectangle?
I want to detect the intersection or collision of a circle with an generaly positioned block.
The block is rectangular and may be any size or rotation.
What is the math behind this?
Write one function that checks if an arbitrary segment ab intersects a circle C. Write a second function that checks if a point p is inside a circle C. Then call the 1st function four times, for the four rectangle sides, and if all those fail, call the 2nd function on one corner (to check if the rectangle is entirely inside the circle). Depending on your definition of "collision," you might have to also check if the circle is entirely inside the rectangle!
There are various ways to speed up the computations, in case you are going to invoke this millions of times in a real-time simulation. The most obvious is to first check against the square S circumscribing the circle C, and only then proceed to the (slightly) more costly circle test.
I've been working on a visualization project for 2-dimensional continuous data. It's the kind of thing you could use to study elevation data or temperature patterns on a 2D map. At its core, it's really a way of flattening 3-dimensions into two-dimensions-plus-color. In my particular field of study, I'm not actually working with geographical elevation data, but it's a good metaphor, so I'll stick with it throughout this post.
Anyhow, at this point, I have a "continuous color" renderer that I'm very pleased with:
The gradient is the standard color-wheel, where red pixels indicate coordinates with high values, and violet pixels indicate low values.
The underlying data structure uses some very clever (if I do say so myself) interpolation algorithms to enable arbitrarily deep zooming into the details of the map.
At this point, I want to draw some topographical contour lines (using quadratic bezier curves), but I haven't been able to find any good literature describing efficient algorithms for finding those curves.
To give you an idea for what I'm thinking about, here's a poor-man's implementation (where the renderer just uses a black RGB value whenever it encounters a pixel that intersects a contour line):
There are several problems with this approach, though:
Areas of the graph with a steeper slope result in thinner (and often broken) topo lines. Ideally, all topo lines should be continuous.
Areas of the graph with a flatter slope result in wider topo lines (and often entire regions of blackness, especially at the outer perimeter of the rendering region).
So I'm looking at a vector-drawing approach for getting those nice, perfect 1-pixel-thick curves. The basic structure of the algorithm will have to include these steps:
At each discrete elevation where I want to draw a topo line, find a set of coordinates where the elevation at that coordinate is extremely close (given an arbitrary epsilon value) to the desired elevation.
Eliminate redundant points. For example, if three points are in a perfectly-straight line, then the center point is redundant, since it can be eliminated without changing the shape of the curve. Likewise, with bezier curves, it is often possible to eliminate cetain anchor points by adjusting the position of adjacent control points.
Assemble the remaining points into a sequence, such that each segment between two points approximates an elevation-neutral trajectory, and such that no two line segments ever cross paths. Each point-sequence must either create a closed polygon, or must intersect the bounding box of the rendering region.
For each vertex, find a pair of control points such that the resultant curve exhibits a minimum error, with respect to the redundant points eliminated in step #2.
Ensure that all features of the topography visible at the current rendering scale are represented by appropriate topo lines. For example, if the data contains a spike with high altitude, but with extremely small diameter, the topo lines should still be drawn. Vertical features should only be ignored if their feature diameter is smaller than the overall rendering granularity of the image.
But even under those constraints, I can still think of several different heuristics for finding the lines:
Find the high-point within the rendering bounding-box. From that high point, travel downhill along several different trajectories. Any time the traversal line crossest an elevation threshold, add that point to an elevation-specific bucket. When the traversal path reaches a local minimum, change course and travel uphill.
Perform a high-resolution traversal along the rectangular bounding-box of the rendering region. At each elevation threshold (and at inflection points, wherever the slope reverses direction), add those points to an elevation-specific bucket. After finishing the boundary traversal, start tracing inward from the boundary points in those buckets.
Scan the entire rendering region, taking an elevation measurement at a sparse regular interval. For each measurement, use it's proximity to an elevation threshold as a mechanism to decide whether or not to take an interpolated measurement of its neighbors. Using this technique would provide better guarantees of coverage across the whole rendering region, but it'd be difficult to assemble the resultant points into a sensible order for constructing paths.
So, those are some of my thoughts...
Before diving deep into an implementation, I wanted to see whether anyone else on StackOverflow has experience with this sort of problem and could provide pointers for an accurate and efficient implementation.
I'm especially interested in the "Gradient" suggestion made by ellisbben. And my core data structure (ignoring some of the optimizing interpolation shortcuts) can be represented as the summation of a set of 2D gaussian functions, which is totally differentiable.
I suppose I'll need a data structure to represent a three-dimensional slope, and a function for calculating that slope vector for at arbitrary point. Off the top of my head, I don't know how to do that (though it seems like it ought to be easy), but if you have a link explaining the math, I'd be much obliged!
Thanks to the excellent contributions by ellisbben and Azim, I can now calculate the contour angle for any arbitrary point in the field. Drawing the real topo lines will follow shortly!
Here are updated renderings, with and without the ghetto raster-based topo-renderer that I've been using. Each image includes a thousand random sample points, represented by red dots. The angle-of-contour at that point is represented by a white line. In certain cases, no slope could be measured at the given point (based on the granularity of interpolation), so the red dot occurs without a corresponding angle-of-contour line.
(NOTE: These renderings use a different surface topography than the previous renderings -- since I randomly generate the data structures on each iteration, while I'm prototyping -- but the core rendering method is the same, so I'm sure you get the idea.)
