Where do maven goals go? - maven

I'm using Maven 3.0.3. I want to write a simple task to copy a war file from my target directory to the Tomcat deploy directory. Where do I put my goal? I tried ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<goal name="copy-war" description="Copies the war file to the webapps directory">
<!-- This is Ant stuff -->
<copy file="${basedir}/target/${artifactId}-${version}.war" tofile="${warDestinationDir}"/>
but when I run
mvn copy-war -P dev
I get this error ...
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project socialmediaproxy:socialmediaproxy:0.1 (/Users/davea/Documents/workspace-sts-2.6.0.SR1/socialmediaproxy/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Malformed POM /Users/davea/Documents/workspace-sts-2.6.0.SR1/socialmediaproxy/pom.xml: Unrecognised tag: 'goal' (position: START_TAG seen ...y-war" description="Copies the war file to the webapps directory">... #9:84) # /Users/davea/Documents/workspace-sts-2.6.0.SR1/socialmediaproxy/pom.xml, line 9, column 84 -> [Help 2]
Any ideas? - Dave

The goal part in the pom does not exist anymore, cause that's from Maven 1...but you defined a pom (model version 4.0.0) which is intended for Maven 3. Take a look into the current reference for the pom.

You can use ANT itself to copy the stuff from your target directory to the Tomcat Dir
Since you want to move the files from the target dir, run the ANTRUN plugin in the package phase.
<copy file="${basedir}/target/${artifactId}-${version}.war" tofile="${warDestinationDir}"/>
This will run the ANT task mentioned in <target> after executing the plase goal.


maven error "Property ${samedir} has not been set"

How to fix the maven checkstyle plugin error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.1.2:check (validate) on project yourproject:
Failed during checkstyle execution:
Failed during checkstyle configuration: unable to parse configuration stream:
Property ${samedir} has not been set -> [Help 1]
${samedir} is a property working well with eclipse plugin and is required to get related files mentioned in the checkstyle configuration working well with eclipse IDE. So either I need a consistent replacement, or I can tell maven to define the property
Any ideas how to fix this issue?
You will have to set these values via the plugin configuration in your pom.
Example configuration of pom.xml if you have a directory named checks in your project root:
And the checkstyle_maven.properties contents:
As an alternative to the <propertiesLocation> you can also use the following, in which case you don't need the .properties file:
This will make sure any configuration in checkstyle.xml will work like this:
<module name="Checker">
<module name="SuppressionFilter">
<property name="file" value="${samedir}/suppress.xml"/>
See for reference:
Using ${samedir} in Checkstyle-plugins for Gradle and Eclipse

Websphere 9 maven remote deployment

My springboot application builds into a WAR file (using Jenkins). I want to automate the remote deployment to Websphere 9.
I have read around and it seems there is no maven plugin for deployment to websphere 9 but ant support is pretty good. So, I'm using maven ant plugin to help running those ant tasks. I started with attempt to list the applications installed, just to see if it works. However I'm running into an exception related to localization:
[ERROR] C:\DEV\ant-was-deploy.xml:81:
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name
com.ibm.ws.profile.resourcebundle.WSProfileResourceBundle, locale
My ant-was-deploy.xml is referenced from pom.xml:
<ant antfile="${basedir}/ant-was-deploy.xml">
<target name="listApps"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="websphere" default="listApps" basedir="." >
<target name="listApps" >
<taskdef name="wsListApps" classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.ListApplications" classpath="${wasHome.dir}/plugins/com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar" />
I think the error comes from com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar. Inside it has WSProfileResourceBundle.class and WSProfileResourceBundle_en.class but not WSProfileResourceBundle_en_US.class (name is just an assumption - I have copied the bundle with this name inside the jar but it didn't work).
I also tried to set the locale for the entire plugin but it seems that localization for this plugin is not implemented properly (no impact in my case - I set the locale to 'es' but still got the error for en_US).
I also tried to pass system parameters to maven command: mvn clean -Duser.language=fr -Duser.country=FR
It didn't work either.
So, my question is if there is a way to change the locale before the ant script? If I can set it to 'en' probably it will find the right resource bundle.
I'm fairly new to Websphere, if there is another solution to automate the remote deployment to websphere 9 I would be happy to hear it. I would rather not use scripts on target server or Jenkins plugin but if there is no other way ...
I just had the same issue. In my case, i was using an AppServer name (AppSrv1 instead of AppSrv01) that did not exist anymore, in my maven settings.xml.
The right server name solved the issue.

Building SOA composite application using maven

Using SOA suite 11, trying building source code (composite.xml with configuration file) in SOA composite application into a jar file using maven.
Can anyone help to guide me making POM.xml for the same. i am using "Apache-ANT-Plugin" in my pom file.
http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
This POM relates to this SOA Composite, i.e. the one in this same directory.
There is another POM in the SOA Application directory which handles
the whole SOA Application, which may contain additional projects.
The parent points to the common SOA parent POM. That is a special POM that is
shipped by Oracle as a point of customization (only). You can add default values
for properties like serverUrl, etc. to the SOA common parent POM, so that you
do not have to specify them over and over in every project POM.
<!-- These parameters are used by the compile goal -->
<!-- if you are using a config plan, uncomment the following line and update to point
to your config plan -->
<!-- These parameters are used by the deploy and undeploy goals -->
<!-- These parameters are used by the test goal
if you are using the sca-test (test) goal, you need to uncomment the following
line and point it to your jndi.properties file. -->
<!-- input is the name of the composite to run test suties against -->
<!-- Note: compositeRevision is needed to package, revision is needed to undeploy -->
<!-- extensions=true is needed to use the custom sar packaging type -->

Change maven properties using Ant task

I have set a maven property in the pom.xml.
Now I have an ant task doing the following:
<loadresource property="build.start">
<url url="http://someUrl?xpath=/*/id/text()"/>
<property name="build.start.date" value="${build.start}"/>
<echo>Printing Ant Value ${build.start} </echo>
<echo>Printing Maven Value ${build.start.date}</echo>
This results in:
[echo] Printing Ant Value 2013-03-15_17-53-08
[echo] Printing Maven Value 2013-03-16
But I am expecting both to print:
[echo] Printing Ant Value 2013-03-15_17-53-08
[echo] Printing Maven Value 2013-03-15_17-53-08
I tried <loadresource property="build.start.date">
I tried <loadresource property="${build.start.date}">
So the question is how do I set a global maven property inside ant task?
I found the solution for this one.
First of all you need to have 1.7 version of antrun plugin:
Then under configuration you need to have exportAntProperties to true (false by default):

Maven custom archive extension - how do I use unpack-dependencies?

I have a custom artfiact type web-module; just a ZIP but with a custom extension.
I then have a project depending on it, I want its dependencies of this custom type to be unpacked. The maven-dependency-plugin unpack-dependencies goal seemed to fit the bill, however I keep getting the error:
[INFO] Unknown archiver type
Embedded error: No such archiver: 'web-module'.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Unknown archiver type
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals(DefaultLifecycleExecutor.java:719)
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalWithLifecycle(DefaultLifecycleExecutor.java:556)
I've done some Googling and understood that I can specifiy a custom unarchiver type in my custom plugin's components.xml. The following is now in my components.xml:
Once an install of my custom plugin was performed I tried again, still no luck! Anyone know where I'm going wrong?
I have also tried adding the custom extension plugin to the erroring module's POM with <extensions>true</extensions>.
Try it like this:
<!-- Life-cycle mappings -->
<!-- You might need these as well. -->
<!-- Artifact Handlers -->
