Interpreting non-latin characters in Sinatra coming from Mac Excel 2011 - ruby

I've a Mac VBA script making a request to a Ruby Sinatra web app.
The text passing from Excel contains characters such as é. Ruby (version 1.9.2) chokes on these characters as Excel is not sending them as UTF-8.
# encoding: utf-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?
configure do
class << Sinatra::Base
def options(path, opts={}, &block)
route 'OPTIONS', path, opts, &block
Sinatra::Delegator.delegate :options
options '/' do
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "POST"
halt 200
post '/fetch' do
chars = []
params['excel_input'].valid_encoding? #returns false
My Excel VBA:
Sub FetchAddress()
For Each oDest In Selection
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;http://localhost:4567/fetch", Destination:=oDest)
.PostText = "excel_input=" & oDest.Offset(0, -1).Value
.RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
.SaveData = True
End With
End Sub
The character é comes out the other end as Ž.
It looks like the text in Excel is encoded as Windows-1252
The byte representation of the character is 142 (or Ž in Windows-1252).

iconv can convert the input to UTF-8. It converts the character encoding from one encoding to another. So something like this should work:
require "iconv"
post '/fetch' do
excel_input = Iconv.conv("UTF-8", "WINDOWS-1252", params['excel_input'])

you can also probably look at:
then, you can autodetect charset and then convert it to utf-8.

Ruby 1.9 Encodings: A Primer and the Solution for Rails - yehuda katz is a good read. If you have some time. Goes in to depth about encodings and how to convert between them.


I am getting (eval):1: invalid Unicode codepoint error while trying to scrape instagram

I am trying to scrape data from instagram. Here is my code
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'json'
require "unicode/emoji"
def get_html
url = ''
html = open(url)
def pass_data
html = get_html
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
def get_data
profiles = []
body ='body')
script ='script').text
myText = script
json_object_data = eval(myText)
When I try to change the text into json format, I get an error:
(eval):1: invalid Unicode codepoint (SyntaxError)
usinessmen #beautiful #smile\ud83d\ude0a #teambringit #shebr
How do I move past this error?
JSON, like JavaScript, uses UCS2 encoding, which Ruby chokes on.
Do not use evil. For one thing, Ruby will detect \ud83d\ude0a as invalid codepoints, as it should; for another, it is a security hole; and lastly, it slows down your code.
Use JSON.parse, which is safer, faster, and knows how to deal with UCS2:
require 'json'
json_str = '"usinessmen #beautiful #smile\ud83d\ude0a #teambringit #shebr"'
# => "usinessmen #beautiful #smile😊 #teambringit #shebr"

RSpec - inspected result must be ASCII only [duplicate]

The following code works without problem:
#encoding: utf-8
class Text
def initialize(txt)
#txt = txt
def inspect
"<Text: %s>" % #txt
p'Hello World')
But if I try p'Hä, was soll das?') I get a Encoding::CompatibilityError:
inspect_with_umlaut.rb:26:in `p': inspected result must be ASCII only or use the default external encoding (Encoding::CompatibilityError)
from inspect_with_umlaut.rb:26:in `<main>'
Why this?
And more important: How can I avoid it?
The error message explains already the why:
inspected result must be ASCII only or use the default external encoding
In this case the inspect-command gets a UTF-8 character (Not ASCII), but the default encoding seems to be another.
The default encoding can be read in Encoding.default_external.
To avoid the error you must encode the result of inspect:
#encoding: utf-8
class Text
def initialize(txt)
#txt = txt
def inspect
#force ASCII and replace invalid/undefined characters
("<Text: %s>" % #txt).encode('ASCII', :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace)
p'Hä, was soll das?') #-> <Text: H?, was soll das?>
Instead of ASCII in encode you can use also Encoding.default_external:
("<Text: %s>" % #txt).encode(Encoding.default_external, :undef => :replace)

`scan': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)

