Why do I need a script loader? - loader

People are telling me that I need a script loading for web app, but I already have <script /> and <link /> tags already, can anyone tell me when I should use a script or resource loader? and What is the load you recommend.

I'm assuming they are referring to loading and executing javascript files as and when needed, to reduce the initial load times of pages by not loading all your scripts in the head section of the html.
Not totally sure if thats what your getting out, could you give more information on the situation? does your web app have a large number of javascript tags?

I think the requirement of the scripts loader is for multiple <script src=""> tags in the html page, one of more of the scripts have the loading order required, like: the jquery.js must be loaded before the jquery-plugin.js. Another case is the scripts which will be loaded are different in different client devices, like the javascript run for desktop client will be different than the javascript run in the touch pad

When you are working on a single-page application with a lot of dependencies between JS files.


Laravel + Vite -- Exposing a package?

The Problem
So I'm working on moving a Laravel project from Mix to Vite. Overall, it's been fairly straightforward, but there's been one issue. A lot of my Javascript is built into Blade files and relies on jQuery. jQuery cannot be accessed in <script> tags unless they have type="module" (this has its problems, see below).
What I've Tried
Modifying the script tags that require jQuery with type="module". This works for most cases, except any HTML elements that use functions in these script tags as event handlers break. There are ways around this, but it would require some code changes.
Load two copies of jQuery, one for Vite and one for outside Vite. This works, but feels sloppy and increases load times.
What I Want
It'd be great if Vite could be told to expose its copy of jQuery to the other non-module script tags. There might be an easy way to do this, but I'm not seeing it.
Thanks in advance!

Meteor: Loading all page resources in the background

When someone navigates to my Meteor app, I would like the home page to be loaded first, rendered, and displayed. And then as soon as this is done (the user can start clicking around), all the other resources and databases for all pages of my app are loaded (cached) in the background to LocalStorage (as much as can fit), so that all the pages, images, etc, of my app will appear instantly when navigated to.
What's the no-brainer convention for doing this in Meteor? Is there a package?
And secondly, how do I indicate which resources I want to be highest priority in the background loading queue? For example, how do I make sure that a "splash page" and its images shows up right away?
Meteor apps are, by design, single-page sites. If you view-source on a deployed Meteor app, for example http://docs.meteor.com, the <head> always looks something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/5a6084946b1bc47e30e45c05bdecb13536a2dc64.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
__meteor_runtime_config__ = {"meteorRelease":"galaxy-follower-5","ROOT_URL":
<script type="text/javascript" src="/3353c2b059d42f3fe42e0d5eba87882b955d7cbe.js">
That .css file is all of your app's CSS, concatenated into one file; and that .js file is all of your app's JavaScript, including all of your templates, concatenated into one file. That's just the way Meteor is designed, and it's not something you can change without delving deep into Meteor's source and rewriting some major chunks.
The only suggestion I have for you is to have your homepage served by something else, such as an Apache or Nginx server, which really does serve up just the bare minimum that you're after; and fetches the above .css and .js files and preloads them. Use a router package in your Meteor app, and take care that all the links in your homepage point to routes that are defined in the Meteor app. You can also speed things up a bit by separating out and loading from a CDN or your Apache/Nginx server any resources not directly needed by Meteor—images, additional CSS, external JavaScript like libraries—and having those preloaded by your non-Meteor-hosted homepage.
Finally take a look at meteor-external-file-loader. It's designed for loading external JavaScript libraries on the fly in Meteor apps, for example loading Google Maps only on the pages where you're actually showing maps. I'm not sure if it can be used to load JavaScript that's core to your app like templates, but if your app is so large that you're thinking of splitting it up anyway then presumably there are parts of your code that you can separate into packages like your own custom JavaScript libraries, which can then be loaded dynamically from your Apache/Nginx server using meteor-external-file-loader.

