Solve crossword puzzle with genetic algorithm, fitness, mutation - genetic-algorithm

I'm trying hard to do a lab for school. I'm trying to solve a crossword puzzle using genetic algorithms.
Problem is that is not very good (it is still too random)
I will try to give a brief explanation of how my program is implemented now:
If i have the puzzle (# is block, 0 is empty space)
and a collection of words that are candidates to this puzzle's solution.
My DNA is simply the matrix as a 1D array.
My first set of individuals have random generated DNAs from the pool of letters that my words contains.
I do selection using roulette-selection.
There are some parameters about the chance of combination and mutations, but if mutation will happen then i will always change 25% of the DNA.
I change it with random letters from my pool of letters.(this can have negative effects, as the mutations can destroy already formed words)
Now the fitness function:
I traverse the matrix both horizontaly and verticaly:
If i find a word then FITNESS += word.lengh +1
If i find a string that is a part of some word then FITNESS += word.length / (puzzle_size*4) . Anyway it should give a value between 0 and 1.
So it can find "to" from "tool" and ads X to FITNESS, then right after it finds "too" from "tool" and adds another Y to FITNESS.
My generations are not actually improving over time. They appear random.
So even after 400 generations with a pool of 1000-2000 (these numbers dont really matter) i get a solution with 1-2 words (of 2 or 3 letters) when the solution should have 6 words.

I think your fitness function might be ill-defined. I would set this up so each row has a binary fitness level. Either a row is fit, or it is not. (eg a Row is a word or it is not a word) Then the overall fitness of the solution would be #fit rows / total rows (both horizontally and vertically). Also, you might be changing too much of the dna, I would make that variable and experiment with that.

Your fitness function looks OK to me, although without more detail it's hard to get a really good picture of what you're doing.
You don't specify the mutation probability, but when you do mutate, 25% is a very high mutation. Also, roulette wheel selection applies a lot of selection pressure. What you often see is that the algorithm pretty early on finds a solution that is quite a bit better than all the others, and roulette wheel selection causes the algorithm to select it with such high probability that you quickly end up with a population full of copies of that. At that point, search halts except for the occasional blindly lucky mutation, and since your mutations are so large, it's very unlikely that you'll find an improving move without wrecking the rest of the chromosome.
I'd try binary tournament selection, and a more sensible mutation operator. The usual heuristic people use for mutation is to (on average) flip one "bit" of each chromosome. You don't want a deterministic one letter change each time though. Something like this:
for(i=0; i<chromosome.length(); ++i) {
// random generates double in the range [0, 1)
if(random() < 1.0/chromosome.length()) {
chromosome[i] = pick_random_letter();


What are some ways to crossover in a Genetic Algorithm?

Here is a very small example I'll give:
Suppose I have my population of size 4. Now, let's say that I sort them based on their fitness and I decide to drop the last 2 (so now my population size is 2). Now I would need to go back to the original size but first I would have to create offspring.
Let's say I have this: (not written in any specific language)
population = [[2.2],[49.7],[34.1],[25.39]] //original population, I would run this under a fitness function
sortedPopulation = [[49.7],[25.39],[2.2],[34.1]] //sorted population based upon their fitness
best = [[49.7],[25.39]] //updated population with the last 2 elements being dropped (because they are the 2 worst)
At this point, I'm trying to figure out how I can crossover and create offspring. After the offspring, I will generate some more Doubles to get back to the original population size (which I already know how to do). What are some ways to crossover? And what would the result of the crossover actually look like?
I also want to make sure that there is a method that will work for any # of elements in the population's elements.
For instance, if each of the elements were 2 double's, then how would I create offspring from something like this:
best = [[3.3,92.56],[10.5,15.01]]
if you are working with integers its good idea to work with them as binary... then you can for example swap last 2 bits as crossover, swap every second bit, etc... or even better as Gray code ( or you might get stuck on Hamming's barrier (
hope it helps ^^

How to valorize better offsprings better than with my roulette selection method?

