What kind of Ruby variable do I want to use here? - ruby

I’m still learning Ruby, and I’m curious about whether it is appropriate to use a class variable, constant, or local variable in this scenario.
In my below code example (that generates random usernames out of a fixed character set), assigning #username as an instance variable is fairly obvious. But I’m curious whether I should assign the charset as a constant or maybe a class variable. What would be the advantages of using another variable type in this scenario?
In the current example, the _charset is computed in every instance. (Do correct me if my assumption is wrong.) I also assume the computation would be shared between instances (as opposed to recomputed) as both a class variable and as a constant?
class NewAccount
def initialize
#username = self.generate_username
def generate_username
_charset = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a
_newusername = Array.new(20) { _charset[rand(_charset.length)] }.join
return _newusername

You can make it a class variable or constant, actually this would be the same: only one instance would exist. And Ruby constants are not really constants - you can change a constant so it is really a variable, only because of its name Ruby recognizes a constant and issue a warning if you try to change it.
But by declaring it as a constant and not a class variable you are documenting your aim: to have a constant value consisting of a character set, that is not designed to be changed. This will be obvious for anybody reading the code. This is what you want the character set for - so do it.
If you make it a class variable it will be a variable: so no problem if somebody tries to change. Of course if you plan on changing its value for whatever reason do it a class variable: again you will document your design.

Because _charset = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a never changes from its definition, I'd create it as a class constant:
class NewAccount
CHARSET = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a
def initialize
#username = self.generate_username
def generate_username
_newusername = Array.new(20) { CHARSET[rand(CHARSET.length)] }.join
return _newusername

I think you can make it class variable as the _charset is going to be used in NewAccount class only and its value would not be changed for NewAccount's instance.

In your example the #username would be computed once for each instance, and the _charset only computed once in your example– but the _charset is only a local variable, so it would be recomputed if you ran the method twice.
What you want is what the Tin Man suggests, set it as a constant and compute it once. Using a class-varible (##charset) could be misleading as the charset is not intended to change at any point.


What is the difference between a constant and a variable in Ruby?

So, I'm doing a Ruby course on CodeAcademy and I'm stuck in differentiating the difference between a variable and a class. Can someone please explain the difference to me? I'll give you cookies! ^^. No matter where I look online I can't find any information on this.
The idea of constants in Ruby is that they can get a value assigned only once while you can assign a new value to a variable as many times as you want. Now technically, you can assign a new value even to a constant. Ruby will however issue a warning in this case and you should try to avoid this case.
I guess the main point leading to confusion of people new to Ruby is that even values assigned to constants can be modified without a warning (e.g. by adding new elements to an array). References by a constant are no different to variables here in that the reference does not restrict what can be done with the value. The object referenced by either a variable or constant is always independent from that.
In this example, I assign a new array to the ARRAY constant. Later, I can happily change the array by adding a new member to it. The constant is not concerned by this.
ARRAY = []
# => []
ARRAY << :foo
# => [:foo]
The only thing forbidden (or, well, allowed with a warning) is if you try to assign a completely new value to a constant:
ARRAY2 = []
# => []
ARRAY2 = [:bar]
# warning: already initialized constant ARRAY2
=> [:bar]
As such, it is common practice to immediately freeze values assigned to constants to fully deny any further changes and ensure that the original value is preserved (unless someone assigns a new value):
ARRAY3 = [:foo, :bar].freeze
ARRAY3 << :baz
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Array
A variable can change its value, it can vary.
A constant cannot change its value, it is constant.
In Ruby things are a bit more complex though. You can reassign the value of constants, but it will print a warning. This is meant to be used for debugging only and the general principle still applies that constants are meant to be used for values that never change.
In Ruby, a constant is an identifier that starts with a capital letter; it is intended to be assigned only once. You can reassign a constant, but you should not. Doing so will generate a warning:
NAME = "Fred"
NAME = "Barney" # => Warning: Already initialized constant NAME
A variable is an identifier that does not start with a capital letter; it may be assigned to more than once:
name = "Fred"
name = "Barney" # => No warning
When you create a class, a constant is created with the same name as the class; that constant is bound to the class:
class Foo
This is equivalent to this code which creates a new anonymous class and assigns it to the constant Foo:
Foo = Class.new do
You can reassign the constant identifier Foo, as you can with any other constant, but of course you shouldn't, and you will still get the warning:
Foo = 123 # => Already initialized constant Foo

Can you access Ruby variables with outer scope inside of methods?