Here's a fun fact: over on the right-hand-side of these renderings, you'll see a bunch of weird contour lines at perfect horizontal and vertical angles. These are artifacts of the interpolation process, which uses a grid of interpolators to reduce the number of computations (by about 500%) necessary to perform the core rendering operations. All of those weird contour lines occur on the boundary between two interpolator grid cells.
Luckily, those artifacts don't actually matter. Although the artifacts are detectable during slope calculation, the final renderer won't notice them, since it operates at a different bit depth.
Aaaaaaaand, as one final indulgence before I go to sleep, here's another pair of renderings, one in the old-school "continuous color" style, and one with 20,000 gradient samples. In this set of renderings, I've eliminated the red dot for point-samples, since it unnecessarily clutters the image.
Here, you can really see those interpolation artifacts that I referred to earlier, thanks to the grid-structure of the interpolator collection. I should emphasize that those artifacts will be completely invisible on the final contour rendering (since the difference in magnitude between any two adjacent interpolator cells is less than the bit depth of the rendered image).
Bon appetit!!
The gradient is a mathematical operator that may help you.
If you can turn your interpolation into a differentiable function, the gradient of the height will always point in the direction of steepest ascent. All curves of equal height are perpendicular to the gradient of height evaluated at that point.
Your idea about starting from the highest point is sensible, but might miss features if there is more than one local maximum.
I'd suggest
pick height values at which you will draw lines
create a bunch of points on a fine, regularly spaced grid, then walk each point in small steps in the gradient direction towards the nearest height at which you want to draw a line
create curves by stepping each point perpendicular to the gradient; eliminate excess points by killing a point when another curve comes too close to it-- but to avoid destroying the center of hourglass like figures, you might need to check the angle between the oriented vector perpendicular to the gradient for both of the points. (When I say oriented, I mean make sure that the angle between the gradient and the perpendicular value you calculate is always 90 degrees in the same direction.)
In response to your comment to #erickson and to answer the point about calculating the gradient of your function. Instead of calculating the derivatives of your 300 term function you could do a numeric differentiation as follows.
Given a point [x,y] in your image you could calculate the gradient (direction of steepest decent)
g={ ( f(x+dx,y)-f(x-dx,y) )/(2*dx),
{ ( f(x,y+dy)-f(x,y-dy) )/(2*dy)
where dx and dy could be the spacing in your grid. The contour line will run perpendicular to the gradient. So, to get the contour direction, c, we can multiply g=[v,w] by matrix, A=[0 -1, 1 0] giving
c = [-w,v]
Alternately, there is the marching squares algorithm which seems appropriate to your problem, although you may want to smooth the results if you use a coarse grid.
The topo curves you want to draw are isosurfaces of a scalar field over 2 dimensions. For isosurfaces in 3 dimensions, there is the marching cubes algorithm.
I've wanted something like this myself, but haven't found a vector-based solution.
A raster-based solution isn't that bad, though, especially if your data is raster-based. If your data is vector-based too (in other words, you have a 3D model of your surface), you should be able to do some real math to find the intersection curves with horizontal planes at varying elevations.
For a raster-based approach, I look at each pair of neighboring pixels. If one is above a contour level, and one is below, obviously a contour line runs between them. The trick I used to anti-alias the contour line is to mix the contour line color into both pixels, proportional to their closeness to the idealized contour line.
Maybe some examples will help. Suppose that the current pixel is at an "elevation" of 12 ft, a neighbor is at an elevation of 8 ft, and contour lines are every 10 ft. Then, there is a contour line half way between; paint the current pixel with the contour line color at 50% opacity. Another pixel is at 11 feet and has a neighbor at 6 feet. Color the current pixel at 80% opacity.
alpha = (contour - neighbor) / (current - neighbor)
Unfortunately, I don't have the code handy, and there might have been a bit more to it (I vaguely recall looking at diagonal neighbors too, and adjusting by sqrt(2) / 2). I hope this enough to give you the gist.
It occurred to me that what you're trying to do would be pretty easy to do in MATLAB, using the contour function. Doing things like making low-density approximations to your contours can probably be done with some fairly simple post-processing of the contours.
Fortunately, GNU Octave, a MATLAB clone, has implementations of the various contour plotting functions. You could look at that code for an algorithm and implementation that's almost certainly mathematically sound. Or, you might just be able to offload the processing to Octave. Check out the page on interfacing with other languages to see if that would be easier.
Disclosure: I haven't used Octave very much, and I haven't actually tested it's contour plotting. However, from my experience with MATLAB, I can say that it will give you almost everything you're asking for in just a few lines of code, provided you get your data into MATLAB.
Also, congratulations on making a very VanGough-esque slopefield plot.
I always check places like http://mathworld.wolfram.com before going to deep on my own :)
Maybe their curves section would help? Or maybe the entry on maps.
compare what you have rendered with a real-world topo map - they look identical to me! i wouldn't change a thing...
Write the data out as an HGT file (very simple digital elevation data format used by USGS) and use the free and open-source gdal_contour tool to create contours. That works very well for terrestrial maps, the constraint being that the data points are signed 16-bit numbers, which fits the earthly range of heights in metres very well, but may not be enough for your data, which I assume not to be a map of actual terrain - although you do mention terrain maps.
I recommend the CONREC approach:
Create an empty line segment list
Split your data into regular grid squares
For each grid square, split the square into 4 component triangles:
For each triangle, handle the cases (a through j):
If a line segment crosses one of the cases:
Calculate its endpoints
Store the line segment in the list
Draw each line segment in the line segment list
If the lines are too jagged, use a smaller grid. If the lines are smooth enough and the algorithm is taking too long, use a larger grid.