I am playing around with genetic programming algorithms, and I want to know how I can valorize and make sure my best exemplares reproduce more by substituting or improving the way I choose which one will reproduce. Currently the method I use looks like this:
function roulette(population)
local slice = sum_of_fitnesses(population) * math.random()
local sum = 0
for iter = 1, #population do
sum = sum + population[iter].fitness
if sum >= slice then
return population[iter]
But I can't get my population to reach an average fitness which is above a certain value and I worry it's because of less fit members reproducing with more fit members and thus continuing to spread their weak genes around.
So how can I improve my roulette selection method? Or should I use a completely different fitness proportionate selector?
There are a couple of issues at play here.
You are choosing the probability of an individual replicating based on its fitness, so the fitness function that you are using needs to exaggerate small differences or else having a minor decrease in fitness isn't so bad. For example, if a fitness drops from 81 to 80, this change is probably within the noise of the system and won't make much of a different to evolution. It will certainly be almost impossible to climb to a very high fitness if a series of small changes need to be made because the selective pressure simply won't be strong enough.
The way you solve this problem is by using something like tournament selection. In it's simplest form, every time you want to choose another individual to be born, you pick K random individuals (K is known and the "tournament size"). You calculate the fitness of each individual and whomever has the highest fitness is replicated. It doesn't matter if the fitness difference is 81 vs 80 or if its 10000 vs 2, since it simply takes the highest fitness.
Now the question is: what should you set K to? K can be thought of as the strength of selection. If you set it low (e.g., K=2) then many low fitness individuals will get lucky and slip through, being competed against other low-fitness individuals. You'll get a lot of diversity, but very little section. On the flip side, if you set K to be high (say, K=100), you're ALWAYS going to pick one of the highest fitnesses in the population, ensuring that the population average is driven closer to the max, but also driving down diversity in the population.
The particular tradeoff here depends on the specific problem. I recommend trying out different options (including your original algorithm) with a few different problems to see what happens. For example, try the all-ones problem: potential solutions are bit strings and a fitness is simply the number of 1's. If you have weak selection (as in your original example, or with K=2), you'll see that it never quite gets to a perfect all-ones solution.
So, why not always use a high K? Well consider a problem where ones are negative unless they appear in a block of four consecutive ones (or eight, or however many), when they suddenly become very positive. Such a problem is "deceptive", which means that you need to explore through solutions that look bad in order to find ones that are good. If you set your strength of selection too high, you'll never collect three ones for that final mutation to give you the fourth.
Lots of more advanced techniques exist that use tournament selection that you might want to look at. For example, varying K over time, or even within a population, select some individuals using a low K and others using a high K. It's worth reading up on some more if you're planning to build a better algorithm.

Why do Genetics Algorithms evaluate the same genome several times?