I'm learning Ruby and practicing by writing a Caesar cipher. Here's my code so far:
print "Enter rotation: "
rotation = gets.chomp
print "Enter string to encrypt: "
string = gets.chomp
def encrypt
keys = (' '..'z').to_a
values = (' '..'z').to_a.rotate(rotation)
hash = Hash[keys.zip(values)]
chars = string.split('')
encrypted_chars = chars.collect { |char| hash[char] }
encryptd_string = encrypted_chars.join
puts "Encrypted string: " + encrypt
It's saying that I don't have access to the rotation variable inside of the encrypt method. NameError: undefined local variable or method 'rotation' for main:Object.
From what I understand, rotation is a local variable with outer scope, and should be accessible inside of the encrypt method. Obviously something is wrong with that reasoning, so could someone explain what's wrong?
This is a duplicate of Ruby accessing outer variables in nested function.
You could make it an instance variable on the containing object by calling it #rotation, but why not just pass string and rotation into the encrypt method?
The reason for this behaviour is that Local variables exist in a local scope and defining a method creates a new local scope for that method. Local varables are only visible in the current scope.
I was confused by this and found that relating the OP's question to one of nested methods only added confusion. But I've done a bit more research and discovered this succinct question and, in particular, this answer that explains it clearly as well as demonstrating a way to define a method without creating a new scope.
(I'm just adding this answer for the benefit of others because my search for an answer led me to this question.)

What's the cleanest way to define a constant string that involves a variable in Ruby?

For some context, a lot of my code has the same lines of text throughout it (we are using Calabash to do iOS automation, if that gives you an idea).
For example: "all label marked:'#{name}'" is used 8 times in a particular class.
I would prefer to be able to have a constant that uses that text, but if I throw it at the top of the class, of course the variable "name" has not been set yet. Without defining a method that takes a parameter and returns a string, is there a way to do something essentially like this that can exist at the top of the class, but not be evaluated until it's used?:
class ClassName
extend Calabash::Cucumber::Operations
#NAME_CONSTANT = "all label marked:'#{name}'"
def self.method_name(name)
query("#{#NAME_CONSTANT} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0")
If you use the syntax I mentioned, you get this error: undefined local variable or method `name' for ClassName
You could use String#% to insert the string later.
class ClassName
#NAME_CONSTANT = "all label marked:'%{name}'"
def self.method_name(insert_name)
query("#{#NAME_CONSTANT} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0" % {name: insert_name})
def self.query(string)
puts string
#=> "all label marked:'test' sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0"
I agree with #Sergio. Don't define a constant string that includes a variable. Just use a method. Including a variable in a constant seems like a bad idea. Constants shouldn't be dynamic, by definition.
If you really want to include a variable in a constant string, you can assign a lambda to a contstant, like so:
class ClassName
extend Calabash::Cucumber::Operations
NAME_CONSTANT = ->(name) { "all label marked:'#{name}'" }
def self.method_name(name)
query("#{NAME_CONSTANT.call(name)} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0")
I removed the # before the constant, since including it creates a class-level instance variable, not a constant.
I really wouldn't use the code sample I posted, though. Just use a method. Avdi Grimm has a good post called "Do we need constants?" where he describes some of the benefits of using methods instead of constants.
The fundamental issue you're facing is that string interpolation occurs at the time the literal is interpreted and the scope of any referenced variables is determined by the location of the string in the code.
If you put the interpolated string in a method, then it won't have access to the local definition of any variables used in the string. You'd have to pass in the value of any variables used, as in:
def name_constant(name)
"all label marked:'#{name}'"
Alternatively, you'd need to declare the "constant" as an uninterpreted string as follows:
#name_constant = '"all label marked:''#{name}''"'
and then interpret it when you reference it, as follows:
BTW, I've ignored the issue of this not really being a "constant" and using instance variables vs. class variables.