I'm trying to read a .txt file in ruby and split the text line-by-line.
Here is my code:
def file_read(filename), 'r').read
puts f = file_read('alice_in_wonderland.txt')
This works perfectly. But when I add the method line_cutter like this:
def file_read(filename), 'r').read
def line_cutter(file)
puts f = line_cutter(file_read('alice_in_wonderland.txt'))
I get an error:
`scan': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
I found this online for untrusted website and tried to use it for my own code but it's not working. How can I remove this error?
Link to the file: File
The linked text file contains the following line:
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
If converting it isn't desired or possible then you have to tell Ruby that this file is ISO-8859-1 encoded. Otherwise the default external encoding is used (UTF-8 in your case). A possible way to do that is:
s ='alice_in_wonderland.txt', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1')
s.encoding # => #<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>
Or even like this if you prefer your string UTF-8 encoded (see
s ='alice_in_wonderland.txt', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1:UTF-8')
s.encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
It seems to work if you read the file directly from the page, maybe there's something funny about the local copy you have. Try this:
require 'net/http'
uri = ''
scanned = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri)).body.scan(/\w/)

Ruby: parse yaml from ANSI to UTF-8

I have the yaml file test.yml that can be encoded in UTF-8 or ANSI:
"eins_Ä": :eins
"zwei_ä": :zwei
When I load the file I need it to be encoded in UTF-8 therefore tried to convert all of the Strings:
require 'yaml'
file = YAML::load_file('C:/Users/S61256/Desktop/test.yml')
require 'iconv'
class Test
def convert(hash)
hash.each{ |key, value|
convert(value) if value.is_a? Hash
CONV.iconv(value) if value.is_a? String
CONV.iconv(key) if key.is_a? String
t =
converted = t.convert(file)
p file
p converted
But when I try to run this example script it prints:
in 'iconv': eins_- (Iconv:IllegalSequence)
1. Why does the error show up and how can I solve it?
2. Is there another (more appropiate) way to get the file's content in UTF-8?
I need this code to be compatible to Ruby 1.8 as well as Ruby 2.2. For Ruby 2.2 I would replace all the Iconv stuff with String::encode, but that's another topic.
The easiest way to deal with wrong encoded files is to read it in its original encoding, convert to UTF-8 and then pass to receiver (YAML in this case):
▶ YAML.load'/tmp/q.yml', encoding: 'ISO-8859-1').force_encoding 'UTF-8'
#⇒ {:excel=>{"Test"=>{"eins_Ä"=>:eins, "zwei_ä"=>:zwei}}}
For Ruby 1.8 you should probably use Iconv, but the whole process (read as is, than encode, than yaml-load) remains the same.

UTF-8 Error in Ruby

I'm scraping a few websites and eventually I hit a UTF-8 error that looks like this:
`=~': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
Now, I don't care about the websites being 100% accurate. Is there a way I can take the page I get and strip out any problem encodings and then pass it around inside my program?
I'm using ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-darwin11.2.0] if that matters.
def self.blank?(value)
return value.blank? if value.respond_to?(:blank?)
case value
when ::NilClass, ::FalseClass
when ::TrueClass, ::Numeric
when ::Array, ::Hash
when ::String
value !~ /\S/ ###This is the line 19 that has the issue.
value.nil? || (value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?)
When I try to save the following line:
What Happens in The Garage Tin Sign2. � � Newsletter Our monthly newsletter,
It throws the error. It's on page: But what is odd is that when I view it in my web browser it doesn't show the funny symbols in the source.
What do I do next?
The problem is that your string contains non-UTF-8 characters, but seems to have UTF-8 encoding forced. The following short code demonstrates the issue:
a = "\xff"
a.force_encoding "utf-8"
a.valid_encoding? # returns false
a =~ /x/ # provokes ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
The best way to fix this is to apply the proper encoding right from the beginning. If this is not an option, you can use String#encode:
a = "\xff"
a.force_encoding "utf-8"
a.valid_encoding? # returns false
a.encode!("utf-8", "utf-8", :invalid => :replace)
a.valid_encoding? # returns true now
a ~= /x/ # works now