I'm trying to solve the DARP Problem, using a Genetic Algorithm DLL.
Thing is that eventhough it sometimes comes up with the right solution, others times it does not. Although Im using a really simple version of the problem. When I checked the genomes the algorithm evaluated I found out that it evaluates several times the same genome.
Why does it evaluate the same several time? wouldn't be more efficient if it does not?
There is a difference between evaluating the same chromosome twice, and using the same chromosome in a population (or different populations) more than once. The first can probably be usefully avoided; the second, maybe not.
In some generation G1, you mate 0011 and 1100, cross them right down the middle, get lucky and fail to mutate any of the genes, and end up with 0000 and 1111. You evalate them, stick them back into the population for the next generation, and continue the algorithm.
Then in some later generation G2, you mate 0111 and 1001 at the first index and (again, ignoring mutation) end up with 1111 and 0001. One of those has already been evaluated, so why evaluate it again? Especially if evaluating that function is very expensive, it may very well be better to keep a hash table (or some such) to store the results of previous evaluations, if you can afford the memory.
But! Just because you've already generated a value for a chromosome doesn't mean you shouldn't include it naturally in the results going forward, allowing it to either mutate further or allowing it to mate with other members of the same population. If you don't do that, you're effectively punishing success, which is exactly the opposite of what you want to do. If a chromosome persists or reappears from generation to generation, that is a strong sign that it is a good solution, and a well-chosen mutation operator will act to drive it out if it is a local maximum instead of a global maximum.
The basic explanation for why a GA might evaluate the same individual is precisely because it is non-guided, so the recreation of a previously-seen (or simultaneously-seen) genome is something to be expected.
More usefully, your question could be interpreted as about two different things:
A high cost associated with evaluating the fitness function, which could be mitigated by hashing the genome, but trading off memory. This is conceivable, but I've never seen it. Usually GAs search high-dimensional-spaces so you'd end up with a very sparse hash.
A population in which many or all members have converged to a single or few patterns: at some point, the diversity of your genome will tend towards 0. This is the expected outcome as the algorithm has converged upon the best solution that it has found. If this happens too early, with mediocre results, it indicates that you are stuck in a local minimum and you have lost diversity too early.
In this situation, study the output to determine which of the two scenarios has happened:
You lose diversity because particularly-fit individuals win a very large percentage of the parental lotteries. Or,
You don't gain diversity because the population over time is quite static.
In the former case, you have to maintain diversity. Ensure that less-fit individuals get more chances, perhaps by decreasing turnover or scaling the fitness function.
In the latter case, you have to increase diversity. Ensure that you inject more randomness into the population, perhaps by increasing mutation rate or increasing turnover.
(In both cases, of course, you ultimately do want diversity to decrease as the GA converges in the solution space. So you don't just want to "turn up all the dials" and devolve into a Monte Carlo search.)
Basicly genetic algoritm consists of
initial population (size N)
fitness function
mutation operation
crossover operation (performed usually on 2 individuals by taking some parts of their genome and combining it into new individual)
At every steps it
choses random individuals
performs crossover resulting in new individuals
possibly perform mutation(change random gene in random individual)
evaluate all old and new individuals with fitness function
choose N best fitted to be a new population on next iteration
The algorythm stops when it reaches a threshold of fitness function, or if there is no changes in population in last K iterations.
So, it could stop not at the best solution, but at local maximum.
A part of the population could stay unchanged from one iteration to another, because they could have a good value of fitness function.
Also it is possible to "fall back" to previos genomes because of mutation.
There are a lot of tricks to make genetic algorytm work better : choosing appropriate population encoding into genom, finding a good fitness function, playing with crossover and mutation ratio.
Depending on the particulars of your GA, you may have the same genomes in successive populations. For example Elitism saves the best or n best genomes from each population.
Reevaluating genomes is inefficient from a computational standpoint. The easiest way to avoid this is to put a boolean HasFitness flag for each genome. You could also create a unique string key for each genome encoding and store all the fitness values in a dictionary. This lookup can get very expensive, so this is only recommended if your fitness function is expensive enough to warrant the added expense of the lookup.
Elitism aside, The GA does not evaluate the same genome repeatedly. What you are seeing is identical genomes being regenerated and reevaluated. This is because each generation is a new set of genomes, which may or may not have been evaluated before.
To avoid the reevaluation you would need to keep a list of already produced genomes, with their fitness. To access the fitness you would need to have compare each of your new population with the list, when it is not in the list you would need to evaluate it, and add it to the list.
As real world applications have thousands of parameters, you end up with millions of stored genomes. This then becomes massively expensive to search & maintain. So probably quicker to just evaluate the genome each time.