Use input name in return value variable name

I'm trying to make this simple method return a value related to the name of its input. For instance if I give the method "people_array" it should return "people_array_of_arrays."
If I were using the method in IRB I would get something like:
people_array = ["George\tMichael", "Kim\tKardashian", "Kanyne\tWest"]
=> ["George\tMichael", "Kim\tKardashian", "Kanyne\tWest"]
=> people_array_of_arrays
=> ["George\tMichael", "Kim\tKardashian", "Kanyne\tWest"]
=> [["George", "Micahel"], ["Kim", "Kardashian"], ["Kayne", "West"]]
I have written this so far, but have not been able to figure out how to return a nicely named array of arrays. All I could think of was string interpolation but that isn't exactly what I need.
def make_array_of_arrays(array)
formatted_array = []
array.each do |feed|
mini_array = feed.split("\t")
#{array}_of_arrays = formatted_array
I saw there was a method variablize, but that returns an instance variable which isn't exactly what I want. Any pointers?
I do not think that it can be easily done. Suppose you were able to define a local variable in some way within the method definition. But the scope of that local variable is limited to the method definition. So the moment you go outside of the method definition, the local variable name is gone. So in order to do it, you have to somehow get the binding information of the environment outside of the method definition, and define a local variable within that. I do not know if that is possible.
With instance variables, things get a little easier using instance_variable_set, but I am not sure how to implement it fully. First of all, getting the name of the original variable is tricky.
And what you are trying to do is not the right approach. You should think of different ways.
I think the best you can do is to use an instance variable instead of a local variable, and also give the name of the variable explicitly instead of the array itself:
def make_array_of_arrays(variable_name)
array = instance_variable_get("##{variable_name}")
# Your code here
instance_variable_set("##{variable_name}_of_arrays", formatted_array)
#people_array = ["George\tMichael", "Kim\tKardashian", "Kanyne\tWest"]
#=> [["George", "Micahel"], ["Kim", "Kardashian"], ["Kayne", "West"]]
This also might be useful.
No need for meta-programming (unless I misunderstand your question). Simply return your formatted array:
def make_array_of_arrays(array)
formatted_array = []
array.each do |feed|
mini_array = feed.split("\t")
Then you can assign the return value to whatever name you want:
people_array_of_arrays = make_array_of_arrays(people_array)
Note, you can use map to simplify your make_array_of_arrays method:
def make_array_of_arrays(array)
array.map do |feed|
The big problem here is there's no good way to access the name of a variable.
Barring that and building on Sean Vieira's addition, you could do some eval magic to get this:
def make_array_of_arrays(array, array_name)
new_array = array.map { |feed| feed.split("\t") }
eval("def #{array_name}_of_arrays; return #{new_array}; end")
This basically creates a function for your *_of_arrays line that returns the array you're looking for.
If you could find a way to get the name of the variable, you'd have everything you want.
Not that I really officially endorse this method. And I can't for the life of me figure out why you'd want to do this. It's very unidiomatic, and will be confusing for anyone looking at that chunk of code.
This is not easy nor advisable.
Think of Ruby Objects as people (you and me) communicating by phone (phonenumbers being object_id's). Imagine I am in your list of phonenumbers under the name (variable) 'sTeEnSlAg' , and also under 'steenslg'. Then you phone me and ask "Please give me the name you are registered under on my phone, post-fixed with "_of_arrays".
What do you think would be the polite version of my answer?

Why ruby constants are changable? What is the difference between variable?

I was learning ruby, and i learnt that ruby constants must start with a Upper case letter (e.g. Myconstant). This will make it a constant, but its value is changeable!
If a constant's value is changeable then why do we need constant, what is the difference between variable then?
Constants have lexical scoping, whereas methods have dynamic scoping:
class Super
Constant = "Super::Constant"
def method
def get_constant
def get_method
class Sub < Super
Constant = 'Sub::Constant'
def method
Super.new.get_constant # => "Super::Constant"
Sub.new.get_constant # => "Super::Constant"
Super.new.get_method # => "Super#method"
Sub.new.get_method # => "Sub#method"
And as far as variables, they are inaccessible from the outside. How would you intend to access these?
class Object
Constant = 'constant'
local_var = 'local var'
#instance_var = 'instance var'
##class_var = 'class var' # btw, never use these
Also, there's a lot of things you can do in Ruby, but for your own sanity, be wary. I'd recommend against changing constants around, it will likely frustrate your team.
Ruby lets you shoot yourself in the foot (if you really want to). But, at least in this case, it warns you about it.
ONE = 'one'
ONE = 'two' # !> already initialized constant ONE
Some reasons:
1) Convention. It's easy to see just from the name of an identifier that it's not supposed to change.
2) Technical. It (probably; someone more knowledgeable than I will probably answer) makes the interpreter simpler.
3) Dynamism is sometimes helpful; in testing, for example, it's possible to redefine things for testing purposes rather than having to stub/proxy everything…
I use this feature sometimes to test out code without otherwise necessary parameters, eg when i run the script from my editor where it is difficult to provide a parameter.
#ARGV[0] = "c:/test.txt" #in case of testing i remove the first remark sign