Website store JS and CSS on client side without any framework

I am making a website in Codeigniter and not using any client side framework like angularJS. However I need some features of angularJS like downloading the JS and CSS once at the client rather than downloading it for each page. As my website content is much dependent on the server, should I use angularJS? I read that it makes tha application slower.
your question is not about angular at all!
I recommend you to read something about build systems like require, grunt, yeoman...
What you want to do is ajaxifying your website, as Stever said it's not about angular at all..
you may use RequireJS to load the script when a page need it.
For a best perfomance, use grunt for running any task like : minifying, compressing your stylesheet and so on..

Grails won't load changes done in static resources (except when restarting)

I have an annoying problem with my new grails app. I'm trying to mock up a design for a site that I will be making but whenever I do changes in my css it won't affect the running application. No matter how big changes I do I have to stop the application and then run it again.
This is very frustrating, I've turned of cache in Chrome and even if I go to the specific document the resource is still the old. What can I do to solve this problem? I can make changes in my gsp files and the changes will appear but not in my css.
I am currently loading the resource within a layout file like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: 'app.css')}" type="text/css">
If you need me to provide any more information, please just ask. I am using grails 2.2.0.
Add this to your Config.groovy (probably just for development)
grails.resources.debug = true
Read the docs for more info.
It looks like Gregg's answer doesn't work for 1.3.7 (maybe that is something added in 2.x?). A method I found that makes quick CSS updates possible is to include a separate GSP as a template in the page header.
That is, create a file called "_css.gsp" (underscore prefix is required) in the same directory as your view files, fill it with standard css surrounded by html style tags, and then include the following in your layout header or page:
<g:render template="css" />
With that in place, the content of _css.gsp is injected into the page. And I can make changes to _css.gsp and they are immediately reflected after page refresh without having to restart Grails. Hope this helps someone in Grails pre-2.x!

Javascript: achieving the Google Ad AJAX effect

I need to create a portable script to give to others to implement on their websites that will dynamically show content from my database (MySQL).
I know AJAX has a cross-site problem, but it seems that Google's ad's somehow manage the effect in a cross-browser / cross-site fashion.
Knowing that I have to give people a simple cut/paste snippet to put in their website...how can I achieve this? How did Google?
They use an <iframe>, so the ad is served from their server, and can talk to their database. I'm not actually sure that they use any sort of AJAX from their ads, though; they appear to just be mostly static content, with a few scripts for tweaking the formatting (which are optional, since they want their ads to be visible even if users have JS turned off).
Remember, you can always look into this on your own, and see what they did. On Firefox, use Firebug to explore the html, css, and scripts on a site. On WebKit based browsers (Safari, Chrome, and others), you can use the Web Inspector.
Google's ad code is loaded via a script tag that calls a remote javascript file. The AJAX restrictions that are generally enforced with xmlhttp, iframe, and similar AJAX requests don't apply when it comes to loading remote javascript files.
Once you've loaded the javascript file, you can create iframes in your page that link back to the actual hosted content on your server (and feed them any data about the current page that you wish).
jQuery has built in support for jsonp in their ajax calls. You may want to lookin in to using that if you are really needing to use ajax.
You don't need iFrames and you don't need AJAX. It's really, really simple!
You pull in a remote JS file that is actually a constructed file from php/asp/whatever. In your JS file you have a document.write script that writes the content. It's that simple.
We do this all the time with media stored on separate sites. Here's an example.
YOUR SERVER: file.php (which outputs js)
document.write("I'm on a remote server");
<script src='http://www.yourserver.com/file.php'></script>
And it will output the content generated by the script. To make the content customized you can put in script vars above the script call that will adjust what your file pulls out. From there it's pretty straightforward.
I realize this question is a year old, but I've written a library that can help with the document.write part of the problem (whether this is a TOS violation, I don't know) writeCapture.js. It's pretty simple:
$('#ads').writeCapture().html('<script src="whatever-your-adsense-code-is"> </script>');
The example uses jQuery, but you can use it standalone as well.