breeding parents for multiple children in genetic algorithm

I'm building my first Genetic Algorithm in javascript, using a collection of tutorials.
I'm building a somewhat simpler structure to this scheduling tutorial, but I've run into a problem with breeding.
I get a population of 60 individuals, and now I'm picking the top two individuals to breed, and then selecting a few random other individuals to breed with the top two, am I not going to end up with a fairly small amount of parents rather quickly?
I figure I'm not going to be making much progress in the solution if I breed the top two results with each of the next 20.
Is that correct? Is there a generally accepted method for doing this?
I have a sample of genetic algorithms in Javascript here.
One problem with your approach is that you are killing diversity in the population by mating always the top 2 individuals. That will never work very well because it's too greedy, and you'll actually be defeating the purpose of having a genetic algorithm in the first place.
This is how I am implementing mating with elitism (which means I am retaining a percentage of unaltered best fit individuals and randomly mating all the rest), and I'll let the code do the talking:
// save best guys as elite population and shove into temp array for the new generation
for(var e = 0; e < ELITE; e++) {
// randomly select a mate (including elite) for all of the remaining ones
// using double-point crossover should suffice for this silly problem
// note: this should create INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE new individualz
for(var s = 0; s < INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE; s++) {
// generate random number between 0 and INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE - 1
var randInd = Math.floor(Math.random()*(INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE));
// mate the individual at index s with indivudal at random index
var child = mate(fitnessScores[s].chromosome, fitnessScores[randInd].chromosome);
// push the result in the new generation holder
It is fairly well commented but if you need any further pointers just ask (and here's the github repo, or you can just do a view source on the url above). I used this approach (elitism) a number of times, and for basic scenarios it usually works well.
Hope this helps.
When I've implemented genetic algorithms in the past, what I've done is to pick the parents always probabilistically - that is, you don't necessarily pick the winners, but you will pick the winners with a probability depending on how much better they are than everyone else (based on the fitness function).
I cannot remember the name of the paper to back it up, but there is a mathematical proof that "ranking" selection converges faster than "proportional" selection. If you try looking around for "genetic algorithm selection strategy" you may find something about this.
Just to be more specific, since pedalpete asked, there are two kinds of selection algorithms: one based on rank, one based on fitness proportion. Consider a population with 6 solutions and the following fitness values:
Solution Fitness Value
A 5
B 4
C 3
D 2
E 1
F 1
In ranking selection, you would take the top k (say, 2 or 4) and use those as the parents for your next generation. In proportional ranking, to form each "child", you randomly pick the parent with a probability based on fitness value:
Solution Probability
A 5/16
B 4/16
C 3/16
D 2/16
E 1/16
F 1/16
In this scheme, F may end up being a parent in the next generation. With a larger population size (100 for example - may be larger or smaller depending on the search space), this will mean that the bottom solutions will end up being a parent some of the time. This is OK, because even "bad" solutions have some "good" aspects.
Keeping the absolute fittest individuals is called elitism, and it does tend to lead to faster convergence, which, depending on the fitness landscape of the problem, may or may not be what you want. Faster convergence is good if it reduces the amount of effort taken to find an acceptable solution but it's bad if it means that you end up with a local optimum and ignore better solutions.
Picking the other parents completely at random isn't going to work very well. You need some mechanism whereby fitter candidates are more likely to be selected than weaker ones. There are several different selection strategies that you can use, each with different pros and cons. Some of the main ones are described here. Typically you will use roulette wheel selection or tournament selection.
As for combining the elite individuals with every single one of the other parents, that is a recipe for destroying variation in the population (as well as eliminating the previously preserved best candidates).
If you employ elitism, keep the elite individuals unchanged (that's the point of elitism) and then mate pairs of the other parents (which may or may not include some or all of the elite individuals, depending on whether they were also picked out as parents by the selection strategy). Each parent will only mate once unless it was picked out multiple times by the selection strategy.
Your approach is likely to suffer from premature convergence. There are lots of other selection techniques to pick from though. One of the more popular that you may wish to consider is Tournament selection.
Different selection strategies provide varying levels of 'selection pressure'. Selection pressure is how strongly the strategy insists on choosing the best programs. If the absolute best programs are chosen every time, then your algorithm effectively becomes a hill-climber; it will get trapped in local optimum with no way of navigating to other peaks in the fitness landscape. At the other end of the scale, no fitness pressure at all means the algorithm will blindly stumble around the fitness landscape at random. So, the challenge is to try to choose an operator with sufficient (but not excessive) selection pressure, for the problem you are tackling.
One of the advantages of the tournament selection operator is that by just modifying the size of the tournament, you can easily tweak the level of selection pressure. A larger tournament will give more pressure, a smaller tournament less.

What algorithm should I use for "genetic AI improvement"

First of all: This is not a question about how to make a program play Five in a Row. Been there, done that.
Introductory explanation
I have made a five-in-a-row-game as a framework to experiment with genetically improving AI (ouch, that sounds awfully pretentious). As with most turn-based games the best move is decided by assigning a score to every possible move, and then playing the move with the highest score. The function for assigning a score to a move (a square) goes something like this:
If the square already has a token, the score is 0 since it would be illegal to place a new token in the square.
Each square can be a part of up to 20 different winning rows (5 horizontal, 5 vertical, 10 diagonal). The score of the square is the sum of the score of each of these rows.
The score of a row depends on the number of friendly and enemy tokens already in the row. Examples:
A row with four friendly tokens should have infinite score, because if you place a token there you win the game.
The score for a row with four enemy tokens should be very high, since if you don't put a token there, the opponent will win on his next turn.
A row with both friendly and enemy tokens will score 0, since this row can never be part of a winning row.
Given this algorithm, I have declared a type called TBrain:
TBrain = array[cFriendly..cEnemy , 0..4] of integer;
The values in the array indicates the score of a row with either N friendly tokens and 0 enemy tokens, or 0 friendly tokens and N enemy tokens. If there are 5 tokens in a row there's no score since the row is full.
It's actually quite easy to decide which values should be in the array. Brain[0,4] (four friendly tokens) should be "infinite", let's call that 1.000.000. vBrain[1,4] should be very high, but not so high that the brain would prefer blocking several enemy wins rather than wining itself
Concider the following (improbable) board:
Player 2 should place his token in (9,4), winning the game, not in (4,4) even though he would then block 8 potential winning rows for player 1. Ergo, vBrain[1,4] should be (vBrain[0,4]/8)-1. Working like this we can find optimal values for the "brain", but again, this is not what I'm interested in. I want an algorithm to find the best values.
I have implemented this framework so that it's totally deterministic. There's no random values added to the scores, and if several squares have the same score the top-left will be chosen.
Actual problem
That's it for the introduction, now to the interesting part (for me, at least)
I have two "brains", vBrain1 and vBrain2. How should I iteratively make these better? I Imagine something like this:
Initialize vBrain1 and vBrain2 with random values.
Simulate a game between them.
Assign the values from the winner to the loser, then randomly change one of them slightly.
This doesn't seem work. The brains don't get any smarter. Why?
Should the score-method add some small random values to the result, so that two games between the same two brains would be different? How much should the values change for each iteration? How should the "brains" be initialized? With constant values? With random values?
Also, does this have anything to do with AI or genetic algorithms at all?
PS: The question has nothing to do with Five in a Row. That's just something I chose because I can declare a very simple "Brain" to experiment on.
If you want to approach this problem like a genetic algorithm, you will need an entire population of "brains". Then evaluate them against each other, either every combination or use a tournament style. Then select the top X% of the population and use those as the parents of the next generation, where offspring are created via mutation (which you have) or genetic crossover (e.g., swap rows or columns between two "brains").
Also, if you do not see any evolutionary progress, you may need more than just win/loss, but come up with some kind of point system so that you can rank the entire population more effectively, which makes selection easier.
Generally speaking, yes you can make a brain smarter by using genetic algorithms techniques.
Randomness, or mutation, plays a significant part on genetic programming.
I like this tutorial, Genetic Algorithms: Cool Name & Damn Simple.
(It uses Python for the examples but it's not difficult to understand them)
Take a look at Neuro Evolution of Augmenting Tologies (NEAT). A fancy acronymn which basically means the evolution of neural nets - both their structure (topology) and connection weights. I wrote a .Net implementation called SharpNEAT that you may wish to look at. SharpNEAT V1 also has a Tic-Tac-Toe experiment.
